listes wrote:

>Initially I thought setting a filter on incoming mail that just would
>delete 'on the condition spam rating > 90%' would have done the trick.
>But when I try to prepare such a filter (last version of PM and SS), I
>do see a spam level cursor, but it is stuck to 50% and not movable

The spam level slider is disabled in the filter to avoid users to move
this slider when SpamSieve catches too many, or not enough spam. The
correct thing to do in this case is to mark messages as spam or good, so
SpamSieve can learn, instead of moving this slider.
If you want to have different actions for messages marked with a very
high spam level, you can write an AppleScript for this:

tell application "PowerMail"
    set theMessages to current messages
    repeat with msg in theMessages
        if spam rating of msg > 90 then set filter criterion result to true
    end repeat
end tell

Then use this AppleScript as the filter condition.

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   "If you need more than Apple Mail, PowerMail is the one, baby. Much
    like a fine European car, the dash looks simple and clean; you know
    you have the power under the hood when you need it. Fast, effective
    and useful"
  Daniel M. East, President of the The Mid-Atlantic Macintosh User Groups

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