powermail-discuss Digest #2759 - Wednesday, December 19, 2007

  Re2: Still can't send e-mail to .Mac
          by "Fabian Ramirez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Re: Re2: Still can't send e-mail to .Mac
          by "MB" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Re: Problem printing html messages
          by "Dave N" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Still can't send e-mail to .Mac - Problem SOLVED!
          by "Fabian Ramirez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Re: Deactivate Accounts
          by "Urs Gruetzner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Re: Deactivate Accounts
          by "MB" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject: Re2: Still can't send e-mail to .Mac
From: "Fabian Ramirez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 12:17:06 -0800


Nothing special under my sending preferences:

Authenticate as user

Nothing checked under Advanced.

I tried deleting the Setup database, but that didn't help.

I still get the same Network Interface error.


Subject: Re: Re2: Still can't send e-mail to .Mac
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 02:09:54 +0100

Fabian Ramirez said:

>Nothing special under my sending preferences:
>Authenticate as user
>Nothing checked under Advanced.
>I tried deleting the Setup database, but that didn't help.
>I still get the same Network Interface error.

Fabian, do you have an active schedule that may have set another SMTP-
server under Locations? A schedule set there will override the account.
Though if another SMTP server was set there it would say another server
name in the process window while PM attempts to make a connection to the

Also, are you sure you have set the proper port for the network you use?
Port 25 is commonly blocked in many networks, also with *your* ISP who
may demand you use their specific SMTP-server. Have you checked if their
setup have changed regarding sending with SMTP?
One way to get around limited use of port 25 in your network is to use
an alternative port like port 587. That may be in use at mac.com, so
it's worth a try. If not, search in the .mac online help for
"alternative SMTP port".


PM 5.6 build 4497 sv / SpamSieve 2.6.5 sv | OS X 10.4.8 | Powerbook
G4/400 | 1GB / 80GB


Subject: Re: Problem printing html messages
From: "Dave N" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 21:10:59 -0800

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Matthias Schmidt's message of 5:42
PM, 12/17/07

Dave said:
>>>In addition, PowerMail will not print the message header info, so I'm
>>>left with just the HTML message body and no printed proof of date or who
>>>it came from/To. Just completely unsatisfactory!

Matthias  said:
>open the html in your webbrowser.
>You can do so by choosing the little globe on the bottom of the window
>and then choose show in webbrowser.
>From there you can print the html message. No big deal, always works for me.

Dave says:
So it seems that until CTM fixes this issue we must choose between
printing an email with header info, or printing an email in html view
(some html emails do not include a plain text version), not both.

Most annoying of all is the lack of notice that I will not be allowed to
change printers, nor see a page preview. Just yesterday I was swearing
to myself because I wanted to print one page of an email, but was forced
to waste 5 additional pages of paper & color ink because the "print"
dialog box does not appear as one might expect. I had wanted to print
only the first page, and print it to the black & white printer. It is my
hope that CTM will address this issue at some point.

 Dave N

Version: 3.1
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Subject: Still can't send e-mail to .Mac - Problem SOLVED!
From: "Fabian Ramirez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 21:30:11 -0800

The problem has been solved...  The solution was staring at me the
entire time.

I had [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the "Authenticate as user" field, when I merely
needed just fabianr.

All is well and special thanks to Peter Lovell who e-mailed me some
troubleshooting suggestions.

Thanks to all who also replied.


Subject: Re: Deactivate Accounts
From: "Urs Gruetzner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 09:13:14 +0100

am Montag, 17. Dezember 2007 21:59 Uhr   schrieb Ira Lansing

>>Subject: PM tries to connect to deactivated server
>>From: "Urs Gruetzner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2007 18:30:58 +0100
>>Two Mail accounts have been deactivated, the service and the server do
>>not exist anymore.
>>I want to keep the accounts (for the old mails in it), but of course
>>have deactivated the connection to the non existing server
>>PM (5.2.2, OSX4.11) however still wants to connect both accounts and of
>>course comes always with an error message.
>>At home, same setup, but there its works, i.e PM has stopped the
>>conection to these accounts.
>>Thanks for advise
>Under what circumstances is PM trying to connect?  A scheduled connection?
>Under the "Connection" menu in PM, select "Connection..." and make sure
>your deactivated accounts are not checked.

As I wrote I have deactivated the connection, they are not checked. And
yes its during scheduled connection where this error occurs.



Subject: Re: Deactivate Accounts
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 17:04:54 +0100

Urs Gruetzner said:

>As I wrote I have deactivated the connection, they are not checked. And
>yes its during scheduled connection where this error occurs.

So how about making a new fresh empty schedule and set it up as you want
it? Then save it as the active one /the yellow ballnext to the name of
the schedule.
If there's no info in the old schedule that is acting up, which you
need, then you could delete that one.


PM 5.6 build 4497 sv / SpamSieve 2.6.5 sv | OS X 10.4.8 | Powerbook
G4/400 | 1GB / 80GB

End of powermail-discuss Digest

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