I've been banging my head against the desk for quite a while trying to
get this to work...  I can't get PM to print back the resulting encoded
text.  It seems to be working other in that text is grabbed and encoded,
just not swapped out at the end.  Any help would be fantastic.

-- Get the content
tell application "PowerMail"
        set windowContent to content of front window
end tell

-- Encrypt and sign the content

tell application "PGP"
        set windowContent to encrypt and sign text windowContent
end tell

tell application "PowerMail"
        set content of front window to windowContent
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the ASCII character 10
                set the lineList to every text item of windowContent
                set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the return
                set windowContent to the lineList as string
                set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
                display dialog windowContent
                set content of front window to windowContent
        on error
                set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
        end try
end tell

-- Have a nice day


"I saw a subliminal advertising executive, but only for a second."

- Steven Wright

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