Within the Institute for Materials Research (IMO)  of Hasselt University, the 
following position (m/f) is available::

PhD Student (2 x 2 years) Molecular Electronics
(mandate WNI/2008/013-HO)

Job description
The PhD student will conduct research within the Methusalem project  “Nano” in 
the field of carbon nanotubes which offer a high potential to  be used as 
building blocks in future “Molecular Electronics”  applications. The successful 
candidate will focus on the preparation of  ordered arrays of size-selected 
metal nanoparticles (elements, alloys)  taking advantage of the 
self-organization of macromolecules into  micellar structures, and their 
application as catalysts for the  controlled growth of carbon nanotubes. The 
candidate will work with  state-of-the-art characterization tools in a 
multidisciplinary  environment including national and international 
collaborations with  other research groups.

Profile and diploma
Master degree (or equivalent) in either physics, chemistry, or Advanced  
Materials Science Thorough knowledge of the English language is required.

Further information
        * Content job responsibilities: 
        * Prof. dr. Hans-Gerd Boyen, +32–11-26 88 91, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        * Prof. dr. Patrick Wagner, +32–11-26 89 00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        * Prof. dr. Marc D’Olieslaeger, +32-11-26 88 99, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        * Content terms of employment and selection  procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 
011-26 80 80, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Applicants must use the official application forms 
        * which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus 
Diepenbeek, Agoralaan -  building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 
11 - 26 80 03 
        * or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format. 
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned  address no 
later than Wednesday, October 8th 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the 
following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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