[ppiindia] I just uploaded a photo that I want you to see!

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik Shohibul Siregar

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[ppiindia] I just uploaded a photo that I want you to see!

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik Shohibul Siregar

I just uploaded a photo on shohibul's DailyFlog page that I want you to see.

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[ppiindia] Breast-enlarging yam

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik sunny


Breast-enlarging yam 
Terengganu Mentri Besar Ahmad Said was once ridiculed for saying that Asiatic 
Bitter Yam (Dioscorea Hispida), locally called Ubi Gadong, contains the right 
steroid to turn a woman voluptuous and called for in-depth research on the 
common potato species.

After a year, Ahmad proved his critics wrong as research revealed that this yam 
is an excellent source of beta-carotene and diosgenin, a powerful phytochemical 
that aids in optimal breast enlargement.

This yam also contains phytoestrogens that are associated with relief from 
menopausal symptoms.

"People made a mockery of me, labelling me all sort of names when I said that 
this yam that is found in abundance here benefits women and could be 
commercialised if proper research is done on its health properties.

"I am glad that finally a local university has came forward to have research 
conducted on the health properties of this yam," he said during the signing of 
MOU between Universiti of Sultan Zainal Abidin and Terengganu Government to 
spearhead the study on the yam.

The MOU was sealed between state government represented by State Secretary 
Datuk Mazlan Ngah and the university that was represented by its 
vice-chancellor Datuk Prof Dr Alias Daud.
With the M.O.U, the state government will provide a grant of RM2mil to the 
varsity for research and development on the yam.

Published July 28 2010

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[ppiindia] JOM KLIK SINI........

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik Zahid Abdullah









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[ppiindia] Vietnam hedges its China risk

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik sunny


Jul 30, 2010

  Vietnam hedges its China risk 
By The Hanoist 

As Vietnam and China celebrate an official "Year of Friendship" marking the 
60th anniversary of diplomatic ties, Hanoi is quietly pursuing a balance of 
power plan against its neighbor to the north. The contours of the 
still-evolving strategy consist of developing a common position vis-a-vis China 
within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), engaging the United 
States and forging security ties with other key regional powers. 

How this approach unfolds, however, will depend as much on domestic Vietnamese 
politics as the interests of the individual countries involved. Hanoi has used 
its chairmanship of the 10-member ASEAN to put territorial disputes in the 
South China Sea on the grouping's agenda. China and ASEAN signed a non-binding 
code of conduct in 2002 and since then Beijing has sought to resolve 
differences through bilateral negotiations, where one-on-one it often dominates 
the other side. 

Within ASEAN only Vietnam has a contested land border with China in addition to 
ongoing maritime disputes over the Paracels (called Xisha by the Chinese) and 
Spratlys (called Nansha by the Chinese), two island chains in the South China 
Sea. The Philippines also claims ownership of the Spratlys, while Malaysia and 
Brunei have partial claims over the archipelago. Other ASEAN countries have 
been happy to let Vietnam bear the brunt of Chinese pressure while they develop 
stronger trade and investment ties to Beijing. 

So far, cooperation between Vietnam and Malaysia seems to be the most advanced. 
Last year, they made a joint submission to the United Nations commission that 
administers the Convention on the Law of the Sea. The filing, which delineated 
Vietnam's and Malaysia's respective exclusive economic zones in the lower part 
of the South China Sea, was quickly rejected as "illegal" by China, which 
claims the entire maritime area from Taiwan to Singapore. 

China's aggressive behavior has made other ASEAN nations without a direct stake 
in the island disputes take notice. When US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton 
declared at the ASEAN Regional Forum on July 23 that the US had a "national 
interest in freedom of navigation, open access to Asia's maritime commons, and 
respect for international law in the South China Sea", Indonesia, Singapore, 
Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei and Vietnam were among the dozen countries 
that expressed support for a "collaborative diplomatic process". 

By openly wading into the South China Sea dispute, the US has given ASEAN 
support to develop a more coherent regional response. Vietnam reportedly urged 
the US in private talks to take a stronger stand, and Hanoi would have the most 
to gain if ASEAN countries stuck together more consistently when dealing with 

Hanoi's poor human-rights record makes it unlikely that the US and Vietnam will 
pursue an outright military alliance, but the two former adversaries now hold 
annual security talks and periodic military exchanges. In recent years, the US 
Navy has made over a dozen visits to Vietnamese ports and on at least two 
occasions Vietnamese officers have been flown out to visit US carriers. 

While the Communist Party leadership in Hanoi remains deeply ambivalent about 
getting too close to Washington, there is a growing realization that the US is 
essential to counter-balancing China's rise. 

Asian allies 
On the other hand, Vietnamese leaders have no qualms about partnering with 
Russia, a former Cold War communist ally. A deepening security relationship 
with Moscow now provides an additional hedge against China and has helped to 
modernize Vietnam's military, which is still largely reliant on Russian 
equipment dating from the 1970s. 

Hanoi is now among Russia's top arms clients, including recently signed 
contracts for six Kilo-class diesel submarines and 20 Sukhoi Su-30 multi-role 
fighters. Later this year, Vietnam will take possession of two Russian-made 
Gepard-class frigates, and discussions are underway for Russia to build and 
help operate a new submarine base in Vietnam, possibly in the strategic Cam 
Ranh Bay. 

India is another regional player finding common strategic cause with Vietnam. 
On July 27, the countries agreed to strengthen their defense cooperation during 
a visit by Indian army chief General V K Singh. New Delhi is wary of Beijing's 
efforts to extend its reach into the Indian Ocean. China and India also have a 
longstanding border dispute, which flared into war in 1962. 

New Delhi and Hanoi share China-related strategic concerns and have enjoyed 
historically close ties forged from their common anti-colonial struggles. Both 
militaries also operate similar Russian equipment. 

An ostensibly commercial deal could deepen India-Vietnam strategic ties. BP, 
which is raising capital to cover the cleanup costs of its oil spill in the 

[ppiindia] Indonesia's Mediocre Harvard Grade

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik sunny

Indonesia's Mediocre Harvard Grade

Written by Our Correspondent
Friday, 30 July 2010 
It's all built on palm oilA comprehensive report finds depressing vestiges of 
the Suharto are still around 

Despite remarkable strides in the last 11 years after the economic, social and 
political chaos of the Asian financial crisis, Indonesia remains to some extent 
caught in the coils of Suharto's New Order -- overly dependent on resource 
extraction and with its political and social institutions still inadequately 
developed, according to an exhaustive 105 page report by a Harvard University 

"Improving the quality of Indonesian government institutions will not be easy," 
according to the report, under the unwieldy title, From Reformasi to 
Institutional Transformation: A Strategic Assessment of Indonesia's Prospects 
for Growth, Equity and Democratic Governance, "Democracy has not eliminated 
corruption or strengthened the rule of law. The economic oligarchy has survived 
the crisis intact, and its relationship to the state is largely unchanged." 

The report, by the Indonesia program at the Harvard Kennedy School, is bound to 
stir up controversy in Jakarta, which has been flavor of the month with 
investment bankers for its accomplishments through the global financial crisis 
of 2008-2009 and with a government and society in a self-congratulatory mood.

Performance through the crisis was remarkably smooth, built on domestic 
consumption rather than export performance. Although the economy slowed, 
Indonesia, along with China and India, became the only G20 members to record 
gross domestic product growth during the crisis. Government planners used 
fiscal stimulus and monetary policy judiciously to counter the effects of the 
crisis. It was announced July 30 that for the first time, car sales in 
Indonesia had surpassed Thailand's, rising 76 percent in the first half of 2010 
to make the country the biggest auto market in the region. 

Nonetheless, the report says, reformasi, which got underway with Suharto's fall 
in 1998 to create what hopefully would be a more open and liberal political and 
social environment, must move to the hard work of "substantive institutional 

While Indonesia deals with the political and institutional legacy of the 
Suharto era, "the rest of the world is rewriting the rules of production and 
trade" and if Indonesia doesn't transform its institutions in a hurry to take 
advantage of globalization, it will remain mired in heavy dependency on natural 
resources and low-wage manufacturing. Unfortunately, according to the report, 
"oligarchy and collusive democracy have left Indonesia ill equipped to respond 
to the challenge of globalization."

Most analysts point to widespread institutional corruption, particularly the 
judicial system and the police force, which have received considerable 
attention in the last few weeks. In recent weeks the national police managed to 
ignore evidence that top officers had bank accounts holding far money than 
would have been possible given their salaries, instead attempting to buy up all 
the copies of a magazine that detailed the amounts in the officials' accounts, 
as reported in Asia Sentinel on June 29. 

Also, charges were dropped against two high-ranking officers, Brig. Gen. Edmond 
Ilyas and Brig. Gen. Raja Erizman, who had been indirectly implicated by the 
National Police's former chief of detectives, Comr. Gen. Susno Duadji, for 
receiving bribes in relation to a case against rogue tax official Gayus 
Tambunan. The current chief of detectives, Comr. Gen. Ito Sumardi, told 
journalists last week that there was no indication of wrongdoing by the 

Economic oligarchy and political collusion are maintained through high barriers 
to entry, a dysfunctional legal system, patrimonial politics, disempowered 
citizens and political gangsterism, the report said. "Oligarchy and collusive 
democracy have left Indonesia ill-equipped to respond to the challenge of 
globalization. Like a marathoner carrying a 20-kg pack, Indonesia can see the 
competition pulling away but is powerless to pick up the pace."

While domestic demand carried the country through the financial crisis, that 
will not be enough for Indonesia to compete on an international stage. 
Indonesian companies, the report says, "must be more nimble, tied more closely 
to the international economy and less dependent on government protection. 
Barriers to entry to the formation of new firms must be eliminated, since it is 
likely that many of the world beaters of the future are not the legacy firms 
carried over from the New Order."

Barriers to job growth and formation of small businesses must also be relaxed 
to give hard working Indonesians a chance to reduce the risk of falling into 
poverty and to secure their hard-won middle class status. 

Disheartingly, Indo

[ppiindia] Indonesian President: Hit Back at West Java 'Anarchy'

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik sunny


July 31, 2010 
Camelia Pasandaran

Police form a line between Ahmadiyah protestors who want their mosque reopened 
and mainstream Muslims who want to make sure it stays closed. (AFP Photo/Yonda)

Indonesian President: Hit Back at West Java 'Anarchy'

Jakarta.  Amid rising tensions in Kuningan, West Java, following the closure of 
Ahmadiyah mosques there by security officials, President Susilo Bambang 
Yudhoyono on Friday called for firm police action.

Djoko Suyanto, coordinating minister for political, legal and security affairs, 
said the president had instructed him to order the police to take resolute 
action against the unrest. 

"In my opinion, anarchy - no matter by whom or where - should be handled 
firmly," the minister quoted Yudhoyono as saying.

The Kuningan Police have already been told of their duties, Djoko said, adding 
that he had confidence they would be able to contain the situation.

Police officers, acting on orders from the Kuningan district head, on Thursday 
sealed off Ahmadiyah mosques in Manis Lor village after having failed to do so 
on Monday due to resistance from the group's members.

But as the protesters blocked police attempts to shut down their mosques, 
groups of hard-line Muslims flocked to the village and scuffles have broken 
out. Police have since been busy preventing an escalation in violence.

Amid pressure from Muslim groups, the government in 2008 prohibited members of 
Ahmadiyah from practicing their faith in public or proselytizing, but stopped 
short of banning the sect that many mainstream Muslims consider deviant. 

Unlike other Muslims, members of Ahmadiyah recognize the sect's founder, Mirza 
Ghulam Ahmad, as a prophet.

While ordering the police to be firm, Djoko recognized they also faced 
difficulties in containing the situation. "If there are only five officers up 
against 500 people, they cannot be firm," he said. "So they have to adjust to 
the conditions in the field."

Kuningan's district head, Aang Hamid Suganda, who had ordered the mosques 
sealed, called on all parties to avoid violence.

"We must make all Kuningan people feel secure," Aang said. "Violence is not the 
best way to solve problems, so let us discuss it and go through legal channels.

Dedeh, a resident of Manis Lor, said it had been four days since villagers had 
boarded up their windows to protect them from stones being thrown by protesters.

According to Dedeh, Thursday's clashes were relatively minor compared to the 
violence that occurred last year and in 2007.

The Jakarta Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) on Friday urged the government to punish 
people who resorted to violence or infringed on freedom of worship.

"It is not only about the right to have a religion or faith, but also about the 
right to feel secure, to be protected, to be free from discrimination, and the 
right to be protected as a minority," said Nurkholis Hidayat, LBH's director.

He said both the central government and regional administrations should be 
responsible for protecting and promoting human rights, as well as all religions 
and faiths, including Ahmadiyah.

The Setara Institute for Peace and Democracy also said on Friday that the state 
should safeguard freedom of religion.

 "The president should be embarrassed if there are citizens who are unable to 
worship because of pressure from unruly masses."

Additional reporting by Antara

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[ppiindia] Ulil Abshar-Abdalla gagal bujuk Daoed Joesoef (soal Bakrie Award)

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar
Mengutip dari berita yang dimuat Harian Kompas (rubrik profil) hari Jumat (30 
juli) kemarin:Ulil
Abshar-Abdalla dari Freedom Institute membujuk Daoed Joesoef agar mau
menerima Bakrie Award, tapi Daoed yang sadar akan skandal kemanusiaan
kasus Lumpur Lapindo, tegas menolak. 
Terus dibujuk lagi: Jika Daoed
Joesoef tidak mau terima hadiah duitnya Bakrie juga tidak apa-apa, asalkan
tetap meneriwa penghargaan awardnya. Tapi Daoed tetap kukuh menolak semuanya. 
Anda hebat, Pak Daoed Joesoef!


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[ppiindia] Kartu Kredit, Gaya Hidup Modern & Industri Penghisap Darah

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar
(Dikutip dari sebuah blog)

Kartu Kredit, Gaya Hidup Modern & Industri Penghisap Darah
5 Juni 2008 · Tinggalkan 
sebuah Komentar

Sejak bertahun-tahun lalu hingga kini, untuk memiliki Kartu Kredit 
(KK) semakin hari semakin mudah saja. KK yang saat pertama kali diterbitkan di 
Amerika oleh Diners Club (1950), dan dua kartu selanjutnya di tahun 1958, 
American Express dan Americard (Visa) adalah alat pembayaran tanpa uang tunai, 
telah berubah menjadi alat untuk berhutang dibanding alat pembayaran tanpa uang 

Memang, di tengah kehidupan yang menuntut serba cepat ini, semakin lumrah 
saja hidup dengan kredit atau hutang. Semakin mudah anda bisa berhutang, 
“modern” hidup anda. Lihat saja di tahun 2002 orang-orang Amerika sekalipun 
memiliki total hutang senilai hampir 1 trilyun Dollar Amerika atau USD 979 
kepada perusahaan pemberi hutang (bank, perusahaan KK dan perusahaan pemberi 
hutang lainnya). Mereka yang hidup di Amerika sama dengan Indonesia, mereka 
banyak yang memiliki rumah bagus, mobil bagus, perabotan dan peralatan rumah 
yang bagus namun sehari-hari hidup miskin, karena penghasilannya setiap bulan 
habis untuk membayar berbagai cicilan yang seakan tidak pernah lunas.
Di luar 
soal kredit atau pinjaman dengan berbagai bank, tulisan ini adalah mengenai apa 
yang sebenarnya terjadi di dalam industri KK sebagaimana yang dilaporkan oleh 
Frontline (seperti “60 minutes” dari CBSNews), sebuah acara televisi 
dari PBS di Amerika yang terkenal sejak 1983. Judul laporan itu memancing 
keinginantahu, yaitu “Secret History of the Credit Card,” dan subjudulnya: 
“FRONTLINE and New York Times join force to investigate an industry few 
fully understand.” Frontline menyebut Industri ini sebagai industri yang selalu 
untung namun industri yang customernya paling banyak kecewa, mengeluh, merasa 
tidak nyaman dan dirugikan.

Banyak soal yang tidak dimengerti oleh pemegang KK di mana-mana, karena 
memang dibuat untuk sulit dimengerti oleh perusahaan penerbit KK. Sedikit 
pemegang KK yang mau dan mampu membaca agreement yang dikeluarkan oleh 
perusahaan KK, juga ketentuan yang biasanya dicetak dengan huruf kecil dan 
abu-abu di belakang tagihan bulanan. 

Di dalam agreement selalu ada klausul bahwa 
agreement itu dapat dirubah kapan saja dengan pemberitahuan 15 hari sebelumnya. 
Perubahan itu biasanya menyangkut soal yang paling dapat merugikan pemegang KK, 
yaitu bunga dan denda (biaya keterlambatan, biaya over-limit atau kadang 
sebagai biaya administrasi). Bunga dan denda ini bisa menjadi berapa saja, 
terserah perusahaan KK. 

Meski anda selalu membayar tagihan KK anda tepat waktu, 
perusahaan KK bisa atau selalu menaikkan bunga terutama karena berbagai hal, 
misalnya setelah periode promosi berakhir, 1 tahun setelah anda apply misalnya 
(kadang hanya 3 bulan saja), terlambat bayar di KK dari perusahaan lain, 
terlambat bayar tagihan telepon, listrik, kredit mobil, rumah atau karena 
perusahaan KK menganggap anda terlalu banyak pinjaman di sana dan sini. Praktek 
ini disebut klausul “universal default” yang menjadi klausul standar dalam 
agreement antara pemegang KK dan perusahaan KK.

Los Angeles Times, tahun 1999 lalu memberitakan adanya perusahaan KK di 
Amerika, yaitu Providian dan First USA ketahuan telah membebankan denda 
keterlambatan kepada pemegang KK-nya untuk pembayaran yang sebenarnya dilakukan 
pada waktunya (on time). Para pemegang KK tersebut kemudian memperkarakan kedua 
perusahaan ini dan jutaan dolar telah dikembalikan kepada para pemegang KK ini. 
Menurut dua perusahaan KK ini, kesalahan terletak pada processing systems. 
Padahal ini bukanlah suatu kesalahan tetapi telah mereka lakukan dengan sengaja 
yang mungkin juga dilakukan di Indonesia, namun tidak ketahuan.

Banyak orang, tanpa disadari, menjadikan KK sebagai jerat hutang seumur 
hidup, yaitu mereka yang membayar tagihan KK mereka hanya sejumlah minimum 
payment yang tercantum atau sedikit lebih besar dari minimum payment karena 
berbagai hal, terutama karena ada hutang lain seperti kredit rumah, kendaraan, 
peralatan rumah tangga atau kredit lainnya. Minimum payment yang biasanya 
ditetapkan oleh perusahaan KK hanya 2% dari jumlah total tagihan inilah yang 
menjadi jerat hutang seumur hidup. 

Berapa pun tagihan anda, jika anda membayar 
hanya sejumlah minimum payment itu, maka anda akan baru bisa melunasi tagihan 
anda dalam 30 tahun sebagaimana juga disebutkan oleh Frontline atau Oprah.com 
dalam edisinya yang berjudul “Debt Diet.” Itu pun jika bunga yang dikenakan 
anda sebesar tidak lebih dari 18% setahun. Sialnya perusahaan KK di mana-mana 
sering menetapkan bunga hingga 48% setahun. Gila bukan? Artinya jangka waktu 
pembayaran anda jika anda membayar hanya minimum payment bisa lebih jauh dari 
tahun! Kecuali anda membayar lebih dari minimum payment, misalnya sebesar 10% 
dari total tagihan setiap bulan.

Semakin baik anda menyelesaikan tagihan KK anda, itu 

[ppiindia] Re: [nasional-list] Indonesia's Rupiah Has Longest Winning Streak in 3 Years on Growth Outlook

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik sunny
Dewa-dewa adalah saythan, pujaaan kaum kafir. NKRI adalah negeri dimana rakyat 
percaya kepada ilmu gurun pasir dan langit biru. Jadi kalau dewa-dewa senang 
tidak senonoh buat Indonesia, terkecuali Hindu Bali. 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Sandy Dwiyono 
  To: nasional-l...@yahoogroups.com ; ppiindia@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, July 30, 2010 4:25 PM
  Subject: [nasional-list] Indonesia's Rupiah Has Longest Winning Streak in 3 
Years on Growth Outlook

  Bahkan dewa-dewa di kahyangan pun akan senang melihat perekonomian Indonesia 
semakin kuat dan perkasa


  Indonesia's Rupiah Has Longest Winning Streak in 3 Years on Growth Outlook

  By Khalid Qayum - Jul 29, 2010 8:48 PM PST Fri Jul 30 03:48:04 UTC 2010

  Indonesia’s rupiah rose for a seventh day, the longest winning streak since 
February 2007, on optimism economic growth in Southeast Asia’s biggest economy 
will boost demand for its assets.

  The currency climbed to a three-year high after overseas investors pumped 
$218 million into Indonesian stocks in the last four days, boosting net 
purchases for the year to $1.4 billion. Economic growth may accelerate to 6 
percent in the second half of 2010, following a 5.8 percent increase in the 
first, the finance ministry said on July 26.

  “Investors are buying riskier assets, including in Indonesia, on economic 
growth” prospects, said Tetsuo Yoshikoshi, a senior economist at Sumitomo 
Mitsui Banking Corp. in Singapore. “We are seeing funds flowing into stocks and 
that has pushed the rupiah higher.”

  The rupiah appreciated 0.2 percent to trade at 8,960 per dollar as of 10:37 
a.m. in Jakarta, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The currency reached 
8,933, the highest level since June 2007.

  The central bank may intervene to curb gains at the 8,900 level, Yoshikoshi 
said. Policy makers can try to influence exchange rates by buying or selling 

  Government bonds climbed this month before a monetary policy review next 
week. Bank Indonesia will leave its benchmark interest rate unchanged at a 
record-low 6.5 percent on Aug. 4, according to a Bloomberg survey. The yield on 
the benchmark 10- year paper slid 28 basis points in July to 8.07 percent.

  To contact the reporter on this story: Khalid Qayum in Singapore at 


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[ppiindia] TKI Meninggal di Kuwait, Menaker Layangkan Surat Protes

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Mengapa di negeri -negeri Arab sering terjadi perlakuan tidak baik 
terhadap TKI?


TKI Meninggal di Kuwait, Menaker Layangkan Surat Protes
Jumat, 30 Juli 2010 - 16:37 WIB

JAKARTA (Pos Kota) - Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi A. Muhaimin Iskandar 
akan layangkan nota protes kepada pemerintah Kuwait terkait tewasnya tenaga 
kerja Indonesia Sar'iah binti Taswan asal Indramayu akibat dianiaya majikan.

"Kita segera layangkan nota protes melalui Kementerian Luar Negeri, agar kasus 
serupa tidak terjadi lagi. Kita ingin agar laporan tentang kasus TKI yang 
terjadi dilaporkan lebih transparan," ujar Muhaimin usai menerima laporan 
otopsi kematian Sar'iah dari Direktur Eksekutif Migrant Care Anis Hidayah dan 
dr. Muniem Idris, Jumat.

Sar'iah yang berangkat ke Kuwait pada 2008 melalui PT Zam-Zam Perwita 
dikabarkan tewas pada 7 Juli 2010 setelah koma selama 8 hari di RS Al Ada'an 
Kuwait. Jenazahnya dipulangkan pada 21 Juli dengan pesawat Qatar Air Line 670.

"Semula korban dikatakan meninggal karena sakit, ternyata dari hasil 
pemeriksaan forensik, ditemukan penganiayaan di bagian tengkuk, pembekuan darah 
di otak dan kekerasan seksual di alat reproduksi dan duburnya," kata Anis 
Hidayah kepada Menakertrans.

Menakertrans sangat prihatin dengan hal tersebut, karena itu ia berharap 
pemerintah Kuwait lebih meningkatkan perlindungan terhadap TKI dan memberikan 
laporan yang lebih transparan tentang kasus kematian TKI.

Muhaimin juga mengatakan akan bekerjasama dengan Gugus Tugas Pencegahan dan 
Penanganan Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang, untuk menyelidiki apakah korban 
juga menjadi korban trafficking.

Untuk menghindari kejadian serupa, Menakertrans mengimbau pada calon TKI untuk 
lebih berani dan memiliki daya tahan dalam menghadapi majikan dan cepat melapor 
ke kantor perwakilan RI setempat.

"TKI harus diberi akses komunikasi agar mudah diakses kondisinya oleh pihak 
kedutaan, begitu juga sebaliknya. Tapi saya optimis dengan Duta Besar Indonesia 
untuk Kuwait yang baru, karena sudah berpengalaman dalam menangani TKI di 
Hongkong," jelasnya.

Kepada perusahaan penempatan TKI swasta (PPTKIS), Menakertrans berharap mereka 
lebih berhati-hati dalam menyaring calon majikan.

Saat ini, lanjutnya, penempatan TKI ke Kuwait masih ditutup karena banyaknya 
permasalahan yang menimpa TKI. Penemmpatan akan dibuka kembali hingga 
pemerintah Kuwait memenuhi tuntutan Indonesia dalam meningkatkan perlindungan 

"Kita sudah ada pembicaraan informal dengan pemerintah Kuwait dan Dubes Kuwait 
juga sudah menemui saya. Kita masih tunggu jawaban formal dari mereka terkait 
masalah penempatan dan perlindungan TKI," ujarnya.(tri/dms)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Cows & Cows & Cows - VIDEO

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik Jagruti Mehra
Surreal bovine choreography. Get ready for your mind to be warped.




·   Man of the Match Innings - Chaminda Vaas

·   Rocket Fly By

· One of the Youngest Tennis Players

· Magic In Central Park

·  Funny Chairman

· Slow Motion Photography Compilation

·   Weyerhaeuser Commercial

·   Vomiting on Live TV

·   Streetball by Hot Sauce

·   Bird Releases Himself

* *

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Use Cocky Comedy To Create Attraction

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik gelay.love

Use Cocky Comedy To Create Attraction

Using cocky comedy effectively can be kind of tricky at first, but once
you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature.  Just remember that
your primary means of attracting women is attitude; work on that
confident, cool demeanor first, as it's going to be your foundation.
Cocky comedy is spice.  Without it, you run the risk of the attitude
you've spent so much time cultivating being perceived as an empty
facade.  However, relying too much on cocky comedy can make you seem
jerky and not worth taking seriously, so it's important to
experiment in order to find the right balance.

Read more interesting Articles>>

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Exclusive: Google, CIA Invest in ‘Future’ of Web Monitoring:

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar
Exclusive: Google, CIA Invest in ‘Future’ of Web Monitoring: 

By Noah Shachtman

July 29, 2010 "Wired" -- The investment
arms of the CIA and Google are both backing a company that monitors the
web in real time — and says it uses that information to predict the

company is called Recorded Future, and it scours tens of thousands of
websites, blogs and Twitter accounts to find the relationships between
people, organizations, actions and incidents — both present and
still-to-come. In a white paper, the company says its temporal
analytics engine “goes beyond search” by “looking at the ‘invisible links’ 
between documents that talk about the same, or related, entities and events.” 

idea is to figure out for each incident who was involved, where it
happened and when it might go down. Recorded Future then plots that
chatter, showing online “momentum” for any given event.

cool thing is, you can actually predict the curve, in many cases,” says
company CEO Christopher Ahlberg, a former Swedish Army Ranger with a
PhD in computer science.

naturally makes the 16-person Cambridge, Massachusetts, firm attractive
to Google Ventures, the search giant’s investment division, and to In-Q-Tel, 
which handles similar duties for the CIA and the wider intelligence community. 

It’s not the very first time Google has done business with 
America’s spy agencies. Long before it reportedly enlisted the help of the 
National Security Agency to secure its networks, Google sold equipment to the 
secret signals-intelligence group. In-Q-Tel backed the mapping firm Keyhole, 
which was bought by Google in 2004 — and then became the backbone for Google 

appears to be the first time, however, that the intelligence community
and Google have funded the same startup, at the same time. No one is
accusing Google of directly collaborating with the CIA. But the
investments are bound to be fodder for critics of Google, who already
see the search giant as overly cozy with the U.S. government, and worry
that the company is starting to forget its “don’t be evil” mantra.


[ppiindia] The End of (Military) History? The Failure of the Western Way of War

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar
The End of (Military) History? 

The US, Israel, and the Failure of the Western Way of War

By Andrew Bacevich

July 24, 2010 "TomDispatch" -- "In watching
the flow of events over the past decade or so, it is hard to avoid the
feeling that something very fundamental has happened in world history."
This sentiment, introducing the essay that made Francis Fukuyama a
household name, commands renewed attention today, albeit from a
different perspective.

during the 1980s, above all the winding down of the Cold War, had
convinced Fukuyama that the "end of history" was at hand. "The triumph
of the West, of the Western idea," he wrote in 1989, "is evident... in
the total exhaustion of viable systematic alternatives to Western

Today the West no longer looks quite so triumphant. Yet events during
the first decade of the present century have delivered history to
another endpoint of sorts. Although Western liberalism may retain
considerable appeal, the Western way of war has run its course.

For Fukuyama, history implied ideological competition, a contest
pitting democratic capitalism against fascism and communism. When he
wrote his famous essay, that contest was reaching an apparently
definitive conclusion. 

Yet from start to finish, military might had determined that
competition's course as much as ideology. Throughout much of the
twentieth century, great powers had vied with one another to create
new, or more effective, instruments of coercion. Military innovation
assumed many forms. Most obviously, there were the weapons:
dreadnoughts and aircraft carriers, rockets and missiles, poison gas,
and atomic bombs -- the list is a long one. In their effort to gain an
edge, however, nations devoted equal attention to other factors:
doctrine and organization, training systems and mobilization schemes,
intelligence collection and war plans. 

All of this furious activity, whether undertaken by France or Great
Britain, Russia or Germany, Japan or the United States, derived from a
common belief in the plausibility of victory. Expressed in simplest
terms, the Western military tradition could be reduced to this
proposition: war remains a viable instrument of statecraft, the
accoutrements of modernity serving, if anything, to enhance its

Grand Illusions

That was theory. Reality, above all the two world wars of the last
century, told a decidedly different story. Armed conflict in the
industrial age reached new heights of lethality and destructiveness.
Once begun, wars devoured everything, inflicting staggering material,
psychological, and moral damage. Pain vastly exceeded gain. In that
regard, the war o

[ppiindia] Mengakhiri Kedukaan

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik muhamad agus syafii
Mengakhiri Kedukaan

By: agussyafii

Saya pagi tadi menerima email dari seorang Ibu yang beberapa hari yang lalu 
sempat berkunjung ke Rumah Amalia, beliau menuturkan kisahnya sampai saya 
meneteskan air matanya terbayang betapa beratnya kehidupan yang harus dilalui 
oleh beliau.

Assalamu'alaikum Mas Agus Syafii,

Apa kabar pagi ini? semoga Mas Agus dan keluarga besar Rumah Amalia sehat 
walafiat yak!Masih inget aku to? yang kemaren tempo hari ke Rumah Amalia? Aku 
pengen sedikit sharing sapa tau bisa membantu buat teman2 yg mengalami prolem 
yang sama seperti yg sedang aku alami sebagai 'single parent.' status sosial 
yang keren, WowJika kurenungkan berbulan-bulan telah berlalu. Kusadari 
sisa-sisa depresi karena kehilangan orang yang kucintai tidak lagi sedemikian 
besar seperti ketika baru terjadi. Bersama berlalunya waktu dan kesibukan aku 
bersama anak-anak bisa menyesuaikan dengan tidak hadirnya suamiku dalam 
kehidupan kami.

Dihari pertama setelah dimakamkan suamiku, anakku yang paling kecil bertanya, 
'Mamah, nggak ada papah sepi ya?' Pertanyaan spontan yang terlontar dari anakku 
itu seperti pisau yang menyayat hatiku. Terasa perih. Hari-hari yang berlalu 
dalam kesunyian, semua mengingatkan kami kepada seseorang yang hadir dengan 
senyum dan tawanya diantara kami, anak-anak dan istrinya. Sarapan pagi yang 
sepi, kami tak berselera melahap apa yang tersedia, meski aku selalu 
menyediakan telor ceplok almarhum suamiku dan kursi kesayangannya kini tetaplah 

Disetiap dalam percakapan dengan teman-teman di pengajian antar keluarga atau 
pertemuan arisan yang aku ikuti selama almarhum suamiku masih hidup, aku tidak 
pernah merasa 'single parent' setiap mereka menanyakan selalu aku menjawabnya 
dengan kata 'alhamdulillah kami sehat' atau 'kami akan pertimbangkan dulu' kami 
yang dimaksud adalah aku dan suamiku. Ada rasa dihati yang kurang sreg melihat 
tatapan mata mereka yang mengenal kami pasca meninggalnya suamiku. Akhirnya aku 
memutuskan tidak lagi mengikuti acara-acara seperti itu lagi.

Jika aku bertemu dengan orang yang tidak dikenal, ku ceritakan kalo aku masih 
mempunyai seorang suami dan selalu aku cari alasan mengapa tidak ada di rumah. 
Aku menyadari bahwa perbuatan seperti itu tidak boleh karena membohongi orang 
lain namun aku seringkali menghibur diriku sendiri untuk melindungi aku dan 
keluarga jangan sampai dihina dan direndahkan orang lain setelah mereka 
mengetahui status perkawinanku. Bahkan di status FBku masih tertulis menikah. 
Aku belum bisa menerima kenyataan bahwa suamiku sudah tiada. Seringkali aku 
mengajaknya bercakap-cakap dan seolah dia menjawab dalam bayangan dibenakku.

Dan aku tak suka dengan sebutan 'Single Parent' atau bahasa umumnya disebut 
dengan 'janda.' sebutan itu membuatku tidak nyaman, nggak enak buatku yang 
masih muda. Tanpa kusadari perhatianku ama anak-anak menjadi berkurang. 
Anak-anak tidak terurus karena aku tenggelam dalam kesedihan dan kesunyian 
tanpa suami sehingga aku sering melamun. Aku menjadi cuek setiap kali anak-anak 
bertanya padahal mereka juga membutuhkan kasih sayangku sebagai orang tua, ibu 
yang sekaligus ayah.  Wajahku menjadi muram, penampilan yang tidak terurus aku 
makin menakutkan bagi anak-anak dan para tetanggaku, hehehe..serem nggak tuh 
Mas  ^_^ (ojo diledek yo...!)

Kebayang nggak Mas, aku kayak begitu hampir setahun lebih dikit..terus hidup 
dalam bayang-bayang almarhum suamiku dan benak hayalanku seolah itu nyata. 
Sampai aku lihat sampeyan punya kegiatan di Rumah Amalia. Jujur wae sebenarnya 
aku males dan nggak pengen ke Rumah Amalia cuman waktu itu aku dipaksa ama 
temanku yang nggak tahu daerah Ciledug, minta ditemenin. 'Yo wis-lah timbangane 
mumet nang omah wae' aku akhirnya ikut ke Rumah Amalia. Sejak awal pertemuan 
aku merasakan berbeda seperti bayanganku. Aku merasakan kehangatan dan cinta 
kasih yang tulus dari Mas Agus dan anak-anak Amalia. 

Aku jadi ngerti ternyata ada orang mengalami hal-hal yang lebih berat dari yang 
aku alami dan banyak orang yang juga kehilangan orang2 yang dicintai, aku sadar 
status sosialku tidak perlu membuatku malu, tidak perlu dibanggakan namun juga 
tidak perlu dipersoalan. Doa bersama anak-anak Amalia itu benar-benar membuat 
hatiku menjadi tenteram dan damai Mas..Ternyata masih banyak orang yang mau 
menjadi temanku dan mereka menerimaku apa adanya. Sejak dari Rumah Amalia itu 
aku mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan baru, seperti kegiatan sosial di RT, pengajian 
bahkan ikutan Kopdar temen2 di FB. 

Aku jadi lebih memperhatikan anak-anakku, kalo waktunya sholat, aku selalu 
ingetin mereka. Jangan sampai mereka lalai melaksanakan sholat lima waktunya. 
Ternyata aku masih menjadi manusia yang utuh sekalipun aku udah kehilangan 
suami. Masih banyak orang yang mebutuhkan keberadaanku, bukan hanya anak-anakku 
tapi juga teman, kerabat dan aku seperti dibutuhkan bagi anak-anak Amalia. 
Sekarang aku nggak malu lagi Mas Agus...untuk berterus terang kepada siapapun 
yang aku jumpai

[ppiindia] MUI Haramkan Donor Organ Manusia dan Ganti Kelamin

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Kalau jantung atau ginjal atau hati  Anda rusak etc. berarti 
kematian sudah diujung hidung, karena telah difatwakan tidak boleh ada 
transplantasi orang.

Akan menarik sekali kalau ada anak salah seorang anak tercinta dari sala 
seorang petinggi MUI yang p ginjalnya rusak dan anak ini bisa sembuh dan sehat 
apabila ditransplantasikan ginjal donor yang tersedia. Apakah pak MUI akan 
menolak transplantasi, karena transplantasi sudah difatwakan?

Tetapi bagaimana kalau di Arab Saudia dilakukan transplantasi, apakah tidak 
melanggar hukum Allah? Ini berita transplantasi ginjal: 

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

W. K. Al-Khudair1and S. O. Huraib1

Kidney transplantation in Saudi Arabia: a unique experience 

  (1)  Department of Surgery, King Fahad National Guard Hospital, P.O. Box 
22490, 11426 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 

Summary  Kidney transplantation in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia began 16 years 
ago. In this relatively short period, transplantation has developed so quickly 
that Saudi Arabia currently has the largest cadaveric kidney transplantation 
program in the Moslem world. This article illustrates the achievements and 
progress made through the past and casts a light on differences in the 
transplantation practice in this part of the world.


  Selasa, 27 Juli 2010 


MUI Haramkan Donor Organ Manusia dan Ganti Kelamin

  JAKARTA (LampostOnline): Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) mengharamkan donor 
organ tubuh jika pendonor masih hidup. Donor organ dibolehkan hanya ketika 
pendonor sudah meninggal.

  "Orang yang hidup haram mendonorkan organ tubuhnya kepada orang lain," 
Wakil Sekretaris Komisi Fatwa MUI Asrorun Niam Saleh saat jumpa pers di Hotel 
Twin Plaza, Jl S Parman, Jakarta Barat, Selasa (27-7).

  Menurut Niam, orang hidup boleh mewasiatkan organ tubuhnya kepada orang 
lain. Syaratnya, dilakukan dengan sukarela dan tidak untuk tujuan komersil.

  "Pengambilan organ dilakukan setelah dinyatakan meninggal oleh 2 orang 
muslim terpercaya dan pengambilan organ dilakukan ahli bedah di bidangnya," 
kata Niam.

  Penerima donor pun menurut MUI berada dalam keadaan kritis. Proses donor 
organ juga dimungkinkan untuk muslim kepada nonmuslim dan sebaliknya.

  "Muslim boleh mewasiatkan mendonorkan organ tubuh pada nonmuslim dan 
sebaliknya," jelas Niam.

  Donor organ binatang, menurut MUI, hanya dibolehkan dalam keadaan darurat 
dan tanpa alternatif lain. Sedangkan, tindakan sengaja menjual organ tubuh, 
hukumnya haram.

  "Menjual organ tubuh hukumnya haram, karena tubuh adalah milik Allah 
sebagai amanat," tutupnya.

  Selain itu, MUI mengharamkan operasi mengganti alat kelamin yang 
dilakukan dengan sengaja. MUI juga meminta kepada Kementerian Kesehatan membuat 
regulasi pelarangan terhadap operasi alat kelamin.

  "Mengubah alat kelamin dengan sengaja tanpa ada alasan alamiah dalam diri 
yang bersangkutan, hukumnya haram," kata Asrorun Ni'am Sholeh. DTC/L-1

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Men & Women Personals

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik alexa.andrew07

Men & Women Personals

Nowadays you can find web-personals of all types and kinds. Men, Woman,
and what do you think, even married personals. Men seek women and women
seek men. That is natural because a person can't live alone.  Read

But why do people use the internet to find their match? Easy. Because
they do not have do leave their homes and hand about local clubs, bars
and other places of the kind. It is fun of course, but how long can you
stand that fun? And, by the way, hanging out alone doesn't make much
sense. You might pick somebody of course, but that would most likely be
one-night relations. And you are looking for something more, aren't you?
Read more.

Read more interesting Articles>>

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Holocaust survivor responds to Zionism

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar



  Holocaust survivor responds to   Zionism
  By Suzanne  Weiss
http://www.nion. ca/public- forum-weiss. htm

  I was born in France  to a Jewish family during the mass slaughter 
of Europe's  Jews by Hitler and the Nazis. My family fell victim, but I 
survived. As a  child, I came to the United States,  where I found 
racism against Blacks and   immigrants, persecution of dissidents, 
McCarthyism, and the hideous  electrocutions of the Rosenbergs.
I also learned that the United   States, Canada,  and Britain  were 
complicit in the holocaust. 
This Jewish holocaust was a by-product of the catastrophic  world
 wars in the last century which are linked to the social system that we 
 call imperialism. 
I am horrified that the holocaust is now invoked to breed  and 
justify new wars in the Middle East. This  is a crime against the memory
 of my family and other Jewish victims under  Hitler.
In fact, the Zionist state uses many of the methods of  Nazism to
 oppress the Palestinians, including confining them in walled ghettos.
We are told that  because Hitler killed the Jews, the Zionist 
state is needed today—supposedly to  protect the Jewish people. But 
there is no Nazi threat against the Jews in Israel. Rather,  the Jewish 
people are threatened by the aggressive policies of their own  
There are two important lessons in the story of the murder  of European 
First, that there is no limit to the savagery of  imperialism. If
 not opposed, it will dispossess and exterminate entire peoples,  like 
the Palestinians.
Second, to fight back against imperialism, we need a broad  unity of 
peoples of many faiths and nationalities.
In my own background  lies an example of this concept. During the
 Second  World War, the French government was rounding  up the Jews and 
deporting them to Hitler's death camps.
My parents belonged to a Jewish resistance organization in  
France.  It was united with other immigrant groups and with French 
working people –  Jewish, Christian, and Muslim together – in the battle
 against the Nazis. 
The resistance saved the lives of thousands of Jewish  children in France,  
including me. 
Today we must join in  a similar broad alliance, this time to defend the 
Palestinians and to oppose  Zionism.
The Zionists' aggressive policies in the Middle East are  against
 the interests of Jewish people and Palestinians alike, all of whom have
  a stake in a peaceful and united Middle East.
Palestinian liberation offers the Jewish people in the Middle East the 
prospect of brotherhood and peace.
In Canada,  we have built a broad alliance for  Palestinian 
liberation called the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid. Not In  Our 
Name is one of its Jewish sister organizations and stands for the right 
of  Palestinians to return to their homeland.
The coalition has launched a nation-wide joint campaign  for 
boycott, divestment, and sanctions against the Zionist state of Israel. 
This is  a promising beginning. 
Let's join in these and other efforts to liberate the  Palestinians and to 
put an end to Israeli apartheid.
Against   imperialist wars and Zionist oppression  in the Middle East!

Surat Terbuka Suzanne Weiss, Korban Holocaust 
yang Membela Palestina
Jumat, 30 Juli 2010, 09:00 WIB



Suzanne Weiss

ID, TORONTO--Di Kanada, 
Holocaust Memorial Day telah ditetapkan oleh Heritage Kanada dan jatuh 
setiap tanggal 11 April. Salah satu korban Holocaust yang selamat, 
Suzanne Weiss, selalu memperingatinya dengan setengah hati: di satu sisi
 ia mengenang seluruh anggota keluarganya yang meregang nyawa di kamp 
konsentrasi Nazi itu -- karena mereka berdarah Yahudi -- di sisi lain ia
 prihatin terhadap nasib bangsa Palestina yang tak lebih buruk dari 
Yahudi saat itu. 

Dalam banyak kesempatan, ia menyuarakan aksi 
protesnya atas kekejian Israel di Palestina. Ia yang kini memilih hidup 
di Kanada ini aktif memperjuangkan hak-hak bangsa Palestina yang 
menyuarakan penghentian blokade di Gaza dan segala bentuk kekerasan di 
wilayah ini. 

Kepada media Rabble yang berbasis di Kanada, 
aktivis Not In Our Name: Jewish Voices Against Zionism and of the 
Coalition Against Is

[ppiindia] Leonardo DiCaprio Pun Kalah Dengan "Keong Racun"

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik johnoei

Leonardo DiCaprio Pun Kalah Dengan "Keong Racun"

KabariNews.com - Berawal dari iseng menyanyikan lagu berjudul "Keong Racun" 
secara lipsync di depan webcam sebuah laptop dan mengunduhnya ke situs You 
Tube, dua orang remaja asal Bandung, Sinta dan Jojo (Jovita), akhirnya menjadi 
pembicaraan di dunia maya.

Untuk artikel selengkapnya klik http://www.KabariNews.com/?35271

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] 400 Peserta Program “Healthcare Job Training” Telah Bekerja

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik johnoei

400 Peserta Program “Healthcare Job Training” Telah Bekerja

Ratusan pengangguran dan warga berpendapatan rendah Los Angeles telah 
ditempatkan di berbagai rumah sakit dan klinikdi Negara Bagian California.

Untuk artikel selengkapnya klik http://www.KabariNews.com/?35272

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Tinggal 4 ruang lagi, Diskon 30% untuk non view room - Small Office in Jakarta

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik cGreen Business Center


Anda memerlukan ruang kantor?
Hanya dengan Rp 1,6 juta per bulan plus diskon 30%untuk 3 bulan pertama, 
Anda sudah dapat memiliki kantor di alamat prestisius.
Juga tersedia virtual office (sewa alamat dan divert telepon).

 Small Office in Jakarta  
Umumnya pemula bisnis tidak memerlukan ruang kantor yang terlalu besar, 
karena mungkin personilnya baru 1-2 orang. Sementara, kebanyakan gedung kantor 
menyewakan ruang minimal 100 m2. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan ruang 
kantor yang kecil, telah hadir cGreen Business Center yang menyewakan ruang 
sebesar 4 m2 s.d. 8 m2 (Service Office - SO), sudah dilengkapi dengan 

operator & resepsionis, terletak di Graha Mustika Ratu – lantai 5, 
Jalan Gatot Subroto Kav. 74-75 Jakarta.
Fasilitas lain yang didapat dari cGreen Business Center adalah:
1. Personal access key to the room
2. Prestigious business address
3. Telephone number
4. Facsimile number
5. Personal answering for incoming call
6. Unlimitted internet access - Wi-Fi
7. Building service charge
8. Tea, coffee, and mineral water
9. Room cleaning service
10. AC, electricity, lighting, elevator
11.Notification of incoming calls, faxs, and messages
12. Complimentary of incoming fax, 5 pages/month
13. Mail collection and courier services (billing separately by Tiki)
14. Complimentary of meeting room
15. Usage of supporting facilities, Disc. 10%.
Biaya untuk menyewa SO mulai Rp 1.600.000/bulan.
Jangka waktu sewa mulai dari per bulan, 3 bulan, 6 bulan, hingga 1 tahun.
Virtual Office
Selain ruang kantor, cGreen Business Center juga menyewakan Virtual Office (VO)
atau Kantor Maya yang sudah menjadi kebutuhan bagi para pengusaha yang 

mobilitas tinggi, dan tidak lagi harus datang dan bekerja di kantor secara 

Penyewa VO tetap dapat melakukan aktifitas usaha di mana pun mereka berada, 
karena operator profesional akan membantu menerima dan meneruskan incoming call 
ke nomor telepon atau handphone penyewa. Bila penyewa sedang tidak dapat 

operator akan mencatatkan pesannya.. Fasilitas VO lainnya adalah alamat kantor 
yang prestisius, 

nomor telepon dan fax, resepsionis, mail handling serta personal answering 
incoming call 

dengan greeting yang sesuai dengan keinginan.
Dengan menggunakan jasa VO, penyewa tidak perlu lagi menyediakan fasilitas 

seperti ruang, furniture, AC, dan peralatan kantor lainnya. Penyewa hanya perlu 

alat komunikasi yang mudah untuk untuk dihubungi.
Biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk menyewa VO di cGreen Business Center tidak terlalu 

mulai Rp 500.000 hingga Rp 600.000 per bulan. 
Untuk mendapat informasi lebih jauh tentang layanan cGreen Business Center, 
Adik Sukadis
cGreen Business Center 
Graha Mustika Ratu, 5th Floor
Jl. Jend. Gatot Soebroto Kav. 74-75
Jakarta 12870
Telp: (021) 8370.7142, 08128320864
Fax: (021) 8370.7143
Email: cgreenoff...@yahoo.com


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Balls Of Steel Bunny Boiler Tarot - +18 SEXY VIDEO

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik Jagruti Mehra
The bunny boiler's victims of the day are a couple who have come in for a
tarot reading! It doesn't take long before she's making moves on the guy and
putting down the girlfriend.




·   Man of the Match Innings - Chaminda Vaas

·   Rocket Fly By

· One of the Youngest Tennis Players

· Magic In Central Park

·  Funny Chairman

· Slow Motion Photography Compilation

·   Weyerhaeuser Commercial

·   Vomiting on Live TV

·   Streetball by Hot Sauce

·   Bird Releases Himself

* *

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Rio

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik sunny
Carnival di Rio de Jeneiro. Disana tidak ada MUI, FPI etc jadi bisa ditunjukan 
aurat seperti pada gambar-gambar terlampir. Silahkan saksikan sendiri.

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com 
Version: 8.5.435 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2708 - Release Date: 02/24/10 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Re: Link Download Anti Virus Buat HP

2010-07-30 Terurut Topik Kamerad Bagusnov
berbasis java ,idak terpengaruh akan virus

menghapus virus bisa dg cara reset memori telpon dan scan mmc di pc


--- In ppiindia@yahoogroups.com, "abidin ali"  wrote:
> Untuk Java ada jg ya??:-o
>  Original message 
> From: bagus fathi 
> Sent: 
> To: ppiindia@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [ppiindia] Link Download Anti Virus Buat HP
> Antivirus berikut digunakan untuk Handphone berbasis Symbian atau Pocket PC.
> Beberapa diantaranya tidak hanya digunakan sebagai antivirus saja, tetapi 
> juga dapat digunakan untuk firewall dan anti spyware.
> Antivirus di bawah ini tidak semuanya gratis, karena ada beberapa yang cuma 
> memberikan fasiltas trial dan jika ingin full version maka kita harus 
> membelinya.Selengkapnya : 
> http://bagoesnet.wordpress.com/2010/07/30/link-download-antivirus-buat-hp/
> Semoga bermanfaat dan terima kasih
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]