Courageous Women's Award Nominee Honoured by Another Brave Woman

Date : 1/5/2010   Time : 12:54

RAMALLAH, May 1, 2010 (WAFA)- Nida Awine

A courageous woman, was honored by another that matches her courage and 
determination to shed light on women's issues in the world, empowering them, 
encouraging them and giving them opportunities to advancement. A Palestinian 
woman out of ten around the world was nominated for Women of Courage 
International Award, which two women received, although if there were a third 
it would certainly go to Dr. Salwa Najjab, according to the words of senior 
policy advisor for the Near East, North Africa and Islamic issues in the 
Secretary’s Office of Global Women’s Issues since July 2009, Diane E. Kelly.

Dr.  Najjab was not nominated for this award in vain, but for her path of 
success and a long struggle, which is an inspiration to all Palestinian women 
who aspire to success. Dr. Najjab, a gynecologist and obstetrician, was the 
first female doctor to become a resident in Al-Maqased hospital in Jerusalem, 
and started doing mobile clinics, provided health services for many women, 
championed the rights of Palestinian women, struggled against violence based on 
sex, and is the director of Juzzoor foundation for health and social 

In an exclusive interview with 'WAFA' Mrs. Kelly, underlined the importance of 
the award in recognition and appreciation of the efforts of women activists for 
women's rights, and serve their communities, to achieve equal rights and 
opportunities. The nomination for this award is important in itself, where few 
is the number of women worthy of such title.

The empowerment of women is to provide opportunities for them to serve their 
communities and achieve their ambitions and goals, where women are the most 
optimistic when they believe in their talents, chances are that enables the 
human potential to learn and work with to achieve what they aspire. The message 
we want to deliver is that these women have a special talent and outstanding 
achievements in their communities, just like Dr. Najjab, she said, stressing 
that the Palestinian received respect in the whole world. She emphasized that 
this award provides the protection and respect for women in society, through 
recognition of their achievements and their work, and communicating the message 
to communities and governments alike that we pay attention to women's equal 
opportunities to enable them to achieve their goals and the protection of their 
communities and defend it. In the end, Kelly confirmed that women have the 
right to choose their own destiny, and
 their futures in work as well as in life, and this is the most important right 
that must be defended. Dr. Najjab’s vision did not contradict with what was 
said by Kelly. She began by saying that the nomination of a Palestinian for 
this award is particularly important because the Palestinian women in 
particular suffer from conditions not normally encountered en route, in 
addition to the challenges faced by women around the world as challenges to a 
successful career, family and personal success.

She appeared optimistic when she said: I did everything I did because I am so 
excited, and faced all the challenges out of love for my family and my 
community, and asserted that women must be given their opportunities. It is 
possible that women could be in an advanced position if given the opportunity, 
you must give women special attention because it is easier for men, and society 
should respect the role of women.

She stressed the importance of education as the beginning of the way for women 
to achieve any success. There are many examples in the villages I have worked 
in, she said, the age of marriage has changed in the villages where the level 
of education rose. This issue is not a subject of force or power, but of the 
availability of opportunities.


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