Reflecton: Misguided, but they are the vital front soldiers of Depag and MUI, 
aren't they?

March 03, 2010 

The FPI is "sometimes against correct Islamic teachings," said a ministry 
official. (JG Photo/Yudhi Sukma Wijaya)

Indonesia's Religious Ministry Names Hard-Line FPI Among 'Misguided' Islamic 

In the wake of another case of allegedly "misguided" Islamic teachings that 
contravene the nation's blasphemy law, the Ministry of Religious Affairs on 
Tuesday said there were about 70 potentially illegal sects in Indonesia, 
including the hard-line Islamic Defenders Front. 

"We can also say that the Islamic Defenders Front [FPI] is one of the sects as 
sometimes they are against correct Islamic teachings," said Rohadi Abdul Fatah, 
the ministry's director of Islam and Shariah law. 

Speaking to the Jakarta Globe, Rohadi also identified the sects of Islam 
Katolojo, Darmo Bandul, Islam Kejawen, Muhammad Nabirasulillah and the 
Ahmadiyah as being problematic. 

Tangerang Police on Tuesday said they had questioned the leader of Perguruan 
Cakrabuana and two of its followers for allegedly violating the 1965 Law on the 
Prevention of Blasphemy and Abuse of Religion for its interpretation and 
teaching of the Koran. 

The blasphemy law is outmoded, according to some liberal Islamic scholars, and 
is currently being challenged in the Constitutional Court for curtailing 
religious freedom. 

The FPI infamously ambushed a peaceful rally organized by the National Alliance 
for the Freedom of Faith and Religion in support of the Ahmadiyah at the 
National Monument in Central Jakarta in late 2008. 

FPI chairman Habib Rizieq was later sentenced to 18 months in prison for his 
role in the attack, although the government later issued a joint ministerial 
decree ordering the Ahmadiyah, a peaceful Islamic group founded in the late 
19th Century, to restrict its religious activities. 

FPI deputy secretary Soleh Mahdmud said anyone who labeled the FPI as 
antagonistic to Islam did not understand the organization. 

"For us, they are people who have no brains," Soleh said. "I believe the person 
must be someone who has liberal views saying that all religions are good and 
all people will go to heaven." 

Soleh said FPI members loved Islam and Shariah law and spread their message in 
a kind and gentle way. 

"But of course it's different in a struggle," he added. 

He also said that those who wanted polygamy outlawed were against Islam, 
whereas the FPI's support of plural marriage was consistent with the faith. 

Rohadi, speaking generally, conceded there was little the ministry could do to 
control sects because many of them were in existence long before independence 
and any attempts to disband them could lead to chaos. 

He urged all religious groups to not take the law into their own hands lest 
that lead to violence. "If society is annoyed by such sects, they should report 
them to the police," Rohadi said. 

Rohadi said the ministry believed the blasphemy law remained valid. "The law 
will prevent people from establishing new religions in the country," he said. 
"The country will be destroyed if it's easy for people to establish a new 

He said that the country only recognized Ahlisunnah Waljamaah as the right path 
to Islam. 

"Ahlisunnah Waljammah means that we only follow the Koran and the Sunnah 
[sayings from the Prophet Muhammad]," he said, adding that the ministry would 
work with the Indonesian Council of Ulema (MUI) to ensure people followed the 
"right path." 

Slamet Effendy Yusuf, head of interreligious harmony at the MUI, said current 
economic pressures could encourage people to join sects. 

"Many people do not understand their religion perfectly in the middle of 
economic and social problems," Slamet said. "They easily follow a sect as they 
are seeking spiritual support, something to calm their hearts because they are 

He said this created new problems as the sects upset other groups, though he 
warned that it was better to adopt a persuasive approach rather than resort to 

"Islam is a religion that upholds peace. We should be able to talk to them, 
have regular meetings and educate them." Nurfika Osman

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