Posted on ยป Thursday, December 10, 2009

      MANAMA: Justice, fraternity, equality and non-discrimination are 
essential for a secure, stable and peace-loving world.

      "The principles of co-existence, tolerance, equality and acceptance of 
others are key values for stable modern societies," His Royal Highness Prime 
Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa said yesterday.

      He spoke as Bahrain joins other nations in celebrating International 
Human Rights Day today.

      It marks the 61st anniversary of the acceptance by the UN General 
Assembly of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

      This year's anniversary is under the theme: "Accepting Diversity, Ending 

      "The political, economic, social and cultural challenges facing the world 
require joint international action," HRH the Premier said 

      He stressed the need to promote equality between peoples, combat racists 
and hate-mongers as they threaten international security and peace and endanger 
the future of humanity.

      He urged the international community to back UN efforts to combat all 
forms of racism and protect human dignity.

      He also described education and human rights as crucial to promote 
tolerance and acceptance of diversity. 

      Bahrain's human rights strides in the era of His Majesty King Hamad also 
came under the spotlight.

      "Bahrain has always been pioneering in implementing non-discrimination 
principles enshrined in the Universal Human Rights Declaration," he said. 

      He highlighted the principles endorsed in the constitution and the 
National Action Charter.

      "We have legislated laws incriminating discrimination on the basis of 
colour, gender, religion or sect," he said. 

      He paid tribute to His Majesty's initiatives, which put Bahrain at the 
forefront in respecting human rights. 

      The establishment of the National Human Rights Authority was also hailed 
as key asset to anchor human rights and promote transparency.

      HRH the Premier highlighted the crucial role of non-governmental 
organisations in complementing the government's efforts.

      He reiterated commitment to work with the UN and other organisations to 
promote human rights.

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