Sending an Army of Saudis

By Abdul Rahman Al-Rashid

I was one of the lucky ones who were given the opportunity to study abroad and 
like anybody else who experienced this and understood the value of it I can 
only wish the same upon anybody who seeks the best education anywhere in the 
world. What's most important is investment in human beings and developing 
capabilities, which in turn helps build society according to people's knowledge 
and capabilities. There is no better way [to do this] than through good 

The King Abdullah Scholarship Program restores hope, as this project has sent 
nearly 100,000 male and female Saudi students to study at leading international 
universities from Australia and Japan in the Far East to the United States in 
the West. The importance of the project is that it is able to change the map of 
thinking and education and is able to move the country forward quickly instead 
of waiting for the slow train of development. 

Because we know that development is based on humans and not on iron and cement, 
education is the key to development. If there is a remedy at the pharmacy that 
cures the problems of education quickly, then this remedy lies in foreign 
scholarships, as university and higher education is the best and quickest 
solution for the direct transfer [of information]. 

By sending this large number of youngsters who specialize in the required 
scientific fields a great deal of work is achieved and it deserves 
appreciation, despite the high costs involved and the political and 
administrative difficulties in arranging it. It is not easy in the current 
political climate to send these large numbers of Saudi youths to study in 
Western universities. The world is changing today and our students are no 
longer welcomed no matter how generous the government is with regards to 
spending on them. However, because of faith in the idea and political will, it 
[foreign scholarships] succeeded and the biggest number yet of students has 
been sent abroad to study at leading specialized universities. Time Magazine 
carried out an investigation in 2006 when it heard about groups of Saudi 
students arriving to study in universities in the United States, which was 
contradictory to the tense political climate at the time. And actually, the 
report began by indicating that the Saudis returned [to the US] after the 
scholarships dried out [during] a period of tension. 

The truth is that King Abdullah made education one of his prime concerns, as he 
called for establishing a large number of universities and encouraged them to 
raise the standards amongst them and allocated the largest budget in the 
country's history for their development. He completed the series by sending an 
army of Saudi students to study in prominent international universities. Last 
week he approved another new scholarship project to send a similar number 
within the next five years to guarantee the continuation of qualitative 

Education today is an issue of quality not quantity. The yardstick for sending 
Saudi students abroad goes back to the required scientific specializations, and 
the necessary basics for establishing new local universities, and higher 
education degrees that are necessary for scholarship students. [By taking part 
in these scholarships] the student doesn't only study sciences but lives life 
in all its aspects as he familiarizes himself with the climate and a more 
advanced scientific system in order to return to his country with more than 
just a university degree. 

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