The FARC side of the story
      By Teresa Bo in  a.. Americas
     on June 20th, 2010 
Colombian rebels could pose major challenge for the candidate who wins the 
country's presidential election.

In Cauca, Colombia is still at war. You find trenches in every corner, tanks, 
Blackhawk helicopters and lots of soldiers. Fighting takes place here almost 
every day and people have gotten used to it. More than that, they are certain 
that on election day there will be attacks.

But in spite of all that military presence we managed to find the left-wing 
Farc rebels, who are still fighting the Colombian government. We drove to the 
city of Toribio in the middle of the mountains and that's when we saw them. 
They were getting ready to attack the military. They were carrying RPG's and 
AK-47. They were coming out from the mountains, from the sewage canals, from 
everywhere. They said that a fight with the military was coming.
Later on, we saw them again. They set up a checkpoint on the road. Hundreds of 
vehicles were stranded for hours. Commander Duber was the man in charge - he 
gave us an exclusive interview on the eve of Colombia's presidential elections.

"Our main enemy is president Uribe and the armed forces. We want to tell people 
that we are still alive, we are still strong. There are elections in Colombia.  
People can vote for whom the want. But we will continue fighting. The ideology 
of the Farc is to win or die, that's what Che Guevara said," Duber told us.

Since president Alvaro Uribe took office he has battled against the left-wing 
rebel - who are South America's oldest guerrilla organization. He has pushed 
them away from the main cities, but in Cauca the fighting is still ongoing.
"Presidente Uribe offers money [and] cars to those guerrillas who turn 
themselves in. Those who sell themselves are not guerrillas. They should give 
that money to those who are still starving in this country. We don't need it."
Commander Duber joined the organisation when he was 16 years old. He said he is 
proud to have survived the presidency of Alvaro Uribe.

"A new Colombia is a place where the poor have jobs, social equality, free 
healthcare, free education. Not like now; there is no equality here. There is 
no health, no education for the poor - only for the rich," he said.

The government accuses the Farc of drug trafficking. In fact, some of the areas 
where the Coca leaf is grown are controlled by them.

"People here help us, we receive help from neighbouring countries. You don't 
see the Farc on a small plane taking cocaine to the US.  We are not the 
problem. Illegal crops are the only way farmers have to feed themselves. The 
government offers them no alternative."

Duber said the Farc is not trying to influence people to vote for any candidate 
in the election. For the Farc, all of the candidates are the same. But the 
group did send a message to Juan Manuel Santos, who could become on Sunday 
Colombia's next president.

"[If] Juan Manuel Santos wants to continue the war, then we are ready to fight. 
If there are conditions for peace talks then we could sit down and talk. But 
it's difficult. Santos has killed lots of innocent people while trying to kill 

When the interview was over, the Farc opened up the check point and went up 
into the mountains. They seemed ready for another fight.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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