The women who guard other women in Egypt

Published Date: December 10, 2009 

CAIRO: Her hair neatly tucked under a Muslim headscarf, Dawlat Al-Amine 
practises aikido regularly in a Cairo gym where she and her female colleagues 
learn martial arts to protect other women. The blackclad "ladyguards" provide a 
niche service to women who have broken through the Arab world's glass ceiling 
and achieved fame and fortune, but who feel they cannot resort to male 
protection out of deference to the region's conservative mores.

The leader of neighbouring Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, is famous for his female 
bodyguards, dubbed Amazons. But clients of the "ladyguards" include Egyptian 
actresses and pop divas, as well as princesses and wealthy businesswomen from 
the oil-rich Gulf. "We were the first to create a service of ladyguards, for 
several reasons," said Cherif Khaled, managing director of Falcon group which 
first launched the service three years ago. "Women in Egypt now have been able 
to break into different fields. They have become businesswomen, lawyers, 
judges, even marriage officials," he said. "When given the opportunity, 
Egyptian women are able to succeed.

But Khaled added that even when women do break through, they ignore the 
conservative traditions of a male-dominated society like Egypt at their peril. 
"At the end of the day, we are a Middle Eastern society. When a woman passes 
through a security check, she prefers to be searched by a woman rather than by 
a man," he said. "When you are dealing lady to lady, things are much easier.

The Falcon group, a subsidiary of Egyptian bank CIB, employs 3,800 security 
personnel, providing services ranging from personal protection to cash transfer 
to security systems. In 2008, the company made net profits of 13 million 
Egyptian pounds ($2.3 million). It has some 300 "ladygyards" on its register, 
all of whom have been put through a rigorous training in martial arts and 
"static surveillance" skills. "I like the idea of protecting VIPs and the idea 
that I can defend myself anywhere at any time," sai
d Amine. "It is important for me to be able to protect my integrity.

Although Amine, 20, wears the Muslim headscarf, the hijab is not a compulsory 
part of the uniform. She says her work has given her a sense of power and 
status in a country where women often fall victim to male discrimination or 
harassment. Amani Mahmoud is also learning the ropes at the Heliopolis gym 
where Amine works out. "It's a new idea," she said. "Why do boys always get the 
opportunities? I decided to enter this field to prove that I could do it and I 
found that I really liked it.

The-21-year old admits it was not easy persuading her family it was the right 
choice of career. "I faced lots of problems from my father who said: 'You are 
not going to be able to defend yourself' but I have proved to him that I can do 
it and that I can be as brave as a man. I can go out on the streets and defend 
myself, in or out of work," she said.

Falcon advertises regularly in the Egyptian press. Recruits must be between 20 
and 35, and have gone through higher education and have martial arts skills. 
All are put through medical and psychological tests, including an assessment of 
their conflict management skills. English speakers have an edge. "If a woman 
client is going to a foreign country, we have to provide a ladyguard who has 
those skills," said Falcon client relations manager Mohammed Salah. - AFP 


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