Siapa bilang tidak ada hubungan antara
demokrasi-teknologi-ekonomi ?  Sebelum Henry Ford,
mobil tidak terbeli oleh kebanyakan orang Amerika. 
Dia desain mobil yang lebih sederhana serta serba
fungsional dan proses pembuatannya lebih ekonomis. 
Keluarlah sistem assembly line (ban berjalan) dan
mobil sederhana itu bernama Ford Model T.  Karena
harganya yang rendah dan bandelnya, jadilah Ford Model
T mobil paling populer (ini asal katanya dari people
atau orang banyak -- demokrasi lagi).  Pada jamannya,
Ford Model T sempat masuk ke Indonesia; salah satu
pemiliknya seorang pemilik tanah besar di Lamongan
yang  adalah ayah dari dokter Abdul Djalal, pensiunan
dokter polisi.

Kembali ke pokok tulisan tentang robot.  Robotics
adalah bagian dari ekonomi masa depan bersama
microprocessing (chips), IT dan biotek.  Sekarang kita
baru mengenal industrial robots dan robot yang dipakai
untuk tugas berbahaya seperti mengambil bom ditempat
ramai.  Diperlukan seorang Henry Ford untuk membuat
robot yang lebih sederhana, dengan bantuan komputer
yang minimum, lebih lincah, dan hemat energi.  Gerak
kearah sana sudah kelihatan.  Bacalah tulisan dibawah



February 24, 2005
For Simpler Robots, a Step Forward

THE moment of truth had come for the knee-high robot
standing on its improvised runway at a hotel news

Reporters circled it, their microphones and cameras
trained on the machine as it tried to start up. Then a
curious 13-year-old boy who had joined the throng
reached out, poked his fingers between the robot's
metal legs and gave them an exploratory push.

With that, the robot, built at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, lived up to its nickname, the
Toddler. It rocked gently until the poking stopped,
steadied itself and marched firmly across the level
surface, a tabletop propped up on cinderblocks.

If two-legged robots are ever going to walk among
people, they may look a lot like this sturdy machine
and two others, introduced Feb. 17 on the makeshift
catwalk at the annual meeting of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science.

The robots - the others were built at Cornell and at
Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands -
are designed in a way that differs significantly from
standard creations. One of the robots moves so
efficiently that in the future it may be able to amble
along for a day, not the 20 or 30 minutes most robots
now manage without recharging or refueling.

"And our robots walk far more naturally," said Andy
Ruina, a professor at Cornell who took one of the
robots to the meeting and whose nephew Josh Bennett,
of Chevy Chase, Md., did the unscripted poking.

The design may be important not only for future
energy-saving robots, but also for intelligent
prostheses - leg and foot replacements for amputees.

Dr. Ruina's robot and its companions from Delft and
M.I.T. are descendants of some early ramp-walking
machines, mechanical devices that have been around for
a century. These contraptions - toys like waddling
penguins and later two-legged robots - were not
powered in any way. Instead, they relied on gravity
and the mechanics of objects in motion to walk stably
down sloping surfaces.

Modern versions of the machines, called
passive-dynamic walkers, have been built for decades
and have long been thought useful models of human
locomotion, Dr. Ruina said. But in the past the
machines were not able to walk on level ground.

Now the researchers from the three universities have
shown that the classic passive-dynamic walking
machines need not depend on gravitational power.
Instead, they have put small motors on their robots
and shown that they can walk on level ground. The
robots' workings are described in detail in the
journal Science.

"Our machines show that there is nothing special about
gravity," said Russ Tedrake, a postdoctoral researcher
at M.I.T.'s department of brain and cognitive
sciences, and one of the Toddler's creators. 

Unlike famous state-of-the-art walking robots like
Honda's Asimo, which typically have complex control
algorithms that demand extensive, real-time
computation, the Cornell biped, as well as the Delft
one, walk with simple control algorithms, Dr. Ruina
said. "Our sensors detect ground contacts, and our
only motor commands are on-off signals issued once per
step," he said.

Perhaps to show how much the passive-dynamic robots
depend on mechanics and not on electronic calculating
power for their humanlike gait, the Delft robot has a
blue bucket for a head, and the Cornell robot has an
orange plastic bird attached to its head. 

This less-is-more approach also applies to sensory
feedback. The Cornell and Delft robots don't use
sophisticated, real-time calculations or a lot of
feedback as do other robots that continuously sense
the angles of their joints, for example. "This
suggests that human walking, too, might require only
very simple controls," Dr. Ruina said. (The M.I.T.
robot does incorporate sensory feedback as a means of
learning how to walk.)

Michael J. Foster, director of the National Science
Foundation division that supported some of the M.I.T.
research, said the work demonstrated that complex
objects could be controlled simply. The walking robot
goes through complex motions, yet explicit computer
control is not needed over every joint. 

"Much of the control is given to us by the laws of
physics rather than by our own efforts in
programming," Dr. Foster said.

Marc Raibert, president of Boston Dynamics, a software
engineering company that specializes in human
simulation, said that the principles of
passive-dynamic design would be important for future
robot generations. "Every practical legged robot will
incorporate these principles," he said. "If you make
the mechanical structures right," for example,
adjusting the mass and length of the upper and lower
legs to mimic the natural dynamics of walking, "the
legs do the right thing from physics."

In passive designs, he said, the mechanism has built
into it the elements that let it move naturally. "This
way we can avoid relying on the computer to have the
knowledge of how something should move," he said.

Cornell's robot uses very little energy to walk
forward, mainly because its passive-dynamic design
emphasizes the natural interaction of gravity and
inertia and minimizes the role of control and
actuation. "Our robots use a 10th, a 20th or a 50th
the energy of all other powered robots," Dr. Ruina
said, depending on the robot and the way the energy is
calculated. "We let mechanics take care of a lot of
the motion, as opposed to using motors to control all
the joints in time."

The Cornell robot has a 12-volt battery on each arm to
provide the energy the motor uses to power the ankles
when they push off. Springs in the legs store the
energy. Each arm is mechanically linked to the
opposite leg. 

Steve Collins, a doctoral student at the University of
Michigan, designed the robot when he was an
undergraduate working under the direction of Dr.
Ruina. "As each leg swings forward," he said, "a small
motor stretches a spring," which is released to
provide a push. As the forward foot lands, a microchip
tells the rear foot to push off.

It was important, Mr. Collins said, to bear in mind
the way people move naturally. He said "the leg is
analogous to a pendulum," which can either be let go
to swing or driven exactly in a movement. He added,
"We are letting the legs swing naturally."

Right now, the passive-dynamic robots move forward
only, and they will need far more power, for example,
to climb stairs.

In the future some of their principles may combine
with those used in sophisticated robots in which every
angle is controlled. "Perhaps we'll use natural
dynamics for walking when there's no high energy
requirement," Mr. Collins said. Even if the machines
are not entirely built on passive-dynamic principles,
the parts that are may lead to a reduction in cost.

Mr. Collins hopes to use the insights gained in
building the Cornell robot in work he is doing on
prostheses. With the National Science Foundation's
support, he has started a company to develop a
prosthetic foot. "The study of passive-dynamic models
has given us insights into the way energy is used in
walking," he said, in particular details of
step-to-step transitions that have a large impact on
the energy used in walking. "Based on these insights,"
he said, "we should be able to build prosthetic feet
that require less energy, making it a lot easier to

Dr. Tedrake of M.I.T. is not sure how passive-dynamic
robots will play out in the future. "For now," he
said, "we'd like to convince Japanese robotic makers
to insert some of our ideas into their robots."


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