RE: [OT] Palin's Daughter IS pregnant

2008-09-02 Thread Adam Buckland
" Facing justice at last. Two months probation for a DUI fatality wasn't
near enough."
" I hardly celebrate HIM or his final retirement, but justice on the
other hand, is cause for celebration however it is achieved."

No Michael, the archives show that you are wrong on this one...

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Michael Madigan
Sent: 02 September 2008 01:48
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] Palin's Daughter IS pregnant

You're wrong on this one Vince.

When Teddy Kennedy was diagnosed with brain cancer, no Republican danced
with glee about that, so I'm sure no one would have danced with glee
over this.

I think if Bristol decided to have it sucked out through a tube, then
there would have been a lot of discussion.

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[OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread Adam Buckland
Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, was once a
member of the Alaskan Independence Party, its officials have said.


News of Mrs Palin's former membership comes as the latest in a string of
potentially embarrassing disclosures about her past.


The party has lobbied since the 1970s for the right to hold a referendum
on whether Alaska should secede from the United States. Its motto,
"Alaska First", contrasts sharply with the John McCain campaign slogan:
"Country First."


It seeks "the complete repatriation of the public lands, held by the
federal government, to the state and people of Alaska" and aims to be
"self-sufficient" by using profits from Alaskan oil and gas resources.
It claims that the vote held in 1958 which led to Alaska becoming the
49th state of the US was corrupt and did not offer a proper choice.


While it is thought that Mrs Palin officially left the party to become a
Republican in 1996, she recorded an address for its convention EARLIER
THIS YEAR  in which she said: "I share your party's vision of upholding
the constitution of our great state" and told members to "keep up the
good work".






If this was Obama the right would be jumping up and down questioning her
loyalty, calling her unfit for office, a traitor etc blah blah


Basically she's not proud to be an American, not fit to hold office
especially the second highest in the land, what an embaressment!





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[OT] Wexler accuses Palin of wearing a Pat Buchanan button once

2008-09-02 Thread Bob Calco

- - -
On Aug. 29, the Democratic Party issued a release quoting U.S. Rep. Robert
Wexler (D-Fla.) as saying that McCain's pick was a "direct affront to all
Jewish Americans" because of reports of Palin's past associations with
Buchanan, who has long postulated that the pro-Israel lobby is inordinately
influential and that Hitler might have been contained through peaceful

Wexler's comments appear based on a 1999 report that Palin wore a Buchanan
button during Buchanan's visit to Wasilla, the town she then led as mayor.
At that time, however, Palin had written a letter to the local paper
explaining that she wore campaign buttons as a matter of courtesy when
candidates came to visit the town.

Palin was an official of the campaign of Steve Forbes, who like Buchanan was
contending for the Republican presidential nomination.
- - -

Let me get this straight.

Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn hold Obama's first-ever political fundraiser
in their home. Obama works with Ayers on a non-profit board for several
years (his only real executive experience, actually). With the help of
convicted felon Tony Rezko, Obama moves into the Hyde Park neighborhood
where Ayers lives, and Jeremiah Wright (who recently gave Louis Farrakhan a
"lifetime achievement award") just got his $1.6mil home, courtesy of the
church Obama attended for 20 years. But we're not allowed to infer any kind
of relationships or shared views there, no way, no how.

Palin, on the other hand, greeted candidate Buchanan to her town as mayor
when he was campaigning by wearing his pin (as was her custom, despite being
a Forbes supporter), and from this we can conclude without a shadow of a
doubt that she hates Israel.

All-righty then

I love it ... the Dems are going right to the experience and past
associations issues that highlight what a lightweight Obama is like flies to
a ... well you know. 

Obama may be against all this, or he may be posturing to appear above the
fray, but he's going to have one helluva time reigning these bozos in, and
the effect of their behavior will not help him at all. Part of me suspects
the hand of Hillary's political machine, subtly undermining Obama so she can
run again in 2012.

Not only is Palin a great choice, she's the perfect rope-a-dope for the
worst instincts of the Democrat party's smear machine.

- Bob

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Re: [OT] Wexler accuses Palin of wearing a Pat Buchanan button once

2008-09-02 Thread Jean Laeremans
On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:27 PM, Bob Calco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At that time, however, Palin had written a letter to the local paper
> explaining that she wore campaign buttons as a matter of courtesy when
> candidates came to visit the town.

Why bother at all then.

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Re: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread Jean Laeremans
On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:27 PM, Adam Buckland
> Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, was once a
> member of the Alaskan Independence Party, its officials have said.
> News of Mrs Palin's former membership comes as the latest in a string of
> potentially embarrassing disclosures about her past.
> The party has lobbied since the 1970s for the right to hold a referendum
> on whether Alaska should secede from the United States. Its motto,
> "Alaska First", contrasts sharply with the John McCain campaign slogan:
> "Country First."

Don't worry she probably has a button for that occasion too


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RE: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread Bob Calco
All this proves is that she's got strong tendencies to support the local
over the national, and the national to the foreign. Many conservatives are
hard-wired to prefer the domestic to the foreign, the near to the far-away. 

Such a tendency is actually a key to prosperity, if you read Adam Smith's
"Invisible Hand" passage the way he actually wrote and intended it to be

"As every individual, therefore, endeavors as much as he can both to employ
his capital in the support of domestic industry, and so to direct that
industry that its produce may be of the greatest value; every individual
necessarily labours to render the annual revenue of the society as great as
he can. He generally, indeed, neither intends to promote the public
interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it. By preferring the support
of domestic to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security;
and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the
greatest value, he intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many
other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of
his intention..."

Is it troubling that she would harbor "nationalistic" feelings toward her
home state? Not to me. Keep in mind, the government owning all that land up
there prevents it from being developed economically, and she's in favor of
developing that land, so her alliance with a small group that supports
repatriating that land so Alaska can be self-sufficient is perfectly
rational, however odd it may feel to those of us living in "older" states
with a deeper sense of national identity than Alaska apparently has. Frankly
I'd like to see her bring that "home-centric" instinct to DC, where the
bigwigs in both parties routinely support foreign over domestic industry,
and far-away causes to those close to home. 

The Dems talk a big game about supporting the American worker, and rail
against jobs going overseas, but any credibility they have on that issue is
profoundly undermined by their support of NAFTA and free trade--which they
like to pretend is exclusively a Republican liability (like the Enron thing,
in which both parties had a hand, and Katrina, which was a bipartisan
failure). As someone who rejects his own party's asinine support of free
trade, I can tell you, the pox is on both their houses on this issue.

But the Republicans no doubt more than welcome any comparison of past
associations and affiliations in which the Dems may wish to indulge, having
apparently put such matters back on the table for discussion, both with this
factoid and Wexler's insinuation regarding her nefarious button-wearing
support of the evil Pat Buchanan. :)

- Bob

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Adam Buckland
> Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 8:27 AM
> To: ProFox Email List
> Subject: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her
> Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, was once a
> member of the Alaskan Independence Party, its officials have said.
> News of Mrs Palin's former membership comes as the latest in a string
> of
> potentially embarrassing disclosures about her past.
> The party has lobbied since the 1970s for the right to hold a
> referendum
> on whether Alaska should secede from the United States. Its motto,
> "Alaska First", contrasts sharply with the John McCain campaign slogan:
> "Country First."
> It seeks "the complete repatriation of the public lands, held by the
> federal government, to the state and people of Alaska" and aims to be
> "self-sufficient" by using profits from Alaskan oil and gas resources.
> It claims that the vote held in 1958 which led to Alaska becoming the
> 49th state of the US was corrupt and did not offer a proper choice.
> While it is thought that Mrs Palin officially left the party to become
> a
> Republican in 1996, she recorded an address for its convention EARLIER
> THIS YEAR  in which she said: "I share your party's vision of upholding
> the constitution of our great state" and told members to "keep up the
> good work".
> If this was Obama the right would be jumping up and down questioning
> her
> loyalty, calling her unfit for office, a traitor etc blah blah
> blah..
> Basically she's not proud to be an American, not fit to hold office
> especially the second highest in the land, what an embaressment!
> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
> multipart/alternative
>   text/plain (text body -- kept)
>   text/html
> ---
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RE: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread Adam Buckland
"she recorded an address for its convention EARLIER THIS YEAR"  how past
do you need to go Bob?

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Bob Calco
Sent: 02 September 2008 13:51
To: 'ProFox Email List'
Subject: RE: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

But the Republicans no doubt more than welcome any comparison of past
associations and affiliations in which the Dems may wish to indulge,
apparently put such matters back on the table for discussion, both with
factoid and Wexler's insinuation regarding her nefarious button-wearing
support of the evil Pat Buchanan. :)

- Bob

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Adam Buckland
> Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 8:27 AM
> To: ProFox Email List
> Subject: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her
> Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, was once a
> member of the Alaskan Independence Party, its officials have said.
> News of Mrs Palin's former membership comes as the latest in a string
> of
> potentially embarrassing disclosures about her past.
> The party has lobbied since the 1970s for the right to hold a
> referendum
> on whether Alaska should secede from the United States. Its motto,
> "Alaska First", contrasts sharply with the John McCain campaign
> "Country First."
> It seeks "the complete repatriation of the public lands, held by the
> federal government, to the state and people of Alaska" and aims to be
> "self-sufficient" by using profits from Alaskan oil and gas resources.
> It claims that the vote held in 1958 which led to Alaska becoming the
> 49th state of the US was corrupt and did not offer a proper choice.
> While it is thought that Mrs Palin officially left the party to become
> a
> Republican in 1996, she recorded an address for its convention EARLIER
> THIS YEAR  in which she said: "I share your party's vision of
> the constitution of our great state" and told members to "keep up the
> good work".
> If this was Obama the right would be jumping up and down questioning
> her
> loyalty, calling her unfit for office, a traitor etc blah blah
> blah..
> Basically she's not proud to be an American, not fit to hold office
> especially the second highest in the land, what an embaressment!
> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
> multipart/alternative
>   text/plain (text body -- kept)
>   text/html
> ---
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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RE: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread Bob Calco
> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Adam Buckland
> Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 8:54 AM
> To: ProFox Email List
> Subject: RE: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her
> "she recorded an address for its convention EARLIER THIS YEAR"  how
> past
> do you need to go Bob?

Up until April/May, Obama was still a member of Trinity United and still
defending Jeremiah Wright, his spiritual mentor. He only quit the church
when continuing to do so was hurting him in the primaries against Hillary.

So, as long as she isn't a member since April/May I guess it's OK. ;)

However, he is still friends with Bill Ayers, who still wishes they bombed
more government buildings and killed more rich people back in the 60's and

- Bob

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RE: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread Bob Calco
> Up until April/May, Obama was still a member of Trinity United and
> still
> defending Jeremiah Wright, his spiritual mentor. He only quit the
> church
> when continuing to do so was hurting him in the primaries against
> Hillary.
> So, as long as she isn't a member since April/May I guess it's OK. ;)
> However, he is still friends with Bill Ayers, who still wishes they
> bombed
> more government buildings and killed more rich people back in the 60's
> and
> 70's.

- - -
The mayor expressed his frustrations with outside agitators like Kurtz.

"People keep trying to align himself with Barack Obama," Daley said. "It's
really unfortunate. They're friends. So what? People do make mistakes in the
past. You move on. This is a new century, a new time. He reflects back and
he's been making a strong contribution to our community."

Mr. Kurtz finally got his answer. It should grace the cover of the National
Review, with a cartoon of Shortshanks, dressed like a jolly Tudor monarch,
holding a tiny Obama in his right paw, a tiny Ayers in his left:

They're friends. So what?

Welcome to Chicago, Mr. Kurtz.
- - -

- Bob

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Re: [OT] Ohio teen shot to death after egging car

2008-09-02 Thread Pete Theisen
Michael Madigan wrote:
> I have to side with the shooter on this one.

Hi Michael!

I don't. Shooting someone is only justified when he/she is a threat to 
life. The car/ owners will live with egg on them.


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Re: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread Charlie Coleman
At 01:27 PM 9/2/2008 +0100, Adam Buckland wrote:
>Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, was once a
>member of the Alaskan Independence Party, its officials have said.
>News of Mrs Palin's former membership comes as the latest in a string of
>potentially embarrassing disclosures about her past.

This perked my interest so I did a quick search on links between the 
Alaskan Independence Party and terrorism. I couldn't really find any (there 
was one link that displayed and Alaskan "Terrorist Hunting Permit" - no bag 
limit, no tagging required, etc. Pretty funny). But it seems the AIP is a 
legit political party.

So I'm not sure I see the crisis about the association with the AIP. The 
party platform appears to be mainly focused on being able to vote on 
Alaska's independence. Note that it's not "secede" from the US, it's the 
right to vote on whether or not they could secede. In other words, the AIP 
adheres to democratic principles to achieve it's goals.

Side note: Apparently the desire to secede is not limited to Alaskans. I 
think Vermont has recently passed some resolution on seceding from the US. 
In some ways, I imagine probably all the smaller/less populated states have 
many folks that would like to secede. They've probably had a lot of stuff 
rammed down their throats that might make sense for sardine-packed cities, 
but are stupid for spread out populations. Most folks I know in the 
Mid-West think the Federal Gov has been insane for decades. But they do 
respect what George W has been trying to do - they don't like how things 
have turned out, but most understand why things are the way they are. It's 
interesting that most of them have a better handle on the facts than the 
"city-folk." Hmm...maybe being able to be out in a field, where you can 
reason through things without being constantly pelted by biased media 
sound-bites, helps you think more clearly. 

Back to the topic at hand. I don't think the comparison between AIP and 
Obama's friends (Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, etc) is very clever. It's 
pretty obvious the AIP works within "legal" bounds while Obama's 
mentors/friends/associations seem to have more violent and radical 
aspirations. In fact, it seems like the AIP is even less radical than some 
of the more widely known groups such as the Libertarian Party.

Now, if it was found out that Palin has some friends that are, say, members 
of the KKK, then yeah, that would truly be significant and comparable.


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[NF] Lifelike animation heralds new era for computer games

2008-09-02 Thread Jean Laeremans


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Re: [NF] Lifelike animation heralds new era for computer games

2008-09-02 Thread Helio Wakasugui
That's pretty amazing.

It'll give hope to MadandGay... someday he'll have a realistically rendered
tamagotchi girlfriend.


On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 10:54 AM, Jean Laeremans <

> A+
> jml
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Re: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread richmondeagle

>The party has lobbied since the 1970s for the right to hold a referendum
>on whether Alaska should secede from the United States. 

With the way the federal govt wants to rape and pillage her resource rich 
state, it is an understandable conclusion, particularly when the want to 
control access to the resources as well.  Association with the federal govt is 
a net loss to the state, unlike IL (with Chicago) which is a net gain... 
transfer payments etc.

Larry Miller

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Memo file is missing or invalid for some records (VFP9SP2)

2008-09-02 Thread MB Software Solutions General Account
I've identified 157 records in a table of about 172000 records where the
memo field is bad.  The other memo fields are fine, but not for these 157
records.  Is there any other option to fixing this other than doing a
REPLACE MyMemo with "" in MyTable for these records?  (Using a 3rd party
tool like Abri-Recover is not an optionbesides, Abri just cuts out the
cancer doesn't salvage those f-ed up values, iirc.)

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Re: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread Helio Wakasugui
If it was Obama, you all would be accusing him of high treason...and you
know it.


On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 11:07 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >The party has lobbied since the 1970s for the right to hold a referendum
> >on whether Alaska should secede from the United States.
> With the way the federal govt wants to rape and pillage her resource rich
> state, it is an understandable conclusion, particularly when the want to
> control access to the resources as well.  Association with the federal govt
> is a net loss to the state, unlike IL (with Chicago) which is a net gain...
> transfer payments etc.
> --
> Larry Miller
> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
> multipart/mixed
>   text/plain (text body -- kept)
>   message/rfc822
> ---
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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RE: Memo file is missing or invalid for some records (VFP9SP2)

2008-09-02 Thread John
I assume by "bad" you mean they have some bogus chars in there. I've cleaned
them up by doing a strtran() on the field and replacing the chr(0) or
whatever they might be with ''.


-Original Message-
Of MB Software Solutions General Account
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 9:23 AM
Subject: Memo file is missing or invalid for some records (VFP9SP2)

I've identified 157 records in a table of about 172000 records where the
memo field is bad.  The other memo fields are fine, but not for these 157
records.  Is there any other option to fixing this other than doing a
REPLACE MyMemo with "" in MyTable for these records?  (Using a 3rd party
tool like Abri-Recover is not an optionbesides, Abri just cuts out the
cancer doesn't salvage those f-ed up values, iirc.)

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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Re: [NF] Lifelike animation heralds new era for computer games

2008-09-02 Thread Alan Bourke
It is absolutely stunning. 
  Alan Bourke

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Re: Memo file is missing or invalid for some records (VFP9SP2)

2008-09-02 Thread Alan Bourke
Are they completely munged when you look at them in a browse window? 

Do you have a backup that you could use to at least stitch some of them
back in ?
  Alan Bourke

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RE: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread Bob Calco

> If it was Obama, you all would be accusing him of high treason...and
> you
> know it.

We already have a case for concern, IMO---Ongoing friendship and political
connections to Bill Ayers/Bernadine Dohrn + Rev. Wright's open preaching of
Black Liberation Theology and strange but longtime friendship with nation of
Islam leader Louis Farrakhan (two aspects of the controversy that are NEVER
mentioned in the newspapers). His Rezko connection isn't treason, just shows
the kind of people who have been supporting him since he was a lolely
"community organizer" in the tradition of Saul Alinsky.

Like I said, bring on the bogus Pat Buchanan affiliation and AIP membership
issues. We look forward to the issue of experience and past associations.


The media is more in-the-can for Obama than I have ever seen them in the can
for anybody--including (as she now knows too well) even Hillary. It's
shameful to see the so called journalist class become a propaganda wing for
a single candidate, just because he's black and gives a good speech.

In the past we of a more conservative persuasion suspected media bias. This
year, all pretense on their part has been thrown to the wind. Listening to
Chris Matthews talk about tingles going up his leg, or Olberman wondering
speculatively if he doesn't sound "too sycophantic" in his praise of Obama's
speech really tell the tale better than we can. But look at the headlines.

Note, the NYT has not one, not two, but THREE front page stories today about
Palin's daughter and so-called concerns about the "vetting process". Where
are their front page stories about Ayers when the Daley library finally
released the documents Kurtz was looking for, about Obama's work with him on
a left-wing not-for-profit organization? Where are their front page stories
about the $14 mil Obama siphoned to Rezko, or the money Rezko helped Obama
put down on his new mansion? Where are their front page stories about
Biden's son bilking millions through MBNA or whatever that Delaware credit
card company is that he works for?

Ed got all offended when Fox said the "VP ball was in McCain's Court" while
the others were just regurgitating what the AP put out... Fox used to be
more conservatively biased but lately they're the only network that treated
Hillary fairly (a fact with Fast Eddy Rendell even himself conceded during
the DNC last week). 

MSNBC makes Fox look like the epitome of journalistic objectivity this year.
And the NYT's biases are long a matter of demonstrable fact, not

And another example from CNN's Anderson Cooper last night:

COOPER: And, Senator Obama, my final question - your - some of your
Republican critics have said you don't have the experience to handle a
situation like this. They in fact have said that Governor Palin has more
executive experience, as mayor of a small town and as governor of a big
state of Alaska.  What's your response?

OBAMA: Well, you know, my understanding is, is that Governor Palin's town of
Wasilla has, I think, 50 employees. We have got 2,500 in this campaign. I
think their budget is maybe $12 million a year. You know, we have a budget
of about three times that just for the month.

So, I think that our ability to manage large systems and to execute, I
think, has been made clear over the last couple of years. And, certainly, in
terms of the legislation that I passed just dealing with this issue
post-Katrina of how we handle emergency management, the fact that many of my
recommendations were adopted and are being put in place as we speak, I
think, indicates the degree to which we can provide the kinds of support and
good service that the American people expect.

I know it's convenient to forget this, and Cooper, being the good journalist
he is, naturally forgot to correct him for de-emphasizing it so, uh, not
subtley: but she's not mayor of Wassila anymore she's Governor of Alaska.
Just for the record, Alaska's FY2008 operating budget is $11.2 billion, and
the state employs approximately 15,000 people.  Those certainly aren't huge
numbers in federal terms, but they're a good bit bigger than the Obama
campaign. Cooper knows this stuff, but did not correct him, or put the
emphasis back on her current work experience.

Now they're saying how his running of his campaign proves his executive

Well, when it's all you got I guess you got to run with it. :|

- Bob
> HW

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Re: [NF] Lifelike animation heralds new era for computer games

2008-09-02 Thread Michael Madigan
Come on, the video game creators will just have her head blown off with a 
shotgun anyway. LOL


--- On Tue, 9/2/08, Alan Bourke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Alan Bourke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [NF] Lifelike animation heralds new era for computer games
> To:
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 10:32 AM
> It is absolutely stunning. 
> -- 
>   Alan Bourke
> ___
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Re: [OT] More on the rising Police State in the US

2008-09-02 Thread Ed Leafe
On Aug 31, 2008, at 3:00 PM, John wrote:

> Nah, we really are. I lied. We have meetings and talk about new  
> tactics we
> can use to deprive people of their rights. . . .

Yes, you do. These plans are coordinated by the FBI, and are the  
result of the domestic spying program:
( -or- )

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
So here we have a massive assault led by Federal Government law  
enforcement agencies on left-wing dissidents and protesters who have  
committed no acts of violence or illegality whatsoever, preceded by  
months-long espionage efforts to track what they do. And as  
extraordinary as that conduct is, more extraordinary is the fact that  
they have received virtually no attention from the national media and  
little outcry from anyone. And it's not difficult to see why. As the  
recent "overhaul" of the 30-year-old FISA law illustrated -- preceded  
by the endless expansion of surveillance state powers, justified first  
by the War on Drugs and then the War on Terror -- we've essentially  
decided that we want our Government to spy on us without limits. There  
is literally no police power that the state can exercise that will  
cause much protest from the political and media class and, therefore,  
from the citizenry.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

They go on to compare these actions with those by the Chinese  
government during the recent Olympics:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
On August 2, The Post gravely warned:Behind the gray walls and barbed  
wire of the prison here, eight Chinese farmers with a grievance  
against the government have been consigned to Olympic limbo.
Their indefinite detainment, relatives and neighbors said, is the  
price they are paying for stirring up trouble as China prepares to  
host the Beijing Games. Trouble, the Communist Party has made clear,  
will not be permitted.
Would The Washington Post ever use such dark and accusatory tones to  
describe what the U.S. Government does? Of course it wouldn't. Yet how  
is our own Government's behavior in Minnesota any different than what  
the Chinese did to its protesters during the Olympics (other than the  
fact that we actually have a Constitution that prohibits such behavior)?
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
- -

And we have this extraordinary item about a group being held captive  
by police *before* they had a warrant:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Heres is the extraordinary blog item I linked to yesterday from Eileen  
Clancy, one of the founders of I-Witness Video -- a NYC-based video  
collective which is in St. Paul to document the policing of the  
protests around this week's Republican National Convention, just as  
they did at the 2004 GOP Convention in New York. Clancy wrote this as  
a plea for help, as the Police surrounded her house and (before they  
had a search warrant) told everyone inside that they'd be arrested if  
they exited the home:

This is Eileen Clancy . . . The house where I-Witness Video is staying  
in St. Paul has been surrounded by police. We have locked all the  
doors. We have been told that if we leave we will be detained. One of  
our people who was caught outside is being detained in handcuffs in  
front of the house. The police say that they are waiting to get a  
search warrant. More than a dozen police are wielding firearms,  
including one St. Paul officer with a long gun, which someone told me  
is an M-16.

We are suffering a preemptive video arrest. For those that don't know,  
I-Witness Video was remarkably successful in exposing police  
misconduct and outright perjury by police during the 2004 RNC. Out of  
1800 arrests, at least 400 were overturned based solely on video  
evidence which contradicted sworn statements which were fabricated by  
police officers. It seems that the house arrest we are now under and  
the possible threat of the seizure of our computers and video cameras  
is a result of the 2004 success.


That sounds like what it was: a cry for help from a hostage. Hours  
later, the Police finally obtained a search warrant -- for the wrong  
house, one adjacent to the house where they were being detained -- and  
nonetheless broke in, pointing guns, forced them to lay on the floor  
and handcuffed everyone inside (and handcuffed a National Lawyers  
Guild attorney outside). They searched the house, arrested nobody, and  
then left.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Police State is here and is running unchecked. None of you "good  
ol' boy" folksy "aw shucks" quips change that fact.

-- Ed Leafe

Post Messa

RE: [OT] Palin's Daughter IS pregnant

2008-09-02 Thread Michael Madigan
Who was that you were quoting?

Right Wing Mike

Bigfoot Hates Obama

I Wish Hillary had married OJ

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, Adam Buckland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Adam Buckland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: [OT] Palin's Daughter IS pregnant
> To: "ProFox Email List" 
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 6:10 AM
> " Facing justice at last. Two months probation for a
> DUI fatality wasn't
> near enough."
> " I hardly celebrate HIM or his final retirement, but
> justice on the
> other hand, is cause for celebration however it is
> achieved."
> No Michael, the archives show that you are wrong on this
> one...
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Michael Madigan
> Sent: 02 September 2008 01:48
> To: ProFox Email List
> Subject: Re: [OT] Palin's Daughter IS pregnant
> You're wrong on this one Vince.
> When Teddy Kennedy was diagnosed with brain cancer, no
> Republican danced
> with glee about that, so I'm sure no one would have
> danced with glee
> over this.
> I think if Bristol decided to have it sucked out through a
> tube, then
> there would have been a lot of discussion.
> ___
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Re: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread Michael Madigan
Oh how scandalous.

Right Wing Mike

Bigfoot Hates Obama

I Wish Hillary had married OJ

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, Adam Buckland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Adam Buckland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her
> To: "ProFox Email List" 
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 8:27 AM
> Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, was
> once a
> member of the Alaskan Independence Party, its officials
> have said.
> News of Mrs Palin's former membership comes as the
> latest in a string of
> potentially embarrassing disclosures about her past.
> The party has lobbied since the 1970s for the right to hold
> a referendum
> on whether Alaska should secede from the United States. Its
> motto,
> "Alaska First", contrasts sharply with the John
> McCain campaign slogan:
> "Country First."
> It seeks "the complete repatriation of the public
> lands, held by the
> federal government, to the state and people of Alaska"
> and aims to be
> "self-sufficient" by using profits from Alaskan
> oil and gas resources.
> It claims that the vote held in 1958 which led to Alaska
> becoming the
> 49th state of the US was corrupt and did not offer a proper
> choice.
> While it is thought that Mrs Palin officially left the
> party to become a
> Republican in 1996, she recorded an address for its
> convention EARLIER
> THIS YEAR  in which she said: "I share your
> party's vision of upholding
> the constitution of our great state" and told members
> to "keep up the
> good work".
> If this was Obama the right would be jumping up and down
> questioning her
> loyalty, calling her unfit for office, a traitor etc blah
> blah
> blah.. 
> Basically she's not proud to be an American, not fit to
> hold office
> especially the second highest in the land, what an
> embaressment!
> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
> multipart/alternative
>   text/plain (text body -- kept)
>   text/html
> ---
> ___
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Re: [OT] Wexler accuses Palin of wearing a Pat Buchanan button once

2008-09-02 Thread Michael Madigan
I hear Palin also brushed her teeth with the water running for many years.

Right Wing Mike

Bigfoot Hates Obama

I Wish Hillary had married OJ

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, Bob Calco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Bob Calco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [OT] Wexler accuses Palin of wearing a Pat Buchanan button once
> To: "'ProFox Email List'" 
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 8:27 AM
> - - -
> On Aug. 29, the Democratic Party issued a release quoting
> U.S. Rep. Robert
> Wexler (D-Fla.) as saying that McCain's pick was a
> "direct affront to all
> Jewish Americans" because of reports of Palin's
> past associations with
> Buchanan, who has long postulated that the pro-Israel lobby
> is inordinately
> influential and that Hitler might have been contained
> through peaceful
> means.
> Wexler's comments appear based on a 1999 report that
> Palin wore a Buchanan
> button during Buchanan's visit to Wasilla, the town she
> then led as mayor.
> At that time, however, Palin had written a letter to the
> local paper
> explaining that she wore campaign buttons as a matter of
> courtesy when
> candidates came to visit the town.
> Palin was an official of the campaign of Steve Forbes, who
> like Buchanan was
> contending for the Republican presidential nomination.
> - - -
> Let me get this straight.
> Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn hold Obama's first-ever
> political fundraiser
> in their home. Obama works with Ayers on a non-profit board
> for several
> years (his only real executive experience, actually). With
> the help of
> convicted felon Tony Rezko, Obama moves into the Hyde Park
> neighborhood
> where Ayers lives, and Jeremiah Wright (who recently gave
> Louis Farrakhan a
> "lifetime achievement award") just got his
> $1.6mil home, courtesy of the
> church Obama attended for 20 years. But we're not
> allowed to infer any kind
> of relationships or shared views there, no way, no how.
> Palin, on the other hand, greeted candidate Buchanan to her
> town as mayor
> when he was campaigning by wearing his pin (as was her
> custom, despite being
> a Forbes supporter), and from this we can conclude without
> a shadow of a
> doubt that she hates Israel.
> All-righty then
> I love it ... the Dems are going right to the experience
> and past
> associations issues that highlight what a lightweight Obama
> is like flies to
> a ... well you know. 
> Obama may be against all this, or he may be posturing to
> appear above the
> fray, but he's going to have one helluva time reigning
> these bozos in, and
> the effect of their behavior will not help him at all. Part
> of me suspects
> the hand of Hillary's political machine, subtly
> undermining Obama so she can
> run again in 2012.
> Not only is Palin a great choice, she's the perfect
> rope-a-dope for the
> worst instincts of the Democrat party's smear machine.
> - Bob
> ___
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RE: Memo file is missing or invalid for some records (VFP9SP2)

2008-09-02 Thread Dave Crozier
If you want an .app in VFP to call and repair the file then I have one on my

I have used it to repair files.

Please test out first on copy data though!

Dave Crozier

-Original Message-
Of MB Software Solutions General Account
Sent: 02 September 2008 15:23
Subject: Memo file is missing or invalid for some records (VFP9SP2)

I've identified 157 records in a table of about 172000 records where the
memo field is bad.  The other memo fields are fine, but not for these 157
records.  Is there any other option to fixing this other than doing a
REPLACE MyMemo with "" in MyTable for these records?  (Using a 3rd party
tool like Abri-Recover is not an optionbesides, Abri just cuts out the
cancer doesn't salvage those f-ed up values, iirc.)

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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Re: [OT] Ohio teen shot to death after egging car

2008-09-02 Thread Michael Madigan
I got hit with a chocolate milkshake on the windshield once and couldn't see 
anything for a few seconds.  Had I lost control I could have hit a tree, a pole 
or someone walking.

They should hang this article up in every classroom in America.

In a related article, it turns out this kid's father was a cop.  Why is a cop 
allowing his 16yo kid out at 3:00 AM?  Bad parenting.

Right Wing Mike

Bigfoot Hates Obama

I Wish Hillary had married OJ

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, Pete Theisen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Pete Theisen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [OT] Ohio teen shot to death after egging car
> To: "ProFox Email List" 
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 9:08 AM
> Michael Madigan wrote:
> > I have to side with the shooter on this one.
> > 
> >,2933,414545,00.html
> Hi Michael!
> I don't. Shooting someone is only justified when he/she
> is a threat to 
> life. The car/ owners will live with egg on them.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Pete
> ___
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Re: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread Michael Madigan
Since when is having a referendum treason?

Right Wing Mike

Bigfoot Hates Obama

I Wish Hillary had married OJ

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, Helio Wakasugui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Helio Wakasugui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her
> To: "ProFox Email List" 
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 10:11 AM
> If it was Obama, you all would be accusing him of high
> treason...and you
> know it.
> HW
> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 11:07 AM,
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > >The party has lobbied since the 1970s for the
> right to hold a referendum
> > >on whether Alaska should secede from the United
> States.
> >
> > With the way the federal govt wants to rape and
> pillage her resource rich
> > state, it is an understandable conclusion,
> particularly when the want to
> > control access to the resources as well.  Association
> with the federal govt
> > is a net loss to the state, unlike IL (with Chicago)
> which is a net gain...
> > transfer payments etc.
> >
> >
> > --
> > Larry Miller
> >
> >
> >
> > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
> > multipart/mixed
> >   text/plain (text body -- kept)
> >   message/rfc822
> > ---
> >
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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Re: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread Michael Madigan
Obama belonged to a racist church for 20 years, the equivalent to 20 years in 
the KKK, and only Fox News thought it was newsworthy.

Obama could rape a girl, get caught with crack and rob a liquor store at 
gunpoint and still the mainstream media woudn't cover it.

Right Wing Mike

Bigfoot Hates Obama

I Wish Hillary had married OJ

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, Charlie Coleman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Charlie Coleman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her
> To: "ProFox Email List" 
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 10:49 AM
> At 01:27 PM 9/2/2008 +0100, Adam Buckland wrote:
> >Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential
> candidate, was once a
> >member of the Alaskan Independence Party, its officials
> have said.
> >
> >News of Mrs Palin's former membership comes as the
> latest in a string of
> >potentially embarrassing disclosures about her past.
> ...
> This perked my interest so I did a quick search on links
> between the 
> Alaskan Independence Party and terrorism. I couldn't
> really find any (there 
> was one link that displayed and Alaskan "Terrorist
> Hunting Permit" - no bag 
> limit, no tagging required, etc. Pretty funny). But it
> seems the AIP is a 
> legit political party.
> So I'm not sure I see the crisis about the association
> with the AIP. The 
> party platform appears to be mainly focused on being able
> to vote on 
> Alaska's independence. Note that it's not
> "secede" from the US, it's the 
> right to vote on whether or not they could secede. In other
> words, the AIP 
> adheres to democratic principles to achieve it's goals.
> Side note: Apparently the desire to secede is not limited
> to Alaskans. I 
> think Vermont has recently passed some resolution on
> seceding from the US. 
> In some ways, I imagine probably all the smaller/less
> populated states have 
> many folks that would like to secede. They've probably
> had a lot of stuff 
> rammed down their throats that might make sense for
> sardine-packed cities, 
> but are stupid for spread out populations. Most folks I
> know in the 
> Mid-West think the Federal Gov has been insane for decades.
> But they do 
> respect what George W has been trying to do - they
> don't like how things 
> have turned out, but most understand why things are the way
> they are. It's 
> interesting that most of them have a better handle on the
> facts than the 
> "city-folk." Hmm...maybe being able to be out in
> a field, where you can 
> reason through things without being constantly pelted by
> biased media 
> sound-bites, helps you think more clearly. 
> Back to the topic at hand. I don't think the comparison
> between AIP and 
> Obama's friends (Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, etc) is
> very clever. It's 
> pretty obvious the AIP works within "legal"
> bounds while Obama's 
> mentors/friends/associations seem to have more violent and
> radical 
> aspirations. In fact, it seems like the AIP is even less
> radical than some 
> of the more widely known groups such as the Libertarian
> Party.
> Now, if it was found out that Palin has some friends that
> are, say, members 
> of the KKK, then yeah, that would truly be significant and
> comparable.
> -Charlie
> ___
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Re: [OT] More on the rising Police State in the US

2008-09-02 Thread Michael Madigan
The Muslims didn't create any violence, until they did.

Yesterday anarchists broke windows and set fires.   How did they get past this 
big bad dragnet?

clean out these douchebags now before they hurt someone.

Right Wing Mike

Bigfoot Hates Obama

I Wish Hillary had married OJ

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, Ed Leafe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Ed Leafe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [OT] More on the rising Police State in the US
> To: "ProFox Email List" 
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 10:56 AM
> On Aug 31, 2008, at 3:00 PM, John wrote:
> > Nah, we really are. I lied. We have meetings and talk
> about new  
> > tactics we
> > can use to deprive people of their rights. . . .
>   Yes, you do. These plans are coordinated by the FBI, and
> are the  
> result of the domestic spying program:
>   ( -or- )
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> - - - - - -
> So here we have a massive assault led by Federal Government
> law  
> enforcement agencies on left-wing dissidents and protesters
> who have  
> committed no acts of violence or illegality whatsoever,
> preceded by  
> months-long espionage efforts to track what they do. And as
> extraordinary as that conduct is, more extraordinary is the
> fact that  
> they have received virtually no attention from the national
> media and  
> little outcry from anyone. And it's not difficult to
> see why. As the  
> recent "overhaul" of the 30-year-old FISA law
> illustrated -- preceded  
> by the endless expansion of surveillance state powers,
> justified first  
> by the War on Drugs and then the War on Terror -- we've
> essentially  
> decided that we want our Government to spy on us without
> limits. There  
> is literally no police power that the state can exercise
> that will  
> cause much protest from the political and media class and,
> therefore,  
> from the citizenry.
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> - - - - - -
>   They go on to compare these actions with those by the
> Chinese  
> government during the recent Olympics:
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> - - - - - -
> On August 2, The Post gravely warned:Behind the gray walls
> and barbed  
> wire of the prison here, eight Chinese farmers with a
> grievance  
> against the government have been consigned to Olympic
> limbo.
> Their indefinite detainment, relatives and neighbors said,
> is the  
> price they are paying for stirring up trouble as China
> prepares to  
> host the Beijing Games. Trouble, the Communist Party has
> made clear,  
> will not be permitted.
> Would The Washington Post ever use such dark and accusatory
> tones to  
> describe what the U.S. Government does? Of course it
> wouldn't. Yet how  
> is our own Government's behavior in Minnesota any
> different than what  
> the Chinese did to its protesters during the Olympics
> (other than the  
> fact that we actually have a Constitution that prohibits
> such behavior)?
>   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> - - - - -  
> - -
>   And we have this extraordinary item about a group being
> held captive  
> by police *before* they had a warrant:
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> - - - - - -
> Heres is the extraordinary blog item I linked to yesterday
> from Eileen  
> Clancy, one of the founders of I-Witness Video -- a
> NYC-based video  
> collective which is in St. Paul to document the policing of
> the  
> protests around this week's Republican National
> Convention, just as  
> they did at the 2004 GOP Convention in New York. Clancy
> wrote this as  
> a plea for help, as the Police surrounded her house and
> (before they  
> had a search warrant) told everyone inside that they'd
> be arrested if  
> they exited the home:
> This is Eileen Clancy . . . The house where I-Witness Video
> is staying  
> in St. Paul has been surrounded by police. We have locked
> all the  
> doors. We have been told that if we leave we will be
> detained. One of  
> our people who was caught outside is being detained in
> handcuffs in  
> front of the house. The police say that they are waiting to
> get a  
> search warrant. More than a dozen police are wielding
> firearms,  
> including one St. Paul officer with a long gun, which
> someone told me  
> is an M-16.
> We are suffering a preemptive video arrest. For those that
> don't know,  
> I-Witness Video was remarkably successful in exposing
> police  
> misconduct and outright perjury by police during the 2004
> RNC. Out of  
> 1800 arrests, at least 400 were overturned based solely on
> video  
> evidence w

RE: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread John
Funny how Obama talked about how many employees the little town has, but
neglected to say that she has over 8,500 employees under her, as governor.
What an idiot, or a scam artist who is fooling fools.


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[NF] Helpful dual screen tips

2008-09-02 Thread David Smith
I recently took the plunge into using dual screen monitors and thought I'd
pass along a couple of hopefully-helpful tips .


Screen resolutions:  change the monitor driver from whatever the
manufacturer driver is to Generic PnP monitor. This pretty much doubled the
available screen resolutions available to me and allowed me to set the
monitors at a comfortable setting. 


Background images: check out
there is a free version here that allows you to use single or multiple
background images, have them automatically resize according to resolutions,
and more. Just a nice tool for setting up dual screens that Vista doesn't
have anything close to already built in. 


David Smith

Systems Administrator

Doan Family of Dealerships

(585) 352-6600 ext.1730



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RE: [NF] Helpful dual screen tips

2008-09-02 Thread Allen
My Nvidia drivers allow all that. Can have different pics on each display
and all. Also note many laptops can dual display with the addition of a
second monitor anyway.

-Original Message-
Behalf Of David Smith
Sent: 02 September 2008 17:21
Subject: [NF] Helpful dual screen tips

I recently took the plunge into using dual screen monitors and thought I'd
pass along a couple of hopefully-helpful tips .


Screen resolutions:  change the monitor driver from whatever the
manufacturer driver is to Generic PnP monitor. This pretty much doubled the
available screen resolutions available to me and allowed me to set the
monitors at a comfortable setting. 


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[OT] Dow Jones up 180, Oil below $107, Democrats in a panic! LOL

2008-09-02 Thread Michael Madigan
Dow Jones up 180, Oil below $107, Democrats in a panic! LOL

Right Wing Mike

Bigfoot Hates Obama

I Wish Hillary had married OJ

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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

RE: Memo file is missing or invalid for some records (VFP9SP2)

2008-09-02 Thread MB Software Solutions General Account
On Tue, September 2, 2008 10:16 am, John wrote:
> I assume by "bad" you mean they have some bogus chars in there. I've
> cleaned them up by doing a strtran() on the field and replacing the chr(0)
> or whatever they might be with ''.

No, by bad I meant VFP throws an error "Memo file is invalid" but only for
certain records.

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Re: Memo file is missing or invalid for some records (VFP9SP2)

2008-09-02 Thread MB Software Solutions General Account
On Tue, September 2, 2008 10:33 am, Alan Bourke wrote:
> Are they completely munged when you look at them in a browse window?
> Do you have a backup that you could use to at least stitch some of them
> back in ? --

They won't show in a browse window...VFP throws an error when you navigate
to that field.

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RE: Memo file is missing or invalid for some records (VFP9SP2)

2008-09-02 Thread Tracy Pearson
Doesn't that mean the pointer in the dbf to the memo position in the fpt is
invalid? This doesn't have a fix, just find the data from a backup, or
accept the loss.


-Original Message-
From: MB Software Solutions General Account
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 12:14 PM

On Tue, September 2, 2008 10:16 am, John wrote:
> I assume by "bad" you mean they have some bogus chars in there. I've 
> cleaned them up by doing a strtran() on the field and replacing the 
> chr(0) or whatever they might be with ''.

No, by bad I meant VFP throws an error "Memo file is invalid" but only for
certain records.

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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

RE: ADIR issues - short name vs long name

2008-09-02 Thread Tracy Pearson
I have never seen this behavior.
Why not acquire the short name in the loop, one at a time. See if the short
name is in the output of "dir -x".



-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2008 1:13 PM

I have a small application that converts word documents to htm files. They
are then placed on a win 2000 server that has win 3.11 machines connected to
it. (These machines use IE to browse above files in kiosk mode.) Therefore
to make sure that I can read all of the htm files, I use the short name of
the file as the link, copying the longname to the shortname to a directory
on the server and then create and index file to link it.

It seems that the short names do not link to the long names properly...

Code below

DIMENSION ProdLinks[ALEN(shortnames,1),2]
FOR y=1 TO ALEN(ShortNames,1)

The issue is that the shortnames do not match... the ones got via dir -x
sample dir listing

30/08/2008  18:28 7,498 1_1500~1.HTM 1_1500 KEVLAR.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 7,543 1-1100~1.HTM 1-1100 B PE 222.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 6,701 1-1100~2.HTM 1-1100 B PE 222A0.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 7,684 1-1100~3.HTM 1-1100 BLK PE 224.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 6,681 1-1100~4.HTM 1-1100 BLK PE 224A0.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 7,443 1-D8AC~1.HTM 1-1100 BRN PE 228.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 6,938 1-1F1E~1.HTM 1-1100 BRN PE 228A0.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 7,406 1-0DAA~1.HTM 1-1100 G PE 223.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 6,780 1-2121~1.HTM 1-1100 G PE 223A0.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 7,090 1-0D3D~1.HTM 1-1100 O PE 227.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 6,671 1-2966~1.HTM 1-1100 O PE 227A0.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 8,029 1-A70A~1.HTM 1-1100 PE 210.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 7,041 1-8ECC~1.HTM 1-1100 PE 210A0.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 7,456 1-E7B8~1.HTM 1-1100 PE HT 2111310.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 7,628 1-051D~1.HTM 1-1100 R PE 221.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 7,341 1-2556~1.HTM 1-1100 R PE 221A0.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 7,418 1-0997~1.HTM 1-1100 Y PE 226.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 6,680 1-379B~1.HTM 1-1100 Y PE 226A0.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 7,379 1-1350~1.HTM 1-1350 R PE 223.AO.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 7,970 1-1440~1.HTM 1-1440 PE 2131110.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 6,485 1-1440~2.HTM 1-1440 PE 2131110A0.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 6,455 1-1440~3.HTM 1-1440 PE 2131F10A0.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 7,158 1-1440~4.HTM 1-1440 PE 2531410.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 7,595 1-FDC7~1.HTM 1-1440-4 PE 2134410.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 7,370 1-FD78~1.HTM 1-1440-5 PE 2135410.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 6,896 1-1670~1.HTM 1-1670 KEV 246.htm
30/08/2008  18:23 6,910 1-940N~1.HTM 1-940 NY 2371320.htm
30/08/2008  18:30 8,088 2-1100~1.HTM 2-1100 PE 2112110.htm
30/08/2008  18:33 7,074 2-1100~2.HTM 2-1100 PE 2112110A0.htm
30/08/2008  18:33 6,983 2-1100~3.HTM 2-1100 R PE 2212111A0.htm
30/08/2008  18:33 7,957 2-1440~1.HTM 2-1440 PE 2132110.htm
30/08/2008  18:33 7,318 2-1440~2.HTM 2-1440 PE 2532110.htm
30/08/2008  18:33 8,006 2-1440~3.HTM 2-1440 PE LT 213201F.htm
30/08/2008  18:33 7,444 2-1670~1.HTM 2-1670 KEV 2492116.htm
30/08/2008  18:33 7,913 3-1100~1.HTM 3-1100 PE 2113310.htm
30/08/2008  18:33 7,112 3-1100~2.HTM 3-1100 PE 2513310.htm
30/08/2008  18:33 7,952 3-1440~1.HTM 3-1440 PE 2133310.htm

For example if you examine line 5, you may note the short file name is
1-1100~4, yet in my VFP app it is 1-065D~1. Notice there is NO file with
this as its short name in the list! Needless to say my links do not work.

Any ideas what is going on here?

Or is there a better way to get the short file name?


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[NF] Calling a web service

2008-09-02 Thread Al
Hi guys

I have a web service. It is a VS2008 web that has a VFP9 dll it uses for
data work. Ok that's the bit I can do ok.

I also have a web site in ASP.NET (vs2008). I want it to call the web
service. The problem is the URL must be stored in a table as the web service
will be deployed on multi servers. So I cannot use the import wsdl.

So my question is how to code ASP.NET (c#) to get to a web service. Its easy
in VFP, just use the wizard and type in the code but I cant seem to find how
to do it in c#

Help & TIA


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RE: [NF] Helpful dual screen tips

2008-09-02 Thread David Smith
On my old card ( GF4 MX4000 ) all new drivers from Nvidia were
'unsupported'. I did try some modified inf files, and they worked, but I
lost the dual screen ability. At that point, I tried to solve it in a
different way and came across the monitor driver solution. If I had a
semi-modern card than the Nvidia drivers would have worked great. 

David Smith
Systems Administrator
Doan Family of Dealerships
(585) 352-6600 ext.1730

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Allen
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 11:29 AM
Subject: RE: [NF] Helpful dual screen tips

My Nvidia drivers allow all that. Can have different pics on each display
and all. Also note many laptops can dual display with the addition of a
second monitor anyway.

-Original Message-
Behalf Of David Smith
Sent: 02 September 2008 17:21
Subject: [NF] Helpful dual screen tips

I recently took the plunge into using dual screen monitors and thought I'd
pass along a couple of hopefully-helpful tips .


Screen resolutions:  change the monitor driver from whatever the
manufacturer driver is to Generic PnP monitor. This pretty much doubled the
available screen resolutions available to me and allowed me to set the
monitors at a comfortable setting. 


[excessive quoting removed by server]

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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

Re: [OT] Wexler accuses Palin of wearing a Pat Buchanan button once

2008-09-02 Thread Vince Teachout
Michael Madigan wrote:
> I hear Palin also brushed her teeth with the water running for many years.
Again, I don't have a problem with whatever button she wears/wore.  My 
gripe is that that same type up thing done by Obamah is PROOF that he's 
an unfit candidate.  But the same thing done by a Republican candidate 
is just dandy.   I wouldn't be upset if people were upset about both, or 
didn't care about both.  In any event, I'm breaking my own rules by 
"contributing" to a "political" discussion, so after responding to 
something Bob wrote (he's really, really good at pushing my buttons), 
I'll get back to work, and see if I can wrap up this project that was 
due... uhm... Friday...

>> Let me get this straight.
>> Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn hold Obama's first-ever
>> political fundraiser
>> in their home. Obama works with Ayers on a non-profit board
>> for several
>> years (his only real executive experience, actually). With
>> the help of
>> convicted felon Tony Rezko, Obama moves into the Hyde Park
>> neighborhood
>> where Ayers lives, and Jeremiah Wright (who recently gave
>> Louis Farrakhan a
>> "lifetime achievement award") just got his
>> $1.6mil home, courtesy of the
>> church Obama attended for 20 years. But we're not
>> allowed to infer any kind
>> of relationships or shared views there, no way, no how.

HUH!!  You've done absolutely nothing BUT do that!  But the 
first time it's turned around on you - SQUEAL!

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RE: Memo file is missing or invalid for some records (VFP9SP2)

2008-09-02 Thread MB Software Solutions General Account
On Tue, September 2, 2008 12:02 pm, Tracy Pearson wrote:
> Doesn't that mean the pointer in the dbf to the memo position in the fpt
> is invalid? This doesn't have a fix, just find the data from a backup, or
> accept the loss.

Yep...that's what I thought as well.  Just wanted a 2nd opinion.

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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

Re: VFP9 SP1 vfpencryption.flll problem

2008-09-02 Thread KAM.covad
What is the 71 version?

For now, I am using the cypher50 version that is on many FTP sites including 
the Leafe site. It does not have AES 256, but I don't
have any government secrets to protect.

- Original Message - 
From: "Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2008 12:55 AM
Subject: RE: VFP9 SP1 vfpencryption.flll problem

My advice is to use the 71 version. The other version relies on hard to find
runtimes. The 71 has a good change of runtimes already being there and
anyway is only 2 dll's.

-Original Message-
Behalf Of KAM.covad
Sent: 29 August 2008 22:32
Subject: VFP9 SP1 vfpencryption.flll problem

I am using VFP9 SP1

vfpencryption.fll was recommended by someone on this list. I have been
working with it and found it to be very good.

Today, I tried to use it on Windows 2003 server and I get "API error". I
installed the C++ libraries that are needed and it still does not work. the
vfpconnection.fll works fine. Anyone have a work around?

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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Re: [OT] Wexler accuses Palin of wearing a Pat Buchanan button once

2008-09-02 Thread Michael Madigan
Why would anybody be upset with her supporting Pat Buchanon?  It's not like Par 
is a terrorist.

Right Wing Mike

Bigfoot Hates Obama

I Wish Hillary had married OJ

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, Vince Teachout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Vince Teachout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [OT] Wexler accuses Palin of wearing a Pat Buchanan button once
> To: "ProFox Email List" 
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 12:25 PM
> Michael Madigan wrote:
> > I hear Palin also brushed her teeth with the water
> running for many years.
> >
> >
> >   
> Again, I don't have a problem with whatever button she
> wears/wore.  My 
> gripe is that that same type up thing done by Obamah is
> PROOF that he's 
> an unfit candidate.  But the same thing done by a
> Republican candidate 
> is just dandy.   I wouldn't be upset if people were
> upset about both, or 
> didn't care about both.  In any event, I'm breaking
> my own rules by 
> "contributing" to a "political"
> discussion, so after responding to 
> something Bob wrote (he's really, really good at
> pushing my buttons), 
> I'll get back to work, and see if I can wrap up this
> project that was 
> due... uhm... Friday...
> >> Let me get this straight.
> >>
> >> Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn hold Obama's
> first-ever
> >> political fundraiser
> >> in their home. Obama works with Ayers on a
> non-profit board
> >> for several
> >> years (his only real executive experience,
> actually). With
> >> the help of
> >> convicted felon Tony Rezko, Obama moves into the
> Hyde Park
> >> neighborhood
> >> where Ayers lives, and Jeremiah Wright (who
> recently gave
> >> Louis Farrakhan a
> >> "lifetime achievement award") just got
> his
> >> $1.6mil home, courtesy of the
> >> church Obama attended for 20 years. But we're
> not
> >> allowed to infer any kind
> >> of relationships or shared views there, no way, no
> how.
> >>
> >> 
> HUH!!  You've done absolutely nothing BUT do
> that!  But the 
> first time it's turned around on you - SQUEAL!
> ___
> Post Messages to:
> Subscription Maintenance:
> OT-free version of this list:
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> This message:
> ** All postings, unless explicitly stated otherwise, are
> the opinions of the author, and do not constitute legal or
> medical advice. This statement is added to the messages for
> those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

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[OT] Drunk Joe Biden singing "the Villages" theme.

2008-09-02 Thread Michael Madigan

Right Wing Mike

Bigfoot Hates Obama

I Wish Hillary had married OJ

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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

RE: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread Bob Calco
The allegation is not true:

- - -
While the press scrambles to report on the process by which Governor
Palin was offered the second spot on the Republican ticket, New York Times
reporter Elisabeth Bumiller has opted instead to make up her own version of
events. As the AP reports, "Sarah Palin voluntarily told John McCain's
campaign about her pregnant teenage daughter and her husband's 2-decade-old
DUI arrest during questioning as part of the Republican's vice presidential
search, the lawyer who conducted the background review said." Yet according
to Bumiller, yesterday's disclosures "called into question" how thoroughly
Governor Palin had been vetted. Why the discrepancy? It seems one reporter
actually reported the story, while Bumiller made up her own. .

And Bumiller writes that Governor Palin "was a member for two years in
the 1990s of the Alaska Independence Party." Not true, and unsourced.
Governor Palin has been a registered Republican since 1982.


A day after ABC News requested a response from Palin as to whether she
was ever a member of the AIP, McCain campain spox Brian Rogers told ABC News
that Clark's "allegations are false."

"Governor Palin has been a registered Republican since 1982," Rogers
says, providing some voter registration documentation showing her to be a
Republican. "As you know, if she changed her registration, there would have
been some record of it. There isn't."

Rogers says the McCain campaign provided ABC News with all the voter
registration information that exists. Rogers says that Palin didn't attend
the AIP convention in 1994, "but she visited them when they had their
convention in Wasilla in 2000 as a courtesy since she was mayor."

He would not comment as to why AIP officials are so convinced Palin was
a member of their party. When asked if Palin ever identified herself as a
member of the AIP, Rogers said, "No, she's a lifelong Republican."
- - -

Unless you have some sourcing for the claim she was a member of the party,
it's been refuted by actual records.

I still think it wouldn't have been such a big deal (least of all compared
to Barry's past affiliations) but we don't have to concede the truth of this
allegation, it appears to be completely baseless.

So let's summarize the "case" against Palin's "vetting process":

* She faked her last pregnancy to protect her image from the Awful Truth
about Bristol (Debunked)
* She hid The Awful Truth about Bristol (Debunked, McCain was aware of it
when he chose her)
* The Awful Truth about Bristol is Really Awful (False, most evangelicals
can relate to the situation and admire both her and her mother's choice to
raise the baby and marry the father)
* She didn't tell McCain she was part of some supposedly Alaskan separatist
party (Debunked, all records indicate she was a lifelong member of the
Republican party)
* She didn't tell McCain the Awful Truth about 'Troopergate'(False, she did
tell McCain about the baseless allegations and has welcomed a full
investigation about them to clear her name)

Who vets these so-called journalists, I wonder?

- Bob

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Adam Buckland
> Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 8:27 AM
> To: ProFox Email List
> Subject: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her
> Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, was once a
> member of the Alaskan Independence Party, its officials have said.
> News of Mrs Palin's former membership comes as the latest in a string
> of
> potentially embarrassing disclosures about her past.
> The party has lobbied since the 1970s for the right to hold a
> referendum
> on whether Alaska should secede from the United States. Its motto,
> "Alaska First", contrasts sharply with the John McCain campaign slogan:
> "Country First."
> It seeks "the complete repatriation of the public lands, held by the
> federal government, to the state and people of Alaska" and aims to be
> "self-sufficient" by using profits from Alaskan oil and gas resources.
> It claims that the vote held in 1958 which led to Alaska becoming the
> 49th state of the US was corrupt and did not offer a proper choice.
> While it is thought that Mrs Palin officially left the party to become
> a
> Republican in 1996, she recorded an address for its convention EARLIER
> THIS YEAR  in which she said: "I share your party's vision of upholding
> the constitution of our great state" and told members to "keep up the
> good work".
> If this was Obama the right would be jumping up and down questioning
> her
> loyalty, calling her unfit for office, a traitor etc blah blah
> blah..
> Basically she's not proud to be an American, not fit to hold office
> especially the second highest in the land, what an embaressment!

RE: VFP9 SP1 vfpencryption.flll problem

2008-09-02 Thread Allen
Because of problems with runtimes Craig wrote a version in the 7.1 runtimes.
It's the same runtime I think VFP9 uses and is easier to install on other
machines than the later version. Other than that I think they are the same.
Both versions are on  the sweatpotato  website

-Original Message-
Behalf Of KAM.covad
Sent: 02 September 2008 18:41
Subject: Re: VFP9 SP1 vfpencryption.flll problem

What is the 71 version?

For now, I am using the cypher50 version that is on many FTP sites including
the Leafe site. It does not have AES 256, but I don't have any government
secrets to protect.

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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

RE: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread Michael Madigan
What someone should do is spew made up stuff about these "journalists" and see 
how they react.  Either that or follow these creeps around and report on their 
real shortcomings.  Like who is Maureen Dowd sleeping with, or did Liz Bumiller 
have an abortion.  wouldn't that be something.

Right Wing Mike

Bigfoot Hates Obama

I Wish Hillary had married OJ

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, Bob Calco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Bob Calco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her
> To: "'ProFox Email List'" 
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 1:07 PM
> The allegation is not true:
> - - -
> While the press scrambles to report on the process by
> which Governor
> Palin was offered the second spot on the Republican ticket,
> New York Times
> reporter Elisabeth Bumiller has opted instead to make up
> her own version of
> events. As the AP reports, "Sarah Palin voluntarily
> told John McCain's
> campaign about her pregnant teenage daughter and her
> husband's 2-decade-old
> DUI arrest during questioning as part of the
> Republican's vice presidential
> search, the lawyer who conducted the background review
> said." Yet according
> to Bumiller, yesterday's disclosures "called into
> question" how thoroughly
> Governor Palin had been vetted. Why the discrepancy? It
> seems one reporter
> actually reported the story, while Bumiller made up her
> own. .
> And Bumiller writes that Governor Palin "was a
> member for two years in
> the 1990s of the Alaska Independence Party." Not true,
> and unsourced.
> Governor Palin has been a registered Republican since 1982.
> ...
> A day after ABC News requested a response from Palin as
> to whether she
> was ever a member of the AIP, McCain campain spox Brian
> Rogers told ABC News
> that Clark's "allegations are false."
> "Governor Palin has been a registered Republican
> since 1982," Rogers
> says, providing some voter registration documentation
> showing her to be a
> Republican. "As you know, if she changed her
> registration, there would have
> been some record of it. There isn't."
> Rogers says the McCain campaign provided ABC News with
> all the voter
> registration information that exists. Rogers says that
> Palin didn't attend
> the AIP convention in 1994, "but she visited them when
> they had their
> convention in Wasilla in 2000 as a courtesy since she was
> mayor."
> He would not comment as to why AIP officials are so
> convinced Palin was
> a member of their party. When asked if Palin ever
> identified herself as a
> member of the AIP, Rogers said, "No, she's a
> lifelong Republican."
> - - -
> Unless you have some sourcing for the claim she was a
> member of the party,
> it's been refuted by actual records.
> I still think it wouldn't have been such a big deal
> (least of all compared
> to Barry's past affiliations) but we don't have to
> concede the truth of this
> allegation, it appears to be completely baseless.
> So let's summarize the "case" against
> Palin's "vetting process":
> * She faked her last pregnancy to protect her image from
> the Awful Truth
> about Bristol (Debunked)
> * She hid The Awful Truth about Bristol (Debunked, McCain
> was aware of it
> when he chose her)
> * The Awful Truth about Bristol is Really Awful (False,
> most evangelicals
> can relate to the situation and admire both her and her
> mother's choice to
> raise the baby and marry the father)
> * She didn't tell McCain she was part of some
> supposedly Alaskan separatist
> party (Debunked, all records indicate she was a lifelong
> member of the
> Republican party)
> * She didn't tell McCain the Awful Truth about
> 'Troopergate'(False, she did
> tell McCain about the baseless allegations and has welcomed
> a full
> investigation about them to clear her name)
> Who vets these so-called journalists, I wonder?
> - Bob
> > -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> > Behalf Of Adam Buckland
> > Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 8:27 AM
> > To: ProFox Email List
> > Subject: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it
> suits her
> > 
> > Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential
> candidate, was once a
> > member of the Alaskan Independence Party, its
> officials have said.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > News of Mrs Palin's former membership comes as the
> latest in a string
> > of
> > potentially embarrassing disclosures about her past.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > The party has lobbied since the 1970s for the right to
> hold a
> > referendum
> > on whether Alaska should secede from the United
> States. Its motto,
> > "Alaska First", contrasts sharply wi

[NF] Whither Firefox 3??

2008-09-02 Thread Kenneth Kixmoeller/fh
Hi, folks -- - --- -

Sorta back from an extended family vacation - - trying to work my way  
through the 719,053-item "to do" list from my main current client...

Quick question: when FireFox 3 first came out, many of you said  
"Wait" -- that there were still issues to be resolved. Have there  
been patches? I believe some of you said some of the key odd-ons  
(like the developers' toolbar) hadn't caught up with the new version  

How about now? Any downside to upgrading? OTOH, are there any  
compelling reasons to do the upgrade, even if there are still some  



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[NF] Chrome available?

2008-09-02 Thread Vince Teachout
I'm been hearing that the release day is today, I've read the comic book 
(and drank the koolaid).  Has anyone seen a download link, yet?

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Re: [NF] Whither Firefox 3?? Google browser?

2008-09-02 Thread KAM.covad
I haven't seen any mention of the Google browser?

- Original Message - 
From: "Kenneth Kixmoeller/fh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Profox" 
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 10:33 AM
Subject: [NF] Whither Firefox 3??

Hi, folks -- - --- -

Sorta back from an extended family vacation - - trying to work my way
through the 719,053-item "to do" list from my main current client...

Quick question: when FireFox 3 first came out, many of you said
"Wait" -- that there were still issues to be resolved. Have there
been patches? I believe some of you said some of the key odd-ons
(like the developers' toolbar) hadn't caught up with the new version

How about now? Any downside to upgrading? OTOH, are there any
compelling reasons to do the upgrade, even if there are still some



[excessive quoting removed by server]

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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

Re: VFP9 SP1 vfpencryption.flll problem

2008-09-02 Thread KAM.covad
I was using the vfp9 runtimes when I got the error.

- Original Message - 
From: "Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 10:11 AM
Subject: RE: VFP9 SP1 vfpencryption.flll problem

Because of problems with runtimes Craig wrote a version in the 7.1 runtimes.
It's the same runtime I think VFP9 uses and is easier to install on other
machines than the later version. Other than that I think they are the same.
Both versions are on  the sweatpotato  website

-Original Message-
Behalf Of KAM.covad
Sent: 02 September 2008 18:41
Subject: Re: VFP9 SP1 vfpencryption.flll problem

What is the 71 version?

For now, I am using the cypher50 version that is on many FTP sites including
the Leafe site. It does not have AES 256, but I don't have any government
secrets to protect.

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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Re: [NF] Chrome available?

2008-09-02 Thread Michael Madigan
I can't find the download link yet either.


--- On Tue, 9/2/08, Vince Teachout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Vince Teachout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [NF] Chrome available?
> To: "ProFox Email List" 
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 1:37 PM
> I'm been hearing that the release day is today, I've
> read the comic book 
> (and drank the koolaid).  Has anyone seen a download link,
> yet?
> ___
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> OT-free version of this list:
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> those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

RE: VFP9 SP1 vfpencryption.flll problem

2008-09-02 Thread Allen
Ok but are you using the 71 version or the later runtime version (8 I
think). The 71 has the name vfpencryption71.fll

-Original Message-
Behalf Of KAM.covad
Sent: 02 September 2008 19:41
Subject: Re: VFP9 SP1 vfpencryption.flll problem

I was using the vfp9 runtimes when I got the error.

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Re: [NF] Calling a web service

2008-09-02 Thread Stephen Russell
On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 11:10 AM, Al <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys
> I have a web service. It is a VS2008 web that has a VFP9 dll it uses for
> data work. Ok that's the bit I can do ok.
> I also have a web site in ASP.NET (vs2008). I want it to call the web
> service. The problem is the URL must be stored in a table as the web service
> will be deployed on multi servers. So I cannot use the import wsdl.

My code that does this:

// my service so I exposed ie to the web system. = new ProductionShippingServiceClient();

You could have also done a WebReference for
ProductionShippingServiceClient(); as well.

string barcode = TextBox1.Text;
// give me an IEnuramable list  
packagelist =;


Stephen Russell
Sr. Production Systems Programmer
Memphis TN


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[OT] Son diagnosed with ADHD and depression

2008-09-02 Thread MB Software Solutions General Account
My wife hands me a sandwich bag full of pills and says that my son was
diagnosed with ADHD and depression.  The depression is no surprise to me. 
He had a great life with his dad there, and since the divorce his life has
been rocked.  The ADHD is because he apparently has a hard time focusing. 
I'm wondering if they're related (iow, he can't focus because his f*cking
mother nearly destroyed all of our lives in order for her own
selfishness).  Sorry...on a tangent there.  (I hope she gets what she
deserves, and deserves what she gets very very soon.  I'm glad--and so
should she be--that I'm not the judge up in the heavens.)

If you've had experiences in this area with your children, email me
offline.  I'd like to talk about things I might try to help him.


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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

Re: VFP9 SP1 vfpencryption.flll problem

2008-09-02 Thread MB Software Solutions General Account
On Tue, September 2, 2008 12:40 pm, KAM.covad wrote:
> What is the 71 version?
> For now, I am using the cypher50 version that is on many FTP sites
> including the Leafe site. It does not have AES 256, but I don't have any
> government secrets to protect.

I used cipher50.fll for years too for the exact same reasons...very simple
lightweight encryption...good for keeping out the novice hack.

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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

Re: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread Leland F. Jackson, CPA
Senator John McCain really wanted to pick Joe Lieberman as his VP 
Running mate, but polling on Lieberman as VP indicated that could result 
in serious heartburn brought on by the Religious Righters during the 
convention.  The Religious Righters justification for objecting to 
Senator Joe Lieberman as VP was Joe's support for leaving the abortion 
decision in the hand of the mother, rather than in the hands of the 
state, but I think there was additional deep seeded resentment from the 
Religious Righters regarding Joe Liebermans race and religious affiliation.

Another logical choice would have been Mitt Romney, but again he would 
not sit well with the Religious Righters, and McCain's comment during 
the primaries, about the only change coming from Mitt Romney would be 
his stance the positions, kind of threw cold water on any chance of that 
ever working out.  I believe Senaor Mick Huckabee, a southern baptist, 
was in the Republican primaries mainly to protect the Religious Righter 
for having Mitt Romney win the nomination.

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson, R, Texas wouldn't touch the McCain ticket 
with a ten foot pole.   Kay justification was her intention to run for 
governor of Texas, and if successful, perhaps seek the presidency in 8 

In shot Senator McCain was having all kinds of trouble coming up with a 
VP running mate that was acceptable all around; hence, the selection of 
Governor Sarah Palin, R, Alaska at the last minute.

As controversial as Governor Palin is turning out to be, I wonder if 
it's too late for McCain to have her resign from the ticket, so he can 
bring Senator Joe Lieberman on board???  LOL



Michael Madigan wrote:
> What someone should do is spew made up stuff about these "journalists" and 
> see how they react.  Either that or follow these creeps around and report on 
> their real shortcomings.  Like who is Maureen Dowd sleeping with, or did Liz 
> Bumiller have an abortion.  wouldn't that be something.
> Right Wing Mike
> Bigfoot Hates Obama
> I Wish Hillary had married OJ
> --- On Tue, 9/2/08, Bob Calco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> From: Bob Calco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: RE: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her
>> To: "'ProFox Email List'" 
>> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 1:07 PM
>> The allegation is not true:
>> - - -
>> While the press scrambles to report on the process by
>> which Governor
>> Palin was offered the second spot on the Republican ticket,
>> New York Times
>> reporter Elisabeth Bumiller has opted instead to make up
>> her own version of
>> events. As the AP reports, "Sarah Palin voluntarily
>> told John McCain's
>> campaign about her pregnant teenage daughter and her
>> husband's 2-decade-old
>> DUI arrest during questioning as part of the
>> Republican's vice presidential
>> search, the lawyer who conducted the background review
>> said." Yet according
>> to Bumiller, yesterday's disclosures "called into
>> question" how thoroughly
>> Governor Palin had been vetted. Why the discrepancy? It
>> seems one reporter
>> actually reported the story, while Bumiller made up her
>> own. .
>> And Bumiller writes that Governor Palin "was a
>> member for two years in
>> the 1990s of the Alaska Independence Party." Not true,
>> and unsourced.
>> Governor Palin has been a registered Republican since 1982.
>> ...
>> A day after ABC News requested a response from Palin as
>> to whether she
>> was ever a member of the AIP, McCain campain spox Brian
>> Rogers told ABC News
>> that Clark's "allegations are false."
>> "Governor Palin has been a registered Republican
>> since 1982," Rogers
>> says, providing some voter registration documentation
>> showing her to be a
>> Republican. "As you know, if she changed her
>> registration, there would have
>> been some record of it. There isn't."
>> Rogers says the McCain campaign provided ABC News with
>> all the voter
>> registration information that exists. Rogers says that
>> Palin didn't attend
>> the AIP convention in 1994, "but she visited them when
>> they had their
>> convention in Wasilla in 2000 as a courtesy since she was
>> mayor."
>> He would not comment as to why AIP officials are so
>> convinced Palin was
>> a member of their party. When asked if Palin ever
>> identified herself as a
>> member of the AIP, Rogers said, "No, she's a
>> lifelong Republican."
>> - - -
>> Unless you have some sourcing for the claim she was a
>> member of the party,
>> it's been refuted by actual records.
>> I still think it wouldn't have

Re: [OT] Dow Jones up 180, Oil below $107, Democrats in a panic! LOL

2008-09-02 Thread Leland F. Jackson, CPA
The Dow Jones was only up 9.93 based on my watch list email time stamped 
at 1:30 PM, so DJ can turn on a dime.   Price of oil is down $3 to $5 
depending on what market your watching.



Michael Madigan wrote:
> Dow Jones up 180, Oil below $107, Democrats in a panic! LOL
> Right Wing Mike
> Bigfoot Hates Obama
> I Wish Hillary had married OJ
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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Re: [OT] Dow Jones up 180, Oil below $107, Democrats in a panic! LOL

2008-09-02 Thread Vince Teachout

> Michael Madigan wrote:
>> Dow Jones up 180, Oil below $107, Democrats in a panic! LOL

Wow.  Happy times are here again!  Is it ok if I post "Down Jones Down 
$X, Oil Up above $X, Republicans in a Panic! LOL"  everytime that 
happens, as well?  If so, do you mind if I use an automated script?  I 
think I'm starting to get Carpal's, and don't want to aggravate it.

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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

Re: [OT] Dow Jones up 180, Oil below $107, Democrats in a panic! LOL

2008-09-02 Thread Michael Madigan
I know how you got carpal tunnel, and it ain't from typing. LOL

Right Wing Mike

Bigfoot Hates Obama

I Wish Hillary had married OJ

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, Vince Teachout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Vince Teachout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [OT] Dow Jones up 180, Oil below $107, Democrats in a panic! LOL
> To: "ProFox Email List" 
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 3:03 PM
> > Michael Madigan wrote:
> >   
> >> Dow Jones up 180, Oil below $107, Democrats in a
> panic! LOL
> >> 
> Wow.  Happy times are here again!  Is it ok if I post
> "Down Jones Down 
> $X, Oil Up above $X, Republicans in a Panic! LOL" 
> everytime that 
> happens, as well?  If so, do you mind if I use an automated
> script?  I 
> think I'm starting to get Carpal's, and don't
> want to aggravate it.
> ___
> Post Messages to:
> Subscription Maintenance:
> OT-free version of this list:
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> This message:
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> the opinions of the author, and do not constitute legal or
> medical advice. This statement is added to the messages for
> those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

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Re: [OT] Dow Jones up 180, Oil below $107, Democrats in a panic! LOL

2008-09-02 Thread Michael Madigan
On a serious note, if you really have carpal tunnel, take vitamin B6, it makes 
a huge difference with carpal tunnel.  I developed a minor case one time when I 
was doing a lot of drawing with a mouse.  Taking B6 had it feeling much better 
in no time.

Right Wing Mike

Bigfoot Hates Obama

I Wish Hillary had married OJ

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, Vince Teachout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Vince Teachout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [OT] Dow Jones up 180, Oil below $107, Democrats in a panic! LOL
> To: "ProFox Email List" 
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 3:03 PM
> > Michael Madigan wrote:
> >   
> >> Dow Jones up 180, Oil below $107, Democrats in a
> panic! LOL
> >> 
> Wow.  Happy times are here again!  Is it ok if I post
> "Down Jones Down 
> $X, Oil Up above $X, Republicans in a Panic! LOL" 
> everytime that 
> happens, as well?  If so, do you mind if I use an automated
> script?  I 
> think I'm starting to get Carpal's, and don't
> want to aggravate it.
> ___
> Post Messages to:
> Subscription Maintenance:
> OT-free version of this list:
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> This message:
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> the opinions of the author, and do not constitute legal or
> medical advice. This statement is added to the messages for
> those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

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Re: [OT] Dow Jones up 180, Oil below $107, Democrats in a panic! LOL

2008-09-02 Thread Vince Teachout
Michael Madigan wrote:
> I know how you got carpal tunnel, and it ain't from typing. LOL
Hey!  I'm not the one that posted the link to  I 
just had to go and verify that it was a working link, that's all

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Re: [OT] Dow Jones up 180, Oil below $107, Democrats in a panic! LOL

2008-09-02 Thread Vince Teachout
Michael Madigan wrote:
> On a serious note, if you really have carpal tunnel, take vitamin B6, it 
> makes a huge difference with carpal tunnel.  I developed a minor case one 
> time when I was doing a lot of drawing with a mouse.  Taking B6 had it 
> feeling much better in no time.
Thanks, I'll keep it in mind.  I'm not really sure WHAT this is, really, 
but at least it doesn't seem to be getting worse.  Thanks for the link, 
too - right up my alley.

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Chrome's Up!

2008-09-02 Thread Vince Teachout

Downloading mine now.

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[NF] Chrome's Up!

2008-09-02 Thread Vince Teachout
Should have been NF - sorry!

Downloading mine now.

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Re: [NF] Chrome's Up!

2008-09-02 Thread Vince Teachout
Ooooh! Shiny, pretty toy!   I was impressed right off the bat where it 
stopped and gave you the OPTION to load your firefox settings - unlike 
some browsers that ASSUME things...

Very, very, fast, and I like how multiple images load.  Off to play with 
my new toy...

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Re: [NF] Chrome's Up!

2008-09-02 Thread Helio Wakasugui
All this excitement for a web browser?

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 5:27 PM, Vince Teachout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ooooh! Shiny, pretty toy!   I was impressed right off the bat where it
> stopped and gave you the OPTION to load your firefox settings - unlike
> some browsers that ASSUME things...
> Very, very, fast, and I like how multiple images load.  Off to play with
> my new toy...
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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Re: [NF] Chrome's Up!

2008-09-02 Thread Vince Teachout
Helio Wakasugui wrote:
> All this excitement for a web browser?
> HW
Sure!  Come Helio, join us.  Become one with us.  It doesn't hurt.  
It's... peaceful.

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Re: [NF] Chrome's Up!

2008-09-02 Thread Helio Wakasugui
I already downloaded it. :-)
It's fast. But it looks like it's another memory hog.


On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 5:40 PM, Vince Teachout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Helio Wakasugui wrote:
> > All this excitement for a web browser?
> > HW
> Sure!  Come Helio, join us.  Become one with us.  It doesn't hurt.
> It's... peaceful.
> :-)
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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RE: [NF] Helpful dual screen tips

2008-09-02 Thread Sietse Wijnker
An additional VFP tip:
Show the project manager outside your VFP IDE on the 2nd monitor:

ACTIVATE WINDOW 'Project Manager - Projectname' IN MACDESKTOP

Sietse Wijnker

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Namens David Smith
Verzonden: dinsdag 2 september 2008 17:21
Onderwerp: [NF] Helpful dual screen tips

I recently took the plunge into using dual screen monitors and thought I'd
pass along a couple of hopefully-helpful tips .


Screen resolutions:  change the monitor driver from whatever the
manufacturer driver is to Generic PnP monitor. This pretty much doubled the
available screen resolutions available to me and allowed me to set the
monitors at a comfortable setting. 


Background images: check out
there is a free version here that allows you to use single or multiple
background images, have them automatically resize according to resolutions,
and more. Just a nice tool for setting up dual screens that Vista doesn't
have anything close to already built in. 


David Smith

Systems Administrator

Doan Family of Dealerships

(585) 352-6600 ext.1730



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Re: [NF] Chrome's Up!

2008-09-02 Thread Brian Erickson
My biggest issue with it is to add a proxy setting you have to do it 
through Internet properties, IE settings.  the biggest advantage for me 
to have a different browser is to have one of them go through a proxy 
and the other to not use the proxy.  Strike one for me.

Vince Teachout wrote:
> Should have been NF - sorry!
> Downloading mine now.
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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2008-09-02 Thread Sytze de Boer
A year ago, I downloaded Guineu with a view to creating tiny apps for bar
code readers.I didn't finish the project, for various reasons.

I now have a client who is absolutely desperate for exactly such an
>From memory, my only difficulty was getting the program onto the Bar code
reader (Windows CE)

Is there anybody here using Guineu ?
If so, can I call on you if I need to ?

Sytze de Boer
Kiss Systems
Ph: 64-7-8391670, Mob:021 937611,
Skype: kissman2

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Re: Guineu

2008-09-02 Thread MB Software Solutions General Account
On Tue, September 2, 2008 4:02 pm, Sytze de Boer wrote:
> A year ago, I downloaded Guineu with a view to creating tiny apps for bar
>  code readers.I didn't finish the project, for various reasons.
> I now have a client who is absolutely desperate for exactly such an
> application
>> From memory, my only difficulty was getting the program onto the Bar
>> code
> reader (Windows CE)
> Is there anybody here using Guineu ?
> If so, can I call on you if I need to ?


It'd be great to set up a forum like Ed has for this kind of stuff.  


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RE: [NF] Calling a web service

2008-09-02 Thread Allen
Thanks Steve
Problem is the web service could be anywhere. So there is no web reference
at all. All I know from the table, is the url and of course the services

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Stephen Russell

My code that does this:

// my service so I exposed ie to the web system. = new ProductionShippingServiceClient();

You could have also done a WebReference for
ProductionShippingServiceClient(); as well.

string barcode = TextBox1.Text;
// give me an IEnuramable list  
packagelist =;


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[OT] MBMA Paid Biden Son at Critical Time for Bill

2008-09-02 Thread Bob Calco

- - -
A son of Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden was paid an
undisclosed amount of money as a consultant by MBNA, the largest employer in
Delaware, during the years the senator supported legislation that was
promoted by the credit card industry and opposed by consumer groups.

Barack Obama's presidential campaign said Biden helped forge a bipartisan
compromise on the measure, which is now law and makes it harder for
consumers to obtain bankruptcy protection in the courts.

MBNA's consulting payments to Hunter Biden, first reported by The New York
Times, followed his departure in 2001 from the company, where he had been an

Obama opposed the bankruptcy law, enacted in 2005, while Biden supported it.


At the time Hunter Biden was receiving consulting payments from MBNA, he
also was a Washington lobbyist at a firm he had co-founded.

"He was not a lobbyist for MBNA, and his work had absolutely nothing to do
with the bankruptcy bill. Zero. Nothing," said Wade.

Resurrecting Biden's role in the bankruptcy legislation could undercut one
of the Obama campaign's lines of attack: That his Republican opponent, John
McCain, is insensitive to the financial woes of middle-class Americans.


When the Senate Judiciary Committee approved the bill early in 2005, Biden,
Dianne Feinstein of California and Herb Kohl of Wisconsin were the only
Democrats to vote with the Republican majority. Biden also voted for the
bill on final passage in the Senate, while Obama voted against it.

MBNA employees have poured more than $200,000 into Biden's Senate campaigns
over the past two decades, making donors working for the credit card company
the senator's largest source of campaign money.


In the lawsuit filed last year in state court in New York, Anthony Lotito
says that he got a call from Jim Biden in early 2006 saying that Sen. Biden
was concerned with the impact that Hunter's lobbying activities might have
on the senator's expected campaign for the 2008 Democratic presidential

According to the lawsuit, Jim Biden said his brother had asked him to seek
Lotito's assistance in finding employment for Hunter in a non-lobbying

The lawsuit says that Lotito later was cut out of a business arrangement
with Jim and Hunter Biden to purchase Paradigm Hedge Funds, a business in
which the Bidens now own a controlling interest.
- - -

Well that explains why Joe Biden said today that attacks on the children of
candidates are off limits. 

Ah, change we can believe in!


- Bob

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RE: [NF] Chrome's Up!

2008-09-02 Thread David Smith
I like the incognito feature...

David Smith
Systems Administrator
Doan Family of Dealerships
(585) 352-6600 ext.1730

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Brian Erickson
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: [NF] Chrome's Up!

My biggest issue with it is to add a proxy setting you have to do it through
Internet properties, IE settings.  the biggest advantage for me to have a
different browser is to have one of them go through a proxy and the other to
not use the proxy.  Strike one for me.

Vince Teachout wrote:
> Should have been NF - sorry!
> Downloading mine now.
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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[OT] Obama supporter calls for race riot

2008-09-02 Thread Michael Madigan
"If McCain wins, look for a full-fledged race and class war, fueled by a 
deflated and depressed country, soaring crime, homelessness - and hopelessness!"

Right Wing Mike

Bigfoot Hates Obama

I Wish Hillary had married OJ

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Re: [NF] Calling a web service

2008-09-02 Thread Stephen Russell
On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 3:08 PM, Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Steve
> Problem is the web service could be anywhere. So there is no web reference
> at all. All I know from the table, is the url and of course the services
> expected.
> Allen

What do you mean it could be anywhere?  A WS is pretty well fixed.  It
shouldn't just jump between servers.  Or are you talking about having
a lot of WS services available?

Stephen Russell
Sr. Production Systems Programmer
Memphis TN


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Re: [NF] Chrome's Up!

2008-09-02 Thread Vince Teachout
David Smith wrote:
> I like the incognito feature...
Oh, you mean Pr0n mode?  :-)
I like how they spin it: "Suppose you want to buy a gift for your 
spouse, and don't want them to stumble accross the page."  :-P

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Re: [OT] Ohio teen shot to death after egging car

2008-09-02 Thread Pete Theisen
Michael Madigan wrote:
> I got hit with a chocolate milkshake on the windshield once and
> couldn't see anything for a few seconds.  Had I lost control I could
> have hit a tree, a pole or someone walking.
> They should hang this article up in every classroom in America.
> In a related article, it turns out this kid's father was a cop.  Why
> is a cop allowing his 16yo kid out at 3:00 AM?  Bad parenting.

Hi Michael!

If the milkshake experience had killed you it would have been negligent
homicide, a prison offense, but not the death penalty. What you are
approving of is vigilante justice. Now if the guy were to shoot during
the egg throwing, but he didn't, he waited until later.

>> I don't. Shooting someone is only justified when he/she is a threat
>> to life. The car/ owners will live with egg on them.


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Re: [OT] Ohio teen shot to death after egging car

2008-09-02 Thread Vince Teachout
Pete Theisen wrote:
> Hi Michael!
> If the milkshake experience had killed you it would have been negligent
> homicide, a prison offense,

... damn waste of a good milkshake.   :-P

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Re: [NF] Chrome's Up!

2008-09-02 Thread Helio Wakasugui
The right wing christian conservatives in this list will use that feature a
lot... LOL

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 7:57 PM, Vince Teachout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> David Smith wrote:
> > I like the incognito feature...
> >
> >
> Oh, you mean Pr0n mode?  :-)
> I like how they spin it: "Suppose you want to buy a gift for your
> spouse, and don't want them to stumble accross the page."  :-P
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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Re: [OT] Son diagnosed with ADHD and depression

2008-09-02 Thread Pete Theisen
MB Software Solutions General Account wrote:
> My wife hands me a sandwich bag full of pills and says that my son was
> diagnosed with ADHD and depression.  The depression is no surprise to me. 
> He had a great life with his dad there, and since the divorce his life has
> been rocked.  The ADHD is because he apparently has a hard time focusing. 
> I'm wondering if they're related (iow, he can't focus because his f*cking
> mother nearly destroyed all of our lives in order for her own
> selfishness).  Sorry...on a tangent there.  (I hope she gets what she
> deserves, and deserves what she gets very very soon.  I'm glad--and so
> should she be--that I'm not the judge up in the heavens.)
> If you've had experiences in this area with your children, email me
> offline.  I'd like to talk about things I might try to help him.

Hi Michael!

You must have good insurance, that is why they come up with these crazy 
things. Now your insurance gives them money. Take him to some 
alternative doctor for a second opinion.

That bag of pills could make him sick if he isn't yet, depending on what 
they are. You should find out and check the medline on every one of 


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Re: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread Pete Theisen
Leland F. Jackson, CPA wrote:
> Senator John McCain really wanted to pick Joe Lieberman as his VP 
> Running mate

Hi Leland!

Oh, you're back on the stuff again, I see.


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Re: [NF] Chrome's Up!

2008-09-02 Thread Vince Teachout
David Smith wrote:
> I like the incognito feature...
Right after posting my "oh, so witty" reply to this, I thought of a REAL 
use for it:.   I wonder if you could safely use it to do your online 
banking from a public terminal?  Assuming  https secure site, of 
course.  That's something that I've always saved for home use only, but 
would be really handy if traveling.

Also, I set up our public library with Firefox earlier this year, and 
set it to dump all the data after each logout.  The problem we're having 
is (l)users who just close the tab and walk off.  Then they complain 
when someone else goes to "" and sees their name typed 
in the login. 

I wonder if there is a way (or will be a way) for Chrome to have an 
option where ALL tabs open in incognito mode?  That would solve our 
library problem.

Also, those independent tabs are really cool.  Useless, but cool.  
Detach tab, attach tab.  Detach tab, attach tab. Swap tab order.  
Squooosh this tab, this tab, and this tab into a new browser instance...

The "Most recently viewed" page, though, had BETTER be a default that 
can be turned off!

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Re: [OT] Ohio teen shot to death after egging car

2008-09-02 Thread Michael Madigan
Instead of shooting him, I'd make him eat 10 dozen eggs at gunpoint.

Right Wing Mike

Bigfoot Hates Obama

I Wish Hillary had married OJ

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, Pete Theisen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Pete Theisen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [OT] Ohio teen shot to death after egging car
> To: "ProFox Email List" 
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 5:58 PM
> Michael Madigan wrote:
> > I got hit with a chocolate milkshake on the windshield
> once and
> > couldn't see anything for a few seconds.  Had I
> lost control I could
> > have hit a tree, a pole or someone walking.
> > 
> > They should hang this article up in every classroom in
> America.
> > 
> > In a related article, it turns out this kid's
> father was a cop.  Why
> > is a cop allowing his 16yo kid out at 3:00 AM?  Bad
> parenting.
> Hi Michael!
> If the milkshake experience had killed you it would have
> been negligent
> homicide, a prison offense, but not the death penalty. What
> you are
> approving of is vigilante justice. Now if the guy were to
> shoot during
> the egg throwing, but he didn't, he waited until later.
> >> I don't. Shooting someone is only justified
> when he/she is a threat
> >> to life. The car/ owners will live with egg on
> them.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Pete
> ___
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Re: [OT] Ohio teen shot to death after egging car

2008-09-02 Thread Michael Madigan
I wound up licking it off the windshield. LOL

Right Wing Mike

Bigfoot Hates Obama

I Wish Hillary had married OJ

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, Vince Teachout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Vince Teachout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [OT] Ohio teen shot to death after egging car
> To: "ProFox Email List" 
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 6:00 PM
> Pete Theisen wrote:
> > Hi Michael!
> >
> > If the milkshake experience had killed you it would
> have been negligent
> > homicide, a prison offense,
> ... damn waste of a good milkshake.   :-P
> ___
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[OT] "Columbo" interviewing O-man

2008-09-02 Thread Pete Theisen
Hi Everybody!

In my email today:

"Different slant on the savior.

Columbo still scratching his head.

Ah . . . Sorry to bother you Mr. Obama, Sir

Excuse me Mr. Obama, I mean Senator Obama, sir. Um . . . know you are 
busy and important and stuff. I mean running for president is very 
important and . . . ah . . . I hate to bother you. I will only take a 
minute ok, sir?

See, I have these missing pieces that are holding me up, and I was 
wondering sir, if you could take time out of your busy schedule and help 
me out. You know, no big deal, just some loose ends and things.

Hey, you have a nice place here! The wife sees houses like this on TV 
all the time and says boy she wishes she had digs like this you know? Is 
that painting real? Really? Wow. I saw something like that in a museum once!

Oh, sorry sir. I didn't mean to get off the track. So if you could just 
help me out a minute and give me some details, I will get right out of 
your way. I want to close this case and maybe take the wife to Coney 
Island or something. Ever been to Coney Island ? No, I didn't think so. .

Well, listen, anyways, I can't seem to get some information I need to 
wrap this up. These things seem to either be "locked" or "not 
available'. I'm sure it's just some oversight or glitch or something, so 
if you could you tell me where these things are . . . I . . . I . . . 
have them written down here somewhere . . . oh wait. Sorry about the 
smears. It was raining out. I'll just read it to you.

Could you help me please find these things, sir?

1. Occidental College records -- Not released
2. Columbia College records -- Not released
3. Columbia Thesis paper -- "not available"
4. Harvard College records -- Not released
5. Selective Service Registration -- Not released
6. Medical records -- Not released
7. Illinois State Senate schedule -- "not available"
8. Law practice client list -- Not released
9. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate -- Not released
10. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth -- Not released
11. Harvard Law Review articles published -- None
12. University of Chicago scholarly articles -- None

13 your Record of baptism-- Not released or "not available"

14. Your Illinois State Senate records--"not available"

Oh hey . . listen! I know you are busy! Is this too much for you now? I 
mean tell you what. I will come back tomorrow. Give you some time to get 
these things together, you know? I mean, I know you are busy, so I will 
just let myself out. I will be back tomorrow. And the day after. .Who 
wants to know these things ask Senator Obama? Columbo answered:



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Re: [OT] Ohio teen shot to death after egging car

2008-09-02 Thread Pete Theisen
Michael Madigan wrote:
> I wound up licking it off the windshield. LOL

>>> If the milkshake experience had killed you it would
>> have been negligent homicide, a prison offense,

>> ... damn waste of a good milkshake.   :-P

Hi Guys!

You are both heartless, seeing that I have been diabetic for ten years 
and can't have any . . .


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Re: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread Leland F. Jackson, CPA
Pete Theisen wrote:
> Leland F. Jackson, CPA wrote:
>> Senator John McCain really wanted to pick Joe Lieberman as his VP 
>> Running mate
> Hi Leland!
> Oh, you're back on the stuff again, I see.

Nope, I haven't touched a drop since June 10, 1983.  I sensed something 
was up when George Stephanopoulos of ABC news when down Senator John 
McCain's short list of possible running mates, and then hinted that 
McCain might pick a dark horse, (eg an unknown).  That was the day 
before McCain made his announcement.



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Re: [NF] Chrome's Up!

2008-09-02 Thread Michael Madigan
I was working at a company with some communal lab computers.

Someone had opened up yahoo mail and left open a dirty email he was sending to 
his mistress.  In it he was sending her plane tickets to meet her at an 
installation site where he would be 1000 miles away from his wife and she would 
be away from her husband.

It was an eyeopener for sure.

Never send email to your mistress on a public computer

Right Wing Mike

Bigfoot Hates Obama

I Wish Hillary had married OJ

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, Vince Teachout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Vince Teachout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [NF] Chrome's Up!
> To: "ProFox Email List" 
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 6:18 PM
> David Smith wrote:
> > I like the incognito feature...
> >   
> >
> Right after posting my "oh, so witty" reply to
> this, I thought of a REAL 
> use for it:.   I wonder if you could safely use it to do
> your online 
> banking from a public terminal?  Assuming  https secure
> site, of 
> course.  That's something that I've always saved
> for home use only, but 
> would be really handy if traveling.
> Also, I set up our public library with Firefox earlier this
> year, and 
> set it to dump all the data after each logout.  The problem
> we're having 
> is (l)users who just close the tab and walk off.  Then they
> complain 
> when someone else goes to ""
> and sees their name typed 
> in the login. 
> I wonder if there is a way (or will be a way) for Chrome to
> have an 
> option where ALL tabs open in incognito mode?  That would
> solve our 
> library problem.
> Also, those independent tabs are really cool.  Useless, but
> cool.  
> Detach tab, attach tab.  Detach tab, attach tab. Swap tab
> order.  
> Squooosh this tab, this tab, and this tab into a new
> browser instance...
> The "Most recently viewed" page, though, had
> BETTER be a default that 
> can be turned off!
> ___
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Re: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread Pete Theisen
Leland F. Jackson, CPA wrote:
> Pete Theisen wrote:
>> Leland F. Jackson, CPA wrote:
>>> Senator John McCain really wanted to pick Joe Lieberman as his VP 
>>> Running mate

>> Oh, you're back on the stuff again, I see.
> Nope, I haven't touched a drop since June 10, 1983.  I sensed something 
> was up when George Stephanopoulos of ABC news when down Senator John 
> McCain's short list of possible running mates, and then hinted that 
> McCain might pick a dark horse, (eg an unknown).  That was the day 
> before McCain made his announcement.

Hi Leland!

You've switched addictions, from the "drop", as you put it, to political 
radicalism, but you are still craving a "buzz". You now "buzz" on the 
crazy dreams.


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Re: [NF] Chrome's Up!

2008-09-02 Thread KAM.covad
Yes, shiney but not yet ready for prime time (for me at least)

I use Firefox. I have 10 email accounts that I monitor all day long. I have all 
of them saved as bookmarks in one 'gmail' folder 
(yes, they are all gmail accounts and/or google hosted company email accounts). 
In Firefox, I can click on that 'gmail' folder and 
select 'open all in tabs' and it will open each email account in its own tab. 
Chrome did import the bookmarks correctly (at least 
they look just like in firefox), however it does not work. I played with it for 
10 minutes and I cannot figure out how to see my 
email accounts in Chrome?

- Original Message - 
From: "Vince Teachout" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ProFox Email List" 
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: [NF] Chrome's Up!

Ooooh! Shiny, pretty toy!   I was impressed right off the bat where it
stopped and gave you the OPTION to load your firefox settings - unlike
some browsers that ASSUME things...

Very, very, fast, and I like how multiple images load.  Off to play with
my new toy...

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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Re: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread Leland F. Jackson, CPA
I never cared much for dope.  I might take an aspirin from time to time, 
but that about it, but back in my drinking days, my elixir of choice was 
alcohol in the form of ice cold Coors beer.  I liked beer out of a cold 
keg as well.   LOL



Pete Theisen wrote:
> Leland F. Jackson, CPA wrote:
>> Pete Theisen wrote:
>>> Leland F. Jackson, CPA wrote:
 Senator John McCain really wanted to pick Joe Lieberman as his VP 
 Running mate
>>> Oh, you're back on the stuff again, I see.
>> Nope, I haven't touched a drop since June 10, 1983.  I sensed something 
>> was up when George Stephanopoulos of ABC news when down Senator John 
>> McCain's short list of possible running mates, and then hinted that 
>> McCain might pick a dark horse, (eg an unknown).  That was the day 
>> before McCain made his announcement.
> Hi Leland!
> You've switched addictions, from the "drop", as you put it, to political 
> radicalism, but you are still craving a "buzz". You now "buzz" on the 
> crazy dreams.

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[NF] Recommendations on low cost quad processor Linux server w/8G+ RAM

2008-09-02 Thread Malcolm Greene
Looking for a cheap server, 64 bit quad processor, with 8G of
RAM. Box will be used to run multiple memory intensive Python
scripts under 64 bit version of Ubuntu, possibly with a VM or

I'm bidding a fixed price product where I supply turnkey system
(hardware and software). Customer has suggested I look at servers
from or (Systemax).

Any feedback on above vendors or recommendations on better
alternatives? (I'm looking for a fully assembled system vs. a



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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

Re: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread Pete Theisen
Leland F. Jackson, CPA wrote:
> I never cared much for dope.  I might take an aspirin from time to time, 
> but that about it, but back in my drinking days, my elixir of choice was 
> alcohol in the form of ice cold Coors beer.  I liked beer out of a cold 
> keg as well.   LOL

You dropped the beer and substituted Walter Mondale? C'mon, admit it!

> Senator John McCain really wanted to pick Joe Lieberman as his VP 
> Running mate

 Oh, you're back on the stuff again, I see.
>>> Nope, I haven't touched a drop since June 10, 1983.  I sensed something 
>>> was up when George Stephanopoulos of ABC news when down Senator John 
>>> McCain's short list of possible running mates, and then hinted that 
>>> McCain might pick a dark horse, (eg an unknown).  That was the day 
>>> before McCain made his announcement.

>> You've switched addictions, from the "drop", as you put it, to political 
>> radicalism, but you are still craving a "buzz". You now "buzz" on the 
>> crazy dreams.


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to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

Re: [OT] Palin wants to be part of the US when it suits her

2008-09-02 Thread richmondeagle
>If it was Obama, you all would be accusing him of high treason...and you know 

For me, it comes down to the reason for cesession .  In the Alaska case, it is 
BECAUSE of people like Obama.  When George Allen was Governor in VA and Sick 
Willie was the Prez, and they were going back and forth about federal 
interference, I would have completely backed him if he had put National Guard 
tanks on the bridges to DC... and yes, I would have been happy to take my turn 
on the front line. 

Those who would impose heavy handed centralized control need to understand that 
in 1776 we threw off one overbearing monarch... and that spirit still exists in 
some of us.

Larry Miller

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Re: [NF] Recommendations on low cost quad processor Linux server w/8G+ RAM

2008-09-02 Thread Michael Madigan
Will you be supporting the hardware or will they?

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, Malcolm Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Malcolm Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [NF] Recommendations on low cost quad processor Linux server w/8G+ 
> To:
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 7:57 PM
> Looking for a cheap server, 64 bit quad processor, with 8G
> of
> RAM. Box will be used to run multiple memory intensive
> Python
> scripts under 64 bit version of Ubuntu, possibly with a VM
> or
> two.
> I'm bidding a fixed price product where I supply
> turnkey system
> (hardware and software). Customer has suggested I look at
> servers
> from or (Systemax).
> Any feedback on above vendors or recommendations on better
> alternatives? (I'm looking for a fully assembled system
> vs. a
> kit)
> Thanks!
> Malcolm
> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
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[OT] Johnny's got a new girl

2008-09-02 Thread Michael Madigan
The Democrats are so petrified that they're attacking a 16yo girl!

Right Wing Mike

Bigfoot Hates Obama

I Wish Hillary had married OJ

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