Re: Transitioning from VFP backend to MySQL

2006-06-20 Thread Ted Roche

Two sentences, 31 words and 46 words, respectively, not expanding contractions.

MB: Take a deep breath.

Talk slowly. Small sentences.

What caveats?

Using MySQL means you don't have to pack, it's easier to delete and
insert than to reckon what's changed and mix delete/insert/update
logic, that transactions work more reliably (InnoDB) and with
point-in-time recovery.

Explain what you mean about synchronization.

What are you looking for here? What are your questions?

Ted Roche
Ted Roche  Associates, LLC

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Re: Transitioning from VFP backend to MySQL

2006-06-20 Thread MB Software Solutions

Ted Roche wrote:

Two sentences, 31 words and 46 words, respectively, not expanding 

MB: Take a deep breath.

Talk slowly. Small sentences.

Brevity was always a challenge for me.  Bill and I perhaps share that in 
common.  haha---jk Bill! 

What caveats?

Using MySQL means you don't have to pack, it's easier to delete and
insert than to reckon what's changed and mix delete/insert/update
logic, that transactions work more reliably (InnoDB) and with
point-in-time recovery.

No no, I know all the good reasons of why to use MySQL...that's not what 
I meant.

Explain what you mean about synchronization.

What are you looking for here? What are your questions?

When shops have tried to use a combination of VFP and SQL Server, it's 
caused a lot of pain in terms of making sure the VFP data shakes well 
with the SQL Server data.  Now in those instances, they probably didn't 
normalize enough and hence they needed to make repetitive changes to 
make sure the VFP and SQL Server values were the same (sync-ed).  In 
my system, I'm integrating user administration where the MySQL tables 
hold the user ids, rights, etc.  Some of the MySQL data (userid or some 
unique integer keys for example) will be saved in the VFP tables.  I 
don't see a real harm with thatdo you? 

Is there a best strategy for migrating an existing, in-use app from 
VFP to a non-VFP backend (in my case, MySQL)?

breathing out...

Michael J. Babcock, MCP
MB Software Solutions, LLC
Work smarter, not harder, with MBSS custom software solutions!

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Re: Transitioning from VFP backend to MySQL

2006-06-20 Thread MB Software Solutions

Ted Roche wrote:

snipped In MySQL (and every other data engine without the RECALL 

PACKing is rarely if ever needed, so you can DELETE the whole batch of
fred2types  M:M records and create a new set without concern.

The only concern would be if there are sibling or child records 
elsewhere that were pointing back to the Primary Key values for those 
records you just replaced with new ones.

Michael J. Babcock, MCP
MB Software Solutions, LLC
Work smarter, not harder, with MBSS custom software solutions!

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Re: Transitioning from VFP backend to MySQL

2006-06-20 Thread Ted Roche

On 6/20/06, MB Software Solutions [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there a best strategy for migrating an existing, in-use app from
VFP to a non-VFP backend (in my case, MySQL)?

Much better - thanks!

There are a lot of best strategies, one per situation (the old
consultant It Depends ploy).

Ideally, you have a fully normalized application and you have been
using some consistent method to manage the data. Views,
CursorAdaptors, your own custom data manager class, whatever. In the
best of all possible worlds, you add another driver to your data
manager that knows how to talk to MySQL. You convert a batch of data
tables from DBF to MySQL - a batch being a set of densely related
tables with more connections between them than to the outer world,
like all the A/R tables, for example. A module. Then, you tell your
data manager to use its remote driver to talk to A/R instead of the
DBF driver. MSFT used to dog and pony this with changing all the local
views (lv_customer) to remote views (rv_customer) with no other
changes needed to the system. I've seen Andy Kramek do the same with
his data classes, and Doug Hennig show off similar ideas with
CursorAdaptors. In the best of all possible worlds, that's a nice

Years ago, converting one web site from DBF to SQL server, I changed
all the inline code to calls to a data manager to return a cursor for
processing. Then I added a table with columns for DBF SQL and one
for SQL SQL and when I'd converted them all, I switched. It works.
Luck happens like that, once or twice in a lifetime.

The devil's in the details, of course. If you have RI between the two
systems, you're going to need to hand-code that. And transactions
between the two backends can be an issue, which is why you'd like the
module at a time technique above.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche  Associates, LLC

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Re: Transitioning from VFP backend to MySQL

2006-06-20 Thread Leland Jackson
Why wouldn't you want MySQL to handle all the heavy lifting of the data, 
including parent and child tables, auto-incrementing of primary keys, 
all indexes, all foreign key constrains (eg RI), all processing within 
transactions, etc?  Then MySQL would retrun a record set based on SQL 92 
to the VFP GUI.  The data could be manipulated with the VFP GUI/Program, 
and then updated back to MySQL.



MB Software Solutions wrote:

Ted Roche wrote:

Two sentences, 31 words and 46 words, respectively, not expanding 

MB: Take a deep breath.

Talk slowly. Small sentences.

Brevity was always a challenge for me.  Bill and I perhaps share that 
in common.  haha---jk Bill!

What caveats?

Using MySQL means you don't have to pack, it's easier to delete and
insert than to reckon what's changed and mix delete/insert/update
logic, that transactions work more reliably (InnoDB) and with
point-in-time recovery.

No no, I know all the good reasons of why to use MySQL...that's not 
what I meant.

Explain what you mean about synchronization.

What are you looking for here? What are your questions?

When shops have tried to use a combination of VFP and SQL Server, it's 
caused a lot of pain in terms of making sure the VFP data shakes well 
with the SQL Server data.  Now in those instances, they probably 
didn't normalize enough and hence they needed to make repetitive 
changes to make sure the VFP and SQL Server values were the same 
(sync-ed).  In my system, I'm integrating user administration where 
the MySQL tables hold the user ids, rights, etc.  Some of the MySQL 
data (userid or some unique integer keys for example) will be saved in 
the VFP tables.  I don't see a real harm with thatdo you?
Is there a best strategy for migrating an existing, in-use app from 
VFP to a non-VFP backend (in my case, MySQL)?

breathing out...

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author, and do not constitute legal or medical advice. This statement is added 
to the messages for those lawyers who are too stupid to see the obvious.

Re: Transitioning from VFP backend to MySQL

2006-06-20 Thread MB Software Solutions


From: MB Software Solutions [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I'm putting new functionality into some software that started using VFP
(and still does primarily) as the backend, but for these new things I'm
creating the tables in a MySQL database.  I'm aware of some caveats of
doing this (like synchronization, and as such, I'm avoiding it where
this would be the case but instead really just using it for lookup
tables and user administration/rights), but wondered what other caveats
folks might think of for this?

1) How was your key generated in VFP data?

Same as in MySQL for some tables:  AutoIncrement integer keys.  For 
others, manual key generation with GetNextID() functionality from legacy 
Fox examples.

2) How did you verify the key for secondary immediate use?


3) Why would you do a mix and not convert to all MySQL?

Answered that already:  am integrating as new stuff comes online rather 
than double-development (VFP for new features while building equivalent 
MySQL side).  This should help bring it to fruition sooner, imo.

4) That reindex code is not longer going to be used. big deal.  A plus for sure with MySQL.

5) Exclusive use, what for?

Right...not used in my app, so non-issue.

6) Pack This!

See answer to #4 above.

7) All your code that referenced  and ! deleted() will need to be

Never did that, so non-issue.

8) Do you know how to make MySQL backups and restore from them?


9) Do you ever truncate the ib_logfile?

There are various log files in MySQL, but that's not really for this 
thread, is it?  :-)

Michael J. Babcock, MCP
MB Software Solutions, LLC
Work smarter, not harder, with MBSS custom software solutions!

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