[patch] Capture WebSubmit bibconvert errors

2009-11-18 Thread Ferran Jorba
Hello Tibor,

please adapt or add this patch if you think that could help others like
it helped me.  It applies cleanly to current git sources.


WebSubmit: capture stderr bibconvert messages

 * After submitting a form, errors go silent unless captured.

 modules/websubmit/lib/functions/Make_Record.py |2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

Index: cds-invenio/modules/websubmit/lib/functions/Make_Record.py
--- cds-invenio.orig/modules/websubmit/lib/functions/Make_Record.py	2009-11-18 15:18:52.0 +0100
+++ cds-invenio/modules/websubmit/lib/functions/Make_Record.py	2009-11-18 15:19:29.0 +0100
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 source = parameters['sourceTemplate'].replace( ,)
 create = parameters['createTemplate'].replace( ,)
 # We use bibconvert to create the xml record
-call_uploader_txt = %s/bibconvert -l1 -d'%s'  -Cs'%s/%s' -Ct'%s/%s'  %s/recmysql % (CFG_BINDIR,curdir,CFG_WEBSUBMIT_BIBCONVERTCONFIGDIR,source,CFG_WEBSUBMIT_BIBCONVERTCONFIGDIR,create,curdir)
+call_uploader_txt = %s/bibconvert -l1 -d'%s'  -Cs'%s/%s' -Ct'%s/%s' %s/recmysql 2%s/recmysql.err % (CFG_BINDIR,curdir,CFG_WEBSUBMIT_BIBCONVERTCONFIGDIR,source,CFG_WEBSUBMIT_BIBCONVERTCONFIGDIR,create,curdir,curdir)
 # Then we have to format this record (turn  into amp; and  into lt;
 # After all we know nothing about the text entered by the users at submission time

CDS Invenio Build Overview 2009-11-17

2009-11-18 Thread Tibor Simko
 CDS Invenio Build Reporter started at 2009-11-17 22:53:53

 Fetching Invenio Git master branch:

* Fetched in 1 seconds.

 Building Invenio:

* Built in 61 seconds.

 Installing and configuring Invenio:

* Installed and configured in 28 seconds.

 Populating demo site:

* Populated in 395 seconds.

 Running unit test suite:

* Ran 332 tests in 29.579s

FAILED (failures=1)

FAIL: webdoc - retrieving parts of webdoc file (title, navtrail,

 Running regression test suite:

* Ran 322 tests in 187.504s

FAILED (failures=14, errors=6)

ERROR: webjournal - gets an article view of a journal from cache
ERROR: webjournal - function to get an index page from the cache
ERROR: bibconvert - availability of BibConvert Admin Guide parts
ERROR: bibdocfile - BibRecDocs functions
ERROR: bibdocfile - Bibdocs functions
ERROR: bibdocfile - BibdocFiles functions
FAIL: webbasket - addition of records as guest
FAIL: webstat - availability of /stats pages
FAIL: webjournal - returns URL to this journal's CSS
FAIL: webjournal - returns the issue corresponding to the given datetime object
FAIL: webjournal - clears the cache of a whole issue
FAIL: bibrank - search results ranked by word similarity
FAIL: bibrank - 'Similar records' link
FAIL: webalert - HTML to text conversion
FAIL: bibformat - BibTeX output
FAIL: bibformat - Detailed HTML output
FAIL: websearch - check formats exported through /record/1/export/ URLs
FAIL: websearch - query for special terms, (U(1) OR SL(2,Z))
FAIL: websearch - most popular field values, simple tag
FAIL: websearch - most popular field values, simple tag, multiple exclusions

 Running kwalitee tests, overall code kwalitee:

CDS Invenio Python Code Kwalitee Check  
 2009-11-17 23:05:42

   Module #LOC #UnitT #RegrT  #WebT #T/1kLOC #MissDoc #PyChk/1kSRC 
PyLintScore PyLintDetails
  ---  -- -- --    
--- -
   bibcatalog  641  0  0  0 0.001   12.480 
6.17/10   0F   0E  12W  18R  67C
 bibcheck  341  0  0  0 0.0002.933 
7.34/10   0F   0E   6W   1R  40C
bibcirculation   15898  0  3  0 0.19   221.635 
6.90/10   1F   1E   7W 194R 936C
  bibclassify 3696  0  2  0 0.5432.976 
9.27/10  21F   0E  56W  29R  38C
   bibconvert 2968 14  3  0 5.732   39.084 
7.48/10   0F   0E  95W  20R 137C
  bibedit12930 55  2  9 5.1022.088 
8.60/10   2F   2E  64W 132R 871C
bibexport 4025  1  0  0 0.2503.478 
8.38/10   0F   3E  44W  25R 109C
bibformat14970 29 20  1 3.3405.344 
8.24/10   0F   0E 218W 118R 989C
   bibharvest 6570  7  6  1 2.13   56   17.808 
6.55/10   0F   3E 115W 111R 881C
 bibindex 4825  7  2  0 1.87   32   21.140 
6.93/10   0F   0E 161W  57R 1045C
 bibknowledge 2582  0  8  0 3.1001.549 
7.25/10   1F   0E   8W  36R 208C
 bibmatch  626  0  0  0 0.004   19.169 
8.22/10   0F   0E  13W   3R  45C
 bibmerge 1627  0  0  0 0.00   126.761 
7.55/10   2F   0E  85W  27R 124C
  bibrank 7391  9 14  0 3.11   46   17.589 
6.78/10   0F   0E 286W  88R 1169C
 bibsched 2557  0  0  0 0.00   336.648 
7.91/10   0F   1E  49W  26R 254C
bibupload 2096  0 45  021.4742.863 
8.99/10   0F   0E  70W  28R 253C
elmsubmit 5932  3  0  0 0.51  141   17.532 
5.83/10  15F  42E 175W  49R 724C
 miscutil 7571121  6  016.77   145.944 
8.43/10   8F   5E  79W  45R 412C
webaccess 7800 22  4  0 3.339   13.590 
6.78/10   4F   0E 147W  87R 685C
 webalert 2212  3  2  3 3.62   356.329 
7.04/10   0F   0E  30W  25R 291C
webbasket 5235  0  4  0 0.7685.349 
7.32/10   0F   5E  97W  95R 420C
   webcomment 4168  2  4  2 1.9237.198 
6.22/10   0F   2E  76W  66R 683C
   webjournal 7789  2 38  0 5.1415.649 
7.65/10   1F   3E 158W 100R 593C
   webmessage 2517  3 19  410.3314.768 
8.63/10   0F   0E  33W  34R 104C
websearch17716 49116  1 9.37   85   

(pre)release time

2009-11-18 Thread Tibor Simko
Hi gang:

The (pre)release time is approaching again... it was high time.

Please find the latest build report in an accompanying email.  Please
take your modules and start fixing problems (free variables, missing
docs and tests, suspicious SQL queries, etc).  As usual, beware of false
positives.  Note also that some big branches are coming that will change
the picture.

The build report updates will follow regularly or irregularly in the
coming days.

Happy hacking!

Best regards
Tibor Simko ** CERN Document Server ** http://cds.cern.ch/