Search and logical indices

2012-10-23 Thread Alexander Wagner


To ease up the searches for our users I set up several additional
indices that should allow to search some "strange" Marc-fields in an
easy way.

Now, I have e.g. an index called CID, that uses the logical field "[CID]
contributing institute ID", set up as follows:

Field Code: CID
Name (en) : [CID] contributing institute ID
Marc tags : 980__a

bibindex, have cup of coffee or tea,

Tada! Now I can indeed select "[CID] contributing institute ID" from the
search box, give one of our funny IDs like


as search term an. Heureka!

This tells me that the index creation and indexing itself proceeded and
I didn't do something wrong, right?

Now, I thought I should be able to use this index also for searches
within the search box just like a marc field, e.g.:


IMHO this should accomplish the same thing. However, it seems that
there's some conversion going on... &verbose=9 tells me that invenio is
searching in the field cid which does not exist. (?)

* Could it be that the name of the logical fields have to be in lower case?

At least the above doesn't give any results. However, if I change the
field code to "cid" it seems to work fine. If this is intended I'd have
a line for the bibindex-admin-guide on the wish list ;)

* Just for my understanding: if I'm searching like the above I'm
effectively searching the logical field, not the index CID, right? Ie.
an index could be made up of many logical fields. However, as far as I
understand it, I can not search it. Just for my understanding, I can
live with defined fields. I'm just wondering what the "index" as such is


Kind regards,

Alexander Wagner
Subject Specialist
Central Library
52425 Juelich

mail :
phone: +49 2461 61-1586
Fax  : +49 2461 61-6103

Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
52425 Juelich
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Juelich
Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Dueren Nr. HR B 3498
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: MinDir Dr. Karl Eugen Huthmacher
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr. Achim Bachem (Vorsitzender),
Karsten Beneke (stellv. Vorsitzender), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Bolt,
Prof. Dr. Sebastian M. Schmidt

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Re: Issue with websubmit_engine (when mbpages>1)

2012-10-23 Thread Theodoros Theodoropoulos

Hello Sam,

We constantly use submission forms with multiple pages, and i can 
assure you that apart from this problem (and some other issues with 
custom javascript elements that don't get initialized with the previous 
value -something that is more or less an expected behavior of my poor 
programming skills) moving back and forth has been working flawlessly 
for us for several years!

So please do ticketize it and try to find a solution... :)

Coming to think of it, a quick workaround might require that the 
submission form writes the values of ALL elements, even empty ones... 
(although I'm confident that you'll come up with a more elegant 

Best regards,

Re: Issue with websubmit_engine (when mbpages>1)

2012-10-23 Thread Samuele Kaplun
Dear Theodoros,

In data lunedì 22 ottobre 2012 18:15:47, Theodoros Theodoropoulos ha scritto:
> When submitting using the web forms and only if a document has more than
> 1 page, when you navigate from one page to another:
> If an element already has a value[*] in pg1 and you edit it, then go to
> pg2, everything is OK :)
> If an element already has a value[*] in pg1 and you DELETE THE VALUE
> COMPLETELY, then go to pg2, and then BACK to pg1, you see the old value!
> This means that the FILE in the disk that corresponds to this element is
> NOT updated IF the new value is "" (although the system checks of the
> page see the 'new', empty value).
> This results in users not being able to 'empty' old values when moving
> from one page to another. One can only change them into something else!
> I can verify that it appears in a snapshot of master branch taken from
> git 3 weeks ago, but i believe it appears in earlier/later releases. Can
> you verify it? If yes, I think it's a bit important and needs fixing...
> [*] either by continuing a previously-incomplete submission, or by
> entering a value, going to another page and then back

Indeed WebSubmit is not enough robust in supporting moving back and forth 
submission form. However your report is well detailed to allow for a possible 

I suspect we should introduce some support for the above somewhere in in the interface function near:

# we parse all the form variables
for key, formfields in form.items():
filename = key.replace("[]", "")
file_to_open = os.path.join(curdir, filename)
assert(file_to_open == os.path.abspath(file_to_open))
except AssertionError:
register_exception(req=req, prefix='curdir="%s", filename="%s"' % 
(curdir, filename))
return warning_page(_("Invalid parameters"), req, ln)

# Do not write reserved filenames to disk
# Unless there is really an element with that name on this
# page or previous one (either visited, or declared to be
# visited), which means that admin authorized it.
if not ((str(curpage).isdigit() and \
filename in [submission_field[3] for submission_field in \
curpage)]) or \
(str(curpage).isdigit() and int(curpage) > 1 and \
filename in [submission_field[3] for submission_field in \
int(curpage) - 1)]) or \
(previous_page_from_disk.isdigit() and \
 filename in [submission_field[3] for submission_field in 
# Still this will filter out reserved field names that
# might have been called by functions such as
# Create_Modify_Interface function in MBI step, or
# dynamic fields in response elements, but that is
# unlikely to be a problem.

I'll ticketize it and we should be hopefully able to find a solution :-)


Samuele Kaplun
Invenio Developer **