Invenio Developer Forum - new document and storage abstractions - today at 16:45 CEST

2013-07-08 Thread Tibor Simko

The next Invenio Developer Forum will take place today at 16:45 CEST in
(i) CERN room 31-S-023 and in (ii) Vidyo videoconferencing room at

Today we'll muse about the nascent effort to refactor the document
storage layer of BibDocFile (i) to cover the use case of standalone
documents attached not only to records, but also to comments or baskets;
(ii) to be able to store documents not only locally, but also on a
remote storage system such as CASTOR, iRODS, Amazon S3, Google Drive,
MongoDB, etc.  (See also

Best regards
Tibor Simko

Baskets & Templates

2013-07-08 Thread Alexander Wagner


It seems that I do not understand a certain part of basket handling. As
we need to sort out a bunch of papers by hand the idea was to set up
baskets for that so people can just add them to the baskets and we can
do the magic by reading those in some pythonic format.

Now it happens, that I need a bunch of them. (Luckily, each of our
"victims" have to take care of only about 10 or so.)

However, if I get it correctly I hit some string length barrier in, l.293 ff. It fails in l. 304

   baskets = eval(topic_and_baskets[2] + ',')

seemingly if the lenght of the basket list surpasses a certain amount.
Looks like 1024 chars? At least it complains about

 SyntaxError: EOL while scanning single-quoted string (line 1)

seemingly it cuts my baskets name at a point where it is not yet
finished. I can work around it by using shorter basket names, and I get
rid of the 500 dump.

However, I wonder if there isn't something wrong here in principle. As I
can call all baskets nicely on the backend (luckily, cause I have to
delete them to get the system going again ;) it should work on the
frontend as well, right?


Kind regards,

Alexander Wagner
Subject Specialist
Central Library
52425 Juelich

mail :
phone: +49 2461 61-1586
Fax  : +49 2461 61-6103

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