(pseudo)authorities: what is supported in Invenio/Inspire?

2012-11-30 Thread Theodoros Theodoropoulos

Good morning to all,

In order to be able to plan ahead in my installation, I would like to 
know if there is any way to deal with authorities in Invenio.

The BibAuthority module (described in detail here: 
https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CDS/BibAuthority) is EXACLY what i 
would like to have, but i cannot find it in my installation nor in the 
invenio/inspire repo. Was the module abandoned/postponed/replaced by 
something even better?

On the other hand, inspirehep.net seems to have such functionality 
(HepNames, Institutions, Conferences) seem to be 'authority' records 
that are considered when performing a search.

Could you please shed a light on what's being available now and what's 
planned for the near future?

Best regards,
Theodoropoulos Theodoros

ps. I apologize for sending a similar mail in the past too. It's quite 
urgent that i know at least some general information and the best 
practices for the current/next Invenio version in order to make the 
right decisions for my next milestone. I'll do the 
reading/implementation/testing myself.

Re: (pseudo)authorities: what is supported in Invenio/Inspire?

2012-11-30 Thread Alexander Wagner

On 30.11.2012 11:09, Theodoros Theodoropoulos wrote:


In order to be able to plan ahead in my installation, I would like to
know if there is any way to deal with authorities in Invenio.

The BibAuthority module (described in detail here:
https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CDS/BibAuthority) is EXACLY what i
would like to have, but i cannot find it in my installation nor in the
invenio/inspire repo. Was the module abandoned/postponed/replaced by
something even better?

We currently use some sort of authority control in JuSER where we mainly
implemented the functionality within websubmit type of things. This
however does not (yet?) use bibauthority. Unfortunately, the
searchengine does not yet know about authorities. If we can be of some
help here, drop me a note.

You can check out what we did at http://juser.fz-juelich.de/ in the
Authorities-collections. You might also want to check out the Marc we
used. E.g. for an institute http://juser.fz-juelich.de/record/98380 You
may use the arrow links to go to predecessors, successors or top.

On the other hand, inspirehep.net seems to have such functionality
(HepNames, Institutions, Conferences) seem to be 'authority' records
that are considered when performing a search.

We would definitely also want to know how they can be used within
search. I mean not simple stuff like searching for an ID, we have this
already but searching for an ID x and find all records for ID x and y as
the authority record of x list's y as addional identifier. We work
around our current limitations e.g. using the index cid (contributing
institutes also gathering all former forms of the institute) but this is
not really done in a nice way. Bascially a record here just has enough
collection entires, but it's no real authority lookup.

ps. I apologize for sending a similar mail in the past too. It's quite
urgent that i know at least some general information and the best
practices for the current/next Invenio version in order to make the
right decisions for my next milestone. I'll do the
reading/implementation/testing myself.

When we started to implement this stuff I checked closely with Annette
Holtkamp, so I think we should indeed use the same or at least a very
similar authority record layout as Inspire.

HTH :)


Kind regards,

Alexander Wagner
Subject Specialist
Central Library
52425 Juelich

mail : a.wag...@fz-juelich.de
phone: +49 2461 61-1586
Fax  : +49 2461 61-6103

Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
52425 Juelich
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Juelich
Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Dueren Nr. HR B 3498
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: MinDir Dr. Karl Eugen Huthmacher
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr. Achim Bachem (Vorsitzender),
Karsten Beneke (stellv. Vorsitzender), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Bolt,
Prof. Dr. Sebastian M. Schmidt

Re: (pseudo)authorities: what is supported in Invenio/Inspire?

2012-11-30 Thread Theodoros Theodoropoulos

Hello Alexander,

It's been a while since we talked at the last Invenio Users Meeting, 
but i'm following the list and I've seen the great work you've done at 

We currently use some sort of authority control in JuSER where we mainly
implemented the functionality within websubmit type of things. This
however does not (yet?) use bibauthority. Unfortunately, the
searchengine does not yet know about authorities. If we can be of some
help here, drop me a note.
I'm too using a way to correctly SELECT a user (with all proper IDs, 
affiliations, etc) from a list in websubmit part. However, the values 
are copied to 100/700__0,a,e,u bib record fields. This ensures 
consistency across records, but it's really a plan-b solution -but the 
only way to do things because authorities are not(?) supported. Plus, I 
think that there is no easy way to use this data in BibEdit: one could 
select from a list of authors in 100/700__a, but i'm not sure that this 
selection could update other subfields of 100/700 accordingly.
Ideally, with authorities, in the bib record, only the 'reference' to 
the authority would be used, so that if anything changes in the author, 
all the 'connected' records will know the change, plus you get see/see 
also fields, alternate/translated names support etc.
That would also involve indexing and searching, and this is described 
nicely, here http://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CDS/BibAuthority

You can check out what we did at http://juser.fz-juelich.de/ in the
Authorities-collections. You might also want to check out the Marc we
used. E.g. for an institute http://juser.fz-juelich.de/record/98380 You
may use the arrow links to go to predecessors, successors or top.
You seem to have it nicely ordered. I'm currently interested mostly on 
authors, but Institutions will come next. I'll check your marc to get 
an idea of what you've used. Thanks again for sharing your work!

We would definitely also want to know how they can be used within
search. I mean not simple stuff like searching for an ID, we have this
already but searching for an ID x and find all records for ID x and y as
the authority record of x list's y as addional identifier. We work
around our current limitations e.g. using the index cid (contributing
institutes also gathering all former forms of the institute) but this is
not really done in a nice way. Bascially a record here just has enough
collection entires, but it's no real authority lookup.


When we started to implement this stuff I checked closely with Annette
Holtkamp, so I think we should indeed use the same or at least a very
similar authority record layout as Inspire.
Hmm.. I didn't go yet too much into Inspire's (pseudo?)authority marc, 
but will do soon. I also believe that we should always try to use 
common fields when possible, keeping always in mind the marc standards.

Having said that, I am mostly interested in more fundamental issues:
- (Is/was/will there be) support for authorities soon 
-indexing/searching/bibedit support included- and what can i do now to 
be ready?
- Is the final module going to be something similar to what's being 
described in that wiki page?

- Is it planned for 1.2 1.x or 2.x series?

My best regards to all,

Re: (pseudo)authorities: what is supported in Invenio/Inspire?

2012-11-30 Thread Alexander Wagner

On 30.11.2012 15:41, Theodoros Theodoropoulos wrote:


It's been a while since we talked at the last Invenio
Users Meeting, but i'm following the list and I've seen
the great work you've done at Juelich.

I admit that I had been a bit busy recently.

We currently use some sort of authority control in JuSER
where we mainly implemented the functionality within
websubmit type of things. This however does not (yet?)
use bibauthority. Unfortunately, the searchengine does
not yet know about authorities. If we can be of some help
here, drop me a note.

I'm too using a way to correctly SELECT a user (with all
proper IDs, affiliations, etc) from a list in websubmit
part. However, the values are copied to 100/700__0,a,e,u
bib record fields.


This ensures consistency across records, but it's really a
plan-b solution -but the only way to do things because
authorities are not(?) supported.

Well, it's also Marc philosophy in a way. They usually store
everything within the datasets all the time. But you're
right, in principle one could just generate one record for
the authority and get the values on the fly. However, this
is a bit more in league with e.g. our german cataloguing
system and not so much with Marc.

Plus, I think that there is no easy way to use this data
in BibEdit: one could select from a list of authors in
100/700__a, but i'm not sure that this selection could
update other subfields of 100/700 accordingly.

You're right again, at the moment bibedit is a bit pita if
you have authority controled data. However, there was some
work done by Christpher in this direction. And I admit,
that I could in a way live with bibedit to be a bit
cumbersome (for bibedit I have a librarian to handle it,
they usally work quite precisely etc.) but what's really a
bit bad is that I can't use authority control in the search.

Consider an author with an ID like P:(DE-Juel1)123456, ie.
one of our IDs. Now I know that he also has an ORCID of
-1234-5678-9123. I store this in my authority record and
we could even use the ORCID for input or even if fed by data
import to identify our author. All is well as long as we
catalogue the dataset: we search for the orcid and store our
own ID in $0.

However, things break as soon as I get foreign data. Those
sets probably store the ORCID only and don't know a thing
about our own ID. Now, in searches it would of course be
nice if I search for P:(DE-Juel1)123456 that I also get all
those records that match the ORCID of this author as well.

Ideally, with authorities, in the bib record, only the
'reference' to the authority would be used, so that if
anything changes in the author, all the 'connected'
records will know the change, plus you get see/see also
fields, alternate/translated names support etc.

Right. Not exactly Marc philosophy, but this is indeed
authority control as it should be. Except one point, that it
might very well be that you store Wagner, A. in your
record referencing Wagner, Alexander and for some reason
you want to preserve exactly the form as written on the
document. This would make a point for storing $a as well.
(Similar for $e, $u.)

That would also involve indexing and searching, and this
is described nicely, here

This is mainly what Christopher did, I think. We discussed
that stuff while ago.

You can check out what we did at
http://juser.fz-juelich.de/ in the
Authorities-collections. You might also want to check out
the Marc we used. E.g. for an institute
http://juser.fz-juelich.de/record/98380 You may use the
arrow links to go to predecessors, successors or top.

You seem to have it nicely ordered. I'm currently
interested mostly on authors, but Institutions will come
next. I'll check your marc to get an idea of what you've
used. Thanks again for sharing your work!

And you'll probably want to have research grants, and
periodicals as well. I admit that currently journals in
Invenio are modeled a bit too closly to a very small
community. At Jülich we couldn't handle journals by static
lists of abbreviations, I fear.

When we started to implement this stuff I checked closely
with Annette Holtkamp, so I think we should indeed use
the same or at least a very similar authority record
layout as Inspire.

Hmm.. I didn't go yet too much into Inspire's
(pseudo?)authority marc, but will do soon. I also believe
that we should always try to use common fields when
possible, keeping always in mind the marc standards.

As mentioned, I checked with Annette back then and if
Inspire didn't make changes to the records I were not aware
we should be quite well on the same lines here.

Having said that, I am mostly interested in more fundamental issues:
- (Is/was/will there be) support for authorities soon
-indexing/searching/bibedit support included- and what can i do now to
be ready?
- Is the final module going to be something similar to what's being
described in that wiki page?

I strongly hope