I would like to share an issue I experienced today and is likely to come up with any new invenio/shibboleth installations.

It seems the in recent shibboleth rpms (at least 2.5.x ones) there is a new directive that goes by default into shibd.conf and breaks how invenio interacts with the shibd deamon.

The 'suspicious' new code in shibd.conf is the following:

<Location /Shibboleth.sso>
  Satisfy Any
  Allow from all

A simple test to replicate the problem (provided that you have at least set up invenio-apache-vhost-ssl.conf to use shibboleth) is to check for a link that should -normally- be handled by shibboleth. For example: /Shibboleth.sso/Login

The symptom is that the relevant part of the invenio-apache-vhost-ssl.conf is overridden for the /Shibboleth.sso/ urls and hence not handled properly... Thus, instead of logging in, you get a 404 error from Invenio.

The solution is to remove (or comment-out) the relevant 4 lines from shibd.conf and restart apache.

In case you verify my findings, you might want to put a note in the HowToIntegrateWithShibboleth wiki entry...

Best regards,
Theodoros Theodoropoulos

ps. Although it's simple to understand once you see it, it took me ~4 hours to rule out all other possible shibboleth/invenio/wsgi/etc configuration problems and start looking at the basic apache configurations line-by-line...

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