On 27.01.2012 06:40, Diwaker Ghimire wrote:


I need to authenticate certain users from ldap server. in
our case there
1. Extending invenio's ldap authentication:

Basically, configuring LDAP is almost that. I think you can
well accomplish what you want by following the instructions
on how to enable ldap in the first place. I'm not clear,
however, if you want to have some automatic fallback ie. no
select box on the log in page that allows the user to select
ldap or internal (you're free to name them as you like, so
it can be a lot less technical like "email address @ ..."
and "foreighn users"). I'm not sure how you'd handle this
automatic fall back but if you're comfortable with a small
select box that is defaulted to LDAP (however you call it)
and allows for the internal method all is there.

            If i have to extend this feature how and where
            i have to change.


needs to be adopted to allow ldap as another login method.
You'll find helpful commentary right in there.


contains the details for your ldap config. It's modeled
after an existing organisation (EPFL), documented in the
source itself. EPFL's structure however doesn't entirely
match what I found in talking to our ldap server. Theirs is
a bit simpler.

Some time ago I sent a refurbished version of a howto to
Samuele I think it should have made it to the git by now.
Otherwise I could send you the file by PM.

I found another helpful page was
I basically followed that one plus the src commentaries with
some mild educated guessing.

2. Hooking invenio login mechanism:

I think you do not need to do that beyond the above
mentioned which is a pretty clean way.


Kind regards,

Alexander Wagner
Subject Specialist
Central Library
52425 Juelich

mail : a.wag...@fz-juelich.de
phone: +49 2461 61-1586
Fax  : +49 2461 61-6103

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