Hello Tibor,

branches has made the translators job a little more confusing, specially
because there is no reference page for us to read.  Probably you have
written a mail to a list about which branch should we be working with,
but, frankly, I cannot find it.

One of the (many) great things about Debian is the Debian Developers'
Corner (http://www.debian.org/devel/), that sure you know much better
than me.  It would be very useful for us, translators, to have a
Translators' Corner in the Trac pages where to locate reference

I'd be satisfied even if starts humble and small, like which branch (or
branches?) should be work with.  There is a lot more to be added, like
.po and webdoc and specific hints, etc., but as Laozi said, even the
longest journey begins with a single step :)

OTOH, my reformatting of the websearch webdoc pages is still waititing
for your approval, and decissions like how to organize sections and
languages should go to this page as well.



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