[libreoffice-projects] Minutes of the Design Hangout: 2015-11-18

2015-11-26 Thread Jan Holesovsky
[the meeting on 11th was cancelled]

* Present: Cor, Heiko, Kendy, Samuel
* UI changes integrated the last two weeks:

+ form-related controls ta insert and tools menu (Jay)
+ hierarchical organization of slide transitions (Tor)
+ and new slide transitions (Tor, Tomaž)
+ title for image export options dialog (Jay)
+ fix accelerators in start center (Kendy)
+ loading .svg images from image resources (Tomaž)
+ "hide whitespace" improvements (Ashod)
+ new Outline button (Maxim)
+ missing an icon
+ context menu customization (Maxim)
+ new PopupLabel property for uno commands (Maxim)
+ new TooltipLabel property for uno commands (Samuel)
+ shortcut keys missing in undo and redo tooltips (Samuel)
+ tdf#34882 Adding hex and decimal code search (Steve Hart)
+ Impress: Rework the way the display modes are presented (Philippe)

* Update the meeting time (Kendy)

+ Please fill the Doodle until the next meeting (Wed 25th, November 2015):

* Table styles (Kendy)
+ would be good to have a Friday session about that (Kendy)
+ already collected stuff in a doc (Jay)

+ pending publishing
+ some thing still can be discussed

* Area Tab design session (Heiko/Jay)
+ Area Tab - https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94551
+ not published yet
* Dedicated Design team blog (Heiko)
+ https://design.blog.documentfoundation.org/
+ now set up, admins, thank you!

+ Heiko, Jay, Kendy have the credentials
+ Heiko can start writing a post
+ how to reference the author etc.? (Heiko)
+ not possible to have a named posting (Heiko)
+ best to poke the admins - awerner set this up for us (Kendy)
+ will ask for some plugins that will be useful (Heiko)
* Bug discussions
+ none this week

* NotebookBar (Samuel)

+ https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/NotebookBar
+ screenshot - 
+ NotebookBar allows to create toolbars with glade (Samuel/Kendy)
+ full control over widgets in the topmost area, defined via a .ui file
+ an optional thing for users (Samuel)
+ menus + toolbars the default
+ now in master, but hidden via an env. variable (Kendy)

+ keep in mind the HIG (Heiko)
+ https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Design/ToolBar
+ mentions some future enhancements of toolbars that might be helpful 
here (Heiko)
+ eg. grouping
+ possible with Notebookbar
+ eg. 
http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.0.7/#!/example/toolbar/toolbars.html ?

+ loading the toolbars from glade (.ui) instead of .xcu files
+ this will probably remove the possibility to make the toolbars 
floating (Kendy)
+ but that is good (Cor, Kendy)

+ can have more sets of toolbars with this (Cor)

+ Will have  a friday session on NotebookBar topic on Fr 27th
 + Please have a look at the following links until then: 

* Help updating (Kendy)

+ released a new release (Kendy)

+ online modification prototype (Jay)
+ Liongold on IRC working on that
+ will share that with Jay, and can iterate
+ need a VM from the infra to host the prototype
+ will create another ticket for this (Jay)
+ would be great to put the code to a repository (Kendy)
+ dev-tools (some subdir there) (Kendy)
+ or a new repo - eg. on github as a start? (Kendy)
+ dev-tools preferred though

+ help-related meta bugs:
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94016
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=93580

* Icon Updates / Issues (Jay)

+ icons for slide transitions needed (Kendy)

+ 32pixel sifr icons
+ first 2 from Pappamatti
+ reminded him to push svg too (Jay)
+ to use the Tomaž's code

+ Extra-Large (32x32) Icons for large resolutions
+ Status - 
+ Integrating it into the options dialog - 
+ add a "extra large" entry

+ still something wrong with inheritance (Jay)
+ Samuel will look at one of them
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=93866
+ easiest solution: eg. for tango, during build concat tango + 

[libreoffice-projects] Minutes of the Design Hangout: 2015-11-25 + meeting time change: Friday, 14:00 CET

2015-11-26 Thread Jan Holesovsky
Note: the next meeting is _this_ Friday, 14:00 CET

* Present: Heiko, Jay, Kendy

* UI changes integrated the last week:

+ toolbar improvements (Samuel)
+ Save As to the Save dropdown (Samuel)
+ add Open Remote File to the start center (Samuel)
+ Save button becomes drop-down only when Save disabled (Maxim)
+ store sidebar element states (Laurent)
+ .ui improvements (Adolfo)

* Update the meeting time (Kendy)

+ New meeting time: Fridays, 14:00 CET (13:00 UTC)
+ starting this week already!

* Area Tab design session (Heiko/Jay)
+ Area Tab - https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94551
+ not published yet

+ draft now in the blog, please check it
* Dedicated Design team blog (Heiko)
+ https://design.blog.documentfoundation.org/

+ now syndicated to planet.documentfoundation.org too (Heiko)
+ Heiko walked us through the wp interface - hot to post new blog post etc.

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[libreoffice-projects] minutes of ESC call ...

2015-11-26 Thread Michael Meeks
* Present:
+ Cloph, Sophie, Stephan, Jan-Marek, JanI, Michael M, Miklos, Andras,
  Caolan, Bjoern, Lionel, Bubli, Armin, Michael S, Kendy, Eike, Robinson, 
* Completed Action Items:
+ UserAgent - drop bundled-languages (Michael)
+ UserAgent - produce a patch for review (Michael)
+ disable openGL by default for 5.0.4 (Cloph)
+ run the sw renaming script just before branch-off (Robinson)
[ needed a fix to a test document, accidentally touched,
  kendy fixed for the future ]
+ improve new contributors Wiki, write blogpost, promote git-review etc. 
[ v. open-ended: in-progress ]
+ setup FOSDEM Hackfest wiki page with dates (Samuel stole this AI ;) )
[ https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Hackfest/FOSDEM2016 ]
* Pending Action Items:
+ come up with a proposal for "abandoned" / "insufficient data"
  resolution in the bug-flow graph (Robinson)
[ lively discussion, following up, decision by the end of the week ]
+ book FOSDEM conf. room for board meeting (Florian)
[ perhaps after not before to avoid hackfest conflict ]
+ list of developers who havn't contributed in a while (JanI)
+ check mDNSResponder & move it to external/ (Michael S.)
[ hidden 5x directories deep in impress ]
+ double-check libmar/src, update/src, remove the duplicate, etc. (Kendy)
* Release Engineering update (Cloph)
+ 4.4.7 RC2
+ tagged, Linux + Mac built.
+ Windows delayed; since VM died; buying replacement H/W etc.
+ will start build today.
+ 5.0.4 status
+ RC1 / freeze - Monday
+ tagging due later today / tomorrow.
+ all fixes from gerrit are integrated
+ very last minute fixes today / tomorrow.
+ 5.1.0 branch / feature-freeze: this week.
+ branch created, and beta1 tag this week.
+ windows build breakage just before tagging.
+ a buildfix1 tag -> corresponding fixes.
+ re-created tar-balls from this.
+ Avoiding large-scale cosmetic cleanups
+ until when ? (Stephan)
+ consensus so-far; try to do just before branch-off (Miklos)
+ one idea mass-run through code-formatting tool (Bjoern)
+ start with config / code-style we want to use
+ by the time we do the next release: finally look at it.
   + 6 months to bike-shed.
+ afraid, can't agree on include order, not ideal (Miklos)
+ removing parameters, defaulted etc. (Stephan)
+ calming down for a couple of point-release to help bug-fixers 
+ makes sense (Bjoern)
+ concern, never a good time for doing these (Stephan)
+ concern - size, and non-functionality are deadly annoying when
  back-porting bug-fixes (Michael)
+ if a volunteer; doing rename member variables (Bjoern)
+ if 1st commit - makes sense perhaps.
+ agree with a quiet period (Eike)
+ will pile up changes in gerrit; but need reviewing.
+ piling makes them un-merge-able over time (Bjoern)
+ say - we discourage until .2 (as in the past) (Miklos)
+ not black / white - please try to avoid those.
=> avoid large non-functional cleanups until x.y.2
+ Late Features:
+ OpenGL - switch to simpler double-buffering.
+ Slide Transitions: artwork & polish
[ Jay and Andreas making new images - much appreciated ]
+ UserAgent display & tweakage
[ in modulo tweaking, cf. discussing a setting later ]
+ calc s/w interpreter-related patch
[ also got in before the freeze; an 18x speedup on CPU for
  some test sheets; currently guarded by a variable - and
  subsetting to just some sheets.
 + plan to test with crash-testing sheets & enable by 
  Would like to look at it (Eike)
 + dislike env.vars set - avoids the unit-tests
+ plan to remove it before ship (Kendy)
+ turn into normal config & default -> testable.
+ would like to turn it on now - default on for 
user-testing (Kendy)
+ optional B2 in the release-plan (Cloph)
+ can have an intermediate release.
 + goal of the code - vectors of doubles
+ formula results (Michael)
+ moves big chunk of ptr chasing & branching from 
inner loop.
+ Android & iOS Remote
+ delayed, due to B1 delay.
* Idle re-work (Michael)
+ graphical event processing issue
+ scheduler cleanup
+ true 'idle'