Fwd: [libreoffice-projects] 2016 budget proposals

2016-02-25 Thread Sophie
Hi all,

I would like to remind you about the budget proposal Florian has made
some time ago, the deadline is approaching, so please don't miss it :)

 Message transféré 
Sujet : [libreoffice-projects] 2016 budget proposals
Date : Wed, 10 Feb 2016 18:04:38 +0100
De : Florian Effenberger 
Organisation : The Document Foundation
Pour : projects@global.libreoffice.org

Dear community,

the year 2015 is over, and we have achieved a lot of exciting things,
thanks to your amazing work, dedication, passion and support - thank you
so much for being part of our community and working with us on the joint
goal of fostering LibreOffice!

In order to support the community even better, we would like to create a
better budgetting process, have a concrete plan for 2016 already now,
with a few "pools" or "buckets" defined, ideally:

1. community events (aimed at getting face-time for community contributors)
2. infrastructure (e.g. compute power/hardware/storage, cloud, VMs),
3. marketing (aimed at representing the project to the outside world)
4. other (anything that does not fit into the above)

The idea is to have a good plan for 2016 already now, while keeping the
administrative overhead low, and have two authorizers (one of them being
a board member or deputy, the other one from the wider community)
responsible for each budget, which means getting receipts, approving and
tracking expenses, and clarifying questions with Florian or Sophie.

To get a better understanding of your needs, we ask you to send us your
budget requests within *three weeks* from this e-mail, i.e. by
2016-03-02 to flo...@documentfoundation.org

While I monitor some of the lists, please always send your
proposals/requests *directly* to me so they are not lost!

Please let us know your requests for funds *alongside* some items you
envision to be paid from these funds. The items are not binding, the
spending in the end is the responsibility of the authorizers, but some
examples help the board in getting a better understanding of the funds
required to best match your needs. If possible, please also mention the
amount of travel costs associated. We'll factor in some margin, but
concrete numbers and ideas are very much welcome to have a plan for 2016.

As a sample, a request could look like this:

We'd like to request a 2016 budget of
1000 € for community events
500 € for infrastructure
1500 € for marketing

Expenses we envision are
1. marketing: attendance at XYZ trade show to show LibreOffice to ABC
user group (700 € booth costs, 300 € for collaterals and 500 € of
travel, totalling to 1500 €),
2. community: a community weekend to discuss tasks and ideas (600 €
hotel, 100 € for snacks and 300 € travel, totalling to 1000 €),
3. infrastructure: dedicated server to QA localized versions (500 €)

Alongside that, we will also provide some mechanism in Redmine for
approvals and tracking of expenses, and will follow-up with details on
this later on.

Thanks again for all your work, and looking forward to your proposals!


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[libreoffice-projects] minutes of ESC call ...

2016-02-25 Thread Michael Meeks
* Present:
 + Michael, Kendy, Olivier, Bjoern,Stephan, Caolán, Eike, Robinson, Norbert,
  Sophie, Armin, Christian, Michael S, jan I, Miklos, Muthu
* Completed Action Items:
+ fixed EasyHacks not showing up (JanI, Christian)
+ Review JanI's GSOC submission (Thorsten)
[ reviewed submitted ]
+ create a tender to improve fonts for the board (Design Team)
 [ Francisco Adrián S. who raised the problem with Carlito and Caladea 
   hope to collect it into a tenderable form -
AI:and poke Google & RedHat too ? (Kendy, Caolan) ]
   + Parag Nemade  is 
google-crosextra-[caladea|carlito]-fonts maintainer
+ come up with a hackfest 2016 travel estimate (Bjoern)
+ 2015 numbers and participant counts (unaffiliated, non TDF-members:
- Las Palmas 1127.32EUR for  8 (1,  1 )
- Cambridge  1193.70EUR for 14 (1,  1 )
- Hamburg 112.75EUR for 20 (4, 12+) (plus two job interviews, 
not included)
- Madrid  752.80EUR for  7 (1,  3 )
AI: + submit below to board: (Bjoern)
+ 2016 budget proposal:
- Las Palmas 1000 Eur
- Turkey 2000 Eur
- Hamburg 500 Eur
- Spain? 1000 Eur
- US/Boston? 1000 Eur
- FOSDEM 3500 Eur
- Foss Asia  1500 Eur
- DLP1000 Eur
- gerrit conf1000 Eur
- speaker/booth swag  500 Eur
[ added after meeting - for newbies - T-shirts etc. ]
- Hardware3000 Eur
- indiv dev. H/w SSDs, Macs, 
AI:   move it to the right place (Norbert)
+ talk with Norbert and hand doxygen generation over to sysadmin (Miklos)
+ build dev. SSD, PC, Mac, headsets budget (Michael)
* Pending Action Items:
+ UI changes from non-committers in gerrit: post list to UX team (Kendy)
 [ assigned to kendy and push to list ]
+ double-check duplicate libmar/src, update/src (Kendy)
+ update release plan for 5.2 and 5.3 (Christian)
+ setup a tinderbox VM for VS. 2015 (Christian)
* Release Engineering update (Christian/JanI)
+ improved the releng instructions
+ tagged & builds being done.
+ will further improve docs together next week
+ 5.0.6 RC1 - due April 12th.
+ 5.1.1 RC2 due this week
+ first build with Jan - prolly tag will be Wed to avoid late nights.
 Tagging done, build pending (janI)
+ Late Features (for 5.1.2)
+ New Slide Transitions: polish
[ ... debugging & work - some Intel fixing ]
+ UserAgent display & tweakage
[ still not done ... ]
+ URL for the online documentation needs change (Bjoern)
[ still pending ]
+ concern wrt. features (Norbert)
+ somewhat un-panicy release (Bjoern)
+ nothing major happening (Michael)
+ 5.1.2 RC1 week 11, March 15th
+ Android & iOS Remote
+ updates planned after build prep.
* Documentation (Olivier)
+ hacking XML files - and built a site with helpcontent.
+ trying to have it directly available in a browser.
+ http://hc3.edx.srv.br
 + not ready yet.
+ different to wikihelp ? (Michael)
+ another approach; can make pages richer.
+ currently mimic help file.
+ can we have it in dev-tools ? (Kendy)
+ plan not to touch XHP files, just:
+ transform & display in browser.
+ some additions to documentation:
+ new help files for some new calc functions
+ changes in UI getting updated in the help.
+ someone new on docs mailing-list (Kendy)
+ can you welcome & mentor ?
* GSoC 2016 (Thorsten, JanI)
+ https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/GSoC/Ideas
+ 3 admin volunteers: janI, Moggi, Thorsten
+ Application filed and available on wiki, for later years (janI)
+ next step - mid next month: opens for students to apply.
* UX Update (Kendy)
+ some time discussing the side-bar & its width
+ a survey coming out on what users expect & want there.
+ Q - what happens when MS Office opens a doc with Carlito ?
+ when export to word we have a fallback for that (Caolan)
+ VCL.xcu - font name graveyard (Michael)
* Crashtest update (Caolan)
+ 11 import failures, 1 export failures, 49 coverity
  + import odp new EmptyProperties assert
 + docs were prolly wrong in the past.
  + export odp recurse to death in svg reader
  + import svg recurse to death issues
 + waiting for help from Xisco
+ coverity run underway, hoping for sub 20 result
   + Stephan fixing Java-ness left & right.
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
+ next venues / suggestions