[libreoffice-projects] ESC / Rome discussion ...

2017-10-12 Thread Michael Meeks
Rather free-form, and not entirely serious:

Miklos‘ (Heretical) style plan
Encouraging style consistency – with tooling.
Re-formatting the whole code-base is rather controversial
Compromise: build a black-list of all existing code, for new code 
enforce existing style
Do we want that ?
If so – use clang-format – seems to be most mature project for 
LLVM, Chromium using this
a new dependency for a developer
life of windows/mac devs should be easy.
Provide statically linked windows / mac here.
Chrome already does this.

What should be the actual config ?
3 years ago – Caolan sent a clang-format config, see 
close-enough to the binary doc-filter.
some git-hook to enforce this for non-black-listed files.
Bit of perl hacking for the git commit hook needed.
Good to get input from the wider community first.

If you say – existing code is allowed to keep its diversity (Bjoern)
only new code in specific style.
Derive from class that is pre-existing.
Criteria would be per-file (Stephan)
style is mostly white-space (Miklos)

Lets try to avoid lots of new file splitting (Michael)

If someone does a very large change in a file anyway (Kendy)
and if not touched very often, no back-port pain
re-formatting could be possible
if done for lots of files → ESC.
Cosmetic renaming in writer just before branch (Miklos)

Last 3 months – 150 new files (Miklos)
A good test-bed.

New vs. Renamed files (Stephan)
when we get to the point that we can‘t see it is moved.
When move a file – do cleans as separate commit.
Important it is an easy-workflow
Can you add a demo for this ?

Requirements – enforcing script (Miklos)
print a diff – and auto-fix your code so doesn‘t have to be 
Chromium does this automatically … a pre-gerrit hook.
Can do something similar for pre-gerrit.

Would you have a website to see what it should be ? (Cloph)
not planned (Miklos)
some website with clang-format options.

Style bits doesn‘t break stuff on master (Bjoern)
If it is wrong, doesn‘t break someone from working on master.
Is it better to start with a weekly that fixes up the style in 
new commits
Prefer a single commit (Miklos)

Like an option of a different clang config per sub-dir (Michael)
The benefits should out-weigh the ideas of what code should 
look like (Stephan)

Chromium – clang-format gets a number of fixes (Stephan)
using clang-trunk / your version from your distro
if they have different ideas: turns into an edit-war.
Is it a real issue for Chromium ?
Clang-format developers guarentee some back-compat
What does Chromium do for this ?
1 layout-change; sort include in the same block 
system-headers previously, others afterwards eg.
Small enough to live with it.

Chromium – has a static binary provided even for Linux → same 

Do we want to re-order headers ? (Kendy)
can break the build – in a new file ? …
if this happens – can fix the code – headers self-contained 
just an example of behavior change.
Currently proposed config doesn’t sort includes (Miklos)

Should Miklos come up with a prototype ?

Image format / separate Alpha (Caolan)
Dual bitmaps – normal content & doesn’t map very well
Transparency is different to cairo, Mac, and GL.
0 is complete transparency, 255 means transparent (VCL)
we re-write all our alpha as we use it.
Would be nice to have ‘normal’ RGBA bits.
Would kill the old 16bit horrors in the X11/VCL backend
drop old / non-24bit X – and re-use gtk3 / cairo backend for 
Drop the generic backend.
Useful for bisection (?)
If we’re 24bit – can remove the transparency.
Keep an eye out for the meta-files.
Push it out the file-formats.
Should give more acceleration on 

[libreoffice-projects] minutes of ESC call ...

2017-10-12 Thread Michael Meeks
* Present:
+ lots of people at the Rome conference.

* What is the ESC (Caolan)
+ Engineering Steering Commitee
+ avoiding potential conflicts.
+ representation from most developing communities
 + docs, translation, releng, etc.
+ mostly people are in the ESC anyway.
+ all calls are public, and recorded, can listen in & find out …

* Completed Action Items:
+ bisect and analyze bug#112558
+ Bisected
+ Only in Calc
  + affects metric compatible fonts primarily C*
  + brought to ESC because Caolan fixed previous issue (Xisco)
  + priority is normal, but lets not focus on it now.
  + everyone happy with line-spacing in writer ? (Caolan)
  + yes – and elsewhere in UI etc. (Xisco)
+ add access to Mathias Freund(Kendy)
  + send welcome mail (Heiko)

* Pending Action Items:
+ find data for x86 / Linux downloads (Cloph)
+ ship the horror win / VC runtime DLLs with the installer (Cloph)
+ fix scripts producing junk numbers for crash testing (7 and 7) (Shinnok)
[ pending – making the scripts work again. ]
+ fwd build details on Mac / CVE build / test failure to the list (Shinnok)
[ still working on this, hope to have it done today ]
+ research the best way to build HTML help / documentation (Olivier)
[ still working on this ]
   + it will be python (olivier)
+ switch default to x86_64 / Windows for testing & pre-releases of 6.0 

* Release Engineering update (Christian)
+ 5.4.2 RC2 status
+ released as final last week.
+ prolly first version which has flat-hub builds (Stephan)
   + they do the builds for us …
   + Stephan does builds of ‘fresh’, but they will do ‘still’
   + prolly continue doing ‘fresh’ builds.
   + Endless – want to use this …
   + they appear to have the B/W to do the builds.
   + building for ARM32 & ARM64 too – plus Intel 32 & 64.
+ 5.3.7 RC2 - 1 week after conference.
+ 5.4.3 RC1 next week
+ 6.0 Alpha1
+ next week
+ 6.0.1 will be made sensible ...
+ 6 week gap from 6.0.0 to 6.0.1 ?
+ ideal to have 3-4 week after release instead;
=> adjust to 3 weeks; Christian to do something sensible.
+ 6.0.1 rc1 week 6
  to avoid scheduling conflicts move 5.4.5 one week back
+ Android
+ Online

* Documentation (Olivier)
+ some patches coming to the help content
+ continuing building books; intend to release a companion to 6.0
+ a static guide; on time there.
   + what should the cover look like.

* Heiko missing.

* Crash Hunting (Caolan)
+ 6 import failures, 0 export failures
+ mostly RTF documents, results for this week not in yet.
+ hope down to zero.
+ 7 coverity issues
+ only 3 outstanding Java issues of potential leaks.
+ sol’n – is to use Java APIs that don’t exist in our Java
+ do we care about our Java baseline ? → ignore them.
+ down to close to zero again.
+ Julien N doing great stuff on fixing these.
+ Google / ossfuzz: 34 fuzzers active now
+ chewing away at the XML filters
+ Google fixed the log issues.
+ starting to see issues hidden by older problems.
+ OOM when hit 2Gb; so seeing new layers of badness now.

* Crash Reporter (Xisco)
+ http://crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/?days=128
+ http://crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/version/
+ 1527 (last 7 days)
+ http://crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/version/
+ 3168 (last 7 days)
+ http://crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/version/
  + 598 (last 7 days )
+ numbers falling for 5.3.x
+ NEW to 
+ Xisco will look at reproducing it.

* Hackfests & Events (Thorsten)
+ new plan from Bjoern:
 + trying to get these going
 + had a meeting; minutes posted to board-discuss
 + need to work through ‘interesting’ easy-hacks to find a topic.
 + want two-day-long not-so-easy hacks.
+ Hamburg – 1st new-style hackfest
 + 9th-10th December possible, if it fits.
 + just after Beta2
 + https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Hackfests/HackfestTNG (Eike)
+ next after FOSDEM
+ Germany / France / Italy – considered for spring
 + love to have more offers fro further afield (Michael)
+ LibreOffice Conference
 + hacknight on Thu evening (Sophie)
  + Scout Center 
 + use the occasion to ask devs about NeedDevAdvice bugs (Xisco)
  + try to get the UNCONFIRMED stats down etc.

* mentoring/easyhack