[proletar] Iran or Islam? In Tehran That is the Question

2010-08-22 Thread sunny

Iran or Islam? In Tehran That is the Question

By Amir Taheri

Does Iran have an identity of its own? In fact, could anything called Iran even 
be imagined outside of Islam?
These are some of the questions raised in a heated debate that has pitted key 
figures of the Khomeinist establishment in Tehran against one another in what 
promises to become a massive washing of dirty laundry in public.

The debate was triggered earlier this month during a gathering of some 1,300 
Iranian exiles, who had come to Tehran for an " introductory visit" at the 
invitation of the government. 

The man who raised the issue is Esfandiar Rahim Mashai, a self-styled 
philosopher who serves as Cabinet Director for President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. 

Initially, Ahmadinejad had appointed Mashai as his First Vice President. 

Ahmadinejad was forced to backtrack after top figures, including the "Supreme 
Guide" Ali Khamenei, publicly said that they would not tolerate Mashai in that 

However, the change of titles made little difference insofar as Mashai's power 
and influence, as Ahamdinejad's ideological mentor, is concerned. 

The two men, who are lifelong friends, are also related because Mashai's 
daughter is married to Ahmadinejad's son.

Addressing the visiting exiles, Mashai adopted a nationalistic tone, speaking 
of Iran as a great civilization with a universal message and "global leadership 
responsibilities". He ended up by calling on the guests to return to their 
places of exile to preach "the Iranian school" and " the Iranian message." 

The quotations used in the speech came from Persian poets and philosophers, in 
sharp contrast with the official discourse that is peppered with citations from 
the Koran and various imams and ayatollahs. Nor were there any references to 
the late Khomeini, the mullah who created the regime, or the present "Supreme 

More significantly, there was little mention of Islam, the leitmotif of the 
Khomeinist regime since the mullahs seized power in 1979.

Mashai's speech could have come out of the literature of the pan-Iranist party, 
a nationalist movement that reached its peak in the 1950s and was eventually 
dissolved by the Shah in 1975.

Mashai touched a number of raw nerves, especially among the mullahs.

They knew that if the emphasis was shifted from the idea of Islam to that of 
Iran, their centuries' old boutique might face a loss of customers. 

Thus a battery of attacks were launched against Mashai by radical mullahs like 
Ahmad Janati and Ahmad Khatami who devoted their Friday sermons to denouncing 
the president's closest friend as " a suspicious character" and even "possibly 
an agent of foreign influence."

Then it was the turn of Ayatollah Mohammad-Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi, believed to be 
Ahmadinejad's principal source of support within the Shi'ite clergy, to attack 
Mashai as a "shadowy figure with an unknown agenda."

The final barrage came from The Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces 
Major-General Hassan Firuzabadi who called for Mashai to be prosecuted on 
charges approaching treason. Mashai retaliated by announcing he would sue 
Firuzabadi for libel.

Scores of lesser mullahs and jackboots, not to mention the part of the media 
controlled by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), have also joined 
the lynch mob organised against Mashai.

Well, what is all the fuss about?

Mashai's speech included nothing that could be regarded as illegal even under 
the Khomeinist constitution. Nor did he say anything that might threaten the 
existence of the beleaguered regime.

The trouble, however, is that in Khomeinist-controlled Iran, as in so many 
other so-called "developing countries", no decent political debate is possible. 
In such countries, people who disagree with you do not attack your ideas but 
your person. Thus no one bothers to examine Mashai's ideas if only to refute 
them. Everyone takes the easy way of accusing him of being deranged or acting 
on orders from the CIA and Mossad. 

Mashai's speech could be seen as a manoeuvre by Ahmadinejad to deprive the 
opponents of the regime of at least part of their nationalist aura.

To demonstrators who march with cries of " The Iranian Republic, Not The 
Islamic Republic", he is saying that he could be as Iranians as they are.

He also wants to pretend that the sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic by 
the United Nations, the United States and the European Union, in fact, target 
the Iranian nation not the Khomeinist regime. 

Last year, when supporters of the defeated presidential candidate, Mir-Hossein 
Moussavi, adopted green, the colour of Islam, as their standard Ahmadinejad 
retaliated by wearing blue, the national colour of pre-Islamic Iran.

To bolster his Iranian credentials, Ahmadinejad has proposed the creation of a 
Union of Persian-Speaking Nations; that is to say Iran, Afghanistan and 

The irony in all th

[proletar] Iran or Islam? In Tehran That is the Question

2010-08-22 Thread sunny

Iran or Islam? In Tehran That is the Question

By Amir Taheri

Does Iran have an identity of its own? In fact, could anything called Iran even 
be imagined outside of Islam? 
These are some of the questions raised in a heated debate that has pitted key 
figures of the Khomeinist establishment in Tehran against one another in what 
promises to become a massive washing of dirty laundry in public.

The debate was triggered earlier this month during a gathering of some 1,300 
Iranian exiles, who had come to Tehran for an " introductory visit" at the 
invitation of the government. 

The man who raised the issue is Esfandiar Rahim Mashai, a self-styled 
philosopher who serves as Cabinet Director for President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. 

Initially, Ahmadinejad had appointed Mashai as his First Vice President. 

Ahmadinejad was forced to backtrack after top figures, including the "Supreme 
Guide" Ali Khamenei, publicly said that they would not tolerate Mashai in that 

However, the change of titles made little difference insofar as Mashai's power 
and influence, as Ahamdinejad's ideological mentor, is concerned. 

The two men, who are lifelong friends, are also related because Mashai's 
daughter is married to Ahmadinejad's son.

Addressing the visiting exiles, Mashai adopted a nationalistic tone, speaking 
of Iran as a great civilization with a universal message and "global leadership 
responsibilities". He ended up by calling on the guests to return to their 
places of exile to preach "the Iranian school" and " the Iranian message." 

The quotations used in the speech came from Persian poets and philosophers, in 
sharp contrast with the official discourse that is peppered with citations from 
the Koran and various imams and ayatollahs. Nor were there any references to 
the late Khomeini, the mullah who created the regime, or the present "Supreme 

More significantly, there was little mention of Islam, the leitmotif of the 
Khomeinist regime since the mullahs seized power in 1979.

Mashai's speech could have come out of the literature of the pan-Iranist party, 
a nationalist movement that reached its peak in the 1950s and was eventually 
dissolved by the Shah in 1975.

Mashai touched a number of raw nerves, especially among the mullahs.

They knew that if the emphasis was shifted from the idea of Islam to that of 
Iran, their centuries' old boutique might face a loss of customers. 

Thus a battery of attacks were launched against Mashai by radical mullahs like 
Ahmad Janati and Ahmad Khatami who devoted their Friday sermons to denouncing 
the president's closest friend as " a suspicious character" and even "possibly 
an agent of foreign influence."

Then it was the turn of Ayatollah Mohammad-Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi, believed to be 
Ahmadinejad's principal source of support within the Shi'ite clergy, to attack 
Mashai as a "shadowy figure with an unknown agenda."

The final barrage came from The Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces 
Major-General Hassan Firuzabadi who called for Mashai to be prosecuted on 
charges approaching treason. Mashai retaliated by announcing he would sue 
Firuzabadi for libel.

Scores of lesser mullahs and jackboots, not to mention the part of the media 
controlled by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), have also joined 
the lynch mob organised against Mashai.

Well, what is all the fuss about?

Mashai's speech included nothing that could be regarded as illegal even under 
the Khomeinist constitution. Nor did he say anything that might threaten the 
existence of the beleaguered regime.

The trouble, however, is that in Khomeinist-controlled Iran, as in so many 
other so-called "developing countries", no decent political debate is possible. 
In such countries, people who disagree with you do not attack your ideas but 
your person. Thus no one bothers to examine Mashai's ideas if only to refute 
them. Everyone takes the easy way of accusing him of being deranged or acting 
on orders from the CIA and Mossad. 

Mashai's speech could be seen as a manoeuvre by Ahmadinejad to deprive the 
opponents of the regime of at least part of their nationalist aura.

To demonstrators who march with cries of " The Iranian Republic, Not The 
Islamic Republic", he is saying that he could be as Iranians as they are.

He also wants to pretend that the sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic by 
the United Nations, the United States and the European Union, in fact, target 
the Iranian nation not the Khomeinist regime. 

Last year, when supporters of the defeated presidential candidate, Mir-Hossein 
Moussavi, adopted green, the colour of Islam, as their standard Ahmadinejad 
retaliated by wearing blue, the national colour of pre-Islamic Iran.

To bolster his Iranian credentials, Ahmadinejad has proposed the creation of a 
Union of Persian-Speaking Nations; that is to say Iran, Afghanistan and 

The irony in all