Re: [proletar] Proyek unt sampah masyarakat

2012-02-06 Terurut Topik Musik hari Ini
Belajar baca koran yang bener2 koran
koran peropaganda yang lubaca pasti asal mangap kayak kebiasaanlu
apa2 yang berbahasa inggris terus harus bener adanya?
otak kosong seperti kepalalu itu pasti taik isinya.

 From: item abu 
To: ""  
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2012 4:33 PM
Subject: [proletar] Proyek unt sampah masyarakat

Denmark ngabisin 90 milyar cuma buat 1 ghetto muslim unt berbagai proyek antara 
lain proyek "ngebangunin orang Islam unt pergi ke sekolah" dan proyek "cara 
buang sampah". Ini nunjukkan betapa dungunya orang2 Islam di Denmark itu, sampe 
yg kayak gitu aja hrs diajarkan dan hrs ngabisin duit begitu banyak. 
Lalu, apa hasilnya? Hehehe... udah pasti ga sebanding dgn duit yg keluar sama 
sekali. Coba lihat contoh di proyek Intership yg ngabisin biaya 3 milyar, cuma 
ada 1 orang yg dpt pekerjaan permanen. Mungkin tanpa proyek itu jg ybs bisa dpt 
kerja permanan.
Apa Indonesia (akan) pernah bikin proyek yg sama dgn nilai segitu? Jangan 
salah, Indonesia itu bahkan lebih hebat dlm ngabisin duit, unt kursi 1 ruangan 
aja bisa ngabisin milyaran, unt WC 1 gedung, bukan 1 ghetto bisa keluar 
Berarti, Indonesia itu kan lebih makmur dr Denmark krn biaya proyek "sampah" di 
Indonesia ini lebih tinggi dr biaya proyek serupa di Denmark. Ini ngikutin 
logika "brilyan" seseorang di milis ini yg ngebandingkan harga makanan di kota 
besar di Indonesia dgn di Australia.
Denmark: 10.3 million dollars spent on integration projects in Vollsmose 
ghetto. Courses in 'getting up in the morning' and 'how to handle garbage'
I have reported about the Muslim ghetto Vollsmose several times: Denmark: No 
comprehensive car insurance in Muslim area -- too many burned cars; Denmark: 
More Muslim violence against non-Muslims; Danish police: Immigrant criminals 
target Danes to make them move out of the (Muslim) area; and Denmark: 
Iranian-born leader of small Christian church attacked for displaying cross. 
The Danish newspaper BT has scrutinized the budget for integration in 
Vollsmose. Since 2008, 58,482,279 kr. (10.3 million USD / 7,9 million Euros) 
has been spent on the following. Translated from BT, February 5, 2012: 
"Vollsmose gilded with millions of kroner. - But the problems continue...":
Free buses and concerts - 2,844,402 kr. (500,000 USD) An extra pool of money 
was created to support new ideas. The funds has been spent on free bus service 
in the area, job counseling, a choir, celebrations and concerts. 
>Coaching - 280,250 kr (50,000 USD)
>The so-called ABCD project seeks to get residents to become aware of their own 
>qualifications, a kind of coaching.
>Consultants - 6,040,692 kr (1,000,000 USD)
>Three resident advisers, including former parliamentary politician Asmaa Abdol 
>Hamid (who says that the Quran guides her in every aspect of life and who 
>rejects equality between the sexes), have been hired to keep track of the many 
>projects that are started in the district.
>Project management - 1,213,758 kr (210,000 USD)
>There are so many associations and networks in Vollsmose that a global network 
>is needed to keep track of them.
>Improved image - 11,421,411 kr (2,000,000 USD)
>Establishment of Media House Vollsmose that publishes its own weekly newspaper 
>in order to create a more positive image of Vollsmose. The articles is 
>concentrating on positive stories from the area, says the Media House.
>Multicultural offer - 3,339,673 kr (585,000 USD)
>In 2007 it was estimated that young people with multicultural background 
>lacked cultural offerings. This is why a cultural center has been created in 
>the area.
>Internship - 2,000,000 kr (350,000 USD)
>To get more people to work, unemployed people have been given internships at a 
>local caretaker. One resident has subsequently gotten a permanent job as a 
>result of this project.
>Marketing - 4,385,000 kr (770,000 USD)
>A marketing project has been launched to attract educational institutions and 
>businesses to the district.
>Special expenses - 9,596,542 kr (1,700,000 USD)
>This money goes to the operation of the area's nine housing associations and 
>three housing organizations. The money goes to short courses, machine 
>procurement, combating vandalism and longer opening hours at recycling centers.
>Administration - 3,821,641 kr (670,000 USD) 
>Launching the many projects costs money in itself. This is because a 
>consultant company was hired to do it, and because it costs money to track how 
>the money is spent.
>Cleanup - 2,500,000 kr (440,000 USD)
>Money to the Project Youth Team primarily goes to paying the young people who 
>are hired to remove garbage and waste lying around in the district.
>Environmental awareness - 1,415,866 kr (250,000 

[proletar] Proyek unt sampah masyarakat

2012-02-06 Terurut Topik item abu
Denmark ngabisin 90 milyar cuma buat 1 ghetto muslim unt berbagai proyek antara 
lain proyek "ngebangunin orang Islam unt pergi ke sekolah" dan proyek "cara 
buang sampah". Ini nunjukkan betapa dungunya orang2 Islam di Denmark itu, sampe 
yg kayak gitu aja hrs diajarkan dan hrs ngabisin duit begitu banyak. 
Lalu, apa hasilnya? Hehehe... udah pasti ga sebanding dgn duit yg keluar sama 
sekali. Coba lihat contoh di proyek Intership yg ngabisin biaya 3 milyar, cuma 
ada 1 orang yg dpt pekerjaan permanen. Mungkin tanpa proyek itu jg ybs bisa dpt 
kerja permanan.
Apa Indonesia (akan) pernah bikin proyek yg sama dgn nilai segitu? Jangan 
salah, Indonesia itu bahkan lebih hebat dlm ngabisin duit, unt kursi 1 ruangan 
aja bisa ngabisin milyaran, unt WC 1 gedung, bukan 1 ghetto bisa keluar 
Berarti, Indonesia itu kan lebih makmur dr Denmark krn biaya proyek "sampah" di 
Indonesia ini lebih tinggi dr biaya proyek serupa di Denmark. Ini ngikutin 
logika "brilyan" seseorang di milis ini yg ngebandingkan harga makanan di kota 
besar di Indonesia dgn di Australia.
Denmark: 10.3 million dollars spent on integration projects in Vollsmose 
ghetto. Courses in 'getting up in the morning' and 'how to handle garbage'
I have reported about the Muslim ghetto Vollsmose several times: Denmark: No 
comprehensive car insurance in Muslim area -- too many burned cars; Denmark: 
More Muslim violence against non-Muslims; Danish police: Immigrant criminals 
target Danes to make them move out of the (Muslim) area; and Denmark: 
Iranian-born leader of small Christian church attacked for displaying cross. 
The Danish newspaper BT has scrutinized the budget for integration in 
Vollsmose. Since 2008, 58,482,279 kr. (10.3 million USD / 7,9 million Euros) 
has been spent on the following. Translated from BT, February 5, 2012: 
"Vollsmose gilded with millions of kroner. - But the problems continue...":
Free buses and concerts - 2,844,402 kr. (500,000 USD) An extra pool of money 
was created to support new ideas. The funds has been spent on free bus service 
in the area, job counseling, a choir, celebrations and concerts. 
>Coaching - 280,250 kr (50,000 USD)
>The so-called ABCD project seeks to get residents to become aware of their own 
>qualifications, a kind of coaching.
>Consultants - 6,040,692 kr (1,000,000 USD)
>Three resident advisers, including former parliamentary politician Asmaa Abdol 
>Hamid (who says that the Quran guides her in every aspect of life and who 
>rejects equality between the sexes), have been hired to keep track of the many 
>projects that are started in the district.
>Project management - 1,213,758 kr (210,000 USD)
>There are so many associations and networks in Vollsmose that a global network 
>is needed to keep track of them.
>Improved image - 11,421,411 kr (2,000,000 USD)
>Establishment of Media House Vollsmose that publishes its own weekly newspaper 
>in order to create a more positive image of Vollsmose. The articles is 
>concentrating on positive stories from the area, says the Media House.
>Multicultural offer - 3,339,673 kr (585,000 USD)
>In 2007 it was estimated that young people with multicultural background 
>lacked cultural offerings. This is why a cultural center has been created in 
>the area.
>Internship - 2,000,000 kr (350,000 USD)
>To get more people to work, unemployed people have been given internships at a 
>local caretaker. One resident has subsequently gotten a permanent job as a 
>result of this project.
>Marketing - 4,385,000 kr (770,000 USD)
>A marketing project has been launched to attract educational institutions and 
>businesses to the district.
>Special expenses - 9,596,542 kr (1,700,000 USD)
>This money goes to the operation of the area's nine housing associations and 
>three housing organizations. The money goes to short courses, machine 
>procurement, combating vandalism and longer opening hours at recycling centers.
>Administration - 3,821,641 kr (670,000 USD) 
>Launching the many projects costs money in itself. This is because a 
>consultant company was hired to do it, and because it costs money to track how 
>the money is spent.
>Cleanup - 2,500,000 kr (440,000 USD)
>Money to the Project Youth Team primarily goes to paying the young people who 
>are hired to remove garbage and waste lying around in the district.
>Environmental awareness - 1,415,866 kr (250,000 USD)
>This project aims to educate residents to understand how to handle waste, how 
>to save water, heat and electricity. 35 immigrant women have received this 
>Waking up in the morning 1,593,969 kr (280,000 USD)
>To reduce absenteeism in schools in the area, Project Alarm Clock was created. 
>Now school teachers call students who have not appeared in school.
>Role models - 1,860,853 kr. (325,000 USD)
>Young2Young is a project that aims to get the well-functioning youth to help 
>other young people to get part-time jobs.
>Festival - 1,630,963 kr. (285,000 USD)
>This money is