Stop Violence and Biased News on Salena Case 


Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN/ Indigenous Peoples Alliance of the 
Archipelago), WALHI- Friends of the Earth Indonesia, Kontras (The Commission 
for Disappearances and Victims of Violence), HuMa (Association for Community 
and Ecologically-Based Law Reform) and HRWG 

Police personnel of the West Palu police station and community members of 
Salena village, clashed on the 25th October 2005 in Buluri subdistrict, Central 
Sulawesi, leaving three policemen and a member of the community dead. The event 
led to the publications of news about an `Islamic deviant cult' called `Mahdi' 
in the press and violence threats to members of Salena village community. 
Fearing the impact, residents of Salena have now fled to the forests leaving an 
empty village that was looted by residents of neighbouring villages in Buluri 
and Tipo subdistricts. It is believed that the looting was triggered by biased 
news about the so-called `Mahdi cult'. 

In response to the possibility of a worsening situation in terms of the 
physical and psychological welfare of the Salena villagers, AMAN, WALHI, 
Kontras, HuMa and HRWG, now consider it important to correct the information 
about the indigenous peoples of Salena village and so-called members of the 
`religious deviant cult'. 

1.    Mahdi is a martial arts teacher in Salena village who is also a healer. 
So far, the state has not yet been able to provide proper health care for the 
villagers there, therefore Mahdi's skill in helping and healing people is 

2.    There is no religious deviant teaching taught and practised in Mahdi's 
martial art school. Mahdi only teaches his martial art of self-defence and 
provides health care. 

3.    The news on `religious deviant teaching' did not originate from members 
of Salena village, but from outsiders, particularly the police. 

4.    Members of Salena village are Moslem and practise their religion. 

5.    Members of Salena village respect their cultural traditions that have 
been passed down from one generation to another. 

6.    Members of Salena village do not know the reason why police came to their 
village and looked for Mahdi. 

7.    Only some members of the village belong to Mahdi's martial art school. So 
far, there have not been any complaints about the school from other residents 
of the village. 

8.    Interviews carried out with some members of the village were done under 
the pressure and might have given rise to misinformation. 

Based on these facts, we urge the Central and Local Government, the Indonesian 
Police, Religious Authorities, the press and all members of the society: 

1.    To proactively restore peace and normal conditions in Salena, to prevent 
any violent act perpetrated by both the State and other communities towards the 
villagers and to disseminate impartial and balanced news on the incident. 

2.    To protect the indigenous peoples, particularly those who have not been 
touched by social and health care from the State, and not to interfere with the 
religious and beliefs of indigenous peoples and society in general, as long as 
they do not force or carry out violent acts towards other members of society. 

3.    To guarantee freedom of observation and other manifestations of their 
religion, beliefs and cultural traditions, as long as they do not harm other 
people or other communities' rights by forcing or carrying out violence as 
stipulated in the 1945 Constitution and Law No.39/1999 on Human Rights. 

4.    To explain to the public the reasons for the visit of the police to 
Salena village and how the ensuing clash happened. 

5.    To give the opportunity (and guarantee of safety) to members of Salena 
village to recount their side of the story on why the police, in large numbers, 
came to their village. 

6.    To refrain from easily labelling religious, beliefs or traditional 
cultural expression of a group of people or a community as a `deviant cult' 
since it has the potential to trigger inter-community violence. 

7.    To guarantee freedom of gathering, association and religious, beliefs and 
traditional/cultural expression to residents of Salena village as stipulated in 
the 1945 Constitution and the State's ideology Pancasila. 

8.    As a country, which has ratified some international human rights 
instruments such as the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural 
Rights, Covenant of Civil and Political Rights, Anti-Discrimination Convention, 
and Convention on Biodiversity, to prove its responsibility to respect, to 
protect and to fulfil the rights contained in those international human rights 

9.    To clarify the incident thoroughly and to urge the press to perform an 
in-depth investigation prior to any news publication 

10.              To call the Indonesia's Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) 
to thoroughly and objectively investigate the case. 

AMAN, WALHI, Kontras, HuMa and HRWG would also like to emphasize that: 

1.    Violence and discrimination suffered by the indigenous peoples in Salena 
village reflect the existence of social prejudice towards indigenous peoples 
living in mountainous regions of the country. The lack of education and access 
to public space added to the ritual beliefs performed by indigenous peoples 
have been continuously used to label them as `abnormal', `deviant' or other 
derogatory terms that discredit them. 

2.    The incident has demonstrated the lack of protection and proper social 
services provided by the state to minority groups, especially ethic and 
religious minority groups, in Indonesia. 

3.    The incident has brought about the onset of a process that could lead to 
genocide towards a group of indigenous peoples. 

Jakarta, 28th October 2005 


AMAN/ Indigenous Peoples Alliance of the Archipelago 

Contact: Executive Secretary: Emilianus Ola Kleden 

Telephone +62-(0) 21-7802771, Mobile +62-(0) 815-8239948 


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