Hi everyone đź‘‹

I'm helping with the overall helm stable repo move to find the charts their 
new homes (see https://github.com/helm/charts/issues/21103 for overview 
status of each chart, and please help us keep those updated by linking to 
that issue).

In order to speed this up a bit for prometheus charts, per 
https://prometheus.io/community/ I joined Freenode IRC #prometheus-dev 
channel to help with any real time questions about this, and make immediate 
next steps.

I've opened https://github.com/prometheus-community/community/issues/28 to 
create a new prometheus-community/helm-charts git repo, and added context 
there, including linking and summarizing relevant open questions on this 
email thread. Tl;dr, I think we should move all prometheus-related charts 
as-is to the new git repo with the initial priority to unblock the the 
stable charts deprecation. The longer-term goal can be working with 
prometheus developers and community within that repo to refactor and 
deprecate/rename as needed according to ongoing discussion about more 
appropriate architecture/naming. This solution allows incremental 
improvements without blocking the overall effort.

Also see my comments 
on the open question about prometheus-operator chart. Tl;dr: if the 
prometheus-operator org decides to accept it before we move the rest of the 
prometheus charts to prometheus-community/helm-charts, then great. 
Otherwise I believe we should include it with the others to begin, with the 
idea that we can always deprecate and move to the prometheus-operator org 
later if/when they accept it. Either way, this allows it to not be a 
blocker of the overall effort.

PS, I think the linked prometheus-community/community issue above addresses 
most of the rest of the concerns in this mail thread, but one open comment 
above I didn't address there was CĂ©dric's note about git repo naming for 
forking purposes - the reason was simplicity and following what most of the 
community is doing. I agree it's annoying to rename repos when forking on 
GitHub, but this is why they let you do it during fork (contributors can 
rename to "prometheus-helm-charts" or whatever else you they wish when 
forking, just like helm repos by jagertracing, fluent, kong, jfrog, bitnami 
etc). But I agree 100% about your note on Helm automation tools including 
the GH Action wrappers!

Let's join the conversation on that prometheus-community/community issue if 
there are any other open questions or concerns.


On Tuesday, August 4, 2020 at 4:02:45 PM UTC-4 fr...@sumologic.com wrote:

> Hi folks.  Was a conclusion reached on this? I am a PM at Sumo Logic and 
> we use the Helm charts as part of our solution and was not sure if a 
> concensus had been reached.
> On Tuesday, June 30, 2020 at 2:27:03 PM UTC-6 husson....@gmail.com wrote:
>> Up,
>> @Prometheus Developers for the vote, maybe you would like to do it in 
>> another topic ?  
>> @Stuart yeah for the option 3 it would make more sense to have in a 
>> dedicated organization. But the idea is there at least :)
>> Le mar. 23 juin 2020 Ă  14:42, Stuart Clark <stuart...@jahingo.com> a 
>> Ă©crit :
>>> On 2020-06-23 09:30, Augustin Husson wrote:
>>> > @Mingchin Hsieh Sorry I didn't get your point. To enable the CI/CD
>>> > with circle-ci, yes you need to have the admin right. Otherwise to see
>>> > how the CI/CD is working you don't need any special right.
>>> > @Cedric that's nice ! I didn't know about it. Thanks a lot :)
>>> > 
>>> > I think here we need to have a vote, because I think now it just
>>> > matters of what to do.
>>> > 
>>> > To the @Prometheus Developers  can you please vote on the following
>>> > proposition ?
>>> > 
>>> > * one repository PROMETHEUS-HELM-CHARTS will be created in the
>>> > organization PROMETHEUS that will contain the helm chart of:
>>> >    * prometheus
>>> >    * alertManager
>>> >    * node-exporter
>>> >    * other helm chart relative to the repository contained in the
>>> > current organization
>>> > * one repository PROMETHEUS-HEM-CHARTS will be created in the
>>> > organization PROMETHEUS-COMMUNITY that will contain the helm chart of:
>>> >   *  jira-alerting
>>> >   *  other helm chart relative to the repository contained in the
>>> > current organization
>>> > 
>>> > We will create a repository prometheus-helm-charts in
>>> > prometheus-community that will contain everything.
>>> > 
>>> > * prometheus-community/prometheus-helm-chart
>>> > * prometheus-community/node-exporter-helm-chart
>>> > * prometheus-community/alert-manager-helm-chart
>>> > * prometheus-community/jira-alert-helm-chart
>>> > 
>>> > I hope I didn't forget any proposition and it's well summarize. Please
>>> > reply if you think there is something missing.
>>> > 
>>> > on my side I'm more in FAVOR OF THE PROPOSITION 1.
>>> > 
>>> If you went with a repo per chart, rather than option 3 it would 
>>> probably be nicer to have a new organisation specifically for helm 
>>> charts (prometheus-community-helm or something)
>>> -- 
>>> Stuart Clark

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