Re: [prometheus-users] Extracting long queries from multiple histograms

2022-04-21 Thread Victor Sudakov
Julius Volz wrote:

> >
> > The query `app1_response_duration_bucket{{le="0.75"}` will return a
> > list of endpoints which have responded faster than 0.75s.
> >
> This is not quite correct - this query gives you the le="0.75" bucket
> counter for *all* endpoints, 

OK, I stand corrected.

> and the value of each bucket counter tells you
> how many requests that endpoint has handled that completed within 0.75s
> since the exposing process started tracking things.

What if I want to see how many requests each endpoint has handled that
DID NOT complete within 0.75s since the exposing process started
tracking things?
> > How do I invert the "le" and find the endpoints slower than "le"?
> >
> Hmm, histograms are usually used to tell you about the *distribution* of
> request latencies to a given endpoint (or other label combination). So it's
> unclear what you mean with an endpoint being slower than some "le" value.

Please see above.

> Do you want to find out whether some endpoint has handled any requests *at
> all* that took longer than some duration? Or only if that happened in the
> last X amount of time? 

Yes, I think I can put it like this. I would like to be informed if any
endpoint has become "slow" and the details may vary.

> Or only if a certain percentage of requests were too
> slow?
> One thing people frequently do is to calculate percentiles / quantiles from
> a histogram, for example:
> histogram_quantile(0.9, rate(app1_response_duration_bucket[5m]))
> ...would tell you the approximated 90th percentile latency in seconds as
> averaged over a moving 5-minute window for a given label combination, which
> you can then combine with a filter operator to find slow endpoints (e.g.
> "... > 10" would give you those endpoints that have a 90th percentile
> latency above 10s).

I've tried to graph "histogram_quantile(0.9, 
rate(app1_response_duration_bucket[5m])) > 3" 
but the result is very hard to interpret visually. It almost makes no sense.

It's slightly more understandable as a table/list.

Victor Sudakov VAS4-RIPE

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Re: [prometheus-users] Extracting long queries from multiple histograms

2022-04-20 Thread Victor Sudakov
Victor Sudakov wrote:
> There is a web app which exports its metrics as multiple histograms,
> one histogram per Web endpoint. So each set of histogram data is also
> labelled by the {endpoint} label. There are about 50 endpoints so
> about 50 histograms.
> I would like to detect and graph slow endpoints, that is I would like
> to know the value of {endpoint} when its {le} is over 1s or something
> like that. 
> Can you please help with a relevant PromQL query and an idea how to
> represent it in Grafana?
> I don't actually want 50 heatmaps, there must be a clever way to make
> an overview of all the slow endpoints, or all the endpoints with a
> particular status code etc.

An example. The PromQL query
produces a histogram.

The PromQL query 
produces another histogram.

The query `app1_response_duration_bucket{{le="0.75"}` will return a
list of endpoints which have responded faster than 0.75s. 

How do I invert the "le" and find the endpoints slower than "le"?

Victor Sudakov VAS4-RIPE

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[prometheus-users] Extracting long queries from multiple histograms

2022-04-19 Thread Victor Sudakov
Dear Colleages,

There is a web app which exports its metrics as multiple histograms,
one histogram per Web endpoint. So each set of histogram data is also
labelled by the {endpoint} label. There are about 50 endpoints so
about 50 histograms.

I would like to detect and graph slow endpoints, that is I would like
to know the value of {endpoint} when its {le} is over 1s or something
like that. 

Can you please help with a relevant PromQL query and an idea how to
represent it in Grafana?

I don't actually want 50 heatmaps, there must be a clever way to make
an overview of all the slow endpoints, or all the endpoints with a
particular status code etc.

Victor Sudakov VAS4-RIPE

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Re: [prometheus-users] Re: A query to find a burst?

2022-01-04 Thread Victor Sudakov
Brian Candler wrote:
> On Tuesday, 4 January 2022 at 10:51:45 UTC Victor Sudakov wrote:
> > This "@" modifier seems quite useful. I had not had it enabled before 
> > this conversation with you. Now I'll be using it more often. 
> >
> > Do you happen to know why it is disabled by default?
> >
> I'm guessing because it's experimental and might be withdrawn if it's 
> decided not to be worth the hassle of maintaining it going forward.
> You don't need it when using the HTTP API 
> <> 
> anyway: you specify the time you want the instant query to be evaluated 
> at.  The web interface, which is just a front-end onto the HTTP API, also 
> lets you specify the evaluation time.  So I was using "@timestamp" 
> generically to mean "expression evaluated at that time"; it doesn't have to 
> be literal PromQL.

So, the "@timestamp" modifier and the "Evaluation time" selector in the 
Web UI are the same? I see. But the "@timestamp" modifier in PromQL is
more demonstrative IMHO. Also, if PromQL is a query language, it
should be self-sufficient.

Thanks again for clarification.

Victor Sudakov VAS4-RIPE

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Re: [prometheus-users] Re: A query to find a burst?

2022-01-04 Thread Victor Sudakov
Brian Candler wrote:
> > I've noticed that if I take a larger resampling interval, like 
> > "foo[2d:1h]", I lose all my peaks. Which is kind of understandable now 
> > but the question "how to better find peaks" kind of remains.
> (foo == N)[2d:15s] will find the peaks, with approximate timestamps within 
> 15 seconds of the actual time the data was sampled.
> If you want, you can then hit the API with additional queries
> foo[15s] @timestamp
> to get the raw metrics with exact timestamps (it will return the raw 
> timeseries between timestamp-15s and timestamp).

This "@" modifier seems quite useful. I had not had it enabled before
this conversation with you. Now I'll be using it more often.

Do you happen to know why it is disabled by default?

> But in many applications, you don't care about this.  You're only sampling 
> the data every 15 seconds anyway, which means you'll miss the exact time 
> when the state of the thing you're sampling changed; in other words, the 
> timestamp will already have between 0 and 15 seconds of error. So adding 
> another 0-15 seconds of error is probably not a big deal.

Thank you Brian, you've been able to help me achieve more clarity. The
PromQL and the CloudWatch approaches to queries are difficult to get
used to for a person who started graphing things with MRTG 20+ years

Victor Sudakov VAS4-RIPE

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Re: [prometheus-users] Re: A query to find a burst?

2022-01-04 Thread Victor Sudakov
Brian Candler wrote:
> > Hello Brian! I don't quite understand why "(foo == N)[2d:1m]" or even 
> > "(foo == N)[2d:]" is allowed while "(foo == N)[2d]" is not?
> foo[2d] is a range vector.  It gives you all the individual timestamped 
> data points belonging to all timeseries for metric "foo" within a time 
> period from evaluation time T to T-2d.
> However, range vectors can *only* be applied to pure metrics, not to 
> expressions.  "foo == N" is an expression which generates an instant vector 
> at some evaluation time T.
> The reason for this limitation becomes clear when you consider expressions 
> which calculate across multiple timeseries, such as
> sum(foo)
> or
>foo / bar
> Metrics "foo" and "bar" compromise multiple timeseries, identified by 
> different label sets.  However within each timeseries, the data points have 
> their own unique timestamps: the data points in foo{bar="a"} were not 
> necessarily scraped at the same time as foo{bar="b"}.

You probably meant "comprise" ?

> Therefore, the only possible way to do arithmetic across timeseries is to 
> pick some arbitrary evaluation time T, take the value of those timeseries 
> at that same point T, and give the result timestamped with T.  A subquery 
> lets you repeat that across a time window: it scans across the window at 
> intervals of some step S, repeating the calculation at those times.
> What is the value of a timeseries at time T, given that it may not have a 
> data point at exactly T? It's the value of the most recent data point on 
> *or before* time T, looking back no more than the staleness window (by 
> default 5 minutes)

Thank you, this was very educational albeit a bit difficult to grasp.

> > > What this does is evaluate the expression foo == N at the current time 
> > T, 
> > > at time T-1m, at time T-2m etc. In the results, this won't give you the 
> > > *exact* time that the data point occurred: it will give you a timestamp 
> > of 
> > > T-Nm, which will be up to 1 minute after the timestamp of the point 
> > > itself. (The value of a timeseries at time T is the value of the most 
> > > recent data point on or before time T). 
> >
> > Sounds fine with me if it does not skip/hide peaks but shows the time 
> > nearest to the peak. Does it?
> It won't be the time "nearest" the peak, but the first sampling time 
> *after* the peak.  That is, if you have a 15 second step in your subquery, 
> and a 15 second sampling interval, then the timestamp could be up to 14.99 
> seconds after the event.
> You can prove this to yourself by comparing the timestamps of
> foo[2d]
> foo[2d:15s]
> Look for the corresponding peaks / data points.

I've noticed that if I take a larger resampling interval, like
"foo[2d:1h]", I lose all my peaks. Which is kind of understandable now
but the question "how to better find peaks" kind of remains.

Victor Sudakov VAS4-RIPE

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Re: [prometheus-users] Re: A query to find a burst?

2022-01-04 Thread Victor Sudakov
Brian Candler wrote:
> > Isn't "(foo == N)[2d:]" what I'm looking for? I don't quite grok 
> > subqueries, but the resolution parameter seems to be optional. At 
> > least "(foo == N)[2d:]" seems to show the timestamps I was looking 
> > for.
> >
> As it says here 
> <>: 
> " is optional. Default is the global evaluation interval."
> So if your global evaluation interval is 1m, then that expression is the 
> same as (foo == N)[2d:1m]

Hello Brian! I don't quite understand why "(foo == N)[2d:1m]" or even
"(foo == N)[2d:]" is allowed while "(foo == N)[2d]" is not?

> What this does is evaluate the expression foo == N at the current time T, 
> at time T-1m, at time T-2m etc.  In the results, this won't give you the 
> *exact* time that the data point occurred: it will give you a timestamp of 
> T-Nm, which will be up to 1 minute after the timestamp of the point 
> itself.  (The value of a timeseries at time T is the value of the most 
> recent data point on or before time T).

Sounds fine with me if it does not skip/hide peaks but shows the time
nearest to the peak. Does it?

> Also, individual scrape jobs can use different scrape intervals.  If you 
> have a global eval interval of 1 minute but this particular scrape job uses 
> 15s, then the above expression will return (on average) 1 in every 4 data 
> points.

I have 15s across all my prometheus instances as I've read somewhere
that it is the best practice to have a unified scrape interval

Victor Sudakov VAS4-RIPE

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Re: [prometheus-users] Re: A query to find a burst?

2022-01-02 Thread Victor Sudakov
Brian Candler wrote:
> You can send the query "foo[2d]" and then filter the results in the client, 
> to just those points where the value is N.

Indeed, in the Prometheus Web UI I can use ^F in the browser to look
for N. Thank you for the hint. The problem is not to overwhelm the
browser with data.

> This is a use case where it would be nice to be able to build a range 
> vector directly out of a simple instant vector expression, i.e. "(foo == 
> N)[2d]".  However that isn't allowed.
> A subquery doesn't cut it here, because it resamples the data.  The 
> subquery "(foo == N)[2d:1s]" gives an approximation, but for a given point 
> you'll see multiple points at 1 second intervals (until the time where foo 
> != N)

Isn't "(foo == N)[2d:]" what I'm looking for? I don't quite grok
subqueries, but the resolution parameter seems to be optional. At
least "(foo == N)[2d:]" seems to show the timestamps I was looking

Victor Sudakov VAS4-RIPE

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[prometheus-users] A query to find a burst?

2022-01-01 Thread Victor Sudakov

If max_over_time(foo[2d]) returns N, how can I find the exact timestamp(s) in 
the past when foo=N?

In other words, if there have been very short bursts, how do I find the exact 
time of those bursts with a PromQL query?

Victor Sudakov VAS4-RIPE

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Re: [prometheus-users] limiting permissions for the prometheus ClusterRole?

2021-11-08 Thread Victor Sudakov
Hello Matthias,

I've tried the set of permissions as quoted below and discovery did
NOT work. So the desired set of permissions should be somewhere in

kind: ClusterRole
  name: test-prometheus
- apiGroups: [""]
  - services
  - endpoints
  - pods
  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]

Matthias Rampke wrote:
> I think it should work with just get/list/watch on pods. Try it and see
> what happens?
> /MR
> On Mon, Nov 8, 2021, 06:38 Victor Sudakov  wrote:
> > Dear Colleagues,
> >
> > There is a good working example of RBAC setup in
> >
> >
> > However if I want to discover and scrape only pods for metrics, these
> > permissions seem a bit excessive.
> >
> > What RBAC permissions can be safely removed from the prometheus
> > ClusterRole if only "role: pod" is required? There is also a discussion
> > open at ,
> > you can comment there if you like.
> >
> > Thanks in advance for any input.
> >

Victor Sudakov VAS4-RIPE

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[prometheus-users] limiting permissions for the prometheus ClusterRole?

2021-11-07 Thread Victor Sudakov
Dear Colleagues,

There is a good working example of RBAC setup in
However if I want to discover and scrape only pods for metrics, these
permissions seem a bit excessive. 

What RBAC permissions can be safely removed from the prometheus
ClusterRole if only "role: pod" is required? There is also a discussion
open at ,
you can comment there if you like. 

Thanks in advance for any input.

Victor Sudakov VAS4-RIPE

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