Dear Rob,

I use the same settings you sent. It would be useful, at least for me,
to have these as default.

Thank you very much indeed.

Best wishes,


On 22 July 2011 15:10, Rob Arthan <> wrote:
> I nearly always use Xpp with the following settings in
> $HOME/app-defaults/Xpp
> Xpp*script.rows:                        32
> Xpp*script.columns:                     60
> Xpp*script.background:                  white
> Xpp*script.foreground:                  black
> Xpp*journal.rows:                       32
> Xpp*journal.columns:                    60
> Xpp*namestring.columns:                 24
> Xpp*journal.background:                 light blue
> Xpp*journal.foreground:                 black
> Xpp*journal.editable:                   true
> Xpp*mainpanes.orientation:              HORIZONTAL
> This differs from the "out of the box" default in laying out the windows
> side-by-side and letting you bring up the command dialogue by trying to type
> into the journal window. I am tempted to change the default settings to the
> above - it looks a bit less like a standard Motif application, but it makes
> much better use of modern screens (or at least modern screens that have a
> landscape aspect ratio).
> It would be nice to know what other people do before I commit to this
> change. So please let me know your preferences.
> Regards,
> Rob.
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