Thanks to Phil, Rob and Wolfram for help so far.
I was completely distracted yesterday by the delivery of a 
new keyboard (7-octave variety), but seem to have made some 

Phil's Yum prescription was helpful.
The amazon repositories don't have SML, but do contain a 
satisfactory openmotif.
As it happens there is lots of other development software 
not installed so I added "Development tools" and 
"Development Libraries" groups, though most of what they 
provide I don't need.

As to what I am trying to do, certainly there is no intent 
to provide a service of any kind, just to use the cloud for 
my own development work, if that proved satisfactory.
ProofPower is in my mind a development tool, and as such 
would not be deployed in anything which looked like an 
The most useful thing one could do in the cloud to support 
ProofPower users would probably be to provide an AMI (Amazon 
Machine Interface) with ProofPower already installed so that 
anyone wanting to run ProofPower in the cloud could pick up 
a working environment and then add to it whatever else he 
wanted to work with.
In theory Rob could make that into a "product" for which 
they could charge (by the hour), but presumably that would 
only be for the extra bits like DAZ which don't come in the 
opensource distribution.

As far as collaborative projects are concerned, I would have 
thought that a collaboration would center around a common 
source repository (in the cloud perhaps) rather than on 
trying to share a ProofPower database, which surely wouldn't 

Anyway, as one would hope, installing ProofPower on AWS 
presents no special problems.

Running it interactively is not quite so simple but the 
simplest method mentioned by Rob really is simple and does 
actually work for xpp.
(that is: just add -X to the ssh command for connecting to 
the remote image and then invoke xpp on the remote as 
As Phil remarks, this picks up both the source files and the 
ProofPower databases in the cloud, which is what I was 
looking for.

For some reason it doesn't work for emacs, which complains 
of being on a dumb terminal and cops out.
If anyone knows how to persuade emacs to use the X-server 
that would be nice (just telling it the display doesn't do 
the trick).

Xpp seems to run OK, though the performance is very 
Some of this will be due to running in the AWS free layer, 
which presumably gets lesser priority than anything which is 
actually paid for.
As it is one would not want to use it for real.

Following Wolfram's advice I have been trying to get vnc 
running, which sounds like the right thing to do to get best 
performance interactively.

I had a bit of difficulty finding and chosing VNC software (a 
lot of it seems to be windows only).
The first problem was that tightVNC is now Windows only, but 
I eventually realised that TigerVNC is a split off tightVNC 
and is the linux version.
Part of my dismay about the complexity arose from looking at 
some software which was just libraries for developers of VNC 
servers and clients and not realising that it was not 
actually supplying any servers or clients and was just 
targeted at the developers.

Anyway I have tigerVNC up and running on the (AWS) server 
but can't get the client to work.
Wolfram's scripts, though I installed them all, seem 
unlikely to work because of the changes from tightvnc to 

Right now I'm wondering whether I have the client and server 
software in the right places.
Should it be the TigerVNC server out there in the cloud and 
the client here on earth, or the other way round?
I guess I'm running clients up there which use an X11 server 
down here?


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