[protest-ro] The Living Martyr (by Malcom Lagauche)

2006-12-29 Fir de Conversatie Radu Iliescu
The decision to uphold the death sentence of Saddam Hussein by the sham Iraqi 
appeals court has gained worldwide condemnation, except for the U.S., of 
course. The court took two days to read 1,500 pages of documents presented by 
the defense. No court in the world can decipher this number of pages in such a 
short time, not even a legitimate court.

No one was surprised by the verdict against Saddam because of the knowledge 
this was a foregone conclusion. However, the court outdid itself by ruling on 
the Iraqi vice president, Ramadan. He was sentenced to life in prison, but the 
appeals court took it upon itself to change the sentence to death, even though 
his case was not on the docket.

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[protest-ro] End of another year... (by Riverband)

2006-12-29 Fir de Conversatie Radu Iliescu
A day in the life of the average Iraqi has been reduced to identifying corpses, 
avoiding car bombs and attempting to keep track of which family members have 
been detained, which ones have been exiled and which ones have been abducted.

  That is Iraq right now. The Americans have done a fine job of working to 
break it apart. This last year has nearly everyone convinced that that was the 
plan right from the start. There were too many blunders for them to actually 
have been, simply, blunders. The 'mistakes' were too catastrophic. The people 
the Bush administration chose to support and promote were openly and publicly 
terrible- from the conman and embezzler Chalabi, to the terrorist Jaffari, to 
the militia man Maliki. The decisions, like disbanding the Iraqi army, 
abolishing the original constitution, and allowing militias to take over Iraqi 
security were too damaging to be anything but intentional.


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[protest-ro] Protest de Anul Nou :)

2006-12-29 Fir de Conversatie codruta
Buna, "protestasi"! :)

Cei care ati fost primii inscrisi pe lista, poate va amintiti de felul in care 
am hotarat, acum 6 ani, sa-mi petrec "intrarea in Mileniul III" - si de 
"protestul in sacul de dormit" (impotriva degradarii mediului) de atunci ;)
In caz ca nu, gasiti o scurta "istorie" a ideii (si a protestului) in arhiva 
grupului, pe la inceput, uite pe aici:


E interesant ce scriam atunci despre "Apusenii care se vor razbuna" si despre 
"santajul cu energia" ;)) - probabil "ceva" din mine intuia oar'ce "evolutii".
Zambesc acum, amintindu-mi cum a inceput lista, ce "istorie" nabadaioasa a avut 
chiar de la inceput si chiar ce "evolutie" am avut : lista, eu, unii (aceia pe 
care am ajuns sa-i cunosc) dintre voi... :)

Anul acesta sunt suparata iar :)
Da, cu "natura" poate lucrurile incep incet-incet sa mearga spre bine - si 
poate faptul ca unii dintre voi (? in caz ca da, habar n-am care, oricum 
multumesc! :) m-au votat ca sa acced la o "pozitie" care poate sa insemne un 
pic mai multa influenta (la CES ma refer, ca inca n-am intrat in nici un 
partid, contrat "cantecelor de sirena" ami vechi ale D-lui Branea ;) va folosi 
la ceva... :)

Dar "mediu" nu inseamna numai "natura", din pct. meu de vedere inseamna si 
"mediu social", adica printre altele si "cultura" (ca nu degeaba am "atins" si 
problema asta la Rosia Montana).

Valeu! nici n-am inceput bine mesajul si deja e lung :)
Bref! ce vreau sa va spun:

Anul acesta, dat fiind ca prietenii mei sunt cam lefteri (ca si mine) si din 
cauza asta nu putem sa ne "adunam"

si dat fiind ca in Bucu e de ales intre Revelionul Marean vs. Revelionul Adriean

si dat fiind ca programele TV sunt CUMPLIT de proaste - si ca NU vreau sa vad 
iar "Cantarea Romaniei" - varianta "Integrare" si nici sa aud la nesfarsit 
"maneaua europeeana" (in care a fost transformata minunata Oda a Bucuriei)

si dat fiind ca preturile prin diverse locuri sunt absolut mitocanesti

Am decis:

Eu voi intra in UE cam cu 24 ore inaintea Romaniei!
Am sa petrec un Revelion kammm "traznit" dar in mod sigur "european" - si 
in care am sa ma distrez de minune ;)
Aceasta va fi forma mea de protest fatza de "maneaua europeana" si de "mediul 
cultural" de aici... iar pe tema asta probabil vom mai avea inca muuulte 
discutii, ca de Mareni si Adrieeni nu se scapa asha cum ai rasuci un 
comutator ;))

(de altfel unul dintre primii co-listeni a luat, independent de mine, o decizie 
asemanatoare - asa ca deja a iesit din tzara ;)

La intoarcere am sa va fac un "raport", asa ca prima data - iar pana atunci... 
sa fiti "cuminti"... ma rog! cat de "cuminti" pot fi niste protestasi ;)

Sper de altfel ca nu va imaginati si voi ca aderarea la UE va insemna rauri de 
lapte si miere... si ca din cauza asta ar trebui sa inchidem lista; dimpotriva! 
parca vad ca pana la sfarsitul anului urmator va creste numarul de 
"simpatizanti" ai grupului de "protest" - daca nu cumva se va dubla numarul de 
membri (vezi si discutiile de Craciun dintre Radu si mine si Puiu Paraschiv si 
in care a intervenit si Dan Calin ;)

S-ar putea sa va mai scriu anul acesta - s-ar putea sa nu ;). In orice caz, va 
urez sa incepeti cu bine Noul An, sa aveti cat mai putine motive de "protest" 
si... mai ales sa va pastrati simtul umorului (aceia care inca il aveti ;)

Cu drag,


"Let me know, that at least, she will try
Then she'll be a true love of mine"

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[protest-ro] Iraq War � So Much About Which to Work and Worry, Why Spend Time & Effort to Execute Saddam Hussein? (by by Steven Leser)

2006-12-29 Fir de Conversatie Radu Iliescu
At the end of 2006, we are seeing every major pundit and news show airing lists 
of what they believe are the best, worst and dumbest things of 2006. The 
current leadership in Iraq and the US are trying to get a jumpstart on dumbest 
idea & action of 2007 with the upcoming plans to execute Saddam Hussein.

One of the old adages about crisis management is when you are in a big hole; 
the first thing to do is stop digging. Instead of following this adage, Bush 
and Iraqi President Talabani are exchanging their shovels for heavy equipment. 
The execution of Saddam Hussein is sure to enrage the Sunni Baathists at a time 
where what is needed is a general easing of tensions all around. And what will 
the execution give the Iraqis?



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[protest-ro] Why Saddam Hussein should not hang

2006-12-29 Fir de Conversatie Radu Iliescu

"The Iraqi government should not implement the death sentence against Saddam 
Hussein, which was imposed after a deeply flawed trial for crimes against 
humanity. The Appeals Chamber of the Iraqi High Tribunal, which was first 
reported by Iraq's national security adviser to have upheld the sentence, 
should have conducted a thorough legal review of the verdict and then announced 
its findings. Imposing the death penalty, indefensible in any case, is 
especially wrong after such unfair proceedings. That a judicial decision was 
first announced by Iraq's national security advisor underlines the political 
interference that marred Saddam Hussein's trial." 

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[protest-ro] Fw: [Rosia Montana] Fwd: Town in Romania debates mine proposal

2006-12-29 Fir de Conversatie ARIN

Gold has been mined around Rosia Montana, Romania, for almost 2,000 years.
(Piotr Malecki for The New York Times )
Town in Romania debates mine proposal
By Elisabeth Rosenthal
Published: December 27, 2006

ROSIA MONTANA, Romania: It is a classic tale of the developing world: a rich
North American company discovers gold under pristine land and encourages the
villagers to leave, offering money, homes in the city, soft-focus TV ads
that tout the benefits of the project, and some tough talk.

International environmental groups - complete with celebrities like Vanessa
Redgrave - descend on the town to support the locals, claiming that the mine
is illegal and polluting.

But as of Jan. 1, this large piece of land will sit within the European
Union, when Romania becomes a member. And resolving this dispute that has
torn apart this ancient Transylvanian mining town for the last decade will
test both the control of the Union over its newest members and promises by
Romania to govern with transparency.

It is also a big test for the Canadian developer, Gabriel Resources, which
has already spent nearly $200 million at the site and is waiting for Romania
to authorize the mine. That decision is expected early in the year.

"I believe if I fight for my rights within the EU, they will be respected,"
said Eugen David, 41, a farmer who is leading some of the villagers in
refusing to leave their properties. "There are laws that forbid involuntary
movement of people, there are regulations about testing of underground water
and clear standards for environmental impact. I want to keep my life here."

Gabriel Resources says it has complied with every Romanian and EU
regulation, as well as with World Bank dictates on resettlement.

Catalin Hosu, a communications manager for the company, said: "People get
emotional when you talk about foreigners, cyanide, gold, destroying churches
and cemeteries. But this is really a model of environmentally conscious

Those opposing the company say that pollution from a big mine would destroy
the village, the environment and archeological sites. A valley, now filled
with houses and four churches, will be dammed and converted to a storage
pond for the cyanide sludge produced by the processing.

Even worse, critics contend, an accident could send toxic waste downstream
into the Danube.

Rosario Golgoz, an engineer whose house is one of just a few that have not
been abandoned, said: "Their explorations will turn this into a desert."

But the project seems a fait accompli. About 300 employees of Gabriel
Resources ply the potholed street in late- model cars, far outnumbering
donkey carts and peasants in old clothes.

Green corporate banners hang from many dilapidated buildings - now converted
to offices for the Rosia Montana Mining Corporation, owned by Gabriel
Resources. They read: "We are saving Rosia Montana."

Last May the company delivered the environmental impact analysis required by
UN and EU laws.

The company agreed to clean up a local water system polluted by 2,000 years
of primitive mining techniques; it contains 110 times the legal limit of
zinc and 64 times the legal limit of iron.

Gabriel Resources has spent $9 million saving archeological sites -
including a second-century necropolis - a sum far greater than Romania's
budget for archeology.

But critics assert that the company is better at public relations than
science and that its environmental-impact analysis was deeply flawed.

A government panel from Hungary, which is downstream from Rosia Montana,
characterized the data as "insufficient, deficient, inaccurate or not
considered to be representative."

Before Gabriel Resources can get final approval, it must respond to such
criticisms, which have also come from environmental groups and local
nongovernment organizations and were raised at 16 public meetings in Romania
and Hungary. The mood is agitated because in 2000, a cyanide spill from an
older mine in Baie Mare, Romania, killed wildlife in the Hungarian portion
of the Danube and contaminated the water supply for 2.5 million people.

Gabriel Resources spent nearly $200 million and moved thousands of people
before getting an environmental clearance, and critics say that was illegal.
In its latest corporate report, the company told investors it expected
Romania to sign off on its environment impact analysis in the first quarter
of 2007 and to issue permits to build soon after.

"They are confident because in Romania it has been very easy to get what you
want with money - maybe not quite bribes," said Anamaria Bogdan, director of
Greenpeace Romania. "Now, the European Union already has their eyes on this
project and how Romania conducts itself."

So far, the European Union has remained neutral, although the environment
commissioner, Stavros Dimas, has "stressed that all relevant EU legislation
should be taken into account," said his spokeswoman, Barbara Helfferich.