[proto] Using proto with expressions containing matrices from the EIgen library

2010-10-27 Thread Bart Janssens
Hi all,

I am trying to use proto for the evaluation of expressions involved in
a Finite Element Method. The idea is that developers can write
expressions that resemble the mathematical formulation of the problem,
but that get processed efficiently to use matrix operations on
fixed-size matrices. The matrix library that is used as backend is
Eigen (http://eigen.tuxfamily.org).

In my first attempt, I used proto::eval with a context that
understands some custom terminals and functions, and delegates other
stuff (like the math operators) to the proto default context.
Unfortunately, this approach works only on expressions involving at
most 2 matrices, since in more complex cases Eigen constructs its own
nested expression templates and these may refer to their operands by
reference. The operands may be temporaries, however, (as generated by
a nested call to proto::eval), so the program either crashes or gives
the wrong result. In a release compile, everything works, presumably
because all the nested proto calls get inlined.

In my second attempt, I tried to use an object transform, hoping the
temporaries would persist until the evaluation happens. The code looks
like this:

templatetypename Left, typename Right
struct MultExpr
  typedef typename Eigen::ProductReturnTypeLeft, Right::Type type;

struct EvaluateExpr :

  boost::proto::multipliesboost::proto::_, boost::proto::_,
EvaluateExpr(boost::proto::_left), EvaluateExpr(boost::proto::_right)
  (EvaluateExpr(boost::proto::_left), EvaluateExpr(boost::proto::_right))



An example of the expression to evaluate:
transpose(mapped_gradient(nodes)) * transpose(jacobian_adjoint(nodes))
* jacobian_adjoint(nodes)

where nodes is a terminal that can be evaluated using a context. In
the EvaluateExpr grammar, ContextEvaluator is a primitive transform
that simply delegates evaluation to proto::eval, using the data
argument as context. The context stores the matrices involved, so any
references to matrices returned are safe to use.

The Eigen product expression is now constructed using object transform
MultExpr, but it turns out to exhibit the same problem with

Does anyone see a solution to this? At the moment I am thinking of
having the EvaluateExpr transform build a fusion::cons list to store
all the intermediate expressions, and refer to those by reference in
subsequent expressions, but I'm not sure how to pull this off yet, or
if there is a simpler way.

I have also asked the question on the Eigen forum, together with a
small sample that exposes the temporary variable problem without using

Kind regards,

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Using proto with expressions containing matrices from the EIgen library

2010-10-27 Thread Joel Falcou

That's a tough one :/
Main problem is probably the fact you can't control when/Where eigen do 
his bidding.

Best shot is to externally make eigen temporary proto terminals, write a 
grammar that disable operators onthem and then write a transform dealing 
with the composite E.T AST.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Using proto with expressions containing matrices from the EIgen library

2010-10-27 Thread Bart Janssens
On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 6:57 PM, Eric Niebler e...@boostpro.com wrote:
 Are you saying that proto::eval is generating temporary matrices? I
 don't understand why, but there's always a way to get Proto to store
 intermediate nodes by value instead of by reference. Without knowing
 what you're doing, I can't say more.

No, but the return value of the operator() in the eval structs in the
context (in my first attempt) or the object created by the object
transform is sometimes stored by reference in the Eigen expression
templates. I'll give more details on what exactly I need below, based
on the sample I posted to the Eigen forum.

 Can ContextEvaluator ever return a reference to a temporary object? Is
No, never.

 Eigen::ProductReturnTypeLeft, Right::Type ever a reference? Does that
 type hold Left and Right by reference?
Yes, sometimes, and that is exactly the problem :) It deduces the need
for by-reference storage if it would otherwise need to do an expensive
copy, so it is crucial that this system can do its job in order to
preserve the performance of Eigen.

 Looking at that code, I strongly suspect that
 Eigen::ProductReturnTypeLeft, Right::Type is a type that holds Right
 by reference. In fact, I'm 99% sure it does. Print the name of the
 resulting type of Eigen::ProductReturnTypeLeft, Right::Type and see if
 that's the case. If so, you've found your bug. Can you see why?

Yup, it took me a while to figure out, but the purpose of the sample I
posted to Eigen is indeed to show this: the result of multb is stored
by reference in the result of multa, and this only gets evaluated on
the call to operator, so it tries to access a dangling reference to
the multb result which disappeared. In proto, multb becomes operator()
of an eval struct in a context, or the object constructed using an
object transform.

So to rephrase my question:
let's say I want to evaluate proto expression _cout  A * B * C. To
do this, I traverse the tree and the following should happen:
  1. B * C gets evaluated first, into an (Eigen) expression template
that stores a reference to B and C. This is OK, since B and C are not
  2. A*(result of B*C) gets evaluated, which may produce something
that stores (result of B*C) by reference
  3. The final expression result is output using , and at that point
the Eigen expression templates execute, expecting that all the
referred variables still exist.

So how can I make sure the (result of B*C) gets stored somewhere? If I
can do that, then I can use this stored data to construct the
A*(result of B*C) step, and it's safe even if it is done by reference.
For more complex expressions, all the steps in the tree would need to
be stored like this. Once the call to operator finishes, this
temporary tree can be discarded.

The problem I have here appears to be general to expression template
matrix libraries, before Eigen we used our own matrix lib, and it
exhibited the same problem.

Kind regards,

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] Using proto with expressions containing matrices from the EIgen library

2010-10-27 Thread Eric Niebler
On 10/27/2010 12:57 PM, Bart Janssens wrote:
 So to rephrase my question:
 let's say I want to evaluate proto expression _cout  A * B * C. To
 do this, I traverse the tree and the following should happen:
   1. B * C gets evaluated first, into an (Eigen) expression template
 that stores a reference to B and C. This is OK, since B and C are not


   2. A*(result of B*C) gets evaluated, which may produce something
 that stores (result of B*C) by reference


   3. The final expression result is output using , and at that point
 the Eigen expression templates execute, expecting that all the
 referred variables still exist.

Yes. And they do because all the temporary objects that have been
created live until the end of the full expression, which includes the
output expression.

 So how can I make sure the (result of B*C) gets stored somewhere? 

(result of B*C) is a temporary object (X) that holds B and C by
reference. A*(B*C) is a temporary object (Y) that holds the temporary
object (X) by reference. This is all kosher. However, that's not what
your example was doing. Your example was RETURNING the equivalent of
A*(B*C) from a function. NOT GOOD. The temporary object (X) dies at the
end of the full expression in which it was created. That's the return
statement. By the time you try to traverse the expression to evaluate
it, (X) is dead and buried.

 If I
 can do that, then I can use this stored data to construct the
 A*(result of B*C) step, and it's safe even if it is done by reference.

You should be asking yourself why you're trying to return expression
templates from a function. If you really need to do that, then you can't
go returning references to temporary objects.

 For more complex expressions, all the steps in the tree would need to
 be stored like this. Once the call to operator finishes, this
 temporary tree can be discarded.
 The problem I have here appears to be general to expression template
 matrix libraries, before Eigen we used our own matrix lib, and it
 exhibited the same problem.

Right. This problem has nothing at all to do with Proto.

Eric Niebler
BoostPro Computing
proto mailing list