Re: [proto] proto-11 progress report

2012-07-21 Thread Eric Niebler
On 7/17/2012 6:14 PM, Eric Niebler wrote:
 I'm considering adding the slots mechanism to proto-current so that this
 can be made to work there, also. The problem is that once you use a
 slot, the data parameter is no longer just a dumb blob. I can make
 proto::_data ignore the slots and just return the dumb blob as before,
 and that will satisfy some. But any custom primitive transforms that
 folks have written will need to be ready for the fact that they could
 get passed something different than what they were expecting. I don't
 think it will break code until you decide to use a slot (or use a
 transform that uses a slot). Then you'll need to fix up your transforms.
 Does anybody object to the above scheme?

This is now implemented on trunk. It's implemented in a backward
compatible way.[*]

What this means is that instead of a monolithic blob of data, the third
parameter to a Proto transforms can be a structured object with O(1)
lookup based on tag. You define a tag with:

  BOOST_PROTO_DEFINE_ENV_VAR(my_tag_type, my_key);

Then, you can use it like this:

  some_transform()(expr, state, (my_key= 42, your_key= hello));

In your transforms, you can access the value associated with a
particular key using the proto::_env_varmy_tag_type transform.

You can still pass an unstructured blob, and things work as they did
before. The proto::_data transform checks to see if the data parameter
is a blob or structured. If it's a blob, that simply gets returned. If
it's structured, it returns the value associated with the
proto::data_type tag. In other words, these two are treated the same:

  int i = 42;
  some_transform()(expr, state, i);
  some_transform()(expr, state, (proto::data= i));

There's more, but I'll save it. It's a big change, and docs are yet to
be written. Y'all might want to test your code against trunk and report
problems early. (This will *not* be part of 1.51.)

[*] I had to make some changes to Phoenix though because unfortunately
Phoenix makes use of some undocumented parts of Proto.

Eric Niebler
BoostPro Computing
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] proto-11 progress report

2012-07-01 Thread Eric Niebler
On 6/29/2012 4:49 AM, Mathias Gaunard wrote:
 On 28/06/2012 21:09, Eric Niebler wrote:
 After meditating on this for a bit, a thought occurred to me. Your
 unpack function is a generalization of the pattern used by the _default
 It is indeed.

Right. Providing the higher-level primitive transform is on my to-do
list. Thanks for the suggestion.

 Generators are intended to meet this need. What are they lacking for
 you? Is it the lack of an unpack transform?
 We use generators for something else. Generators are in charge of
 putting a raw expression in the NT2 domain, which involves computing the
 logical size of the expression as well as the type it would have it
 Doing the expression rewriting in the generator itself causes dependency
 problems, since expression rewriting is defined in terms of unpacking
 then re-making expressions, which involves calling the generator.
 I don't know yet how we could do what we need in a generator-less world.

Well, in the present generator world, the generator is passed an
expression, and your mission is to rewrite it (or wrap it). Rewriting
the expression causes a recursive invocation of the generator for the
current expression. This is the cause of the trouble, IIUC.

In the future generator-less world, your domain's make_expr function
object is passed a tag and a bunch of child nodes. You get to decide how
to turn that into an expression. If you want to transform the child
nodes first, you should be able to do that, and it wouldn't recurse
back. You're recursing only on the children, not on the current
expression. That should work. In theory.

 Both optimize and schedule require containing children by value to
 function correctly.

 How is this relevant?
 When using normal Proto features, the expressions built from operators
 contain their children by reference while the expression built from
 transforms contain their children by value.
 Since in our case we use the same code for both, we had to always
 contain children by value.

I'm afraid I'm being dense. I still don't see how that relates to the
need for your unpack function or the limitations of transforms.

 Transforms are not pure functional. The data parameter can be mutated
 during evaluation.
 The transform language is functional since the only thing it does is
 define a calling expression which is a combination of primitive
 transforms. Of course each primitive transform doesn't have to be
 functional, but the language to use them cannot define state, it can
 just pass it along like a monad.

Your unpack function is no less functional in nature. I'm not denying
that transforms have limitations that your unpack function doesn't (see
below). I'm just saying that you're barking up the wrong tree with your
argument about transform's functional nature.

 I guess it's not pure functional though because of proto::and_.

I don't understand this statement.

 In any case, a lot of non-trivial expression evaluation strategies
 cannot be practically implemented as a transform and require a primitive

Ah! By transform you mean callable transform or object transform, but
not primitive transform. But the term transform includes primitive
transforms. Is that why we're talking past each other?

 If everything ends up being primitive transforms, we might as well use
 simple function objects directly, which are not tied by constraints such
 as arity, state, data, environment etc., just store whatever state is
 needed in the function object or bind that state with boost::bind or

I see what you're getting at. Primitive transforms have limitations on
the number of arguments and the meaning of those arguments. I understand.

 I'd like to see Proto provide algorithms like this that accept arbitrary
 function objects and that are not intended to require transforms to do
 useful things.

Sure. However, I have a reason for wanting to make these things play
nicely with transforms. See below.

 You know about proto::vararg, right? It lets you handle nodes of
 arbitrary arity.
 The transformations that can currently be done as a non-primitive
 transform when the transformation must not rely on an explicit arity of
 the expression are extremely limited.

Limiting the discussion to non-primitive transforms, I agree. I didn't
know that's what we were discussing.

 Adding unpacking transforms would certainly make it more powerful, but
 still not as powerful as what you could do with a simple function object
 coupled with macros or variadic templates.
 I think it's important to keep in mind that transforms are a possible
 solution that can work well for some languages, but that there should be
 other solutions as well.
 Once there is an unpack transform, will you still feel this way?
 We already have the unpack algorithm that I described. It's relatively
 simple and straightforward code. We used to have it defined as a
 primitive transform, it was much more complicated 

Re: [proto] proto-11 progress report

2012-06-29 Thread Mathias Gaunard

On 28/06/2012 21:09, Eric Niebler wrote:

After meditating on this for a bit, a thought occurred to me. Your
unpack function is a generalization of the pattern used by the _default

It is indeed.

Generators are intended to meet this need. What are they lacking for
you? Is it the lack of an unpack transform?

We use generators for something else. Generators are in charge of 
putting a raw expression in the NT2 domain, which involves computing the 
logical size of the expression as well as the type it would have it 

Doing the expression rewriting in the generator itself causes dependency 
problems, since expression rewriting is defined in terms of unpacking 
then re-making expressions, which involves calling the generator.

I don't know yet how we could do what we need in a generator-less world.

Both optimize and schedule require containing children by value to
function correctly.

How is this relevant?

When using normal Proto features, the expressions built from operators 
contain their children by reference while the expression built from 
transforms contain their children by value.

Since in our case we use the same code for both, we had to always 
contain children by value.

Transforms are not pure functional. The data parameter can be mutated
during evaluation.

The transform language is functional since the only thing it does is 
define a calling expression which is a combination of primitive 
transforms. Of course each primitive transform doesn't have to be 
functional, but the language to use them cannot define state, it can 
just pass it along like a monad.

I guess it's not pure functional though because of proto::and_.

In any case, a lot of non-trivial expression evaluation strategies 
cannot be practically implemented as a transform and require a primitive 

If everything ends up being primitive transforms, we might as well use 
simple function objects directly, which are not tied by constraints such 
as arity, state, data, environment etc., just store whatever state is 
needed in the function object or bind that state with boost::bind or 

I'd like to see Proto provide algorithms like this that accept arbitrary 
function objects and that are not intended to require transforms to do 
useful things.

You know about proto::vararg, right? It lets you handle nodes of
arbitrary arity.

The transformations that can currently be done as a non-primitive 
transform when the transformation must not rely on an explicit arity of 
the expression are extremely limited.

Adding unpacking transforms would certainly make it more powerful, but 
still not as powerful as what you could do with a simple function object 
coupled with macros or variadic templates.

I think it's important to keep in mind that transforms are a possible 
solution that can work well for some languages, but that there should be 
other solutions as well.

Once there is an unpack transform, will you still feel this way?

We already have the unpack algorithm that I described. It's relatively 
simple and straightforward code. We used to have it defined as a 
primitive transform, it was much more complicated to use and required 
adding special cases for state and data, and was limited to just that.

I don't see how using a transform that does the same thing but less 
generic would be useful to us.

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] proto-11 progress report

2012-06-28 Thread Eric Niebler
On 6/27/2012 2:11 PM, Mathias Gaunard wrote:
 On 25/06/2012 23:30, Eric Niebler wrote:
 On 6/25/2012 12:21 PM, Mathias Gaunard wrote:
 There is a function which is very simple and that I found to be very
 useful when dealing with expression trees.

 unpack(e, f0, f1) which calls
 f0(f1(e.child0), f1(e.child1), ..., f1(e.childN))

 I can do recursion or not with the right f1, and I can 'unpack' an
 expression to an n-ary operation f0.

 Here f0 is typically a function that uses its own overloading-based
 dispatching mechanism.

 OK, thanks for the suggestion. Where have you found this useful?
 For example I can use this to call
 functortag::plus()(functortag::multiplies()(a, b), c);
 from a tree like
 exprtag::plus, list2 exprtag::multiplies, list2 exprtag::terminal,
 exprtag::terminal , exprtag:terminal  
 NT2 uses a mechanism like this to evaluate expressions.


 For element-wise expressions (i.e. usual vector operations), the f1 is
 the run(expr, pos) function -- actually more complicated, but there is
 no need to go into details -- which by default simply calls unpack
 What the f0 does is simply unpack the expression and call a functor
 associated to the tag (i.e. run(expr, i) with exprtag::pow, list2foo,
 bar  calls pow(run(foo, i), run(bar, i)) ).
 The important bit is that it is also possible to overload run for a
 particular node type.
 On terminals, the run is defined to do a load/store at the given
 position. This means run(a + b * sqrt(c) / pow(d, e), i)  calls
 plus(a[i], multiplies(b[i], divides(sqrt(c[i]), pow(d[i], e[i]
 Each function like plus, multiplies, sqrt, pow, etc. is overloaded so
 that if any of the arguments is an expression, it does a make_expr. If
 the values are scalars, it does the expected operations on scalars. If
 they're SIMD vectors, it does the expected operations on vectors.
 run is also overloaded for a variety of operations that depend on the
 position itself, such as restructuring, concatenating or repeating data;
 the position is modified before running the children or different things
 may be run depending on a condition.
 A simple example is the evaluation of cat(a, b) where run(expr, i) is
 defined as something a bit like i  size(child0(expr)) ?
 run(child0(expr), i) : run(child1(expr), i-size(child0(expr))
 unpack is also used for expression rewriting: before expressions are
 run, the expression is traversed recursively and reconstructed. Whenever
 operations that are not combinable are found, those sub-expressions are
 evaluated and the resulting terminal is inserted in their place in the
 tree. In NT2 this is done by the schedule function.

After meditating on this for a bit, a thought occurred to me. Your
unpack function is a generalization of the pattern used by the _default
transform. The _defaultX transform unpacks an expression, transforms
each child with X, then recombines the result using the C++ meaning
corresponding to the expression's tag type. In other words,
_defaultX()(e) is unpack(e, f0, f1) where f1 is X and f0 is
hard-coded. I could very easily provide unpack as a fundamental
transform and then trivially implement _default in terms of that. I very
much like this idea.

Aside: The pass_through transform almost fits this mold too, except that
each child can get its own f1. Hmm.

Unpack doesn't sound like the right name for it, though. It reminds me a
bit of Haskell's fmap, but instead of always putting the mapped elements
back into a box of the source type, it lets you specify how to box
things on the way out.

 Similarly we have a phase that does the same kind of thing to replace
 certain patterns of combinations by their optimized counterparts
 (optimize). We'd like to do this at construction time but it's currently
 not very practical with the way Proto works.

Generators are intended to meet this need. What are they lacking for
you? Is it the lack of an unpack transform?

 Both optimize and schedule require containing children by value to
 function correctly.

How is this relevant?

 Transforms are not used much since they're only useful for the most
 simple operations due to their pseudo-DSL pure functional nature. It's
 especially problematic when performance sensitive code, which needs to
 be stateful, is involved. 

Transforms are not pure functional. The data parameter can be mutated
during evaluation. Even expressions themselves can be mutated by a
transform, as long as they're non-const.

 Finally it's also not practical to do anything
 involving nodes of arbitrary arity with them.

You know about proto::vararg, right? It lets you handle nodes of
arbitrary arity.

 Unfortunately I cannot say transforms are good enough for the kind of
 thing NT2 does.

Once there is an unpack transform, will you still feel this way?

Eric Niebler
BoostPro Computing

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] proto-11 progress report

2012-06-25 Thread Joel Falcou

On 06/24/2012 01:10 AM, Eric Niebler wrote:

I've made some good progress on the C++11 proto rewrite that I'd like to
share. So far, it's been a less radical shift than I expected.

You didn't try hard enough ;)

Expressions vs. Grammars

Many new users are confused by the difference between terminalint and
terminalint::type. In, there is no difference. Forget the
::type. Things just work.


Custom transforms are simpler
Currently, defining a custom transform means defining a struct with a
nested impl class template of 3 parameters, correctly inheriting and
following a protocol. In the rewrite, I wanted to simplify things. Here
for instance, is how the _expr transform is defined:

 struct _expr
   : transform_expr
 templatetypename E, typename ...Rest
 auto operator()(E  e, Rest ...) const
 static_castE (e)

A custom transform is simply a struct that inherits from
proto::transform and that has an operator() that accepts an arbitrary
number of parameters. (The use of BOOST_PROTO_AUTO_RETURN is not
necessary. It simply handles the return statement, the return type, and
the noexcept clause.)


Data parameter uses a slot mechanism

In proto today, transforms take 3 parameters: expression, state and
data. As you can see from above, transforms in proto-11 take an
arbitrary number of parameters. However, that can make it hard to find
the piece of data you're looking for. Which position will it be in?
Instead, by convention most transforms will still only deal with the
usual 3 parameters. However, the data parameter is like a fusion::map:
it will have slots that you can access in O(1) by tag.

Here is how a proto algorithm will be invoked:

   int i = LambdaEval()(_1 + 42, 0, proto::tag::data = 8);

The 3rd parameter associates the value 8 with the data tag. The _data
transform returns the data associated with that tag. Additionally, you
can define you own tags and pass along another blob of data, as follows:

   int i = LambdaEval()(_1 + 42, 0, (proto::tag::data = 8, mytag = 42));

The _data transform will still just return 8, but you can use
_envmytag_type to fetch the 42. The third parameter has been
generalized from an unstructured blob of data to a structured collection
of environment variables. Slots can even be reused, in which case they
behave like FILO queues (stacks).

How do you set up new tag  ? Is just mytag some

mytag_type mytag = {};


or should mytag_type inherit/be wrapped from some special stuff

As for what is not changing:

Grammars, Transforms and Algorithms
It would be wonderful if there were a more natural syntax for describing
proto algorithms rather than with structs, function objects, proto::or_,
proto::when, and friends. If there is one, I haven't found it yet. On
the up side, it means that many current proto-based libraries can be
upgraded with little effort. On the down side, the learning curve will
still be pretty steep. If anybody has ideas for how to use C++11 to
simplify pattern matching and the definition of recursive tree
transformation algorithms, I'm all ears.

There is not so much way to describe something that looks like
a grammar definition anyway. BNF/EBNF is probably the simplest
way to do it.

Now on the syntactic clutter front, except wrapping everything in round 

or use object/function call in a hidden decltype call, I don't see what we
can do better :s

Glad it is picking up steam :D

proto mailing list

Re: [proto] proto-11 progress report

2012-06-25 Thread Eric Niebler
On 6/25/2012 12:39 AM, Joel Falcou wrote:
 On 06/24/2012 01:10 AM, Eric Niebler wrote:
int i = LambdaEval()(_1 + 42, 0, proto::tag::data = 8);
 The 3rd parameter associates the value 8 with the data tag.
 How do you set up new tag  ? Is just mytag some
 mytag_type mytag = {};
 or should mytag_type inherit/be wrapped from some special stuff

Special stuff. Tags are defined as follows:

struct my_tag_type
  : proto::tags::defmy_tag_type
using proto::tags::defmy_tag_type::operator=;

constexpr my_tag_type const  my_tag =

The gunk in the unnamed namespace is for strict ODR compliance. A simple
global const would be plenty good for most purposes.

 As for what is not changing:

 Grammars, Transforms and Algorithms
 It would be wonderful if there were a more natural syntax for describing
 proto algorithms rather than with structs, function objects, proto::or_,
 proto::when, and friends. If there is one, I haven't found it yet. On
 the up side, it means that many current proto-based libraries can be
 upgraded with little effort. On the down side, the learning curve will
 still be pretty steep. If anybody has ideas for how to use C++11 to
 simplify pattern matching and the definition of recursive tree
 transformation algorithms, I'm all ears.
 There is not so much way to describe something that looks like
 a grammar definition anyway. BNF/EBNF is probably the simplest
 way to do it.

That would be overkill IMO. Proto grammars don't need to worry about
precedence and associativity. Forcing folks to write E?BNF would mean
forcing them to think about stuff they don't need to think about.

 Now on the syntactic clutter front, except wrapping everything in round
 or use object/function call in a hidden decltype call, I don't see what we
 can do better :s

More round lambda, sure. Fixing inconsistencies, also. But I tend to
doubt that using grammar-like expressions in a decltype would be a
significant improvement. Folks still can't write transforms in straight,
idiomatic C++, which is what I want.

 Glad it is picking up steam :D

C++11 has made this pretty fun. I'm ready to stop supporting all my
C++03 libraries now. :-)

Eric Niebler
BoostPro Computing

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
proto mailing list

Re: [proto] proto-11 progress report

2012-06-25 Thread Mathias Gaunard

On 24/06/2012 01:10, Eric Niebler wrote:

As for what is not changing:

Grammars, Transforms and Algorithms
It would be wonderful if there were a more natural syntax for describing
proto algorithms rather than with structs, function objects, proto::or_,
proto::when, and friends. If there is one, I haven't found it yet. On
the up side, it means that many current proto-based libraries can be
upgraded with little effort. On the down side, the learning curve will
still be pretty steep. If anybody has ideas for how to use C++11 to
simplify pattern matching and the definition of recursive tree
transformation algorithms, I'm all ears.

There is a function which is very simple and that I found to be very 
useful when dealing with expression trees.

unpack(e, f0, f1) which calls
f0(f1(e.child0), f1(e.child1), ..., f1(e.childN))

I can do recursion or not with the right f1, and I can 'unpack' an 
expression to an n-ary operation f0.

Here f0 is typically a function that uses its own overloading-based 
dispatching mechanism.

It needs clang trunk to compile.

Why doesn't it work with GCC?
proto mailing list