Your approach actually won't work (at least, as you've written the code)
because if you write two messages to a stream without any sort of delimiter,
it's impossible to figure out later where one message ends and the other
But I suggest doing this instead:
message A {
message B {
required A a = 1;
In other words, change inheritance to composition.
On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 2:00 PM, Tai wrote:
> Hi again,
> I have two classes where B extends from A. Since both classes are
> legacy and as far as I understood protocol buffers I write a proto
> file for class A. For serialization and deserialization I just add the
> methods writeObject() and readObject() to class A.
> Now I wonder how to write the proto file for class B which is a
> subclass of A? Is it like this that I define in the B proto file the
> attributes defined in B and then in Class B's methods I do this:
>private void writeObject( out) throws
> IOException {
>Builder builder = A.AttributeA.newBuilder();
>A.AttributeA message =;
>Builder builder2 = B.AttributeB.newBuilder();
>B.AttributeB message2 =;
>private void readObject( in)
>throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
>A.AttributeA message = A.AttributeA.parseFrom(in);
>attributeA = message.getAttributeA();
>B.AttributeB message2 = B.AttributeB.parseFrom(in);
>attributeB = message2.getAttributeB();
> Is this the standard approach?
> Thanks Tai
> >
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