[Proto-Scripty] IE6 Error

2008-10-21 Thread jschank


I'm using protoype.js in a rails application. The application works
fine on Safari, FireFox (both windows and mac), however, when I load
my app in IE6, I get an Error: Object doesn't support this property
or method pop up.

When I choose to debug that in the script debugger, I see that the
error is on the line which says element.fireEvent(event.eventType,
event); which seems to be in a method with a fire: symbol at the
beginning. (I'm not a javascript guru, I don't recognize that syntax)

I've tried getting from the web site, and also tried getting
the latest from github, and building it and deploying that. Still the
problem persists.

Does anyone have any idea of how to handle this?

John Schank

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: IE6 Error

2008-10-21 Thread jschank

Hi T.J.
Thanks for the reply.

I've read the docs at the links you mention, but I'm still stuck.
The problem (with me anyway) is that I'm a JavaScript noob, and the
JavaScript calls that exist in my app get there via Rails. So I'm
having a problem even finding the offending function.

It seems to me that the call that is failing - the dom:loaded event
is one that is set up automatically as part of using Rails. Does this
sound likely?
If so, do you have any ideas where I might be looking in my code. The
only javascript that I explicitly created uses jQuery and as far as I
can tell already wraps the access to elements in the $() as
recommended. And doesn't have anything to do with document loading.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: IE6 Error

2008-10-21 Thread jschank


I thought I'd add the clip of the only JavaScript code that I'm
responsible for: (in case the problem is therein)

// Build tabs...
$('#tabs  ul').tabs({ fx: { height: 'toggle', opacity:
'toggle' } });

// Animate the hiding of any flash elements...
  $(div.flash).show(drop, { direction: up}, 1000);
setTimeout( function(){$(div.flash).hide(scale, {}, 1000);},

I'm certainly fine with digging into the Rails code to fix the
problem, if it is there, I just don't have enough experience with
Rails to know where to look.
I think I'll try commenting out my javascript code, and see if
deployment still fails on IE6. That should help nail down where the
code is that needs to be fixed. (mine - or something I've inherited
from Rails, or one of the plugins I'm using)

Thanks again,
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: IE6 Error

2008-10-21 Thread jschank


I did the remove of my JavaScript, and I still get the error.
So it must be a problem with Rails or one of the plugins.
I'll poke around on their boards and fora to see if they have mention
of this.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: IE6 Error

2008-10-21 Thread jschank

Ok, I've solved this...

Apparently, the problem stems from trying to use both prototype AND
jQuery on the same page. I thought I needed prototype for
active_scaffold (AS does require prototype) but I was able to remove
both active_scaffold and prototype from my app.

Now I no longer get the Object doesn't support... error in IE6.

Of course, this being IE6, I now get a different error in swfobject.js
for my charts.

Funny how Safari and FF don't have these problems.

Thanks for the help T.J.

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