I have a list of columns.  Each column has a Template.  The Templates
contain "<td>#{stuff}</td>"

I create one long string doing something like:

str = "";
$A(columns).each( ....  str = str + template.evaluate(obj); .... )

Then I do: row.update(str);

If I do it this way, the td's disappear.  I print the string to
console.log and its has the td's in it.

So, for now I switched and I do something like

row.update(); // clear the row's contents.
$A(columns).each( .... row.insert(template.evaluate(obj)); ... )

I am using Firefox 3.6 and my prototype is

Somewhere in the cobwebs of my mind, I remember something about adding
td's to a tr is broken or has restrictions or something like that but
I can't figure out what I am half remembering.

Is my original code suppose to work?  If not, why?

Thank you,

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