Hi everyone!

We decided this weekend to push back Launch 13 by two weeks to April
22nd, 2018. We've done this for many reasons:

- We're not quite ready for 4/8. We could be ready by a really narrow
margin, but we'd rather be slower and cautious for this first flight of
LV3. This gives us an extra two weeks for testing, which is exactly what
we need.

- That weekend is Oregon Rocketry's "AP Showers" [1] event, which means
the FAA waiver and insurance coverage is taken care of for us.

- Flying at AP Showers will be a fun for those never having been to an
amateur rocket launch. There will be dozens (?) of amateur rocket
launches while we get set up for ours.

We hope you can still make it!

In the mean time, here's the current schedule:

- Sat March 24th, 10am - 5pm: LV3 hack day in the rocket room.

- Sun April 8th 11am - 3pm: Integration testing day at Dave's house.

- April 21-22: Launch 13 in Brother's, OR, with a target launch time of
10am Sunday morning the 22nd.

Take care,


[1] "AP" as in Ammonium Perchlorate, the oxidizer in composite solid
rocket propellants.

Andrew Greenberg

Electrical and Computer Engineering
Portland State University
a...@ece.pdx.edu  C: 503.708.7711

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