Hello members,

Here's an update on the upcoming election:


This is a notification of the 2019/20 board of directors election timeline.


   Open call for Board Director Nominations: May 6, 2019 AoE[1] (Monday)

   Board Director Nomination cut-off: May 31, 2019 AoE (Friday)

   Voter application cut-off date: May 31, 2019 AoE (Friday)[2]

   Voting start date: June 7, 2018 AoE (Friday)

   Voting end date: June 16, 2018 AoE (Sunday)

There will be five board seats open this year as one of the directors is
stepping down.

[1] AoE: https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/aoe

[2] You need to be a contributing, managing, supporting, fellow
<https://www.python.org/psf/membership/>member by this date to vote in this
election. Email me if you have questions.

New Nomination Process!

This year we have created a new way to submit nominations. The primary
focus was to improve the fairness of how nominations are displayed and to
move the process onto the python.org infrastructure. We will send out
instructions for how to nominate others and/or yourself later this month.
Unlike past years, the only requirement for nominating someone or accepting
a nomination will be a free basic account on python.org. If you do not have
an account, one can be created at https://www.python.org/accounts/signup/.

For those that are interested, here's a screencast of how the new
nomination process will work: https://youtu.be/sORneSQNOmc.

Slack Channel "Open House"

On May 20th, the PSF directors will host a 24-hour "open house". During
this time, we welcome those that are considering running for the board and
questions. Anyone with any PSF questions is welcomed to join in on the
discussion. Join the slack here

I will send another notification closer to the nomination window. At that
time I will include a link to the page where BoD nominations can be added
and any other relevant information for the vote. If you have any questions,
do not hesitate to contact me via email.

Best regards,

Ewa Jodlowska

Executive Director

Python Software Foundation
PSF-Community mailing list

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