Hi members,

Our revised bylaws permitted us to create a PSF Fellow Work Group to
collect, review, and vote on PSF Fellow Member nominations.

Currently, the Work Group has 4 board directors on it. We are interested in
getting 3-6 more Work Group members. Once we get a larger group, we will
work on a policy for voting procedures. Once we have that in place, Work
Group members will review nominations, discuss them, and vote on them.

If you are interested in taking part, please send an email to
psf-fel...@python.org introducing yourself. You must be a PSF Fellow Member
to be in this Work Group.


   - List of Fellows is available online:
   - Charter for the WG: https://wiki.python.org/psf/FellowWG/Charter
   - If you want to nominate someone to be a Fellow, please send your
   nomination to psf-fel...@python.org

Best regards,

Ewa Jodlowska
Director of Operations
Python Software Foundation
PSF-Community mailing list

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