On Thursday, March 7, 2013 12:08:02 PM UTC-5, Mark Borsina wrote:
> Hi everyone, I was hoping it would be possible to start a virtual 
> instrument and softsynth accessibility thread. My thought is to 
> compile a list of users who can share what is and isn't accessible in 
> terms of virtual instruments and maybe even a list somewhere of users 
> who have created presets and templates. I've searched through the 
> group and many of the threads for softsynths are not answered or never 
> resolved. It would be great to know what experience a user had with a 
> synth, what people have come up with for preset libraries, what is and 
> isn't accessible and have it all in a thread for newcomers to 
> understand what they can and can't use. It would also be fantastic for 
> there to be a place where people like Gorden, Jason and others could 
> put what they've come up with for templates in one spot. I know Kevin 
> was working on a site for this but we could use dropbox or something 
> else for a quicker turn around. I'd really love for there to be one 
> place for all of this because even though PT is not the most user 
> friendly for virtual instruments there still are those who would like 
> to use whatever is available and there's very little information I 
> could find on what does and doesn't work without searching 100's of 
> threads. I saw Gorden has Ivory presets, Jason and Vinny had Structure 
> and Velvet and who knows who else might have others to share. After 
> searching I'm still unclear to which synths work better than others, 
> samplers that can be used and where to get presets. Upon a Google 
> search I found it's possible to use Structure with imported libraries 
> from other samplers such as Giga and Akai using CD extract. Another 
> blind person said they had as many softsynths as a sighted person with 
> over two TB of samples and loops completely accessible using Bootcamp 
> with Sonar and PT together. These are the things I'd love to have all 
> in a great spot for us to experiment with and help each other. Those 
> of us who use PT for strictly editing and tracking wouldn't have to be 
> bothered with this part of the forum. So, I'm hopeful we can have 
> others step up and create a bit of a Softsynth, virtual instrument 
> thread within this group. 

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