Old PT user with outspoken making the switch. HELP!

2012-02-26 Thread John Boral
Hey guys, I still have PT 5.1.3 with outspoken but I figured at some
point I have to make the switch. I just got a Mac Pro 12 core and PT
HD9. I see some of you on here have used PT with outspoken in the past
so my big question is should I continue on with this quest. I feel
very discouraged when I read about no softsynths and samplers. I have
SampleTank, SampleCell, Stylus and a host of other synths. What I'm
doing now is using Sonar for stuff that PT 5 can't do and I have both
machines locked so I can do everything in real time. I can't record in
Sonar and then bounce the mix over to PT because I need to mix the
synths and samplers in with the live stuff in real time and bouncing
doesn't cut it. So, since this has been working for me and editing is
so quick for flying stuff in and changing midi, will this new system
do me just as good as long as I continue to use Sonar with it? Is
there any talk of PT being able to do any softsynth or sampling stuff
soon? I've been playing with it for a few weeks and so far I'm 50%
slower on this new system between all of the VO stuff and editing. I
hate all of the interacting stuff but I did manage to do a 24 track
live recording within 3 weeks of getting everything. I still need new
racks for IO because I have the old 888 IO which won't work with the
new PT. Before I scrap everything I need some positive feedback in
some of you telling me that the new system will be better and making
me forge ahead. At this point it even takes me longer to simply select
tracks for editing. Can one of the old timer PT users let me know what
the future looks like and if they're making more or less progress than
with the old version? Of course since I'm new to VO I also hate it
compared to Outspoken and can't believe they couldn't just come up
with so many things that Outspoken already had. Did anyone else feel
that way at the beginning? Thanks guys and I appreciate you taking the
time for posting all of the great wisdom you all have. I've been
reading through for the past 3 weeks or so and learned a great deal.

Re: Old PT user with outspoken making the switch. HELP!

2012-02-26 Thread John Boral
Hi, thanks for the quick reply. I'm from Canada and as far as I know
we don't have any old PT 5 blind users around. My level meters were
built by a tech
to beep off of the peak readings. Not completely accurate all of the
time do to transients but works great most of the time. In the real
world I'd like
to be current which is where the big change came from but I thought
there would be a lot more in the way of samplers and synths. I lock
Sonar digitally
through the 888 IO which I'm going to have to get rid of if I make
this big switch. I guess I should spell out for you what I was really
looking for. #1
I wanted more sampler and synth power with accessibility which I guess
is not coming very soon. #2 I want to remain current with a version of
PT that won't
get laughed at which I don't think will happen enough as long as PT
stays current with VO. #3 I'd like to experience some things that
couldn't be done
with PT 5 for blind users witchh I'm not sure of
yet as to the accessibility difference in PT with VO. #4 Everything I
do is editing, mixing and sampleing. The big thing here is live bands
with tons of
samples and a large amount of editing, so, time is important. I hate
to be watched by anybody who might be thinking I'm slower than them
because of being
blind. When I work with sighted engineers on huge projects there can
be up to 5 engineers at a time in a live situation and just about 100%
of the time
I'm faster. That's the reason I want to switch over because when I'm
working with others I want to have a system that's compatible
throughout the PT universe.