Re: Judicial Corruption, Bank Fraud Trial by Jury.

2001-05-10 Thread John Wilson

Dear Brian,

I appreciate the 

My next court expense is to file in the High Court for leave 
to appeal against the Court of Appeal's decision (7th May) to dismiss my 
application for leave to appeal against Justice Sully's ruling that he, without 
a jury, would hear the Crown's Notice of Motion to dismiss my case for unlawful 
imprisonment - thereby preventing it getting to a jury for a jury to 
decide if Australians have the Right to Trial by Jury.


-Original Message-From: 
John Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: 
Thursday, 10 May 2001 8:24Subject: Re: Judicial Corruption, 
Bank Fraud  Trial by Jury.
Hi John
Good to hear from you.
This is news to me. It's the first time I have 
heard the post office question my stamp, which I acquired from them some 
time ago.
I am cutting your sixth tape as I write. I will 
send it today.
This will I believe complete your order of sis 
Let me know if you receive them all 
John I know you have had a number of very large 
expenses lately, so I would like to take the opportunity to help you is some 
small way.
These first six tapes will therefore be free of 
Kind regards

- Original Message - 
To: Brian 
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 1:58 
Subject: Re: Judicial Corruption, 
Bank Fraud  Trial by Jury.

Dear Brian,

Thanks for the replacement video.

You had the Post office confused with your stamp (is 
it called franking) but I was happy to pay on picking it up. 
They said they had never seen such a thing and the nearest to it was for 
the recipent to apply for a licence.


Message-From: Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
John Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: 
Monday, 7 May 2001 11:45Subject: Re: Judicial 
Corruption, Bank Fraud  Trial by Jury.
Dear John
Thanks for the message 

I have sent you some more videos. More 
in the mail today.

When I have snt you number six, as per 
your order, I will send you an invoice for the $100.00 as 

- Original Message - 

John Wilson 
To: Neither Public List 
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 
4:26 PM
Subject: Judicial 
Corruption, Bank Fraud  Trial by Jury.

Dear Fellow 

This morning in the Supreme 
Court of New South Wales was another evasion of trial by 

Justice David Kirby (brother of 
High Court's Justice Michael Kirby) was given the usual 
hammering about the necessity of trial by jury because, amongst 
many arguments, (a) s.3 of the 1900 Supreme Court Procedure Act 
says that only by consent of both parties can there 
be a judge without a jury, (b) pleadings of the Crown can only 
be tried by a jury, (c) no parliament can make a law to take 
away the rights of the people, (d) if a judge denies trial by 
jury then that is an offence punishable by 5 years 
imprisonment, etc., etc.

I will get the transcript on the 
email as soon as it is to hand.

Justice Kirby ended by saying 
I'm not denying you trial by jury. Take it up on the 

He set 19 July 2001 as the day 
for a one-day hearing of my case against the St. 
George Bank  the Crown where Justice Carolyn Simpson, on 4 
August 1991, heard and, on 30 November 1991*, awarded a Writ of 
Possession without a jury against my constant insistance that 
she had no jurisdiction. The Writ was exercised by the 
bank on 11 January 2001. We have since got the house back after 
getting $431,000 to the bank. Which, when added to the $230,000 
+ paid to the bank in the last 4 years, amounts to over $661,000 
the St. George Bank acquired for them creating $380,000 
out of thin air. The judges are concealing my 
evidence of the Reserve Bank of Australia's own figures that 
Australian banks create for themselves 

Fw: New Chemtrails Evidence - Please Forward

2001-05-10 Thread Donald Neuls

- Original Message - 
To: Recipient list suppressed 
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 6:22 PM
Subject: New Chemtrails Evidence - Please Forward

senior air traffic control manager responsible for 
commercial  aircraft over the northeastern United States has 
confirmed in a second 
exclusive interview 
with radio reporter S.T. Brendt that large formations of U.S. Air Force 
tanker aircraft are 
conducting ongoing operations over the USA and Canada. 
The sky-obscuring chemicals laid down in criss-cross patterns by the big jets 
have been observed by 
thousands of eyewitnesses across North America over the past two 
years. When asked the 
purpose of these missions, the FAA official said he was told "weather 
modification"after a "higher civil authority" ordered him to divert incoming 
trans-Atlantic airliners around military formationsflying over 37,000 feet 
on March 12, 20 and 21, 2001. Hear award-winning 
investigative journalist William 
Thomaspresent Shocking New Revelations on ChemtrailsSaturday, 
May 12, 2001 7PMHR MacMillan Space Centre1100 Chestnut 
St. Vancouver, BCTickets: $20 604-280- 
More Information 604-856-4841 or 1-877-343-3375 

Statistics Canada [Handling Census Canada Daniels Way!!]

2001-05-10 Thread Donald Neuls

- Original Message - 
From: Daniel J. Lavigne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: Statistics Canada

M. Adamson wrote:

I recently received the envelopes from Statistics Canada where they
state it is by law that I must complete their forms is their
law , fact or fiction?  If I do not complete it, what is the worst
that can happen to me?

Life's small surprises just keep Popping up.
 Yesterday morning (Wednesday) a Lady from Census Canada was at 
 my door with a request for me to fill out the Full Census Form.
 I thoroughly enjoyed the moment and commented that God was being 
 nice to me by sending a gift in the form of an opportunity to face 
 the Government, at last, in its courts, before its Judges AND 
 with regard to an issue that will not necessarily threaten the 
 Government's access to taxes. 
 I informed the young lady that not only would I not be filling 
 out the form, but that I fully expect to be charged for my 
 blunt refusal and that my invitation to her, as a representative 
 of the Government, was a legal step inviting the Government to 
use the FULL force of its laws etc and to see what happens when 
 they face one who long ago said Enough!, AND MEANT IT!
 The matter was discussed at last night's meeting at 555 Marlee Avenue.
 The consensus was that the Government, as always, will run from 
 the invitation to USE its courts.
 Now, the important part: What is the worse they can do? 
 They could ignore us . . that would be the worse. Anything else 
should be looked upon as an OPPORTUNITY. Thank you for writing.
 To all: By e-mail has come under severe attack by government goons 
 who did, temporarily, secure access to my servers and were able to 
 mirror each and every message sent to me or delivered by me.  
 This is the first message that I am able to send to my lists 
 (I was able to send to the newsgroups.) since Sunday.
 I am maintaining my stance of OPEN DISCUSSION of all matters 
 delivered to me as I will not allow the Tax Refusal to be 
 compromised by anyone . . in any manner.

 Tax Refusal Facts
 1. The Tax Refusal started in 1980.
 2. More Canadians are joining everyday.
 3. Membership in the Tax Refusal requires the new member to sign a 
statement for delivery to The Government Of Canada, In Parliament
Assembled that they will never again file tax returns or pay so
much as a penny in taxes until our Nation ends its involvement in
plans and preparations that are predicated on a sure and certain
will and capacity to commit Mass Murder with Nuclear and other
Weapons Of Mass Murder.
 It's worldwide spread has ONE purpose: 
 To FORCE the USE, or DISMANTLING, of all Weapons Of Mass Murder.
 To A Safer, Saner And More Caring World. To Duty.
 Daniel J. Lavigne
 Fools would have you believe that no one can refuse to support a 
 society merely because it participates in plans and preparations 
 that are predicated on a will and capacity to commit Mass Murder. 
 Join the Tax Refusal!
 The Toronto chapter of International Humanity House holds 
 meetings each Wednesday night at 555 Marlee Ave. Toronto 
 Doors open at 7:30 PM.  Speeches by various speakers discussing 
 the why of the Tax Refusal and need for personal involvement 
 in a movement that *WILL* change the world start at 8:00 PM.   
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