Re: .htaccess a major bottleneck to Semantic Web adoption / Was: Re: RDFa vs RDF/XML and content negotiation

2009-06-29 Thread Martin Hepp (UniBW)

Hi Tom:

Amen. Thank you for writing this. I completely agree. RDFa has some
great use cases but (like any technology) has its limitations. Let's
not oversell it.

We seem to agree on the observation, but not on the conclusion. What I 
want and suggest is using RDFa also for exchanging a bit more complex 
RDF models / data by simply using a lot of div / span or whatever 
elements that represent the RDF part in the SAME document BUT NOT too 
closely linked with the presentation level.

h1This is the car I want to sell/h1
Actually, a pretty cool car, for only $1.000. Offer valid through July 
31, 2009

... my whole RDF in RDFa

The advantage of that would be that

- you just have to maintain ONE file,
- data and metadata are close by, so the likelihood of being up to date 
increases, and

- at the same time, the code does not get too messy.
- Also - no problems setting up the server (*).
- Easy to create on-line tools that generate RDFa snippets for simple 

- Yahoo and Google will most likely honor RDFa meta-data only.

Also note that often the literal values will be in content attributes 
anyway, because the string for the presentation is not suitable as 
meta-data content anyway (e.g.  dates, country codes,...)

I think the approach sketched above would be a cheap and useful way of 
publishing RDF meta-data. It could work with CMS / blogging software 
etc.  Imaging if we were able to allow eBay sellers to put GoodRelations 
meta-data directly into the open XHTML part of their product description.

The main problem with my proposal is that there is the risk that Google 
considers this cloaking and may remove respective resources from their 
index (Mark raised that issue). If that risk was confirmed, we would 
really have a problem. Imagine me selling Semantic Web markup as a step 
beyond SEO ... and the first consequence of following my advice is being 
removed from the Google index.

A second problem is that if the document contains nodes that have no 
counterpart on the presentation level (e.g. intermediate nodes for 
holding n-ary relations), then they will also not be dereferencable. The 
same holds for URIs or  nodes that are outside the scope of the actual 
RDFa / XHTML document - I see no simple way of serving neither XHTML nor 
RDF content for those.



Tom Heath wrote:


2009/6/27 Martin Hepp (UniBW)

So if this hidden div / span approach is not feasible, we got a problem.

The reason is that, as beautiful the idea is of using RDFa to make a) the
human-readable presentation and b) the machine-readable meta-data link to
the same literals, the problematic is it in reality once the structure of a)
and b) are very different.

For very simple property-value pairs, embedding RDFa markup is no problem.
But if you have a bit more complexity at the conceptual level and in
particular if there are significant differences to the structure of the
presentation (e.g. in terms of granularity, ordering of elements, etc.), it
gets very, very messy and hard to maintain.

Amen. Thank you for writing this. I completely agree. RDFa has some
great use cases but (like any technology) has its limitations. Let's
not oversell it.



martin hepp
e-business  web science research group
universitaet der bundeswehr muenchen

phone:   +49-(0)89-6004-4217
fax: +49-(0)89-6004-4620
www: (group) (personal)
skype:   mfhepp 
twitter: mfhepp

Check out the GoodRelations vocabulary for E-Commerce on the Web of Data!


Talk at the Semantic Technology Conference 2009: 
Semantic Web-based E-Commerce: The GoodRelations Ontology

Tool for registering your business:

Overview article on Semantic Universe:

Project page and resources for developers:

Tutorial materials:
Tutorial at ESWC 2009: The Web of Data for E-Commerce in One Day: A Hands-on 
Introduction to the GoodRelations Ontology, RDFa, and Yahoo! SearchMonkey

fn:Martin Hepp
org:Bundeswehr University Munich;E-Business and Web Science Research Group
adr:;;Werner-Heisenberg-Web 39;Neubiberg;;D-85577;Germany
tel;work:+49 89 6004 4217
tel;pager:skype: mfhepp

Re: Visualization of domain and range

2009-06-29 Thread Tim rdf

Yes, I understand that this is how rdfs:domain and rdfs:range are
I agree that the knowledge addition of RDFS and OWL is a great strength.

I would rephrase your interpretation to:

you can use foaf:holdsAccount.
if something has a foaf:holdsAccount property then you MUST interpret it as
foaf:Agent, and the value of this property MUST be interpreted as

Of course, MUST is only if you choose to employ RDFS reasoners. Anything
goes in non-inference,RDF-as-a-datastore land.

Unfortunately, I want to employ an RDFS reasoner AND use the
foaf:holdsAccount to point to /non/Online Accounts. I can't use it because
my /non/online Accounts WILL be interpreted as foaf:OnlineAccounts, which I
want to be satisfiably false (but is provably true).

To fix this, we'd have to:

- ( foaf:holdsAccount rdfs:range foaf:OnlineAccount . )

+ ( foaf:holdsAccount rdfs:range ns:Account .
foaf:OnlineAccount rdfs:subClassOf ns:Account . )

So, returning to my general question about asserting the domain and range of
a property. Is it prematurely limiting if the first-party developers
inadvertently set the range to a /subclass/ of a class that a third-party
developer thinks is a reasonable range?

Thanks for your consideration!

Tim Lebo

ps - I'm trying to collect design patterns for OWL at

On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 4:00 AM, Bernhard Schandl wrote:

 foaf:holdsAccount rdfs:domain foaf:Agent; rdfs:range foaf:OnlineAccount .

 Is constraining a property with BOTH a domain and range a good design
 pattern? It seems rather short-sighted with respect to reuse and

 Domain and range are no restrictions in that sense; rather they extend the
 possible (!) interpretations of resources.

Hence you don't say,

you can use foaf:holdsAccount only with foaf:Agent and foaf:OnlineAccount,

but rather, if something has a foaf:holdsAccount property then you can
 interpret it as foaf:Agent, and the value of this property can be
 interpreted as foaf:OnlineAccount.

 IMO this is one of the greatest strengths of modelling with RDF(S) and OWL.

Re: Visualization of domain and range

2009-06-29 Thread Tim rdf
On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 3:44 AM, Bernhard Schandl wrote:

 Instead of changing the original FOAF ontology (which only the owners of
 the FOAF namespace can do), I would suggest that you add another property
 for your application and define it as super-property of foaf:holdsAccount,

 foaf:holdsAccount rdfs:subPropertyOf ex:holdsAccount .

 and use ex:holdsAccount instead of foaf:holdsAccount. However whenever you
 encounter a foaf:holdsAccount you can treat it as instance of

That solves it. The solution came to me this morning as I was waking up, but
you beat me to it :-)

 If you do not allow ontology developers to define restrictions on the
 classes and properties they define, then we end up with plain collections of
 terms, but without the possibility to derive useful conclusions from the
 data. However to build meaningful applications we need constraints on the
 data, and if you do not need these constraints you have two options: either
 do not use inference, or define your own (unrestricted) vocabulary and link
 it to the .

 Best, Bernhard

That is a really good was of describing. Thanks for your insights!

Tim Lebo

Re: Visualization of domain and range

2009-06-29 Thread Tim rdf

Thanks for an interesting discussion. It is interesting how many visual
styles different people can come up with. Is there a place that gathers
these up for comparison? I made a twine at
It includes the examples from this thread; feel free to add more.

I have developed my own visual styles over the years and would like to see
if I got it wrong :-)

Is there a good source for a description of the commonly-accepted

I also love the fact that Dan started to enumerate the OWL tasks that the
visual should support. We can't evaluate a visualization unless we know the
tasks that it must support.

With the new OWL 2 constructs, I'll have to go back to the drawing board for
things like property chains and keys. I was excited to find out that the
disjointUnionOf construct came through, because I already made the visual
abbreviation for the verbose OWL 1 expressions.

Tim Lebo

ps - svn co
gives a jpg, svg, and graffle. Can you include a URL for the foaf.owl
spec that inspired these works of art? I want to make sure I work on the
same input.

 In ([4]) I try to do too
 many things at once:
  * show the classes that each property is used with
  * show sub-property relationships
  * show sub-class relationships
  * show some typical properties
  * show attachment points for friends of FOAF namespaces (DOAP, SIOC, DC,
 Geo etc), with classes and with sample properties

 This is a lot of information.

 I did try to make a gradual reveal slideshow version, building up from
 something simple. It wasn't great. The layout was done by hand to minimise
 crossovers, and looking at it, I think the whole structure could be
 twisted/stretched to be more evenly presented. It was fiddly to do though.

 A sample of instance-data would probably convey most of the same
 information about domain/range, and would allow subclasses reasonably too.
 Sub-property would remain hard...

 If anyone wants to mess around with the FOAF example, source data in
 OmniGraffle format is here and also in SVG: just do svn co;

Re: .htaccess a major bottleneck to Semantic Web adoption / Was: Re: RDFa vs RDF/XML and content negotiation

2009-06-29 Thread Tom Heath
Hi Martin,

2009/6/29 Martin Hepp (UniBW)
 Hi Tom:

Amen. Thank you for writing this. I completely agree. RDFa has some
great use cases but (like any technology) has its limitations. Let's
not oversell it.

 We seem to agree on the observation, but not on the conclusion. What I want
 and suggest is using RDFa also for exchanging a bit more complex RDF models
 / data by simply using a lot of div / span or whatever elements that
 represent the RDF part in the SAME document BUT NOT too closely linked with
 the presentation level.

 h1This is the car I want to sell/h1
 Actually, a pretty cool car, for only $1.000. Offer valid through July 31,

 ... my whole RDF in RDFa

 The advantage of that would be that

 - you just have to maintain ONE file,
 - data and metadata are close by, so the likelihood of being up to date
 increases, and
 - at the same time, the code does not get too messy.
 - Also - no problems setting up the server (*).
 - Easy to create on-line tools that generate RDFa snippets for simple
 - Yahoo and Google will most likely honor RDFa meta-data only.

 Also note that often the literal values will be in content attributes
 anyway, because the string for the presentation is not suitable as meta-data
 content anyway (e.g.  dates, country codes,...)

 I think the approach sketched above would be a cheap and useful way of
 publishing RDF meta-data. It could work with CMS / blogging software etc.
 Imaging if we were able to allow eBay sellers to put GoodRelations meta-data
 directly into the open XHTML part of their product description.

 The main problem with my proposal is that there is the risk that Google
 considers this cloaking and may remove respective resources from their
 index (Mark raised that issue). If that risk was confirmed, we would really
 have a problem. Imagine me selling Semantic Web markup as a step beyond SEO
 ... and the first consequence of following my advice is being removed from
 the Google index.

 A second problem is that if the document contains nodes that have no
 counterpart on the presentation level (e.g. intermediate nodes for holding
 n-ary relations), then they will also not be dereferencable. The same holds
 for URIs or  nodes that are outside the scope of the actual RDFa / XHTML
 document - I see no simple way of serving neither XHTML nor RDF content for

These are exactly the reasons why I emphasise the limitations and ask
that we don't oversell the capabilities of any technology, RDFa


Re: .htaccess a major bottleneck to Semantic Web adoption / Was: Re: RDFa vs RDF/XML and content negotiation

2009-06-29 Thread Kingsley Idehen

Martin Hepp (UniBW) wrote:

Hi Tom:

Amen. Thank you for writing this. I completely agree. RDFa has some
great use cases but (like any technology) has its limitations. Let's
not oversell it.
We seem to agree on the observation, but not on the conclusion. What I 
want and suggest is using RDFa also for exchanging a bit more complex 
RDF models / data by simply using a lot of div / span or whatever 
elements that represent the RDF part in the SAME document BUT NOT too 
closely linked with the presentation level.

h1This is the car I want to sell/h1
Actually, a pretty cool car, for only $1.000. Offer valid through July 
31, 2009

... my whole RDF in RDFa

The advantage of that would be that

- you just have to maintain ONE file,
- data and metadata are close by, so the likelihood of being up to 
date increases, and

- at the same time, the code does not get too messy.
- Also - no problems setting up the server (*).
- Easy to create on-line tools that generate RDFa snippets for simple 

- Yahoo and Google will most likely honor RDFa meta-data only.

Also note that often the literal values will be in content attributes 
anyway, because the string for the presentation is not suitable as 
meta-data content anyway (e.g.  dates, country codes,...)

I think the approach sketched above would be a cheap and useful way of 
publishing RDF meta-data. It could work with CMS / blogging software 
etc.  Imaging if we were able to allow eBay sellers to put 
GoodRelations meta-data directly into the open XHTML part of their 
product description.

The main problem with my proposal is that there is the risk that 
Google considers this cloaking and may remove respective resources 
from their index (Mark raised that issue). If that risk was confirmed, 
we would really have a problem. Imagine me selling Semantic Web markup 
as a step beyond SEO ... and the first consequence of following my 
advice is being removed from the Google index.

A second problem is that if the document contains nodes that have no 
counterpart on the presentation level (e.g. intermediate nodes for 
holding n-ary relations), then they will also not be dereferencable. 
The same holds for URIs or  nodes that are outside the scope of the 
actual RDFa / XHTML document - I see no simple way of serving neither 
XHTML nor RDF content for those.


If Google doesn't see invisible DIVs as cloaking, the issue vaporizes.

Also, if people take the SEO + SDQ (Linked Data Expressed in RDFa) 
approach they will at least remain in the Google index via usual SEO 
oriented keyword gimmickry, albeit generally suboptimal.

If we make a recipe doc showcasing these issues, we will more than 
likely get Google to recalibrate back to the Web; especially if we can 
demonstrate that other search engine players --that have support RDFa -- 
not being afflicted with the same cloaking myopia.




Tom Heath wrote:


2009/6/27 Martin Hepp (UniBW)

So if this hidden div / span approach is not feasible, we got a problem.

The reason is that, as beautiful the idea is of using RDFa to make a) the
human-readable presentation and b) the machine-readable meta-data link to
the same literals, the problematic is it in reality once the structure of a)
and b) are very different.

For very simple property-value pairs, embedding RDFa markup is no problem.
But if you have a bit more complexity at the conceptual level and in
particular if there are significant differences to the structure of the
presentation (e.g. in terms of granularity, ordering of elements, etc.), it
gets very, very messy and hard to maintain.

Amen. Thank you for writing this. I completely agree. RDFa has some
great use cases but (like any technology) has its limitations. Let's
not oversell it.



martin hepp
e-business  web science research group
universitaet der bundeswehr muenchen

phone:   +49-(0)89-6004-4217
fax: +49-(0)89-6004-4620
www: (group) (personal)
skype:   mfhepp 
twitter: mfhepp

Check out the GoodRelations vocabulary for E-Commerce on the Web of Data!


Talk at the Semantic Technology Conference 2009: 
Semantic Web-based E-Commerce: The GoodRelations Ontology

Tool for registering your business:

Overview article on Semantic Universe:

Project page and resources for developers:

Tutorial materials:
Tutorial at ESWC 2009: The Web of Data for E-Commerce in One Day: A Hands-on 
Introduction to the GoodRelations Ontology, RDFa, and 

Re: .htaccess a major bottleneck to Semantic Web adoption / Was: Re: RDFa vs RDF/XML and content negotiation

2009-06-29 Thread Mark Birbeck
Hi Tom,

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 11:46 PM, Tom wrote:

 2009/6/27 Martin Hepp (UniBW)
 So if this hidden div / span approach is not feasible, we got a problem.

 The reason is that, as beautiful the idea is of using RDFa to make a) the
 human-readable presentation and b) the machine-readable meta-data link to
 the same literals, the problematic is it in reality once the structure of a)
 and b) are very different.

 For very simple property-value pairs, embedding RDFa markup is no problem.
 But if you have a bit more complexity at the conceptual level and in
 particular if there are significant differences to the structure of the
 presentation (e.g. in terms of granularity, ordering of elements, etc.), it
 gets very, very messy and hard to maintain.

 Amen. Thank you for writing this. I completely agree. RDFa has some
 great use cases but (like any technology) has its limitations. Let's
 not oversell it. put me in a difficult position here. :)

If I leap to RDFa's defence then it looks like I think it solves all
the world's problems.

But if I remain silent, then it looks like the problem being raised is
some kind of fundamental flaw.

Ah well, let's dive in...

First I should say that I'd be the first to agree that RDFa has
limitations. But the issue here is that I don't think the problem
raised by Martin can be classed as a limitation in the way you're
implying, Tom.

If we go back a step, RDFa was carefully designed so that it could
carry any combination of the RDF concepts in an HTML document. In the
end we dropped reification and lists, because it didn't seem that the
RDF community itself was clear on the future of those, but they are
both easily added back if the issues were to be resolved.

In short, it is possible to use HTML+RDFa to create complete RDF
documents, such as RDF Schemas, OWL ontologies, and so on, and the
resulting documents would be no more complex than their equivalent
RDF/XML or N3 versions, with the benefit that they can be delivered
using any of the many HTML publishing techniques currently available.

But most of the discussion around RDFa relates to its other use, where
it's possible to use it to 'sprinkle' metadata into HTML documents
that are primarily aimed at human readers. By being alongside the
human-readable output, it makes the metadata easier to maintain. And
in addition it gives the user agent the opportunity to enhance the
view of the data, by making use of the 'local' metadata.

However, the point that Martin was getting at, is that sometimes there
is just way more data in the 'RDF view' than in the 'human view', and
that makes it very difficult to make the two align.

I don't think that this is a flaw in RDFa itself, and I'm not
convinced that there is an easy solution in the form of another
technology that would solve this. Martin's solution seems a reasonable
one to me.

(Although I wonder if part of the problem might be that too much
information is being provided in the RDF view, rather than using links
to other data that can be retrieved. Perhaps Michael could give an



Mark Birbeck, webBackplane

webBackplane is a trading name of Backplane Ltd. (company number
05972288, registered office: 2nd Floor, 69/85 Tabernacle Street,
London, EC2A 4RR)

Re: .htaccess a major bottleneck to Semantic Web adoption / Was: Re: RDFa vs RDF/XML and content negotiation

2009-06-29 Thread Martin Hepp (UniBW)

Hi Yihong:
I am a big fan of Codd's one fact in one place credo. However, in this
particular case, that principle is violated anyway, since the literal
values are often duplicated for presentation and meta-data prupolses
anyway (think of 2009-06-29 vs. June 29, 2009). Second, for dynamic
Web apps, it does not really matter whether the same fact is exposed
once or twice, since the central location is one place in the database
anyway. Third, this is the only way how a tool like the GoodRelations
annotator [1] can create RDFa snippets for simple copy-and-paste into
existing pages.

Also note that in the particular case of RDFa, the principle of one
fact in one place clashes with the separation of concerns principle,
in particular, that of keeping data and presentation separate.

The textbook-style beauty of simplicity of RDFa holds for adding a
dc:creator property to a string value that is the same for presentation
and at the data level. Beyond that, RDFa can create code that is very
hard to maintain. In fact, I know that a large software company
dismissed the use of RDFa in their products because of the unmanageable
mix of conceptual and presentation layer.

As far as security is concerned: I there is no real difference in my 
proposal, as the content attribute of RDFa allows serving different 
data to human and to machines, and this is a needed feature anyway. 
Digital signatures at the document or element level and / or data 
provenance approached will likely cater for that.



Yihong Ding wrote:

Hi Kingley and Martin,

A potential problem of the model Martin suggested is that the same data has
to be presented at least TWICE in one document. Although the RDFa portion of
the data is supposed to be automatically generated, it, however, does not
prohibit anybody from manually revising it. Therefore, it leaves a huge hole
for the hackers (or anybody who want to do some deceptive job). In our
imperfect world, this problem is severe.

Adding an extra layer of data mapping always causes additional work on data
maintenance. This time, the extra work could be a nightmare though the
architecture is neat.


On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 8:03 AM, Kingsley Idehen kide...@openlinksw.comwrote:


Martin Hepp (UniBW) wrote:

Hi Tom:


Amen. Thank you for writing this. I completely agree. RDFa has some
great use cases but (like any technology) has its limitations. Let's
not oversell it.

We seem to agree on the observation, but not on the conclusion. What I
want and suggest is using RDFa also for exchanging a bit more complex RDF
models / data by simply using a lot of div / span or whatever elements that
represent the RDF part in the SAME document BUT NOT too closely linked with
the presentation level.

h1This is the car I want to sell/h1
Actually, a pretty cool car, for only $1.000. Offer valid through July 31,

... my whole RDF in RDFa

The advantage of that would be that

- you just have to maintain ONE file,
- data and metadata are close by, so the likelihood of being up to date
increases, and
- at the same time, the code does not get too messy.
- Also - no problems setting up the server (*).
- Easy to create on-line tools that generate RDFa snippets for simple
- Yahoo and Google will most likely honor RDFa meta-data only.

Also note that often the literal values will be in content attributes
anyway, because the string for the presentation is not suitable as meta-data
content anyway (e.g.  dates, country codes,...)

I think the approach sketched above would be a cheap and useful way of
publishing RDF meta-data. It could work with CMS / blogging software etc.
 Imaging if we were able to allow eBay sellers to put GoodRelations
meta-data directly into the open XHTML part of their product description.

The main problem with my proposal is that there is the risk that Google
considers this cloaking and may remove respective resources from their
index (Mark raised that issue). If that risk was confirmed, we would really
have a problem. Imagine me selling Semantic Web markup as a step beyond SEO
... and the first consequence of following my advice is being removed from
the Google index.

A second problem is that if the document contains nodes that have no
counterpart on the presentation level (e.g. intermediate nodes for holding
n-ary relations), then they will also not be dereferencable. The same holds
for URIs or  nodes that are outside the scope of the actual RDFa / XHTML
document - I see no simple way of serving neither XHTML nor RDF content for



If Google doesn't see invisible DIVs as cloaking, the issue vaporizes.

Also, if people take the SEO + SDQ (Linked Data Expressed in RDFa) approach
they will at least remain in the Google index via usual SEO oriented keyword
gimmickry, albeit generally suboptimal.

If we make a recipe doc showcasing these issues, we will more than likely
get Google to recalibrate back to the Web; 

Re: .htaccess a major bottleneck to Semantic Web adoption / Was: Re: RDFa vs RDF/XML and content negotiation

2009-06-29 Thread Toby Inkster
On Mon, 2009-06-29 at 13:30 +0100, Mark Birbeck wrote:
 If we go back a step, RDFa was carefully designed so that it could
 carry any combination of the RDF concepts in an HTML document. In the
 end we dropped reification and lists, because it didn't seem that the
 RDF community itself was clear on the future of those, but they are
 both easily added back if the issues were to be resolved.

RDF reification and lists do *work* in RDFa, they're just a bit of a
pain to mark up.

e.g. here's a reification:

div xmlns:dc=;
  span property=dc:creatorMark Birkbeck/span says that
  span rel=rdf:subject resource=[db:Sky]the sky/span
  span rel=rdf:predicate resource=;
  span rel=rdf:object resource=[db:Blue]blue/span.

And an example of a list can be found here:

Toby A Inkster

Re: .htaccess a major bottleneck to Semantic Web adoption / Was: Re: RDFa vs RDF/XML and content negotiation

2009-06-29 Thread Mark Birbeck
Hi Toby,

Yes...of are right. :)

I would say too, that reification is even more long-winded than the
example you have given! You don't have the actual statement the sky
is blue in your mark-up, so you need even more RDFa. (You only have
the statement Mark says 'the sky is blue'.)

But either way, you are right that the whole thing can be spelt out
longhand (as can lists).

The only reason I mentioned it was because for a long time in RDFa we
had a much simpler construct based on occurrences of *nested* meta
and link properties. However, some browsers thought they were doing
us a favour by moving the meta and link elements out of the body
and into the head, which meant it was not possible to implement this
feature in JavaScript. (Obviously server-side RDFa parsers would have
had no problem with it.)

As for lists, the obvious shorthand would be ol, ul, and li, but
it was not obvious what triples should be generated, so we left it.
I.e., your example uses the first/next/nil technique for collections,
but of course there is also the rdf:_1 technique for a list. It wasn't
immediately clear which would be the more useful -- or conformant --
one to generate.



On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 2:05 PM, Toby wrote:
 On Mon, 2009-06-29 at 13:30 +0100, Mark Birbeck wrote:
 If we go back a step, RDFa was carefully designed so that it could
 carry any combination of the RDF concepts in an HTML document. In the
 end we dropped reification and lists, because it didn't seem that the
 RDF community itself was clear on the future of those, but they are
 both easily added back if the issues were to be resolved.

 RDF reification and lists do *work* in RDFa, they're just a bit of a
 pain to mark up.

 e.g. here's a reification:

 div xmlns:dc=;
  span property=dc:creatorMark Birkbeck/span says that
  span rel=rdf:subject resource=[db:Sky]the sky/span
  span rel=rdf:predicate resource=;
   span rel=rdf:object resource=[db:Blue]blue/span.

 And an example of a list can be found here:

 Toby A Inkster

Mark Birbeck, webBackplane

webBackplane is a trading name of Backplane Ltd. (company number
05972288, registered office: 2nd Floor, 69/85 Tabernacle Street,
London, EC2A 4RR)

Re: .htaccess a major bottleneck to Semantic Web adoption / Was: Re: RDFa vs RDF/XML and content negotiation

2009-06-29 Thread Tom Heath
Hi Mark,

2009/6/29 Mark Birbeck
 Hi Tom,

 On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 11:46 PM, Tom wrote:

 2009/6/27 Martin Hepp (UniBW)
 So if this hidden div / span approach is not feasible, we got a problem.

 The reason is that, as beautiful the idea is of using RDFa to make a) the
 human-readable presentation and b) the machine-readable meta-data link to
 the same literals, the problematic is it in reality once the structure of a)
 and b) are very different.

 For very simple property-value pairs, embedding RDFa markup is no problem.
 But if you have a bit more complexity at the conceptual level and in
 particular if there are significant differences to the structure of the
 presentation (e.g. in terms of granularity, ordering of elements, etc.), it
 gets very, very messy and hard to maintain.

 Amen. Thank you for writing this. I completely agree. RDFa has some
 great use cases but (like any technology) has its limitations. Let's
 not oversell it. put me in a difficult position here. :)


 If I leap to RDFa's defence then it looks like I think it solves all
 the world's problems.

 But if I remain silent, then it looks like the problem being raised is
 some kind of fundamental flaw.

Just in case there's any doubt, let me clarify that this isn't an
anti-RDFa position from me, just trying to unpack the issue.

 Ah well, let's dive in...

 First I should say that I'd be the first to agree that RDFa has
 limitations. But the issue here is that I don't think the problem
 raised by Martin can be classed as a limitation in the way you're
 implying, Tom.

 If we go back a step, RDFa was carefully designed so that it could
 carry any combination of the RDF concepts in an HTML document. In the
 end we dropped reification and lists, because it didn't seem that the
 RDF community itself was clear on the future of those, but they are
 both easily added back if the issues were to be resolved.

 In short, it is possible to use HTML+RDFa to create complete RDF
 documents, such as RDF Schemas, OWL ontologies, and so on, and the
 resulting documents would be no more complex than their equivalent
 RDF/XML or N3 versions, with the benefit that they can be delivered
 using any of the many HTML publishing techniques currently available.

Absolutely agreed. I don't dispute this at all. Though it's not really
my point. See below...

 But most of the discussion around RDFa relates to its other use, where
 it's possible to use it to 'sprinkle' metadata into HTML documents
 that are primarily aimed at human readers. By being alongside the
 human-readable output, it makes the metadata easier to maintain.

In some cases. It depends on the publishing architecture. What effect
does it have on the maintenance cost of the layout/structural markup
of the page?

 in addition it gives the user agent the opportunity to enhance the
 view of the data, by making use of the 'local' metadata.

 However, the point that Martin was getting at, is that sometimes there
 is just way more data in the 'RDF view' than in the 'human view', and
 that makes it very difficult to make the two align.

Yes, this is exactly how I understood his point. It's also exactly why
I keep banging on about us not saying that x is better than y. It's
not about a limitation of RDFa as a technology (apologies if it came
across that way), simply a reflection of the fact that it can be
challenging to deploy in some circumstances. Again, this is context
dependent, and the best solution can only be determined by examining
that context.

 I don't think that this is a flaw in RDFa itself,


 and I'm not convinced that there is an easy solution in the form of another
 technology that would solve this.

Well, such cases may justify the 303/conneg pattern.

 Martin's solution seems a reasonable
 one to me.

 (Although I wonder if part of the problem might be that too much
 information is being provided in the RDF view, rather than using links
 to other data that can be retrieved. Perhaps Michael could give an

Completely agreed on this point. You'll see this approach manifested
in, where there is redundancy in data between HTML pages for
the sake of presenting human users with a more complete view (without
requiring them to visit multiple pages); the same is not true of the
(broadly) equivalent RDF documents, where I tried to avoid redundancy,
on the basis that any SW agent worth it's salt should be able to
dereference the referenced URIs to retrieve the data it needs. IIRC
others disagree with my approach here (TimBL? Richard C?), but this
speaks completely to the question of what is the appropriate
interaction paradigm for apps built on the Web of Data. If we can
understand the answers to this question then it may help guide our
deployment strategies for RDFa.



Re: .htaccess a major bottleneck to Semantic Web adoption / Was: Re: RDFa vs RDF/XML and content negotiation

2009-06-29 Thread Pat Hayes

On Jun 28, 2009, at 6:39 PM, Tim Berners-Lee wrote:

On 2009-06 -25, at 13:29, Pat Hayes wrote:

On Jun 25, 2009, at 11:44 AM, Martin Hepp (UniBW) wrote:

Hi all:

After about two months of helping people generate RDF/XML metadata  
for their businesses using the GoodRelations annotator [1],
I have quite some evidence that the current best practices of  
using .htaccess are a MAJOR bottleneck for the adoption of  
Semantic Web technology.

I agree, and raised this issue with the W3C TAG some time ago. It  
was apparently not taken seriously. The general consensus seemed to  
be that any normal adult should be competent to manipulate an  
Apache server.

(Was yours a deliberate sarcastic misrepresentation of the TAG's  
consensus, or a genuine misunderstanding?

A genuine misunderstanding, based on the personal feedback I got, I  
admit, rather than a careful perusal of the TAG published decisions,  
my bad.

)   The TAG has expressed that the fact that Apache needs root  
intervention when it doesn't have the right mime type set up is a  
serious bug.

Well, Im glad to hear that, and apologize for not knowing it. But as I  
said in my reply to Tom, that doesn't help me actually use the SWeb  
from out here in the one-way side roads off the information  

My own company, however, refuses to allow its employees to have  
access to .htaccess files, and I am therefore quite unable to  
conform to the current best practice from my own work situation. I  
believe that this situation is not uncommon.

So you mean you can't set up content negotiation and redirection.

Right. As I discovered when I was trying to follow the http-range-14  
decision and experiment with my notorious 'PatHayes' self-referential  
page, in order to bring it into line with the recommendations. Talk  
about eating dog food...

But you can use foo#bar URIs like I do.


Will the company allow a mime.types file to include application/rdf 

No problem there, AFAIK.



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Re: .htaccess a major bottleneck to Semantic Web adoption / Was: Re: RDFa vs RDF/XML and content negotiation

2009-06-29 Thread Pat Hayes

On Jun 28, 2009, at 6:20 PM, Tom Heath wrote:

Hi Pat,

2009/6/25 Pat Hayes
With the sincerest respect, Tom, your attitude here is part of the  

Maybe, along with many other people, I am indeed still stuck in the
mid-1990s. You have permission to be as condescending as you like.  
still, here I am, stuck. Thoroughly stuck. So no amount of  
sooo-20th-century, my dear chatter is going to actually enable me  
to get

to a place where I can do what you think I should be doing.

Condescension was never my intention here. My goal was to draw a
comparison that might enable us to learn a lesson from the history of
the Web and use that to help us move forward. As Mark described, over
the course of time more and more tools became available that made it
easier to publish HTML. Presumably these only arose because publishing
HTML was to some degree hard. The Web community has gone through this
process once already; let's learn the lessons from last time and apply
them to publishing RDF so people don't have to be stuck any more.

Um.. I thought that was MY point :-)

outlined some technical approaches to doing this sort of thing. Some
domain-specific apps already exist that (hopefully) reduce the pain;
it was one of the goals of for example.

I cannot use a
rewrite rule to catch incoming requests, or do whatever you are  
about here. I live in an environment where I simply do not have  
access at
all to the workings of my server at a level that close to the  
metal, because
it is already woven into a clever maze of PHP machinery which is  
too fragile
to allow erks like me to mess with it. Some of the best W3C techies  
taken a look, and they can't find a way through it, either. Maybe  
Im in a

special position, but I bet a whole lot of people, especially in the
corporate world, are in a similar bind.

You're talking about two very different groups here. If the right
tools are created then individuals will presumably adopt some
specialised SaaS analogous to say Corporations are a
different kettle of fish

I work for a small research company which happens to have an ambitious  
Webmaster and a Director who is sensitive to visual graphics and Web  
image issues. The result is a maze of complex PHP giving users a very  
nice experience, but not conducive to transparent use by its  
inhabitants. Just from casual Web browsing, I cannot believe that I am  
in a very small minority. There are a lot of 'sexy' sites out there  
that must be in a similar state. I know that several 'web authoring'  
systems produce similar PHP mazes, because Ive tried using them and  
then editing the output they produce, an experience rather like  
debugging BCPL.

, but just as many built their own Web-serving
infrastructure in the 90s, so they will invest in publishing data to
the Semantic Web if they perceive adequate value (demonstrating that
value is where we need to be working even harder!).

System level access to a server is
quite a different beast than being allowed to publish HTML on a  
somewhere. I can, and do, publish HTML, or indeed just about any  
file I

like, but I don't get to insert code. So 6 lines or 600, it makes no

But in any case, this is ridiculous. RDF is just XML text, for  
sake.  I need to insert lines of code into a server file,  and  
write PHP
scripts, in order to publish some RDF or HTML?  That is insane. It  

have been insane in the mid-1990s and its even more insane now.

No. This is incorrect. This discussion only applies to the
303-redirect/slash URI pattern. You can avoid this completely by using
the hash URI pattern as someone mentioned (sorry for not crediting
directly, getting hard to navigate this thread).

Yes, of course, and I apologize for overstating the case. Still, the  
slash-URI seems to be much more acceptable to many unsemantic Webbies,  
who are used to thinking of URIs as being stripped of their post-hash  
content at the slightest internet shiver, so don't regard a name  
including a hash as something 'real'; and it is the case about which  
all the fuss is being made. If the published advice was: always use  
hash URI patterns, I would be happy. But the published advice *starts*  
with 303 redirects and .htaccess file modifications.

IMO, it is
you (and Tim and the rest of the W3C) who are stuck in the past  
here.  Most
Web users do not, and will not, write code. They will be publishing  
in a cloud somewhere, even further away from the gritty world of  
scripts and
lines of code than people - most people - are now. Most actual  
providers are never going to want to even know that PHP scripts  
exist, let

alone be obliged to write or copy one.

You've over-interpreted my words here. See above.

If so, I apologise. But think of what Im saying as a cry for help.  
There are a lot of people like me, I suspect, who would really like 

Re: .htaccess a major bottleneck to Semantic Web adoption / Was: Re: RDFa vs RDF/XML and content negotiation

2009-06-29 Thread David Booth
On Mon, 2009-06-29 at 01:20 +0200, Tom Heath wrote:
 [ . . . ] This discussion only applies to the
 303-redirect/slash URI pattern. You can avoid this completely by using
 the hash URI pattern . . . . 

And as a reminder, you can also use a 303-redirect service if you cannot
configure your server, such as: 

For example,
does a 303 redirect to
That last one doesn't happen to serve RDF, but it certainly could.

David Booth, Ph.D.
Cleveland Clinic (contractor)

Opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily
reflect those of Cleveland Clinic.

Re: .htaccess a major bottleneck to Semantic Web adoption / Was: Re: RDFa vs RDF/XML and content negotiation

2009-06-29 Thread Tom Heath
Hi Pat,

OK, yelling heard loud and clear :)

By way of concrete actions, I gave Ivan Herman a (probably unfairly)
hard time today here at Dagstuhl to 'encourage' the authors of the
Vocabs Best Practices to press on with the revision of that document
that addresses the current issues. An update of the How to Publish
Linked Data on the Web tutorial is also on the cards; perhaps one of
the outcomes of this revision could be a greater emphasis on the hash
URI pattern (and maybe also the 'health warning' you describe ;).



2009/6/29 Pat Hayes

 On Jun 28, 2009, at 6:20 PM, Tom Heath wrote:

 Hi Pat,

 2009/6/25 Pat Hayes

 With the sincerest respect, Tom, your attitude here is part of the
 Maybe, along with many other people, I am indeed still stuck in the
 mid-1990s. You have permission to be as condescending as you like. But
 still, here I am, stuck. Thoroughly stuck. So no amount of condescending
 sooo-20th-century, my dear chatter is going to actually enable me to
 to a place where I can do what you think I should be doing.

 Condescension was never my intention here. My goal was to draw a
 comparison that might enable us to learn a lesson from the history of
 the Web and use that to help us move forward. As Mark described, over
 the course of time more and more tools became available that made it
 easier to publish HTML. Presumably these only arose because publishing
 HTML was to some degree hard. The Web community has gone through this
 process once already; let's learn the lessons from last time and apply
 them to publishing RDF so people don't have to be stuck any more.

 Um.. I thought that was MY point :-)

 outlined some technical approaches to doing this sort of thing. Some
 domain-specific apps already exist that (hopefully) reduce the pain;
 it was one of the goals of for example.

 I cannot use a
 rewrite rule to catch incoming requests, or do whatever you are talking
 about here. I live in an environment where I simply do not have access at
 all to the workings of my server at a level that close to the metal,
 it is already woven into a clever maze of PHP machinery which is too
 to allow erks like me to mess with it. Some of the best W3C techies have
 taken a look, and they can't find a way through it, either. Maybe Im in a
 special position, but I bet a whole lot of people, especially in the
 corporate world, are in a similar bind.

 You're talking about two very different groups here. If the right
 tools are created then individuals will presumably adopt some
 specialised SaaS analogous to say Corporations are a
 different kettle of fish

 I work for a small research company which happens to have an ambitious
 Webmaster and a Director who is sensitive to visual graphics and Web image
 issues. The result is a maze of complex PHP giving users a very nice
 experience, but not conducive to transparent use by its inhabitants. Just
 from casual Web browsing, I cannot believe that I am in a very small
 minority. There are a lot of 'sexy' sites out there that must be in a
 similar state. I know that several 'web authoring' systems produce similar
 PHP mazes, because Ive tried using them and then editing the output they
 produce, an experience rather like debugging BCPL.

 , but just as many built their own Web-serving
 infrastructure in the 90s, so they will invest in publishing data to
 the Semantic Web if they perceive adequate value (demonstrating that
 value is where we need to be working even harder!).

 System level access to a server is
 quite a different beast than being allowed to publish HTML on a website
 somewhere. I can, and do, publish HTML, or indeed just about any file I
 like, but I don't get to insert code. So 6 lines or 600, it makes no

 But in any case, this is ridiculous. RDF is just XML text, for goodness
 sake.  I need to insert lines of code into a server file,  and write PHP
 scripts, in order to publish some RDF or HTML?  That is insane. It would
 have been insane in the mid-1990s and its even more insane now.

 No. This is incorrect. This discussion only applies to the
 303-redirect/slash URI pattern. You can avoid this completely by using
 the hash URI pattern as someone mentioned (sorry for not crediting
 directly, getting hard to navigate this thread).

 Yes, of course, and I apologize for overstating the case. Still, the
 slash-URI seems to be much more acceptable to many unsemantic Webbies, who
 are used to thinking of URIs as being stripped of their post-hash content at
 the slightest internet shiver, so don't regard a name including a hash as
 something 'real'; and it is the case about which all the fuss is being made.
 If the published advice was: always use hash URI patterns, I would be happy.
 But the published advice *starts* with 303 redirects and .htaccess file

 IMO, it is
 you (and Tim and the rest of the W3C) who are 

how do I report bad sameAs links? (dbpedia - Cyc)

2009-06-29 Thread Dan Brickley
 says it is owl:sameAs dbpedia:Spaced

And DBpedia reports the same. They're both wrong! The DBpedia page is 
about a television situation comedy show; the Cyc page is about a 
freeware computer game.

