Hosting your WebID with WordPress

2013-09-10 Thread Angelo Veltens
Hi folks,

I am glad to announce version 0.3 of my WordPress plugin wp-linked-data

The new version allows you to host a WebID profile within your WordPress
blog. If you already have one, you may although link that one with your
blog account.

You may add a public key in your profile section, so that your
WordPress-hosted WebID can be used to authenticated on the web. It is
also possible to add custom RDF triples.

I hope you find this useful!

The plugin can be found in the plugin repository, and here:

Best regards,

Re: Publishing Wordpress contents as linked data

2013-04-29 Thread Angelo Veltens
Am 20.04.2013 10:25, schrieb Angelo Veltens:
 The plugin is not yet available in the wordpress plugin repo, but on

Now it is available in the official repository. Just search for
wp-linked-data or Linked Data in your wordpress admin backend.

Plugin site:

Have fun!

Best regards,

Re: Fwd: Publishing Wordpress contents as linked data

2013-04-26 Thread Angelo Veltens
Am 22.04.2013 13:18, schrieb Phillip Lord:
 Interesting. I've been meaning to get Wordpress content negotiating for
 a long time, so I shall take a look at this to see how you have done it.

I hook into the 'wp' action to do stuff, before anything is rendered:

The RequestInterceptor then does the CN and responses with RDF if
negotiated, otherwise it lets wordpress do it's normal work:

 You might also be interested in a couple of tools that we have written. 
 Kblog-metadata also adds metadata in a variety of formats to wordpress,
 with support for per post authors, container titles (and dates although
 this is not released yet).

Thanks, will take a look at it

 We weren't able to scrap that much from your page, incidentally.
 We need to check for content negotiation; I'm not clear, though, how we
 are supposed to know what forms of content are available. Is there
 anyway we can tell from your website that content negotiation is

Content negotiation is always done between the client and the server.
The question is, what's in your accept header? If you prefer html you
will get html. If you want other types, like 'application/rdf+xml' ask
for it, and you might get it.

I don't know, if there is a way to ask the server hey, before I request
something, what content types do you support for the ressource
http://...?; Perhaps anyone else here can answer this? May it also be
possible that I add some meta tag to the HTML to inform about other

Best regards,

Publishing Wordpress contents as linked data

2013-04-20 Thread Angelo Veltens

I coded a small wordpress plugin, that enables linked data publishing of
blog post  author data.

The plugin is installed on my blog Feel free to
request Linked Data via application/rdf+xml or text/turtle

The data of my latest blog post in the QD RDF Browser:

Blog authors get a FOAF-Profile that I plan to extend to a fully
functional WebID:

The plugin is not yet available in the wordpress plugin repo, but on

Contributions and feedback are welcome.

Kind regards,
Angelo Veltens

Re: Publishing Wordpress contents as linked data

2013-04-20 Thread Angelo Veltens
Am 20.04.2013 13:26, schrieb KANZAKI Masahide:
 Hi, thanks for nice plugin. Content-negotiation seems quite useful.

 Re post_resource description, there is no such property as dc:content in
 dcterms namespace, unfortunately. You may want to use something like
 schema:articleBody instead.

Yeah, you are totally right... Where the hell did I get that from? Oo

I will re-evaluate the used ontologies and predicates for the next
releases. I focussed on the general architecture for the first release.

If anyone sees further problems concerning ontologies please add a
comment to this issue:

Or open a new one if something else is wrong ;-)

 Looking forward to seeing progress in the plugin.

Me too :-) Contributions are welcome.

Next step for me is to allow users publish a RSA public key in their
profiles, so that they can use it as a WebID. But this will take some
time, since I have much other work to do in the next weeks. If anyone
has further ideas I appreciate pull requests on github.

Best regards,

groovyrdf 0.2 released

2012-12-15 Thread Angelo Veltens
Hi all,

I've just released groovyrdf version 0.2, a library to build and consume
RDF with the Groovy programming language.

In addition to building RDF, it is now possible to read and process RDF
data from linked data resources in an easy manner:

// Deklare namespace
def foaf = new RdfNamespace ('')

// Load resource via RdfLoader
RdfLoader rdfLoader = new JenaRdfLoader()
RdfResource person = rdfLoader.loadResource(

println person( // Prints 'Angelo Veltens'

RdfLoader takes care of content negotiation and will load any RDF data
it can get for the given URI. No matter if the server returns TURTLE,
RDF/XML or any other common syntax: groovyrdf will handle it for you and
provide access to the data over an easy-to-use API.

For further details take a look at the use guide [1], the source code
[2], or ask me any questions. The groovyrdf JAR-file can be downloaded
from [3]


Those of you who speak german, may also take a look at my blogpost about it:

Kind regards  happy coding,
Angelo Veltens

RDF the groovy way - Domain-specific language for building RDF with Groovy

2011-08-29 Thread Angelo Veltens
Hi all!

I just released a Groovy library for building RDF data in a groovy way.


RdfData rdfData = rdfBuilder {; {
 a;; Alice

is equivalent to the following RDF in TURTLE syntax:
  a; Alice.

The benefit is, that you can use all the features of the groovy language
to build your RDF dynamically. Imagine something like the following:

def person = new Person (...)

RdfData rdfData = rdfBuilder {${person.nick}; {
 a;;; {
  person.friends.each { friend -${friend.nick}; {}

More examples  explanation can be found in the user guide:

The sourcecode is available at GitHub (participation welcome):

I am awaiting your feedback!

Kind regards,
Angelo Veltens

Re: Linked Data Thesaurus online

2010-11-16 Thread Angelo Veltens
Am 12.11.2010 12:25, schrieb Angelo Veltens:
 Hi there,
 I have used skos:Concept for the synonym sets now and skos-xl:Label for
 the terms. I linked one of the terms as prefLabel to a synset and its
 synonyms as altLabel
 But you can try it yourself - its online!
 Example query:
 Do not forget to chance the accept-header to application/rdf+xml or
 text/turtle. Otherwise you will get the original xml-data from
 Awaiting your feedback :-)

Opnions anyone? ;-)

Kind regards,

Linked Data Thesaurus online (was: Re: synonym / thesaurus data)

2010-11-12 Thread Angelo Veltens
Hi there,

I have used skos:Concept for the synonym sets now and skos-xl:Label for
the terms. I linked one of the terms as prefLabel to a synset and its
synonyms as altLabel

But you can try it yourself - its online!

Example query:

Do not forget to chance the accept-header to application/rdf+xml or
text/turtle. Otherwise you will get the original xml-data from

Awaiting your feedback :-)

Kind regards,

Am 21.10.2010 15:25, schrieb Andreas Blumauer (punkt. netServices):
 Hi Angelo,
 great idea to publish openthesaurus as linked data!
 Regarding your question, here are my opinions:
 1) should skos:Concept be used for a term?
 2) is skos:closeMatch a good predicate to define synonyms?
 synonyms should rather be expressed via skos:altLabel (see:
 since each concept has exactly one URI but may have one or many altLabels
 3) can skos:closeMatch relate to skos:Collection or only to other
 only to other skos:Concepts - domain and range of closeMatch are both
 *Von: *Angelo Veltens
 *An: *
 *Gesendet: *Donnerstag, 21. Oktober 2010 15:16:57
 *Betreff: *synonym / thesaurus data
 i am going to transform the data from to linked
 data and want to discuss how to organize it. is a german thesaurus, that can expose it's data as
 Example request for the term lustig (funny):
 In XML the synonyms are grouped in synsets. Each term in the synsets
 is a synonym to the requested term, but the different synsets have
 different meanings.
 This is my idea to model this as linked data (example at the end of the
 A term is identified like this:
 URI of the RDF-Document: http://localhost:8080/thesaurus/lustig
 I model a term as a skos:Concept.
 I group the terms of a synset in a skos:Collection.
 I relate these collections with a skos:closeMatch to the requested term.
 What I am not sure about:
 1) should skos:Concept be used for a term?
 2) is skos:closeMatch a good predicate to define synonyms?
 3) can skos:closeMatch relate to skos:Collection or only to other
 Kind regards,
   a ; lustig ;
   [ a ;
 http://localhost:8080/thesaurus/possierlich#term ,
 http://localhost:8080/thesaurus/drollig#term ,
   ] ;
   [ a ;
 http://localhost:8080/thesaurus/fidel#term ,
 http://localhost:8080/thesaurus/beschwingt#term ,
   ] ;
   [ a ;
 http://localhost:8080/thesaurus/lustig#term ,
 http://localhost:8080/thesaurus/humorig#term ,
   ] ;

Re: ANNOUNCE: lod-announce list

2010-06-13 Thread Angelo Veltens

Ian Davis schrieb:
 Hi all,
 Now we are getting a steady growth in the number of Linked Data sites,
 products and services I thought it was time to create a low-volume
 announce list for Linked Data related announcements so people can keep
 up to date without needing to wade through the LOD discussion.
 You can join the list at

Sounds find, but is it possible to subscribe to the list without a
google account?

Kind regards,

Re: ANNOUNCE: lod-announce list

2010-06-13 Thread Angelo Veltens
Dan Brickley schrieb:
 On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 7:44 PM, Angelo Veltens wrote:

 Ian Davis schrieb:
 Hi all,

 Now we are getting a steady growth in the number of Linked Data sites,
 products and services I thought it was time to create a low-volume
 announce list for Linked Data related announcements so people can keep
 up to date without needing to wade through the LOD discussion.

 You can join the list at
 Sounds find, but is it possible to subscribe to the list without a google 
 Yes. The Google Groups site doesn't make it particularly easy to find
 from the lod-announce group homepage, but see

Thanks for the hint! But one of the moderators added me directly.

Kind regards,

Re: Organization ontology

2010-06-01 Thread Angelo Veltens
Dave Reynolds schrieb:
 We would like to announce the availability of an ontology for
 description of organizational structures including government

Great! This comes in due time :-) I was just looking for something like
that. I'll take a deeper look at it.

Kind regards,

Cool URIs (was: Re: Java Framework for Content Negotiation)

2010-05-31 Thread Angelo Veltens

On 27.05.2010 15:51, Richard Cyganiak wrote:

On 27 May 2010, at 10:47, Angelo Veltens wrote:
What I am going to implement is this:

I think, this is the way dbpedia works and it seems a good solution 
for me.

It's the way DBpedia works, but it's by far the worst solution of the 
three presented in the document.

DBpedia has copied the approach from D2R Server. The person who came 
up with it and designed and implemented it for D2R Server is me. This 
was back in 2006, before the term Linked Data was even coined, so I 
didn't exactly have a lot of experience to rely on. With what I know 
today, I would never, ever again choose that approach. Use 303s if you 
must; but please do me a favour and add that generic document, and 
please do me a favour and name the different variants foo.html and 
foo.rdf rather than page/foo and data/foo.

Thanks a lot for sharing your experience with me. I will follow your 
advice. So if i'm going to implement what is described in section 4.2. i 
have to

- serve html at if text/html wins 
content negotiation and set content-location header to
- serve rdf/xml at if 
application/rdf+xml wins content negotiation and set content-location 
header to

- serve html at always
- serve rdf/xml at always


By the way: Is there any defined behavior for the client, what to do 
with the content-location information? Do Browsers take account of it?

The DBpedia guys are probably stuck with my stupid design forever 
because changing it now would break all sorts of links. But the thing 
that really kills me is how lots of newbies copy that design just 
because they saw it on DBpedia and therefore think that it must be good.

I think the problem is not only, that dbpedia uses that design, but that 
it is described in many examples as a possible or even cool solution, 
e.g. (one 
of the first documents i stumbled upon)

If we want to prevent people from using that design it should be 
clarified that and why it is a bad choice.

Kind regards and thanks for your patience,

Java Framework for Content Negotiation

2010-05-20 Thread Angelo Veltens


I am just looking for a framework to do content negotiation in java. 
Currently I am checking the HttpServletRequest myself quickdirty. 
Perhaps someone can recommend a framework/library that has solved this 

Thanks in advance,

Re: Java Framework for Content Negotiation

2010-05-20 Thread Angelo Veltens

On 20.05.2010 12:18, Michael Hausenblas wrote:

There's also Jersey [1]  ...

+1 to Jersey - had overall very good experience with it. If you want to have
a quick look (not saying it's beautiful/exciting, but might helps to
kick-start things) see [1] for my hacking with it.



Mmh, i have been thinking about using REST-Webservice already, but there 
is one thing i'm quite unsteady with:

I might have a non-information resource

I could place a REST-Webservice there and do content negotiation with 
@GET / @Produces Annotations. But this seems not correct to me, because 
it is a non-information resource and not a html or rdf/xml document. So 
it should never return html or rdf/xml but do a 303 redirect to an 
information resource instead, doesn't it?

Kind regards,

Re: Fwd: Preventing SPARQL injection

2010-04-08 Thread Angelo Veltens
Davide Palmisano schrieb:
 I'm not sure I well understood your problem. Anyway may be worth give
 a look to this:

QuerySolutionMap was exactly what I need at the moment, but Empire seems
to be very interesting beyond that. I will take a look at it some time.

Thanks  kind regards,

Preventing SPARQL injection

2010-03-29 Thread Angelo Veltens
Hi all,

my name is Angelo Veltens, i'm studying computer science in germany. I
am using the jena framework with sdb for a student research project.

I'm just wondering how to prevent sparql injections. It seems to me,
that i have to build my queries from plain strings and do the sanitizing
on my own. Isn't there something like prepared statements as in
SQL/JDBC? This would be less risky.

Kind regards,
Angelo Veltens