Re: Which datatype to use for time intervals

2013-11-13 Thread Bob DuCharme
An interesting new bit of news on the topic today, from


   /The Semantic Web Blog/: Where do challenges still lie for

   /Guha/: We have to get to the next level, to represent time which is
   always a challenge in plain old RDF. And we are working with the W3C
   folks on trying to come up with ways to represent time.

Bob DuCharme

On 11/12/2013 10:04 AM, Thomas Kurz wrote:

Hi Lars!

Maybe this is what you are searching for:

Best regards

Am 12.11.2013 um 15:55 schrieb Martynas Jusevičius


I'm using the Time ontology for this purpose:


On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 3:47 PM, Svensson, Lars 
Is there a standard (recommended) datatype to use when I want to 
specify a time interval (e. g. 2013-11-13--2013-11-14)? The XML 
Schema types [1] don't include a time interval format (unless you 
want to encode it as starting time + duration). There seems to be a 
way to encode it using ISO 8601, the Wikipedia says that intervals 
can be expressed as 'Start and end, such as 
2007-03-01T13:00:00Z/2008-05-11T15:30:00Z' [2], but I haven't 
found a formally defined datatype to use with RDF data.


Thanks for any help,


*Thomas Kurz*
/Knowledge and Media Technologies/
Salzburg Research
Tel: +43/662/2288-253

Re: Basic OWL editor/viewer?

2012-10-21 Thread Bob DuCharme

Hi Mike,

TopQuadrant's TopBraid Composer is the leading tool in the industry for 
this: The Maestro and 
Standard editions offer additional levels of features such as 
connectivity to other data sources (e.g. Oracle) and application 
development, but the free edition is great for editing of RDF data and 
OWL (and RDFS) data models. (Full disclosure: I work for TopQuadrant, 
but was using the free edition well before I started working for them.)


On 10/16/2012 7:50 PM, Mike Liebhold wrote:


A colleague and I are beginning a project to investigate the roles of 
Internets of Things in Smart Cities. We are finding pretty decent 
ontologies in both domains, and want to create some hybrid 
representations.Neither of us are deeply skilled in SemWeb data 
structures, but are looking fro some simple tools to get started 
editing existing structures. My colleague  (Scott Minneman cc'd here) 
is  asking if  anyone here recommend a good, basic OWL editor/viewer 
or other related simple tools to get started?

Many thanks, in advance. for any pointers.


Michael Liebhold
Senior Researcher, Distinguished Fellow
Institute for the Future
@mikeliebhold  @iftf

Re: SPARQL 1.1 query question

2010-10-08 Thread Bob DuCharme
 You can try this yourself with ARQ. Your query uses the property 
abc:hasMember, which makes sense in the context of each triple, but your 
data uses the the property abc:hasMembers, so the query won't find them. 
Once those were corrected in the data and the prefixes were declared, 
the following query did what you wanted:

  PREFIX abc:
  SELECT ?league (COUNT (?member) AS ?membercount)
?league abc:hasMember ?member .
  } GROUP BY ?league


On 10/7/2010 12:02 PM, Michael Ransom wrote:

Hello All,

I have a question about SPARQL 1.1 queries.

If have the following triples:

:LeagueA abc:hasMembers :Alice,
:Carol .
:LeagueB abc:hasMembers :Dante,

If I want the following table of results:

?league  ?membercount
LeagueA  3
LeagueB  2

Given the data and my desired results, will the following SPARQL 1.1
query work?

SELECT ?league (COUNT(?member) AS ?membercount)
SELECT ?league ?member
?league abc:hasMember ?member . } GROUP BY ?league

Whether or not this query works, is there a way I can write this query
without a subquery?

Thank you.

Re: Organization ontology

2010-06-03 Thread Bob DuCharme
Is any sample instance data available, whether it's using real or fake 



Re: Organization ontology

2010-06-03 Thread Bob DuCharme


Does this mean that no sample data has been created yet, or that samples 
used in the course of development are not data that you are free to share?



Dave Reynolds wrote:

On Thu, 2010-06-03 at 09:29 -0400, Bob DuCharme wrote:
Is any sample instance data available, whether it's using real or fake 

Not yet, but there will be. 



Re: Tools for transforming data to RDF

2010-03-10 Thread Bob DuCharme
As Irene said, is the best place 
to start, but I thought I'd ramble a bit about some of the broader issues.

If the data to convert is in a file, as opposed to being delivered from 
a server with an interface that you can write to (as D2RQ and OpenLink 
do for relational data), then the first step is to parse the input, so 
tools will be built around parsers for each input format.

Any modern programming language can parse CSV easily, and most tools 
that advertise the ability to convert spreadsheets to RDF actually 
expect CSV input. (TopQuadrant's tools can read binary Excel files. Full 
disclosure: I work for them.)

When your input is XML (which can include HTML if you use TagSoup or 
Tidy to clean it up), XSLT is a popular way to create triples. This is 
the principle behind GRDDL  
TopQuadrant also has a more general-purpose XML-to-RDF converter that 
takes the structure of the input document into account so that it can 
round-trip the RDF back to XML.

With plain text, something needs to identify structure within the text 
so that it can work out what the subjects, predicates, and objects are, 
and that structure depends on the needs of the application. (That 
actually applies to CSV and XML as well, but commas and tags give you 
more to go on if you understand the purpose of the input data.) Semweb 
meetups are seeing more interest from the Natural Language Processing 
community--I think the NYC semweb meetup actually has a subgroup of 
people dedicated to NLP issues--so there could be more interesting work 
coming from them in the future. Thomson Reuters Calais is the most 
well-known example that comes to mind of a tool that takes plain text as 
input and returns it with embedded RDF.


Alasdair Logan wrote:

Hey all,

I was wondering if anyone is familiar with tools to convert data into RDF triples and Linked Data. They can be for any data format i.e. XML, CSV, plain text etc. 

Im doing this as part of a pilot study for my Master's project so i'm just 
trying get a general view of any tools used.

Thanks in advance



Re: RESTful API for accessing DBpedia

2010-03-04 Thread Bob DuCharme

Monika Solanki wrote:

I am looking for a REST based API for programmatically accessing
DBpedia's SPARQL end point. Any pointers much appreciated.

A SPARQL endpoint is by its nature already a REST-based API. You send it 
HTTP GETs, and it returns data laid out in a specific protocol 

To create the URL for the GET for DBpedia, you can escape the SPARQL 
query (most programming languages have a function for this, but is 
nice for experiments) and append it to the following:

For example, doing this with this query

 SELECT ?p ?o WHERE { ?p ?o }

gets you this URL, which you can paste into your browser:

Virtuoso provides the dbpedia endpoint, so you'll see more doc on this 

Or am I misunderstanding what you're looking for?


Re: Querying dbpedia from the command line?

2008-09-18 Thread Bob DuCharme

Richard Cyganiak wrote:
1. SPARQL is great, but too verbose for the command line. 

I don't worry about this much, because I'm not interested in using it 
from the command line per se as much as the ability to use a script to 
retrieve data from a SPARQL endpoint, and doing it from the command line 
is the first step toward that. Doing it from a python/perl/etc. script 
and loading it into data structures from these languages is the next 
step I want to pursue.

3. We are all waiting for SPARQL processors that federate multiple 
SPARQL endpoints transparently into a single endpoint. Progress is being 
made in this area, but it's slow. Meanwhile, there is a very nice 80/20 
solution to this problem: Andy Seaborne has implemented a SERVICE 
keyword for his extended variant of SPARQL, which allows you to address 
parts of a SPARQL query to a specific endpoint. This seems like an easy 
win for data integration demos.

Definitely, and to help the concept of Linked Data live up to its name. 
I had been planning a blog post titled Linking Linked Data but wasn't 
sure how I was going to go about it. I look forward to playing with the 
SERVICE keyword.


Re: Querying dbpedia from the command line?

2008-09-17 Thread Bob DuCharme

Sergio Fernández wrote:

Did you try to quote the URL?

Yes, see It may 
be one of those things that has a different effect on the Windows and 
Linux command lines.


Re: Querying dbpedia from the command line?

2008-09-17 Thread Bob DuCharme

Richard Cyganiak wrote:
 I'm not sure if it works on every SPARQL endpoint, but try this:

 curl -F 'query=SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 3'

 The key is using curl's -F parameter (which takes a key-value pair and
 urlencodes the value), and putting the 'query=...' part into quotes.

Bingo! As written, this query didn't work in Windows and did in Linux, 
but when I changed the the single quotes to double quotes, it worked in 
Windows both from the command line and from a batch file. It's also 
great because it's so much terser and more readable than all the escaped 

As a side note, I think this is going to be very big, because while 
Linked Data (and much of the semantic web) is theoretically about 
exposing data to programs instead of to eyeballs like the traditional 
web, most of the linked data and semantic web demos I see out there are 
about visual browsing of linked data--displaying it to eyeballs. When we 
can grab the results of a linked data SPARQL query with a script, then 
we can really start doing new and interesting things with it.


Querying dbpedia from the command line?

2008-09-16 Thread Bob DuCharme

Has anyone managed to pass a URL with a SPARQL query to wget or curl and 
successfully retrieved data from dbpedia? When I take the wget example 
at and paste the 
query at dbpedia's SNORQL interface it works[1], and when I paste the 
wget command on that page without any carriage returns onto a (Windows) 
command line [2] it doesn't get any errors, which certainly felt like a 
minor victory, but the result set was empty.

Any suggestions?




[2] wget -O temp.txt dbpedia2: PREFIX skos: SELECT ?presName,?birthday, 
?startDate WHERE {   ?presName skos:subject 
  ?presName dbpedia2:birth ?birthday.   ?presName 
dbpedia2:presidentStart ?startDate. }

Re: Querying dbpedia from the command line?

2008-09-16 Thread Bob DuCharme

- Bob DuCharme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Has anyone managed to pass a URL with a SPARQL query to wget or curl
and successfully retrieved data from dbpedia? 

 Peter Ansell wrote:

You need to URLEncode the SPARQL query. I am not sure how to do that with a 
command-line or wget but that is what the browser has done to the query when it 
submitted the form using HTTP GET.

I had tried several variations on that. (First I realized that [2] in my 
original email had the wrong URL; it should have said the following, 
without carriage returns:)

wget -O temp.txt 
db: SELECT * WHERE { ?city db:leaderName 
?leader ; db:subdivisionName ?subdiv ; db:elevation ?elevation . } LIMIT 5

Using the very handy escape/unescape page at, I 
made this escaped version

wget -O temp.txt*%20WHERE%20%7B%20%3Fcity%20db%3AleaderName%20%3Fleader%20%3B%20db%3AsubdivisionName%20%3Fsubdiv%20%3B%20db%3Aelevation%20%3Felevation%20.%20%7D%20LIMIT%205%22

and when trying to run it I just get error messages whether I quoted the 
URL, put the line in a batch file and tried it from there... (At least 
the unescaped version gave me well-formed XML as a response, even if the 
result set was empty.)

After trying several more combinations of escaped vs. unescaped, wget 
vs. curl, quoting vs. not quoting, Windows vs. Linux, and using the 
command directly from the command line vs. putting it in a batch file or 
shell script and calling that, I just got it to work calling the 
unescaped version with wget from a shell script on a Linux box.

I'd still like to hear about any luck others might have had.


Re: fans of Linked Open Data and the NFL, NHL, or Major League Baseball?

2008-06-21 Thread Bob DuCharme

Kingsley Idehen wrote:
Today we have ESPN and co. offering analysis via the traditional one-way 
TV medium. Tomorrow, I envisage a conversation space connected by 
analytic insights from Joe Public the analyst.  Also, what's good for 
sports applies to Politics, Finance, Soap Operas, and other realms.

What I'd really like to do as a next step is to identify a Linked Open 
Data advocate who happens to watch a lot of one of the sports for which 
more data is becoming available, and then encourage that person to get 
in touch with one of the stats-oriented communities within that sport to 
help make these stats available as a SPARQL endpoint. If it was soccer, 
Uche would be an obvious candidate, but judging by the NHL, NFL, or MLB seem to be the 
best places to start.

At the next Boston/Cambridge/semweb/LOD meetup, I suggest you keep you 
eye out for Red Sox, Bruins, or Pats-themed clothing...


fans of Linked Open Data and the NFL, NHL, or Major League Baseball?

2008-06-20 Thread Bob DuCharme

One thing missing from Richard Cygniak's Linking Open Data Set Cloud 
interactive diagram at (which 
every other presentation at Linked Data Planet included in their slides) 
is some sports data.

If people are arguing about numbers in a bar anywhere in the world, it's 
probably sports-related numbers, and open sports data that anyone can 
query and manipulate would be a great contribution to the LOD movement. 
I emailed an old New York XML friend, Alan Karben (founder of, to ask about publicly available sports data, 
and he pointed me to

For now, the NHL link is broken, and I've mentioned this to him. 
Meanwhile, there are apparently some organized efforts to make large 
amounts of NFL and Major League Baseball data available to the public, 
so it would be a nice project for anyone who's a big fan of LOD and one 
of these sports to work toward creating a SPARQL endpoint for one of 
these data sets.

As makes clear, they'd be more than 
happy to publicize data-gathering efforts for other sports.

Bob DuCharme