Extended deadline: RecSys'14 Workshop on New Trends in Content-based Recommender Systems - Silicon Valley, CA, USA - 6-11 October 2014

2014-07-22 Thread Iván Cantador
workshop proceedings and published by CEUR. Extended versions of selected
workshop papers may be included in a special journal issue (TBD). At least
one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop.


To facilitate exploration of these topics the workshop will feature an
in-workshop challenge on book recommendation. For this challenge a large
dataset containing user profiles with book ratings and tags and 2.8 million
book descriptions with library metadata, user ratings, tags, and reviews
from Amazon and LibraryThing will be made available. The rich textual nature
of the task makes the challenge an excellent venue to revisit the questions
of the benefits of content-based filtering vs. collaborative filtering and
metadata vs. ratings information. Please consult the Challenge page for more
details about the setup of the challenge and how to obtain the data set.

Important dates

* First call for participation: May 5, 2014
* Challenge data set made available: May 12, 2014
* Paper submission deadline: July 21, 2014 => July 25 (noon, CET), 2014
* Challenge submission deadline: July 21, 2014 => July 25 (noon, CET), 2014
* Notification of acceptance: August 21, 2014
* Workshop & announcement of winners: RecSys 2014

Program Committee

* Linas Baltrunas, Telefónica Research, Spain
* Alejandro Bellogín, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Shlomo Berkovsky, NICTA, Australia
* Pablo Castells, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Federica Cena, Universita' degli Studi di Torino, Italy
* Paolo Cremonesi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Tommaso Di Noia, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
* Peter Dolog, Aalborg University, Denmark
* Juan M. Fernández-Luna, Universidad de Granada, Spain
* Ignacio Fernández-Tobías, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Cristina Gena, Universita' degli Studi di Torino, Italy
* Juan F. Huete, Universidad de Granada, Spain
* Birger Larsen, Aalborg University, Denmark
* Pasquale Lops, University of Bari "Aldo Moro", Italy
* Alan Said, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, The Netherlands
* Markus Schedl, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
* Giovanni Semeraro, University of Bari "Aldo Moro", Italy
* Nava Tintarev, University of Aberdeen, UK
* Marko Tkalcic, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
* David Vallet, Google, Australia


* Toine Bogers (to...@hum.aau.dk), Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark
* Marijn Koolen (marijn.koo...@uva.nl), University of Amsterdam, the
* Iván Cantador (ivan.canta...@uam.es), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,

For further questions, please contact a member of the organizing committee.

Last CfP: RecSys'14 Workshop on New Trends in Content-based Recommender Systems - Silicon Valley, CA, USA - 6-11 October 2014

2014-07-09 Thread Iván Cantador
d by CEUR. Extended versions of selected
workshop papers may be included in a special journal issue (TBD). At least
one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop.


To facilitate exploration of these topics the workshop will feature an
in-workshop challenge on book recommendation. For this challenge a large
dataset containing user profiles with book ratings and tags and 2.8 million
book descriptions with library metadata, user ratings, tags, and reviews
from Amazon and LibraryThing will be made available. The rich textual nature
of the task makes the challenge an excellent venue to revisit the questions
of the benefits of content-based filtering vs. collaborative filtering and
metadata vs. ratings information. Please consult the Challenge page for more
details about the setup of the challenge and how to obtain the data set.

Important dates

* First call for participation: May 5, 2014
* Challenge data set made available: May 12, 2014
* Paper submission deadline: July 21, 2014
* Challenge submission deadline: July 21, 2014
* Notification of acceptance: August 21, 2014
* Workshop & announcement of winners: RecSys 2014

Program Committee

* Linas Baltrunas, Telefónica Research, Spain
* Alejandro Bellogín, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Shlomo Berkovsky, NICTA, Australia
* Pablo Castells, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Federica Cena, Universita' degli Studi di Torino, Italy
* Paolo Cremonesi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Tommaso Di Noia, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
* Peter Dolog, Aalborg University, Denmark
* Juan M. Fernández-Luna, Universidad de Granada, Spain
* Ignacio Fernández-Tobías, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Cristina Gena, Universita' degli Studi di Torino, Italy
* Juan F. Huete, Universidad de Granada, Spain
* Birger Larsen, Aalborg University, Denmark
* Pasquale Lops, University of Bari "Aldo Moro", Italy
* Alan Said, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, The Netherlands
* Markus Schedl, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
* Giovanni Semeraro, University of Bari "Aldo Moro", Italy
* Nava Tintarev, University of Aberdeen, UK
* Marko Tkalcic, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
* David Vallet, Google, Australia


* Toine Bogers (to...@hum.aau.dk), Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark
* Marijn Koolen (marijn.koo...@uva.nl), University of Amsterdam, the
* Iván Cantador (ivan.canta...@uam.es), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,

For further questions, please contact a member of the organizing committee.

CfP: RecSys'14 Workshop on New Trends in Content-based Recommender Systems - Silicon Valley, CA, USA - 6-11 October 2014

2014-06-23 Thread Iván Cantador
d by CEUR. Extended versions of selected
workshop papers may be included in a special journal issue (TBD). At least
one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop.


To facilitate exploration of these topics the workshop will feature an
in-workshop challenge on book recommendation. For this challenge a large
dataset containing user profiles with book ratings and tags and 2.8 million
book descriptions with library metadata, user ratings, tags, and reviews
from Amazon and LibraryThing will be made available. The rich textual nature
of the task makes the challenge an excellent venue to revisit the questions
of the benefits of content-based filtering vs. collaborative filtering and
metadata vs. ratings information. Please consult the Challenge page for more
details about the setup of the challenge and how to obtain the data set.

Important dates

* First call for participation: May 5, 2014
* Challenge data set made available: May 12, 2014
* Paper submission deadline: July 21, 2014
* Challenge submission deadline: July 21, 2014
* Notification of acceptance: August 21, 2014
* Workshop & announcement of winners: RecSys 2014

Program Committee

* Linas Baltrunas, Telefónica Research, Spain
* Alejandro Bellogín, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Shlomo Berkovsky, NICTA, Australia
* Pablo Castells, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Federica Cena, Universita' degli Studi di Torino, Italy
* Paolo Cremonesi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Tommaso Di Noia, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
* Peter Dolog, Aalborg University, Denmark
* Juan M. Fernández-Luna, Universidad de Granada, Spain
* Ignacio Fernández-Tobías, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Cristina Gena, Universita' degli Studi di Torino, Italy
* Juan F. Huete, Universidad de Granada, Spain
* Birger Larsen, Aalborg University, Denmark
* Pasquale Lops, University of Bari "Aldo Moro", Italy
* Alan Said, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, The Netherlands
* Markus Schedl, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
* Giovanni Semeraro, University of Bari "Aldo Moro", Italy
* Nava Tintarev, University of Aberdeen, UK
* Marko Tkalcic, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
* David Vallet, Google, Australia


* Toine Bogers (to...@hum.aau.dk), Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark
* Marijn Koolen (marijn.koo...@uva.nl), University of Amsterdam, the
* Iván Cantador (ivan.canta...@uam.es), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,

For further questions, please contact a member of the organizing committee.

CfP: RecSys'14 Workshop on New Trends in Content-based Recommender Systems - Sillicon Valley, CA, USA - 6-11 October 2014

2014-05-16 Thread Iván Cantador
 Extended versions of selected
workshop papers may be included in a special journal issue (TBD). At least
one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop.


To facilitate exploration of these topics the workshop will feature an
in-workshop challenge on book recommendation. For this challenge a large
dataset containing user profiles with book ratings and tags and 2.8 million
book descriptions with library metadata, user ratings, tags, and reviews
from Amazon and LibraryThing will be made available. The rich textual nature
of the task makes the challenge an excellent venue to revisit the questions
of the benefits of content-based filtering vs. collaborative filtering and
metadata vs. ratings information. Please consult the Challenge page for more
details about the setup of the challenge and how to obtain the data set.

Important dates

* First call for participation: May 5, 2014
* Challenge data set made available: May 12, 2014
* Paper submission deadline: July 21, 2014
* Challenge submission deadline: July 21, 2014
* Notification of acceptance: August 21, 2014
* Workshop & announcement of winners: RecSys 2014

Program Committee (TBC)

* Linas Baltrunas, Telefónica Research, Spain
* Alejandro Bellogín, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Shlomo Berkovsky, NICTA, Australia
* Pablo Castells, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Federica Cena, Universita' degli Studi di Torino, Italy
* Tommaso Di Noia, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
* Peter Dolog, Aalborg University, Denmark
* Juan M. Fernández-Luna, Universidad de Granada, Spain
* Ignacio Fernández-Tobías, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Cristina Gena, Universita' degli Studi di Torino, Italy
* Juan F. Huete, Universidad de Granada, Spain
* Birger Larsen, Aalborg University, Denmark
* Pasquale Lops, University of Bari "Aldo Moro", Italy
* Alan Said, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, The Netherlands
* Markus Schedl, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
* Giovanni Semeraro, University of Bari "Aldo Moro", Italy
* Nava Tintarev, University of Aberdeen, UK
* David Vallet, Google, Australia


* Toine Bogers (to...@hum.aau.dk), Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark
* Marijn Koolen (marijn.koo...@uva.nl), University of Amsterdam, the
* Iván Cantador (ivan.canta...@uam.es), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,

For further questions please contact a member of the organizing committee.

CfP: EC-Web 2014 Track on Search, Matchmaking, Recommender and Comparison Systems

2014-03-28 Thread Iván Cantador


EC-Web 2014: 15th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web

*** Track on Search, Matchmaking, Recommender and Comparison Systems ***

Munich, Germany, September 1-5, 2014

Website: http://www.ebusiness-unibw.org/events/ecweb2014 
Twitter hashtag: #ecweb2014 


Submission deadline: April 15, 2014
Proceedings: Springer LNBIP (DBLP indexed)

Aim and scope

The International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies
series (EC-Web) is an established international event for presenting and
discussing contributions to the theory of e-business research as a field,
innovative technological approaches, empirical research, user studies, and
the analysis of economic effects.

In its 15th year, EC-Web aims to provide a forum for bringing together
researchers who are working on advancing the field of E-Business after 25
years since the beginning of the World Wide Web.

The topics of interest of the track on *** Search, Matchmaking, Recommender
and Comparison Systems *** include, but are not limited to: 
- Search engines
- Matchmaking: theory, technology and applications
- Consumer decision making and buying behavior models
- Recommender systems
- Product comparison services
- Shopping assistants
- Computational advertising


Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are
not under review for another conference, workshop, or journal. The
contributions should address research questions from one or more of the
areas listed above.

We are particularly encouraging:
1. Contributions that describe and evaluate technological innovations (e.g.
new methods and approaches).
2. Empirical studies (e.g. quantitative data on the effects of novel
technology in technical, social, or economic terms).
3. Systematic surveys of competing techniques and paradigms.

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are
not under review for another conference, workshop, or journal. Submitted
papers will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 reviewers. Papers will be
evaluated according to originality, significance, technical soundness and
the clarity of exposition. At least one author is required to register and
present the paper.
- Research papers: Full papers are limited to 12 pages and short papers to 6
pages in Springer LNBIP formatting. Please follow the official Springer
LNBIP formatting instructions.
- Posters and demos: There will be a poster and demo session. Information on
this part will be published as soon as possible. 

Submission system:
Electronic submission of manuscripts (in PDF format) is required. Please use
the ConfDriver submission system at
There, select "Author Options" and then make sure to proceed to the EC-Web
2014 conference. 

Important dates

Submission deadline:April 15, 2014, 23:59:59 CET
Notification of acceptance: May 20, 2014
Camera-Ready version due:   June 6, 2014
Conference:September 1-5, 2014

Search, Matchmaking, Recommender and Comparison Systems track chairs

- Iván Cantador, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
- Tommaso Di Noia, Technical University of Bari, Italy

General chairs

- Martin Hepp, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Munich, Germany
- Yigal Hoffner, Shenkar College of Engineering and Design, Tel Aviv, Israel

Program committee 

Please see http://www.ebusiness-unibw.org/events/ecweb2014/#organization 

Submission deadline extension: ACM RecSys 2011 Workshop on Information Heterogeneity and Fusion in Recommender Systems (HetRec 2011)

2011-07-25 Thread Iván Cantador
   * Group recommendation, oriented to several users, e.g. suggesting
tourist attractions to a group of friends, and suggesting a TV show to a


In this edition of the workshop, we make available on-line datasets with
heterogeneous information from several social systems.

 * hetrec11-movielens-2k: a subset of the MovieLens10M dataset with its
movie data merged with IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes. Main characteristics: 2.1K
users, 10.2K movies, 13.2K tags, 855.6K ratings.

 * hetrec11-delicious-2k: a dataset that contains social networking,
bookmarking, and tagging information of a set of users from Delicious social
bookmarking system. Main characteristics: 1.8K users, 69.2K bookmarks, 53.4K
tags, 7.7K social relations. 

 * hetrec11-lastfm-2k: a dataset that contains social networking,
tagging, and music listening information of a set of users from Last.fm
music website. Main characteristics: 1.9K users, 17.6K artists, 11.9K tags,
186.5K listening records, 12.7K social relations.

These datasets can be used by participants to experiment and evaluate their
recommendation approaches, and be enriched with additional data, which may
be published at the workshop website for future use.

More details in:

Organizing Committee

     * Iván Cantador, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
 * Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh, USA
 * Tsvi Kuflik, University of Haifa, Israel

Contact information

Contact e-mail: hetrec2...@easychair.org 

Final CfP: ACM RecSys 2011 Workshop on Information Heterogeneity and Fusion in Recommender Systems (HetRec 2011)

2011-07-16 Thread Iván Cantador
users, e.g. suggesting
tourist attractions to a group of friends, and suggesting a TV show to a


In this edition of the workshop, we make available on-line datasets with
heterogeneous information from several social systems.

 * hetrec11-movielens-2k: a subset of the MovieLens10M dataset with its
movie data merged with IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes. Main characteristics: 2.1K
users, 10.2K movies, 13.2K tags, 855.6K ratings.

 * hetrec11-delicious-2k: a dataset that contains social networking,
bookmarking, and tagging information of a set of users from Delicious social
bookmarking system. Main characteristics: 1.8K users, 69.2K bookmarks, 53.4K
tags, 7.7K social relations. 

 * hetrec11-lastfm-2k: a dataset that contains social networking,
tagging, and music listening information of a set of users from Last.fm
music website. Main characteristics: 1.9K users, 17.6K artists, 11.9K tags,
186.5K listening records, 12.7K social relations.

These datasets can be used by participants to experiment and evaluate their
recommendation approaches, and be enriched with additional data, which may
be published at the workshop website for future use.

More details in:

Organizing Committee

     * Iván Cantador, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
 * Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh, USA
 * Tsvi Kuflik, University of Haifa, Israel

Contact information

Contact e-mail: hetrec2...@easychair.org 

CfP: ACM RecSys 2011 International Workshop on Information Heterogeneity and Fusion in Recommender Systems (HetRec 2011)

2011-06-22 Thread Iván Cantador
ender System."

More details in:


In this edition of the workshop, we make available on-line datasets with
heterogeneous information from several social systems.
* hetrec11-movielens-2k: a subset of the MovieLens10M dataset with its
movie data merged with IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes. Main characteristics: 2.1K
users, 10.2K movies, 13.2K tags, 855.6K ratings.

* hetrec11-delicious-2k: a dataset that contains social networking,
bookmarking, and tagging information of a set of users from Delicious social
bookmarking system. Main characteristics: 1.8K users, 69.2K bookmarks, 53.4K
tags, 7.7K social relations.

* hetrec11-lastfm-2k: a dataset that contains social networking,
tagging, and music listening information of a set of users from Last.fm
music website. Main characteristics: 1.9K users, 17.6K artists, 11.9K tags,
186.5K listening records, 12.7K social relations.

These datasets can be used by participants to experiment and evaluate their
recommendation approaches, and be enriched with additional data, which may
be published at the workshop website for future use.

More details in:

Organizing Committee

    * Iván Cantador, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh, USA
* Tsvi Kuflik, University of Haifa, Israel

Contact information

Contact e-mail: hetrec2...@easychair.org

CfP: ACM CIKM 2011 International Workshop on Search and Mining User-generated Contents (SMUC 2011)

2011-06-17 Thread Iván Cantador
[Apologies if you receive this more than once]

Final call for Papers

3rd International Workshop on Search and Mining User-generated Contents
(SMUC 2011)
28th October 2011 | Glasgow, UK 

Held in conjunction with the
20th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2011) 


Important dates

* Paper submission: 24 June 2011
* Notification of acceptance:   29 July 2011
* Camera-ready: 19 August 2011
* SMUC 2011 workshop:   28 October 2011


Nowadays, the huge amount and variety of user generated contents available
in the Web open a wide range of opportunities to enhance information
retrieval and e-commerce applications. Opinions and reviews about products,
annotations and bookmarks on multimedia resources, and friend relations in
social networks are just a few examples of personal information sources to
be exploited in order to both improve the user's experience and increase the
companies' revenues in online search and commerce activities.

As in its previous editions, SMUC 2011 aims at becoming a major
international forum for researchers and practitioners from several
information and knowledge management areas, such as text/data mining,
information extraction, and information retrieval/filtering, which focus
their work on user-generated contents in Social Media.

For SMUC workshop, we identify four main research themes into which the
above research problems can be categorized: Searching in Social Media,
Mining Social Media, Opinion Mining & Sentiment Analysis, and Multimedia
Processing and Retrieval. For all of them, we are interested in developing
and testing intelligent systems and applications, involving innovative
research from the fields of user modeling, personalization, recommendation,
information visualization, and business intelligence, to name a few.
Different research lines, backgrounds, perspectives and degrees of expertise
will be present at the workshop, and thus very interesting multidisciplinary
discussions, collaborations and work synergies between the workshop
attendees are expected as one of the main outcomes of the event.

Topics of interest

SMUC workshop represents a multidisciplinary forum for researchers and
practitioners that work on knowledge extraction, management and exploitation
in Social Media, and belong to different, but complementary fields such as
Web (content/structure/usage) mining, information retrieval, opinion mining
and sentiment analysis, user modeling, personalization and recommendation,
and multimedia processing and retrieval.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Searching in Social Media

- Social search and ranking algorithms
- Multi-entity search
- Multifaceted search
- Distributed and high performance algorithms: scalability and

* Mining Social Media

- Knowledge discovery in Social Media
- Social network analysis/mining, community detection and evolution
- Collaborative tagging analysis/mining
- Topic detection, and trend discovery
- Influence, trust, and privacy analysis
- Spamming, phishing, and vandalism detection
- Cross-lingual and cross-domain text mining

* Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis

- Opinion extraction, classification, summarization, and
- Irony detection
- Plagiarism detection of duplicate or near-duplicate opinions
- Temporal sentiment analysis
- Cross-lingual and cross-domain sentiment analysis
- Blog analysis, and micro-blog mining
- Product review analysis

* Multimedia processing and retrieval in Social Media

- Multimedia information extraction and retrieval in Social Media
- Multimodal retrieval
- Audio, music and video (clip) processing and analysis
- Context-based multimedia retrieval
- Detection of cyber-bullying, cyber-stalking, cyber-pedophilia

* Intelligent systems & applications in Social Media

- User modeling, personalization, and recommender systems
- Market analysis, and Business Intelligence applications (direct
marketing, branding, etc.)

Organizing Committee

    * Iván Cantador, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Francisco M. Carrero, BrainSINS & Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain
* José C. Cortizo, BrainSINS & Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain
* Paolo Rosso, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
* Markus Schedl, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
* José A. Troyano, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain 


Final CfP: Workshop on Knowledge Extraction and Exploitation from semi-Structured Online Sources (KEESOS 2011)

2011-05-12 Thread Iván Cantador
[Apologies if you receive this more than once]

Workshop on 
Knowledge Extraction and Exploitation from semi-Structured Online Sources
(KEESOS 2011)


organised in conjunction with
XIV Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence
(CAEPIA 2011)

La Laguna, Tenerife, 7th-11th November 2011

Paper submission deadline: 22nd May 2011 (extended)


The amount of unstructured or semi-structured online information in the
current Web is growing exponentially. Providing structure to this
information by (semi)automatic means has become an increasingly appealing
goal along the last decade. Deriving structure greatly enhances the utility
and value of this wealth of information, as it enables a much more
efficient, effective, and flexible use of online information by different
types of applications. Automatically handling unstructured information
sources, and extracting structure from them, are challenging tasks that have
been addressed by Artificial Intelligence research. The problem involves
issues of knowledge extraction, knowledge representation and analysis, which
need to be addressed in order to subsequently exploit the extracted
structure in a wide range of applications.

In this workshop we aim to organise a multidisciplinary event for
researchers and specialists from different areas of Artificial Intelligence,
interested in the extraction and exploitation of semi-structured online
information sources. It aims to be a forum for the presentation and
discussion of shared problems and techniques from different disciplines,
seeking to stir synergies and collaborations among participants, under the
common frame of semi-structured
information: how can it be obtained? From which online information sources?
How can it be processed and elaborated? What can it be used for? How can it
be applied? Which research areas and applications can make a better use of
structured information?

We invite the submission of papers analysing techniques to build structured
information from the Web, including –as of particular
interest- social media sources, such as social networks, blogs, forums,
wikis, and folksonomies. Papers analysing the practical aspects of the
exploitation of automatically extracted knowledge are also welcome, in
particular, those proposing and analysing specific methods, tools, and
techniques from stable Artificial Intelligence disciplines.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Structure extraction from online sources Methods, tools, and techniques to
extract structured information from the Web, involving aspects such as:
- Automatic entity recognition
- Attribute extraction
- Recognition of semantic relations
- Semantic annotation of Web texts
- Automatic building and population of ontologies
- Semantic enrichment in social networks
- Semantic annotation of blogs, wikis, and forums
- Semantic extension of folksonomies

* Exploitation of semi-structured information Analysis, methods and
experiences in the exploitation of semi-structured information in areas
including –but not limited to- the following:
- Natural language processing
- Machine learning
- Automatic reasoning
- Information retrieval
- Recommender systems
- User modelling and personalisation
- Opinion mining and sentiment analysis
- Multimedia: image and video semantic processing


* Paper submission deadline: 22nd May 2011 (extended)
* Notification of acceptance: 7th July 2011
* Camera-ready version due: 31st July


* Alejandro Bellogín, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
* Iván Cantador, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
* Pablo Castells, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

CfP: ACM RecSys 2011 International Workshop on Information Heterogeneity and Fusion in Recommender Systems (HetRec 2011)

2011-05-06 Thread Iván Cantador
 the MovieLens10M dataset with its
movie data merged with IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes. Main characteristics: 2113
users, 10197 movies, 13222 tags, 855598 ratings.

* hetrec11-delicious-2k: a dataset that contains social networking,
bookmarking, and tagging information of a set of users from Delicious social
bookmarking system. Main characteristics: 1867 users, 69226 bookmarks, 53388
tags, 7668 social relations.

* hetrec11-lastfm-2k: a dataset that contains social networking,
tagging, and music listening information of a set of users from Last.fm
music website. To be released.

These datasets can be used by participants to experiment and evaluate their
recommendation approaches, and be enriched with additional data, which may
be published at the workshop website for future use.

Organizing Committee

* Iván Cantador, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh, USA
* Tsvi Kuflik, University of Haifa, Israel

Contact information

Contact e-mail: hetrec2...@easychair.org

CfP: Workshop on Knowledge Extraction and Exploitation from semi-Structured Online Sources (KEESOS 2011)

2011-05-02 Thread Iván Cantador
[Apologies if you receive this more than once]



Workshop on

Knowledge Extraction and Exploitation from semi-Structured Online Sources
(KEESOS 2011)


organised in conjunction with


XIV Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence
(CAEPIA 2011)


La Laguna, Tenerife, 7th-11th November 2011


Paper submission deadline: 15th May 2011

 <http://ir.ii.uam.es/keesos2011> http://ir.ii.uam.es/keesos2011






The amount of unstructured or semi-structured online information in the
current Web is growing exponentially. Providing structure to this
information by (semi)automatic means has become an increasingly appealing
goal along the last decade. Deriving structure greatly enhances the utility
and value of this wealth of information, as it enables a much more
efficient, effective, and flexible use of online information by different
types of applications. Automatically handling unstructured information
sources, and extracting structure from them, are challenging tasks that have
been addressed by Artificial Intelligence research. The problem involves
issues of knowledge extraction, knowledge representation and analysis, which
need to be addressed in order to subsequently exploit the extracted
structure in a wide range of applications.


In this workshop we aim to organise a multidisciplinary event for
researchers and specialists from different areas of Artificial Intelligence,
interested in the extraction and exploitation of semi-structured online
information sources. It aims to be a forum for the presentation and
discussion of shared problems and techniques from different disciplines,
seeking to stir synergies and collaborations among participants, under the
common frame of semi-structured

information: how can it be obtained? From which online information sources?
How can it be processed and elaborated? What can it be used for? How can it
be applied? Which research areas and applications can make a better use of
structured information?


We invite the submission of papers analysing techniques to build structured
information from the Web, including –as of particular

interest- social media sources, such as social networks, blogs, forums,
wikis, and folksonomies. Papers analysing the practical aspects of the
exploitation of automatically extracted knowledge are also welcome, in
particular, those proposing and analysing specific methods, tools, and
techniques from stable Artificial Intelligence disciplines.





Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Structure extraction from online sources Methods, tools, and techniques to
extract structured information from the Web, involving aspects such as:

- Automatic entity recognition

- Attribute extraction

- Recognition of semantic relations

- Semantic annotation of Web texts

- Automatic building and population of ontologies

- Semantic enrichment in social networks

- Semantic annotation of blogs, wikis, and forums

- Semantic extension of folksonomies

* Exploitation of semi-structured information Analysis, methods and
experiences in the exploitation of semi-structured information in areas
including –but not limited to- the following:

- Natural language processing

- Machine learning

- Automatic reasoning

- Information retrieval

- Recommender systems

- User modelling and personalisation

- Opinion mining and sentiment analysis

- Multimedia: image and video semantic processing





* Paper submission deadline: 15th May

* Notification: 30th June

* Camera-ready version due: 31st July




* Alejandro Bellogín, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

* Iván Cantador, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

* Pablo Castells, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid




* Rosa M. Carro, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

* Óscar Corcho, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

* José C. Cortizo, Universidad Europea de Madrid & BrainSINS

* Fernando Díez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

* Miriam Fernández, The Open University, United Kingdom

* Juan M. Fernández-Luna, Universidad de Granada

* Víctor Fresno, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

* Enrique Frías, Teléfonica I+D

* Raúl García-Castro, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

* Asunción Gómez-Pérez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

* Julio Gonzalo, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

* Jorge Gracia, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

* Juan F. Huete, Universidad de Granada

* María T. Linaza, VICOMTech

* David Losada, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

* Álvaro Ortigosa, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

* José J. Pazos Arias, Universidad de Vigo

* Carlos Pedrinaci, The Open University, United Kingdom

* Paolo Rosso, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

* Marc Torrens, Strands

* José A. Troyano, Universidad de Sevilla

* David Vallet, Universidad Autónoma de Madri

CfP: Workshop on Knowledge Extraction and Exploitation from semi-Structured Online Sources (KEESOS 2011)

2011-03-21 Thread Iván Cantador
[Apologies if you receive this more than once]

 Workshop on
  Knowledge Extraction and Exploitation from
 semi-Structured Online Sources (KEESOS 2011)

organised in conjunction with

  XIV Conference of the Spanish Association
  for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA 2011)

  La Laguna, Tenerife, 7th-11th November 2011

  Paper submission deadline: 15th May 2011


The amount of unstructured or semi-structured online information in 
the current Web is growing exponentially. Providing structure to this 
information by (semi)automatic means has become an increasingly 
appealing goal along the last decade. Deriving structure greatly 
enhances the utility and value of this wealth of information, as it 
enables a much more efficient, effective, and flexible use of online 
information by different types of applications. Automatically handling 
unstructured information sources, and extracting structure from them, 
are challenging tasks that have been addressed by Artificial 
Intelligence research. The problem involves issues of knowledge 
extraction, knowledge representation and analysis, which need to be 
addressed in order to subsequently exploit the extracted structure in 
a wide range of applications.

In this workshop we aim to organise a multidisciplinary event for 
researchers and specialists from different areas of Artificial 
Intelligence, interested in the extraction and exploitation of 
semi-structured online information sources. It aims to be a forum for 
the presentation and discussion of shared problems and techniques from 
different disciplines, seeking to stir synergies and collaborations 
among participants, under the common frame of semi-structured 
information: how can it be obtained? From which online information 
sources? How can it be processed and elaborated? What can it be used 
for? How can it be applied? Which research areas and applications can 
make a better use of structured information?

We invite the submission of papers analysing techniques to build 
structured information from the Web, including -as of particular 
interest- social media sources, such as social networks, blogs, 
forums, wikis, and folksonomies. Papers analysing the practical 
aspects of the exploitation of automatically extracted knowledge are 
also welcome, in particular, those proposing and analysing specific 
methods, tools, and techniques from stable Artificial Intelligence 


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
 * Structure extraction from online sources
   Methods, tools, and techniques to extract structured information 
   from the Web, involving aspects such as:
   - Automatic entity recognition
   - Attribute extraction
   - Recognition of semantic relations
   - Semantic annotation of Web texts
   - Automatic building and population of ontologies
   - Semantic enrichment in social networks
   - Semantic annotation of blogs, wikis, and forums
   - Semantic extension of folksonomies
 * Exploitation of semi-structured information
   Analysis, methods and experiences in the exploitation of 
   semi-structured information in areas including -but not limited to 
   the following:
   - Natural language processing
   - Machine learning
   - Automatic reasoning
   - Information retrieval
   - Recommender systems
   - User modelling and personalisation
   - Opinion mining and sentiment analysis
   - Multimedia: image and video semantic processing


 * Paper submission deadline: 15th May
 * Notification: 30th June
 * Camera-ready version due: 31st July


 * Alejandro Bellogín, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
 * Iván Cantador, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
 * Pablo Castells, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


 * Rosa M. Carro, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
 * Óscar Corcho, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
 * José C. Cortizo, Universidad Europea de Madrid & BrainSINS
 * Fernando Díez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
 * Miriam Fernández, The Open University, United Kingdom
 * Juan M. Fernández-Luna, Universidad de Granada
 * Víctor Fresno, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
 * Enrique Frías, Teléfonica I+D
 * Raúl García-Castro, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
 * Asunción Gómez-Pérez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
 * Julio Gonzalo, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
 * Jorge Gracia, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
 * Juan F. Huete, Universidad de Granada
 * María T. Linaza, VICOMTech
 * David Losada, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
 * Álvaro Ortigosa, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
 * José J. Pazos Arias, Universidad de Vigo
 * Carlos Pedrinaci, The Open University, United Kingdom
 * Paolo Rosso, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

CfP: RecSys 2010 International Workshop on Information Heterogeneity and Fusion in Recommender Systems (HetRec 2010)

2010-06-28 Thread Iván Cantador
, interests,
needs, goals, mood, etc.
* Cross domain recommendations, based on user preferences about
different interest aspects (e.g., by merging movie and music tastes)
* Cross representation recommendations, considering diverse sources of
user preferences: explicit and implicit feedback

Heterogeneity and fusion of information in recommended resources

* Recommendation of resources of different nature: news, reviews,
scientific papers, etc.
* Recommendation of resources belonging to different multimedia: text,
image, audio, video
* Recommendation of resources annotated in different languages

Heterogeneity and fusion of information in contextual features

* Contextualisation of user preferences (e.g., user preferences at work,
on holidays, etc.)
* Cross context recommendations (e.g., by merging information about
location, time, social aspects, etc.)
* Multi-dimensional recommendation based on several contextual features
(e.g., physical and social environment, device and network settings,
external events, etc.)

Organizing Committee

* Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh, USA
* Iván Cantador, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Yehuda Koren, Yahoo! Labs
* Tsvi Kuflik, University of Haifa, Israel
* Markus Weimer, Yahoo! Labs

Contact information

Contact e-mail: hetrec2...@easychair.org

CfP: RecSys 2010 International Workshop on Information Heterogeneity and Fusion in Recommender Systems (HetRec 2010)

2010-05-19 Thread Iván Cantador
* Cross domain recommendations, based on user preferences about
different interest aspects (e.g., by merging movie and music tastes)
* Cross representation recommendations, considering diverse sources of
user preferences: explicit and implicit feedback

Heterogeneity and fusion of information in recommended resources

* Recommendation of resources of different nature: news, reviews,
scientific papers, etc.
* Recommendation of resources belonging to different multimedia: text,
image, audio, video
* Recommendation of resources annotated in different languages

Heterogeneity and fusion of information in contextual features

* Contextualisation of user preferences (e.g., user preferences at work,
on holidays, etc.)
* Cross context recommendations (e.g., by merging information about
location, time, social aspects, etc.)
* Multi-dimensional recommendation based on several contextual features
(e.g., physical and social environment, device and network settings,
external events, etc.)

Organizing Committee

* Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh, USA
* Iván Cantador, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Yehuda Koren, Yahoo! Labs
* Tsvi Kuflik, University of Haifa, Israel
* Markus Weimer, Yahoo! Labs

Contact information

Contact e-mail: hetrec2...@easychair.org

CfP: RecSys 2010 International Workshop on Information Heterogeneity and Fusion in Recommender Systems (HetRec 2010)

2010-04-16 Thread Iván Cantador
* Cross domain recommendations, based on user preferences about
different interest aspects (e.g., by merging movie and music tastes)
* Cross representation recommendations, considering diverse sources of
user preferences: explicit and implicit feedback

Heterogeneity and fusion of information in recommended resources

* Recommendation of resources of different nature: news, reviews,
scientific papers, etc.
* Recommendation of resources belonging to different multimedia: text,
image, audio, video
* Recommendation of resources annotated in different languages

Heterogeneity and fusion of information in contextual features

* Contextualisation of user preferences (e.g., user preferences at work,
on holidays, etc.)
* Cross context recommendations (e.g., by merging information about
location, time, social aspects, etc.)
* Multi-dimensional recommendation based on several contextual features
(e.g., physical and social environment, device and network settings,
external events, etc.)

Organizing Committee

* Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh, USA
* Iván Cantador, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Yehuda Koren, Yahoo! Labs
* Tsvi Kuflik, University of Haifa, Israel
* Markus Weimer, Yahoo! Labs

Contact information

Contact e-mail: hetrec2...@easychair.org

ESWC 2010 CfP: Workshop on Adaptation, Personalization and REcommendation in the Social-semantic Web (APRESW 2010)

2010-03-07 Thread Iván Cantador
[Apologies if you receive this more than once]

Call for Papers (submission deadline extension) 

1st International Workshop on Adaptation, Personalization and REcommendation
in the Social-semantic Web (APRESW 2010) 

31 May 2010 | Heraklion, Greece 

In conjunction with the 7th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2010) 


Important dates

* Paper submission:   15 March 2010 (extended)
* Notification of paper acceptance/rejection: 5 April 2010
* Camera-ready copies of accepted papers: 18 April, 2010
* APRESW 2010 Workshop:   31 May 2010


During the last years, researchers and practitioners of the Semantic Web
have progressively consolidated a number of very important achievements.
Formal languages have been standardized to define ontology-based knowledge
representations, logic formalisms and query models. Ontology engineering
methodologies and tools have been proposed to ease the designing and
populating of ontological knowledge bases. Reasoning engines have been
implemented to exploit inference capabilities of ontologies, and
semantic-based frameworks have been built to enrich the functionalities of
Web services. These achievements are the pillars to deal with the complex
challenge of bringing semantics to the Web.

The above gives a new ground to extend the focus of the Semantic Web by
engaging it in other communities, where semantics can play an important
role. The available semantic knowledge bases can be used to enrich and link
additional repositories, ontology engineering techniques can be utilized to
properly design and build ontologies in further real-world domains, and
inference and query mechanisms can enhance classic information management
and retrieval approaches.

Among these communities, this workshop aims to attract the attention of
students and professionals both from academia and industry who take benefit
of semantic-based techniques and technologies in within-application
Adaptation, Personalization and Recommendation approaches. In parallel to
the progress made in the Semantic Web research topics, there have been
appearing works in the above areas that use ontologies to model the user’s
preferences, tastes and interests, and exploit these personal features
together with meta-information about multimedia contents in order to provide
the user with adaptation and personalization capabilities for different
purposes such as information retrieval and item recommendation.

Moreover, with the advent of the Web 2.0 (also called the Social Web), the
potential study and development of those approaches have increased
exponentially. Social networks allow people to provide explicit
relationships with others, and find out implicit user similarities based on
their profiles. Social tagging services offer the opportunity to easily
create and exploit personal knowledge representations. Wiki-style sites
represent an environment where the community contributes and shares
information, and blogs are media in which users express subjective opinions.
In all of these scenarios, adaptation, personalization and recommendation
are core functionalities. However, the understanding and exploitation of the
semantics underlying user and item profiles are still open issues.

Topics of interest

The workshop will focus on establishing user/usage models for adaptation,
personalization and recommendation approaches for the Social-semantic Web.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the exploitation of the
Web of Data, the identification of semantics underlying social annotations
of multimedia contents, and the application of semantic-based techniques and
technologies in research fields related to:

* Personalized access to multimedia content
* Content-based recommendation and collaborative filtering
* Adaptive exploration of multimedia content
* Adaptive user interfaces for multimedia content browsing and searching
* Community extraction and exploitation
* Social networks analysis for collaborative recommendation
* User profile construction based on social tagging information
* Context-aware multimedia content access and delivery
* Mobile and ubiquitous multimedia content access and delivery

Organizing Committee

* Iván Cantador, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Peter Mika, Yahoo! Research, Spain
* David Vallet, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* José C. Cortizo, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain
* Francisco M. Carrero, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain

Programme Committee

* Sofia Angeletou, Knowledge Media

ESWC 2010 2nd CfP: Workshop on Adaptation, Personalization and REcommendation in the Social-semantic Web (APRESW 2010)

2010-02-08 Thread Iván Cantador

[Apologies if you receive this more than once]

2nd Call for Papers 

1st International Workshop on Adaptation, Personalization and REcommendation
in the Social-semantic Web (APRESW 2010) 
30 or 31 May 2010 | Heraklion, Greece

In conjunction with the
7th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2010) 


Important dates

* Paper submission:   7 March 2010
* Notification of paper acceptance/rejection: 5 April 2010
* Camera-ready copies of accepted papers: 18 April, 2010
* APRESW 2010 Workshop:   30 or 31 May 2010


During the last years, researchers and practitioners of the Semantic Web
have progressively consolidated a number of very important achievements.
Formal languages have been standardized to define ontology-based knowledge
representations, logic formalisms and query models. Ontology engineering
methodologies and tools have been proposed to ease the designing and
populating of ontological knowledge bases. Reasoning engines have been
implemented to exploit inference capabilities of ontologies, and
semantic-based frameworks have been built to enrich the functionalities of
Web services. These achievements are the pillars to deal with the complex
challenge of bringing semantics to the Web.

The above gives a new ground to extend the focus of the Semantic Web by
engaging it in other communities, where semantics can play an important
role. The available semantic knowledge bases can be used to enrich and link
additional repositories, ontology engineering techniques can be utilized to
properly design and build ontologies in further real-world domains, and
inference and query mechanisms can enhance classic information management
and retrieval approaches.

Among these communities, this workshop aims to attract the attention of
students and professionals both from academia and industry who take benefit
of semantic-based techniques and technologies in within-application
Adaptation, Personalization and Recommendation approaches. In parallel to
the progress made in the Semantic Web research topics, there have been
appearing works in the above areas that use ontologies to model the user’s
preferences, tastes and interests, and exploit these personal features
together with meta-information about multimedia contents in order to provide
the user with adaptation and personalization capabilities for different
purposes such as information retrieval and item recommendation.

Moreover, with the advent of the Web 2.0 (also called the Social Web), the
potential study and development of those approaches have increased
exponentially. Social networks allow people to provide explicit
relationships with others, and find out implicit user similarities based on
their profiles. Social tagging services offer the opportunity to easily
create and exploit personal knowledge representations. Wiki-style sites
represent an environment where the community contributes and shares
information, and blogs are media in which users express subjective opinions.
In all of these scenarios, adaptation, personalization and recommendation
are core functionalities. However, the understanding and exploitation of the
semantics underlying user and item profiles are still open issues.

Topics of interest

The workshop will focus on establishing user/usage models for adaptation,
personalization and recommendation approaches for the Social-semantic Web.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the exploitation of the
Web of Data, the identification of semantics underlying social annotations
of multimedia contents, and the application of semantic-based techniques and
technologies in research fields related to:

* Personalized access to multimedia content
* Content-based recommendation and collaborative filtering
* Adaptive exploration of multimedia content
* Adaptive user interfaces for multimedia content browsing and searching
* Community extraction and exploitation
* Social networks analysis for collaborative recommendation
* User profile construction based on social tagging information
* Context-aware multimedia content access and delivery
* Mobile and ubiquitous multimedia content access and delivery

Organizing Committee

* Iván Cantador, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Peter Mika, Yahoo! Research, Spain
* David Vallet, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* José C. Cortizo, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain
* Francisco M. Carrero, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain

Program Committee

* Sofia Angeletou, Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK

ESWC 2010 CfP: Workshop on Adaptation, Personalization and REcommendation in the Social-semantic Web (APRESW 2010)

2010-01-08 Thread Iván Cantador
[Apologies if you receive this more than once]

Call for Papers 

1st International Workshop on Adaptation, Personalization and REcommendation
in the Social-semantic Web (APRESW 2010) 
30 or 31 May 2010 | Heraklion, Greece

In conjunction with the
7th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2010) 

Important dates

* Paper submission:   7 March 2010
* Notificacion of paper acceptance/rejection: 5 April 2010
* Camera-ready copies of accepted papers: 18 April 18, 2010
* APRESW 2010 Workshop:   30 or 31 May 2010


During the last years, researchers and practitioners of the Semantic Web
have progressively consolidated a number of very important achievements.
Formal languages have been standardized to define ontology-based knowledge
representations, logic formalisms and query models. Ontology engineering
methodologies and tools have been proposed to ease the designing and
populating of ontological knowledge bases. Reasoning engines have been
implemented to exploit inference capabilities of ontologies, and
semantic-based frameworks have been built to enrich the functionalities of
Web services. These achievements are the pillars to deal with the complex
challenge of bringing semantics to the Web.

The above gives a new ground to extend the focus of the Semantic Web by
engaging it in other communities, where semantics can play an important
role. The available semantic knowledge bases can be used to enrich and link
additional repositories, ontology engineering techniques can be utilized to
properly design and build ontologies in further real-world domains, and
inference and query mechanisms can enhance classic information management
and retrieval approaches.

Among these communities, this workshop aims to attract the attention of
students and professionals both from academia and industry who take benefit
of semantic-based techniques and technologies in within-application
Adaptation, Personalization and Recommendation approaches. In parallel to
the progress made in the Semantic Web research topics, there have been
appearing works in the above areas that use ontologies to model the user’s
preferences, tastes and interests, and exploit these personal features
together with meta-information about multimedia contents in order to provide
the user with adaptation and personalization capabilities for different
purposes such as information retrieval and item recommendation.

Moreover, with the advent of the Web 2.0 (also called the Social Web), the
potential study and development of those approaches have increased
exponentially. Social networks allow people to provide explicit
relationships with others, and find out implicit user similarities based on
their profiles. Social tagging services offer the opportunity to easily
create and exploit personal knowledge representations. Wiki-style sites
represent an environment where the community contributes and shares
information, and blogs are media in which users express subjective opinions.
In all of these scenarios, adaptation, personalization and recommendation
are core functionalities. However, the understanding and exploitation of the
semantics underlying user and item profiles are still open issues.

Topics of interest

The workshop will focus on establishing user/usage models for adaptation,
personalization and recommendation approaches for the Social-semantic Web.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the exploitation of the
Web of Data, the identification of semantics underlying social annotations
of multimedia contents, and the application of semantic-based techniques and
technologies in research fields related to:

* Personalized access to multimedia content
* Content-based recommendation and collaborative filtering
* Adaptive exploration of multimedia content
* Adaptive user interfaces for multimedia content browsing and searching
* Community extraction and exploitation
* Social networks analysis for collaborative recommendation
* User profile construction based on social tagging information
* Context-aware multimedia content access and delivery
* Mobile and ubiquitous multimedia content access and delivery

Organizing Committee

* Iván Cantador, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* Peter Mika, Yahoo! Research, Spain
* David Vallet, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
* José C. Cortizo, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain
* Francisco M. Carrero, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain

Program Committee

* Sofia Angeletou, Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK