Hi Frans,

A complete and coherent coordinate system is a "sine qua non" for analysis of 
data, planning strategy and measuring performance.

Your questions ...
1)   Are the semantics of the two properties really absent from the  semantic 
web at the moment?

As long as the perception exists that translation parameters are an arbitrary 
coding option; "absent" is exactly the right word, IMHO.

2)  Is the Location Core Vocabulary an appropriate place to add  them?

I believe so, because if not there, where ?

3)  Is the proposed way of modelling the two properties right? Could conflicts 
with certain use cases occur?

The amplitude of a Normal Distribution depends on "sigma" (square root of the 
Variance) and the square root of '2' and the square root of PI().  The universe 
where (Variance, Two or PI) have multi-valued roots is not a valid "use case", 
it is modeling (i.e. Graphic Arts) malpractice.
If you want "hard numbers" ...

For strategy, planning and performance metric measurement (Strategy Markup 
Language - StratML) [1] the coordinate system is South Pole to North Pole 
(degrees) / East to West (degrees) / Year to Year+1 (degree-day) [2].

The spreadsheets - detailed calculations - are at [3].

For Work-Life Balance, sunrise and sunset detailed calculations are at [4].  
There is little or no difference between the results obtained by shifting the 
origin from the Winter Solstice to New Year's Day , and marking seasonal 
transits over the Tropics.  These are Astronomy conventions versus Civil Time 
conventions.  However,  vertical shifts (Work - Life Balance) are better 
visualized with a two-layer map. The time of day (layer) and sleep wake cycle 
(layer) are not "spin coupled", meaning that vector and raster scales 
(mentioned in your Wiki post) cannot be reconsilled with an average. There is 
no Central Limit to "Work Ethic".
If you want pictures ...
It is the Labor Day Holiday in the US, and like many I am mourning the passage 
of summer by eating too much in short pants I am to old to wear and avoiding 
anything like work.  The spreadsheets have charts :-)


[1] http://xml.fido.gov/stratml/index.htm
[2] http://www.rustprivacy.org/2014/balance/opers/
[3] http://www.rustprivacy.org/2014/balance/opers/stratml-operations.zip
[4] http://www.rustprivacy.org/2014/balance/opers/true-up-wlb.zip

On Mon, 9/1/14, Frans Knibbe | Geodan <frans.kni...@geodan.nl> wrote:

 Subject: A proposal for two additional properties for LOCN

     Hello all,
     I have made a wiki page for a provisional proposal for the addition of two 
new properties to the Location Core Vocabulary: CRS and spatial resolution. I 
would welcome your thoughts and comments. 
     The proposal is based on earlier discussions on this list. I am not 
certain about any of it, but I think starting with certain definitions can help 
in eventually getting something that is good to work with.     
     Some questions that I can come up with are:
       Are the semantics of the two properties really absent from the  semantic 
web at the moment?
       Is the Location Core Vocabulary an appropriate place to add  them?
       Is the proposed way of modelling the two properties right? Could 
conflicts with certain use cases occur?
     More detailed questions are on the wiki page.
         Frans Knibbe
         President Kennedylaan 1
         1079 MB Amsterdam (NL)
         T +31 (0)20 - 5711 347
         E frans.kni...@geodan.nl
         www.geodan.nl | disclaimer

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