Re: Is vCard range restriction on org:siteAddress necessary?

2011-01-07 Thread Phil Archer


I've just been forcing 5 different location addresses for one company 
(BAE Systems) into VCard. In the process, I have asserted that both 
"Filton" and "Samlesbury Aerodrome" are street addresses.



On 07/01/2011 15:50, John Goodwin wrote:

The only problem I see with the example is that we don't have counties
in Scotland, we have districts. In Quebec and Louisiana and other
historically catholic places we have parishes. Is Scotland a "state"
in the American sense, not really. You could use things like vc:county
and vc:state and just say that the naming is bad, I guess.

Geonames tackles this problem in a language-neutral way by having
several levels of administrative areas but they also construct a
hierarchy which might be a little verbose for this use case.

As it's a Friday:

six non golden rules of geo:

1. Any attempt to codify a series of geo rules into a formal, one
size fits all, taxonomy will fail due to Rule 2.
2. Geo is bizarre, odd, eclectic and utterly human.
3. People will in the main agree with Rule 1 with the exception of
the rules governing their own region, area or country, which they will
think are perfectly logical.
4. People will, in the main, think that postal, administrative and
colloquial hierarchies are one and the same thing and will overlap.
5. Taking Rule 4 into account, they will then attempt to codify a one
size fits all geo taxonomy.
6. There is no Rule 6, see Rule 1.



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Phil Archer
Talis Systems Ltd
Tel: +44 1473 434770
Twitter: philarcher1

RE: Is vCard range restriction on org:siteAddress necessary?

2011-01-07 Thread John Goodwin

> The only problem I see with the example is that we don't have counties
> in Scotland, we have districts. In Quebec and Louisiana and other
> historically catholic places we have parishes. Is Scotland a "state"
> in the American sense, not really. You could use things like vc:county
> and vc:state and just say that the naming is bad, I guess.
> Geonames tackles this problem in a language-neutral way by having
> several levels of administrative areas but they also construct a
> hierarchy which might be a little verbose for this use case.

As it's a Friday:

six non golden rules of geo:

   1. Any attempt to codify a series of geo rules into a formal, one
size fits all, taxonomy will fail due to Rule 2.
   2. Geo is bizarre, odd, eclectic and utterly human.
   3. People will in the main agree with Rule 1 with the exception of
the rules governing their own region, area or country, which they will
think are perfectly logical.
   4. People will, in the main, think that postal, administrative and
colloquial hierarchies are one and the same thing and will overlap.
   5. Taking Rule 4 into account, they will then attempt to codify a one
size fits all geo taxonomy.
   6. There is no Rule 6, see Rule 1.



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be formed on Ordnance Survey's behalf via email. We reserve the right to 
monitor emails and attachments without prior notice.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Ordnance Survey
Adanac Drive
Southampton SO16 0AS
Tel: 08456 050505

Re: Is vCard range restriction on org:siteAddress necessary?

2011-01-04 Thread Bob Ferris


Am 04.01.2011 13:38, schrieb Alexander Dutton:

The vCard ontology doesn't give a general property for linking a thing
to its v:VCard, which suggests to me that the only way to discover
addresses in the general case is when properties in the vCard namespace
are applied directly to people, places, etc. (In other words the v:VCard
class simply means "a thing to which addresses, phone numbers, etc are

This is also a long term FOAF issue (see [1]) with the proposal to 
connect FOAF and vCard object using a property term businessCard (see 
[2]). Since the Organization Ontology is also based on the FOAF 
Vocabulary this might be an option.




Re: Is vCard range restriction on org:siteAddress necessary?

2011-01-04 Thread Dave Reynolds
On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 11:02 -0500, Tim Berners-Lee wrote: 
> I wish the conflation of a VCard and a SocialEntity whose card it is
> were
> either ruled out completely or asserted completely by statements in
> the ontology.


> I personally find that the class of "business card" is one which I do
> not
> want to have any data about.  (In fact for me it maps best 
> not to a node in the graph but to the RDF document whose contents is
> the graph.
> Important for provenance in that respect, but not part of this
> ontology).

The use case that I've come across has been bundling sets of contact
mechanisms together. 

For example, in local government there can be a main contact point for a
Council (with email, phone, mail address, web form) and then contact
points for out of hours use or for specific services (each potentially
with multiple contact mechanisms). 

This grouping-for-a-purpose is different from grouping by organization
or grouping by site (e.g. the council main offices may have both a
normal and an out-of-hours set of contact details). 


> My personal take on this in 1990 was the contact: ontology, which had
> the classes
> SocialEntity (subclasses: Person, Organization)
> and
> Location
> and properties 
> home, work, vacation
> link a Person (say) to a Location.  Locations 
> Similarly I could imagine properties like
> site, headquarters, deliveriesPlease, corporateSeat
> would link an Organization to a Location.
> (I was extra careful in making street, city, postcode, country
> properties of the address of a location not of the location itself,
> allowing a location to have >1 address, or two organizations to have
> notional locations which were different and had different phone
> numbers but the same address.
> I used it for mapping my contact stuff out of Outlook into RDF.  I
> needed "assistant" as Outlook has "Asssitant phone number".)
> In all this a "card" has no useful place I can see.  Nor is there a
> 1-1 correspondence between it and anything except for possibly
> SocialEntity.  So I would be in favour of the practice of translating
> VCards into information about a Social Entity (or an Organization or a
> Person), and not a card.
> Tim
> On 2011-01 -04, at 09:03, Dave Reynolds wrote:
> > On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 13:28 +0100, William Waites wrote: 
> > > * [2011-01-04 11:49:43 +] Dave Reynolds
> > >  écrit:
> > > 
> > > ] Is VCard that bad? It fits your example below just fine.
> > > 
> > > The only problem I see with the example is that we don't have
> > > counties
> > > in Scotland, we have districts. In Quebec and Louisiana and other
> > > historically catholic places we have parishes. Is Scotland a
> > > "state"
> > > in the American sense, not really. You could use things like
> > > vc:county
> > > and vc:state and just say that the naming is bad, I guess.
> > 
> > Agreed, that's one reason not to make up another set of address
> > terms
> > such as Phil's ex: examples.
> > 
> > The vcard terms (locality, region) strike me as reasonably neutral
> > whereas ex:county is not.
> > 
> Yes.  In fact, a convention for mapping between them
> would be useful, even if it is in the comments in the ontology
> so that if you click though from locality is says "such as a city (US)
> or parish (Scotland)".
> Guidance for ontology users in the ontology file is useful.
> (Presumably e.g. OSX's Address Book has defined this mapping as they
> will format all your addresses (whatever country they are in) in your
> chosen
> local style of any of many countries.)
> Tim
> Address
> type
> Class
> contact point
> type
> Class
> comment
> A place, or
> mobile situation,
> with address,
> phone number,
> fax, etc. Related
> to a person by
> home, office,
> etc. Note one
> person's
> workplace may be
> another person's
> home. A person
> may have more
> than one home and
> more than one
> workplace. (In
> practice it
> sometimes maybe
> useful with
> restriucted
> datasets to
> assume that this
> is not the case,
> when extracting
> data from other
> ontologies with
> no concept of
> ContactLocation).
> Strongly related
> to a person: in
> some ways a role
> that a person can
> be in.
> label
> contact point
> fax
> label
> fax
> subClassOf
> phone
> Female
> type
> Class
> Language Code
> type
> Class
> Male
> type
> Class
> mobile
> label
> mobile
> subClassOf
> phone
> Pager
> subClassOf
> phone
> Person
> comment
> A person in the
> normal sense of
> the word.
> subClassOf
> Social Entity
> phone
> type
> Class
> comment
> An end-point in
> the public
> swiitched
> telephone system.
> Anything
> identified by a
> URI with tel:
> scheme is in this
> class. 
> label
> phone
> tel.
> Social Entity
> type
> Class
> comment
> The sort of thing
> which can have a
> phone number.
> Typically a
> person or an
> incorporated
> company, or
> unincorporated
> gro

Re: Is vCard range restriction on org:siteAddress necessary?

2011-01-04 Thread Alexander Dutton

On 04/01/11 11:49, Dave Reynolds wrote:

The separation between the Site and the address isn't necessary in
general, but it is necessary in order to reuse vcard. An org:Site isn't
a vcard:Address [*] hence the need for the indirection.

I think there's some confusion between the vCard and the address. I 
would have said that:

[] a org:Site, v:VCard ;
   v:adr [
 ex:addressLine1 "Unit 5" ;
 # or (if you prefer)
 a v:Address ;
 v:street-address "Unit 5" ;

I agree that addresses are not the same as sites, but I'm not sure that 
there's any need to use the org:siteAddress property to distinguish a 
site from its v:VCard. Using v:adr with an org:Site maintains that 
separation without needing the intermediate resource.

The vCard ontology doesn't give a general property for linking a thing 
to its v:VCard, which suggests to me that the only way to discover 
addresses in the general case is when properties in the vCard namespace 
are applied directly to people, places, etc. (In other words the v:VCard 
class simply means "a thing to which addresses, phone numbers, etc are 

I appreciate that claiming that org:siteAddress is unnecessary is 
somewhat orthogonal to the original question! Are there any cases where 
it might be needed?

Kind regards,


(Disclaimer: We take this conflated-vCard approach --

Re: Is vCard range restriction on org:siteAddress necessary?

2011-01-04 Thread Phil Archer

Thanks Dave,

I'll use this, although, as you say, it's because of the re-use issue. 
VCard seems to have many of the problems that TimBL points to. And it 
does seem that encoding names and addresses in RDF is a recurring 
problem that has yet to be solved to everyone's satisfaction. Ah well... 
I'll have fun writing the script to do the conversion tomorrow ;-)


On 04/01/2011 16:21, Dave Reynolds wrote:

Hi Phil,

My inclination is to simply use VCard as is (including the
sub-resources) rather than try to short cut by collapsing the VCard and
Address. So I'd tend to write your example as:

  a org:Site;
org:siteAddress  .

  a v:VCard ;
v:fn "Blah Ltd (Headquarters)";

geo:lat "51.2569489" ;
geo:long "-2.2007225" ;

v:geo [
v:latitude  "51.2569489" ;
v:longitude "-2.2007225" ;

v:adr [
v:extended-address "Unit 5" ;
v:street-address "Example Industrial Estate" ;
v:locality "Westbury" ;
v:region "Wiltshire" ;
v:postal-code "EX1 1EX"
v:country-name "United Kingdom" ;
os:postcode<.../postcodeunit/EX11EX>  ;

  """Unit 5,
Example Industrial Estate,
EX1 1EX,
United Kingdom"""

Is this kind of modelling useful, over and above including address
info directly as properties of the site?

The advantages are:

o easy to consume by people who already know about (and have code for
handling) vcard - no need to cater for some new one-off address

o an org:Site could have multiple address vcards (an outlier
requirement, to be fair)


o slightly more complex to query (extra levels of indirection) and
easier to work with if you have CBD support

For me there was no other good option. Reuse trumps convenience. If I
had included address properties in Org I'm sure I would have had a lot
of "don't reinvent wheels, just use Vcard" comments :)


On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 15:30 +, Phil Archer wrote:

Thanks everyone for the replies. OK, I'm going to try and use vCard like
it says!

Dave R - thanks for the example of one location having 2 addresses. I
thought that such a thing might be possible but couldn't think of an
example. I was thinking about shared office space but that didn't lead
to separate address labels for a single site within an org chart.

Keith - yes, the RDF encoding of vCard is very good... at encoding vCard.

Here's a repeat of my (very close to real world, Dave C) example:

  a org:Site ;
ex:addressLine1 "Unit 5" ;
ex:addressLine2 "Example Industrial Estate" ;
ex:town "Westbury" ;
ex:county "Wiltshire" ;
ex:country "United Kingdom" ;
os:postcode<.../postcodeunit/EX11EX>  ;
geo:lat "51.2569489" ;
geo:long "-2.2007225" .

If my understanding of vCard is correct then what follows is a valid
conversion (I don't claim that this is the only valid interpretation):

  a org:Site;
org:siteAddress  .

  a v:Address ;
v:extended-address "Unit 5" ;
v:street-address "Example Industrial Estate" ;
v:locality "Westbury" ;
v:region "Wiltshire" ;
v:postal-code "EX1 1EX"
v:country-name "United Kingdom" ;
os:postcode<.../postcodeunit/EX11EX>  ;
geo:lat "51.2569489" ;
v:latitude  "51.2569489" ;
v:longitude "-2.2007225" ;
geo:long "-2.2007225" ;
  """Unit 5,
  Example Industrial Estate,
  EX1 1EX,
  United Kingdom""" .

(btw I've gone back to the RFC for vCard [1] to find out that the order
of elements for an address is:

post office box;
extended address;
street address;
locality (e.g., city);
region (e.g., state or province);
postal code;
country name.)

I've used the top level class of 'Address' since it doesn't feel right
to call this a work address. Is it OK to go straight from an org:site to
v:Address without going through v:VCard first?

Dave suggested using Label, which seems sensible, but that gets
confusing, I think anyway, when considering the label property, the
value for which is a pre-formatted string that can be printed and stuck
on an envelope (the triple quotes come courtesy of the Turtle spec at [2]).

I've included the OS postcode data (which is one of the drivers for this
work in the first place) as well as the geo Lat/long.

I guess the underlying question here is: is this what you have in mind,
Dave? Is this kind of modelling useful, over and above including address
info directly as properties of the site?



On 04/01/2011 13:39, Dave Reynolds wrote:

On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 12:38 +, Alexander Dutton wrote:

On 04/01/11 11:49, Dave Reynolds wrote:

The separation between the Site and the address isn't necessary in
general, but it is necessary in order to reuse vcard. An org:Site isn't
a vcard:Address [*] hence the need for the indirection.

I think there's some confusion

Re: Is vCard range restriction on org:siteAddress necessary?

2011-01-04 Thread Dave Reynolds
Hi Phil,

My inclination is to simply use VCard as is (including the
sub-resources) rather than try to short cut by collapsing the VCard and
Address. So I'd tend to write your example as:

 a org:Site;
   org:siteAddress  .

 a v:VCard ;
   v:fn "Blah Ltd (Headquarters)";

   geo:lat "51.2569489" ;
   geo:long "-2.2007225" ;

   v:geo [
   v:latitude  "51.2569489" ;
   v:longitude "-2.2007225" ;

   v:adr [
   v:extended-address "Unit 5" ;
   v:street-address "Example Industrial Estate" ;
   v:locality "Westbury" ;
   v:region "Wiltshire" ;
   v:postal-code "EX1 1EX"
   v:country-name "United Kingdom" ;
   os:postcode <.../postcodeunit/EX11EX> ;

 """Unit 5,
Example Industrial Estate,
EX1 1EX,
United Kingdom""" 

> Is this kind of modelling useful, over and above including address 
> info directly as properties of the site?

The advantages are:

o easy to consume by people who already know about (and have code for
handling) vcard - no need to cater for some new one-off address

o an org:Site could have multiple address vcards (an outlier
requirement, to be fair)


o slightly more complex to query (extra levels of indirection) and
easier to work with if you have CBD support

For me there was no other good option. Reuse trumps convenience. If I
had included address properties in Org I'm sure I would have had a lot
of "don't reinvent wheels, just use Vcard" comments :)


On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 15:30 +, Phil Archer wrote: 
> Thanks everyone for the replies. OK, I'm going to try and use vCard like 
> it says!
> Dave R - thanks for the example of one location having 2 addresses. I 
> thought that such a thing might be possible but couldn't think of an 
> example. I was thinking about shared office space but that didn't lead 
> to separate address labels for a single site within an org chart.
> Keith - yes, the RDF encoding of vCard is very good... at encoding vCard.
> Here's a repeat of my (very close to real world, Dave C) example:
>  a org:Site ;
>ex:addressLine1 "Unit 5" ;
>ex:addressLine2 "Example Industrial Estate" ;
>ex:town "Westbury" ;
>ex:county "Wiltshire" ;
>ex:country "United Kingdom" ;
>os:postcode <.../postcodeunit/EX11EX> ;
>geo:lat "51.2569489" ;
>geo:long "-2.2007225" .
> If my understanding of vCard is correct then what follows is a valid 
> conversion (I don't claim that this is the only valid interpretation):
>  a org:Site;
>org:siteAddress  .
>  a v:Address ;
>v:extended-address "Unit 5" ;
>v:street-address "Example Industrial Estate" ;
>v:locality "Westbury" ;
>v:region "Wiltshire" ;
>v:postal-code "EX1 1EX"
>v:country-name "United Kingdom" ;
>os:postcode <.../postcodeunit/EX11EX> ;
>geo:lat "51.2569489" ;
>v:latitude  "51.2569489" ;
>v:longitude "-2.2007225" ;
>geo:long "-2.2007225" ;
>  """Unit 5,
>  Example Industrial Estate,
>  Westbury,
>  Wiltshire,
>  EX1 1EX,
>  United Kingdom""" .
> (btw I've gone back to the RFC for vCard [1] to find out that the order 
> of elements for an address is:
> post office box;
> extended address;
> street address;
> locality (e.g., city);
> region (e.g., state or province);
> postal code;
> country name.)
> I've used the top level class of 'Address' since it doesn't feel right 
> to call this a work address. Is it OK to go straight from an org:site to 
> v:Address without going through v:VCard first?
> Dave suggested using Label, which seems sensible, but that gets 
> confusing, I think anyway, when considering the label property, the 
> value for which is a pre-formatted string that can be printed and stuck 
> on an envelope (the triple quotes come courtesy of the Turtle spec at [2]).
> I've included the OS postcode data (which is one of the drivers for this 
> work in the first place) as well as the geo Lat/long.
> I guess the underlying question here is: is this what you have in mind, 
> Dave? Is this kind of modelling useful, over and above including address 
> info directly as properties of the site?
> Phil.
> [1]
> [2]
> On 04/01/2011 13:39, Dave Reynolds wrote:
> > On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 12:38 +, Alexander Dutton wrote:
> >> On 04/01/11 11:49, Dave Reynolds wrote:
> >>> The separation between the Site and the address isn't necessary in
> >>> general, but it is necessary in order to reuse vcard. An org:Site isn't
> >>> a vcard:Address [*] hence the need for the indirection.
> >>
> >> I think there's some confusion between the vCard and the address.
> >
> > You are right, my response wasn't clear - my head is not properly
> > rebooted after the holidays :)
> >
> > At one point we had considered having org:siteAddress point directly to
> > a vcard:Address, hence my con

Re: Is vCard range restriction on org:siteAddress necessary?

2011-01-04 Thread Tim Berners-Lee
I wish the conflation of a VCard and a SocialEntity whose card it is were
either ruled out completely or asserted completely by statements in the 

I personally find that the class of "business card" is one which I do not
want to have any data about.  (In fact for me it maps best 
not to a node in the graph but to the RDF document whose contents is the graph.
Important for provenance in that respect, but not part of this ontology).

My personal take on this in 1990 was the contact: ontology, which had the 

SocialEntity (subclasses: Person, Organization)

and properties 

home, work, vacation

link a Person (say) to a Location.  Locations 

Similarly I could imagine properties like

site, headquarters, deliveriesPlease, corporateSeat

would link an Organization to a Location.

(I was extra careful in making street, city, postcode, country properties of 
the address of a location not of the location itself, allowing a location to 
have >1 address, or two organizations to have
notional locations which were different and had different phone numbers but the 
same address.
I used it for mapping my contact stuff out of Outlook into RDF.  I needed 
"assistant" as Outlook has "Asssitant phone number".)

In all this a "card" has no useful place I can see.  Nor is there a 1-1 
correspondence between it and anything except for possibly SocialEntity.  So I 
would be in favour of the practice of translating VCards into information about 
a Social Entity (or an Organization or a Person), and not a card.


On 2011-01 -04, at 09:03, Dave Reynolds wrote:

> On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 13:28 +0100, William Waites wrote: 
>> * [2011-01-04 11:49:43 +] Dave Reynolds  
>> écrit:
>> ] Is VCard that bad? It fits your example below just fine.
>> The only problem I see with the example is that we don't have counties
>> in Scotland, we have districts. In Quebec and Louisiana and other
>> historically catholic places we have parishes. Is Scotland a "state"
>> in the American sense, not really. You could use things like vc:county
>> and vc:state and just say that the naming is bad, I guess.
> Agreed, that's one reason not to make up another set of address terms
> such as Phil's ex: examples.
> The vcard terms (locality, region) strike me as reasonably neutral
> whereas ex:county is not.

Yes.  In fact, a convention for mapping between them
would be useful, even if it is in the comments in the ontology
so that if you click though from locality is says "such as a city (US) or 
parish (Scotland)".
Guidance for ontology users in the ontology file is useful.

(Presumably e.g. OSX's Address Book has defined this mapping as they
will format all your addresses (whatever country they are in) in your chosen
local style of any of many countries.)


contact point   
comment A place, or mobile situation, with address, phone number, fax, etc. 
Related to a person by home, office, etc. Note one person's workplace may be 
another person's home. A person may have more than one home and more than one 
workplace. (In practice it sometimes maybe useful with restriucted datasets to 
assume that this is not the case, when extracting data from other ontologies 
with no concept of ContactLocation). Strongly related to a person: in some ways 
a role that a person can be in.
label   contact point
label   fax
subClassOf  phone
Language Code   
label   mobile
subClassOf  phone
subClassOf  phone
comment A person in the normal sense of the word.
subClassOf  Social Entity
comment  An end-point in the public swiitched telephone system. Anything 
identified by a URI with tel: scheme is in this class.
label   phone
Social Entity   
comment The sort of thing which can have a phone number. Typically a person or 
an incorporated company, or unincorporated group.
subject to change   
label   subject to change
address Property
domain  contact point
label   address
range   Address
comment A person (or other agent) who is an assistant to the subject.
label   assistant
domain  Social Entity
range   Date
domain  Address
domain  Address
department Name 
domain  Person
comment emailAddress is a string. Use of this is discouraged. Use :mailbox 
domain  Social Entity
label   email
rangeEmail Address

emergency only  
domain  Person
label   emergency only
range   contact point
family Name 
domain  Person

Re: Is vCard range restriction on org:siteAddress necessary?

2011-01-04 Thread Phil Archer
Thanks everyone for the replies. OK, I'm going to try and use vCard like 
it says!

Dave R - thanks for the example of one location having 2 addresses. I 
thought that such a thing might be possible but couldn't think of an 
example. I was thinking about shared office space but that didn't lead 
to separate address labels for a single site within an org chart.

Keith - yes, the RDF encoding of vCard is very good... at encoding vCard.

Here's a repeat of my (very close to real world, Dave C) example:

 a org:Site ;
  ex:addressLine1 "Unit 5" ;
  ex:addressLine2 "Example Industrial Estate" ;
  ex:town "Westbury" ;
  ex:county "Wiltshire" ;
  ex:country "United Kingdom" ;
  os:postcode <.../postcodeunit/EX11EX> ;
  geo:lat "51.2569489" ;
  geo:long "-2.2007225" .

If my understanding of vCard is correct then what follows is a valid 
conversion (I don't claim that this is the only valid interpretation):

 a org:Site;
  org:siteAddress  .

 a v:Address ;
  v:extended-address "Unit 5" ;
  v:street-address "Example Industrial Estate" ;
  v:locality "Westbury" ;
  v:region "Wiltshire" ;
  v:postal-code "EX1 1EX"
  v:country-name "United Kingdom" ;
  os:postcode <.../postcodeunit/EX11EX> ;
  geo:lat "51.2569489" ;
  v:latitude  "51.2569489" ;
  v:longitude "-2.2007225" ;
  geo:long "-2.2007225" ;
"""Unit 5,
Example Industrial Estate,
EX1 1EX,
United Kingdom""" .

(btw I've gone back to the RFC for vCard [1] to find out that the order 
of elements for an address is:

post office box;
extended address;
street address;
locality (e.g., city);
region (e.g., state or province);
postal code;
country name.)

I've used the top level class of 'Address' since it doesn't feel right 
to call this a work address. Is it OK to go straight from an org:site to 
v:Address without going through v:VCard first?

Dave suggested using Label, which seems sensible, but that gets 
confusing, I think anyway, when considering the label property, the 
value for which is a pre-formatted string that can be printed and stuck 
on an envelope (the triple quotes come courtesy of the Turtle spec at [2]).

I've included the OS postcode data (which is one of the drivers for this 
work in the first place) as well as the geo Lat/long.

I guess the underlying question here is: is this what you have in mind, 
Dave? Is this kind of modelling useful, over and above including address 
info directly as properties of the site?



On 04/01/2011 13:39, Dave Reynolds wrote:

On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 12:38 +, Alexander Dutton wrote:

On 04/01/11 11:49, Dave Reynolds wrote:

The separation between the Site and the address isn't necessary in
general, but it is necessary in order to reuse vcard. An org:Site isn't
a vcard:Address [*] hence the need for the indirection.

I think there's some confusion between the vCard and the address.

You are right, my response wasn't clear - my head is not properly
rebooted after the holidays :)

At one point we had considered having org:siteAddress point directly to
a vcard:Address, hence my confusing response.  However, in the end we
wanted to allow all the vcard properties (not just addresses) without
conflating a site with its vcard.

would have said that:

[] a org:Site, v:VCard ;
 v:adr [
   ex:addressLine1 "Unit 5" ;
   # or (if you prefer)
   a v:Address ;
   v:street-address "Unit 5" ;

I agree that addresses are not the same as sites, but I'm not sure that
there's any need to use the org:siteAddress property to distinguish a
site from its v:VCard. Using v:adr with an org:Site maintains that
separation without needing the intermediate resource.

It's arguable either way.

The semantics of what it means to be a vcard:VCard aren't that precise
but I've tended to regard is as a representation of a glorified business
card (i.e. a description of an information record, a "directory" entry
to use the IETF terminology) rather than a representation of a physical
or virtual location.

I can't see a clear cut practical problem with the conflation but prefer
the conservative approach of keeping them separate. That makes it easy
to extend org:Site without worrying if that fits with the dual
interpretation as a VCard. For example, an extension which talked about
the physical size and population of an org:Site would be natural but I'm
not sure they would make sense as attributes of a vcard.

In principle, a Site could also have multiple vcards for different uses
(e.g. a Goods-in back entrance with its own street address, map and
phone number separate from the main reception but part of the same
physical site).

The vCard ontology doesn't give a general property for linking a thing
to its v:VCard, which suggests to me that the only way to discover
addresses in the general case is when properties in the vCard namespace
are applied directl

Re: Is vCard range restriction on org:siteAddress necessary?

2011-01-04 Thread Dave Reynolds
On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 13:28 +0100, William Waites wrote: 
> * [2011-01-04 11:49:43 +] Dave Reynolds  écrit:
> ] Is VCard that bad? It fits your example below just fine.
> The only problem I see with the example is that we don't have counties
> in Scotland, we have districts. In Quebec and Louisiana and other
> historically catholic places we have parishes. Is Scotland a "state"
> in the American sense, not really. You could use things like vc:county
> and vc:state and just say that the naming is bad, I guess.

Agreed, that's one reason not to make up another set of address terms
such as Phil's ex: examples.

The vcard terms (locality, region) strike me as reasonably neutral
whereas ex:county is not.


Re: Is vCard range restriction on org:siteAddress necessary?

2011-01-04 Thread Dave Reynolds
On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 12:38 +, Alexander Dutton wrote: 
> On 04/01/11 11:49, Dave Reynolds wrote:
> > The separation between the Site and the address isn't necessary in
> > general, but it is necessary in order to reuse vcard. An org:Site isn't
> > a vcard:Address [*] hence the need for the indirection.
> I think there's some confusion between the vCard and the address. 

You are right, my response wasn't clear - my head is not properly
rebooted after the holidays :)

At one point we had considered having org:siteAddress point directly to
a vcard:Address, hence my confusing response.  However, in the end we
wanted to allow all the vcard properties (not just addresses) without
conflating a site with its vcard.

> I 
> would have said that:
> [] a org:Site, v:VCard ;
> v:adr [
>   ex:addressLine1 "Unit 5" ;
>   # or (if you prefer)
>   a v:Address ;
>   v:street-address "Unit 5" ;
>   …
> ]
> I agree that addresses are not the same as sites, but I'm not sure that 
> there's any need to use the org:siteAddress property to distinguish a 
> site from its v:VCard. Using v:adr with an org:Site maintains that 
> separation without needing the intermediate resource.

It's arguable either way.

The semantics of what it means to be a vcard:VCard aren't that precise
but I've tended to regard is as a representation of a glorified business
card (i.e. a description of an information record, a "directory" entry
to use the IETF terminology) rather than a representation of a physical
or virtual location. 

I can't see a clear cut practical problem with the conflation but prefer
the conservative approach of keeping them separate. That makes it easy
to extend org:Site without worrying if that fits with the dual
interpretation as a VCard. For example, an extension which talked about
the physical size and population of an org:Site would be natural but I'm
not sure they would make sense as attributes of a vcard.

In principle, a Site could also have multiple vcards for different uses
(e.g. a Goods-in back entrance with its own street address, map and
phone number separate from the main reception but part of the same
physical site).
> The vCard ontology doesn't give a general property for linking a thing 
> to its v:VCard, which suggests to me that the only way to discover 
> addresses in the general case is when properties in the vCard namespace 
> are applied directly to people, places, etc. (In other words the v:VCard 
> class simply means "a thing to which addresses, phone numbers, etc are 
> attached".)

I think it reflects more the nature of the vcard IETF spec (i.e. a
specification of a content type for directory information) separate from
the RDF usage of associating a directory entry with some entity.


Re: Is vCard range restriction on org:siteAddress necessary?

2011-01-04 Thread Keith Alexander
On Tue, 04 Jan 2011 11:49:43 -, Dave Reynolds  

Hi Phil,

On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 10:32 +, Phil Archer wrote:

I'm doing a bit of grunt work on some data about companies and want to
remodel relevant sections using the org vocabulary [1]. But... I'd
rather not be forced to use vCard for the address info (because UK
addresses don't fit the vCard model particularly well. You can make them
fit, but it's a metric peg in an imperial-sized hole).

Is VCard that bad? It fits your example below just fine.

Part of the design goals were to reuse existing vocabularies where
possible. Since VCard is pretty widely used for contact details it
seemed like the obvious choice and preferable to getting bogged down in
defining another addressing vocabulary without a strong reason.

Further, does address info need to be in a separate class from the site
info? In other words, what's the argument for /not/ doing:

[] a org:Site ; 
   ex:addressLine1 "Unit 5" ;
   ex:addressLine2 "Exemplary Industrial Estate" ;
   ex:town "Anytown" ;
   ex:county "Anycounty" ;
   ex:country "United Kingdom" ;
   os:postcode <...postcodeunit/EX11EX> ; 
   geo:lat "51.2569489" ;
   geo:long "-2.2007225" .


The separation between the Site and the address isn't necessary in
general, but it is necessary in order to reuse vcard. An org:Site isn't
a vcard:Address [*] hence the need for the indirection.

I'm not sure it would make sense to drop the range restriction on
org:siteAddress, given that it is there specifically to support the
vcard style.

So are there alternative addressing vocabs we should be supporting
instead of, or as well as, vcard?

Or is there a flaw in vcard sufficient to justifying creating an org
extension to use for addressing instead of vcard?

I personally find these things tricky about vCard:

1. It often separates things into related nodes where it would seem more  
natural just to have them all as literal properties of the same node (as  
above, with addresses).
2. It's not clear how vcard objects (v:Address, v:VCard , v:Tel) relate to  
"real world" things like people, companies, etc.

If I remember right, the answer given before (I think on this list, by  
Harry Halpin) is to live with the inference that  you are both a  
foaf:Person and a v:VCard, as it is fairly harmless.

You could  do the same with org:Site and v:Address - why not?[1] defines properties that you can attach directly to  
your resource, but I'd hesitate to use it because the namespace URI  
doesn't dereference, and because I am wary of using a vocabulary with a  
lifespan bound so tightly to the protocol/application that consumes it.

I think the vCard RDF ontology authors did a fine job, but I suspect that  
vCard may not have been the best starting point for an RDF addresses  
vocabulary, because it is based on a format used by particular  
applications, not around describing things in the real world and how they  
relate. With RDF, we (mostly) want to describe the real world.


Keith Alexander



[*] I think of it as a vcard:Address representing an address label, a
structured version of the vcard:Label formatted label, rather than a
geographic entity. For example, in vcard the geo coordinates are
associated with the VCard not the Address.

Re: Is vCard range restriction on org:siteAddress necessary?

2011-01-04 Thread William Waites
* [2011-01-04 11:49:43 +] Dave Reynolds  écrit:

] Is VCard that bad? It fits your example below just fine.

The only problem I see with the example is that we don't have counties
in Scotland, we have districts. In Quebec and Louisiana and other
historically catholic places we have parishes. Is Scotland a "state"
in the American sense, not really. You could use things like vc:county
and vc:state and just say that the naming is bad, I guess.

Geonames tackles this problem in a language-neutral way by having
several levels of administrative areas but they also construct a
hierarchy which might be a little verbose for this use case.

William Waites 
9C7E F636 52F6 1004 E40A  E565 98E3 BBF3 8320 7664

Re: Is vCard range restriction on org:siteAddress necessary?

2011-01-04 Thread Dave Reynolds
Hi Phil,

On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 10:32 +, Phil Archer wrote: 
> I'm doing a bit of grunt work on some data about companies and want to 
> remodel relevant sections using the org vocabulary [1]. But... I'd 
> rather not be forced to use vCard for the address info (because UK 
> addresses don't fit the vCard model particularly well. You can make them 
> fit, but it's a metric peg in an imperial-sized hole).

Is VCard that bad? It fits your example below just fine.

Part of the design goals were to reuse existing vocabularies where
possible. Since VCard is pretty widely used for contact details it
seemed like the obvious choice and preferable to getting bogged down in
defining another addressing vocabulary without a strong reason.

> Further, does address info need to be in a separate class from the site 
> info? In other words, what's the argument for /not/ doing:
> [] a org:Site ;   
>ex:addressLine1 "Unit 5" ;
>ex:addressLine2 "Exemplary Industrial Estate" ;
>ex:town "Anytown" ;
>ex:county "Anycounty" ;
>ex:country "United Kingdom" ;
>os:postcode <...postcodeunit/EX11EX> ; 
>geo:lat "51.2569489" ;
>geo:long "-2.2007225" .
> [1]

The separation between the Site and the address isn't necessary in
general, but it is necessary in order to reuse vcard. An org:Site isn't
a vcard:Address [*] hence the need for the indirection. 

I'm not sure it would make sense to drop the range restriction on
org:siteAddress, given that it is there specifically to support the
vcard style.

So are there alternative addressing vocabs we should be supporting
instead of, or as well as, vcard?

Or is there a flaw in vcard sufficient to justifying creating an org
extension to use for addressing instead of vcard?


[*] I think of it as a vcard:Address representing an address label, a
structured version of the vcard:Label formatted label, rather than a
geographic entity. For example, in vcard the geo coordinates are
associated with the VCard not the Address.

Is vCard range restriction on org:siteAddress necessary?

2011-01-04 Thread Phil Archer
I'm doing a bit of grunt work on some data about companies and want to 
remodel relevant sections using the org vocabulary [1]. But... I'd 
rather not be forced to use vCard for the address info (because UK 
addresses don't fit the vCard model particularly well. You can make them 
fit, but it's a metric peg in an imperial-sized hole).

Further, does address info need to be in a separate class from the site 
info? In other words, what's the argument for /not/ doing:

[] a org:Site ; 
  ex:addressLine1 "Unit 5" ;
  ex:addressLine2 "Exemplary Industrial Estate" ;
  ex:town "Anytown" ;
  ex:county "Anycounty" ;
  ex:country "United Kingdom" ;
  os:postcode <...postcodeunit/EX11EX> ;  
  geo:lat "51.2569489" ;
  geo:long "-2.2007225" .



Phil Archer
Talis Systems Ltd
Tel: +44 1473 434770
Twitter: philarcher1