Re: [whatwg] WebIDL and HTML5

2008-08-26 Thread Jonas Sicking

Garrett Smith wrote:

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 6:07 PM, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Garrett Smith wrote:

There are probably others but I can't think of them. I think the
majority of the time that strings will want to go to ToString,
booleans will want to go to ToBoolean.

That can be the default, perhaps.  But I suspect usually null should
, not null.


Note that 'null' is generally a valid value for DOMString. This doesn't seem
to be explicitly called out in the definition for DOMString. However there
are lots of functions that takes a DOMString and describes what to do when
the argument is null (as opposed to null).

So for a function like

 bool doStuff(in DOMString arg);

There is no DOM method calld doStuff. Can you provide a concrete
example? Boris couldn't think of one either. Let us first investigate
some implementations.

A quick search through the DOM Level 3 Core gives:

The generic statement
# Applications should use the value null as the namespaceURI  parameter
# for methods if they wish to have no namespace. In programming
# languages where empty strings can be differentiated from null, empty
# strings, when given as a namespace URI, are converted to null

So here  is clearly treated as null, while null is distinct from the 
two of them.

Same thing in the hasFeature function which states

# a DOM Level 3 Core implementation who returns true for Core with the
# version number 3.0 must also return true for this feature when the
# version number is 2.0,   or, null

The function DOMStringList.item returns a DOMString with the value null 
when the index is = the length. It seems unexpected to return null 
here, though it's not explicitly clear.

NameList similarly returns the DOMString null from getName and 
getNamespaceURI under some conditions.

The function DOMImplementation.createDocument accepts null as value for 
namespaceURI and qualifiedName to indicate that no documentElement 
should be created. I would expect that passing null for those 
parameters would create an element with localname null in the 
namespace null. Effectively null xmlns=null without the xmlns 
attribute. It further states that an exception should be thrown if 
qualifiedName has a prefix but namespaceURI is null, but seems to allow 
qualifiedName having a prefix and namespaceURI being null.

The attribute Document.documentURI returns the DOMString null under 
certain conditions. It also states

# No lexical checking is performed when setting this attribute; this
# could result in a null value returned when using Node.baseURI
Which seems to indicate that you can set it to null.

The attribute Document.inputEncoding is of type DOMString and returns 
null under certain conditions.

The attribute Document.xmlEncoding is of type DOMString and returns null 
under certain conditions.

The attribute Document.xmlVersion is of type DOMString and returns null 
under certain conditions.

A lot of functions on the Document interface for creating nodes state 
that nodes are created with localName, prefix, and namespaceURI set to 
null, such as createElement. All these properties are DOMStrings. 
Further, the namespace-aware functions, such as createElementNS say to 
throw an exception if the qualifiedName parameter has a prefix but 
namespaceURI is null. It makes no such statement if the namespaceURI is 

I'm actually going to stop here. There are plenty of references in the 
spec to DOMStrings having the value null. So while it's not specifically 
clear in the definition of DOMString it seems clear to me that null is a 
valid value for DOMString. So no conversion using any conversion 
operator is needed. Thus I don't think talking about what ToString does 
is relevant to the discussion.

Further, many of functions in the DOM Level 3 Core spec treat null as 
, not as null. All the namespace aware factory functions on the 
Document interface does so, DOMImplementation.hasFeature does so, 
Element.getAttributeNS does so.

type of conversion is needed at all. However most functions in the DOM spec
does not define behavior for the null value, so we have chosen to treat it
as the the empty string as that seems like the most sensible behavior.

It is not something that can or should be generally relied upon
because it is not standardized and indeed works differently in
implementations. Please also review the example I provided earlier,
assigning an object as a css property value.

In your example, if I understand it correctly, you are passing it 
something that is not a valid DOMString. In that case I absolutely agree 
that using ToString to convert it to a string is the right thing to do.

However when null is passed that is not the case.

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] WebIDL and HTML5

2008-08-26 Thread Boris Zbarsky

Garrett Smith wrote:

That can be the default, perhaps.  But I suspect usually null should
, not null.


Honestly?  Because that's what Firefox does right now, except in certain

That is not true. Firefox has Spidermonkey.

The Spidermonkey part is irrelevant for purposes of this discussion, 
except in places where JS_ValueToString is used (basically DOM0 
special-cases).  What matters is the XPConnect glue layer which converts 
JS function calls into C++ function calls in the general case.

In fact, the relevant code for Gecko 1.9 is right here:


It converts a JSVAL_NULL into an empty nsAString with the IS_VOID bit set.

Firefox' 3.1 (Minefield) implementation produces a
different result as

Indeed, because the latter goes through XPconnect, which converts 
undefined to undefined for some odd reason.


Re: [whatwg] WebIDL and HTML5

2008-08-26 Thread Boris Zbarsky

Garrett Smith wrote:

There is no DOM method calld doStuff. Can you provide a concrete
example? Boris couldn't think of one either.

Uh, what?  You never said, I don't understand that this applies to all 
DOM methods that take a DOMString, so I'd like to have some specific 

In any case, here's a simple example:

javascript:try { alert(document.createElement(null).localName); } 
catch(e) { alert(e) }

In some UAs that alerts null, in some it throws an exception because 
createElement() is not valid.  Just try it.

No, but there should be a need to call ToString.

The thing is, ToString is lossy.  Once called, there is no way to tell 
apart null and null.  However, there are DOM methods which require 
different behavior for the two (e.g. createElementNS and so forth, which 
I did explicitly mention earlier, contrary to your counldn't think of 
one either business).

Similarly, there are DOM methods that require different behavior for 
null and .  Specific examples include the proposed DOM style set APIs, 
DOMImplementation.createDocument. There are also cases where returning 
null and returning  are not equivalent.  inputEncoding is an example.

It is not something that can or should be generally relied upon
because it is not standardized and indeed works differently in

Yes.  The whole point is to standardize it.

Considering your argument for serializing null -  being the most
sensible, I disagree.

It's sensible in the context of the large number of DOM methods that 
treat the two as equivalent (again, all the *NS methods in DOM3 Core).


Re: XDomainRequest Integration with AC

2008-08-26 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Fri, 08 Aug 2008 20:44:04 +0200, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The big worry I have though is if there is any possibility to puny  
encode the same origin in multiple ways (other than with or without  
default port). This could lead to different UAs encoding the same origin  
in different ways, which could lead to interoperability issues if sites  
rather than echoing the 'Origin' header always send out a static value  
for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.

Is that possible? I don't think it is. Domain names follow a strict set of  
normalization rules. (That would also mean the Origin header could contain  
different values depending on the implementation, which is not the case.)

In general, I don't think it's a lot of work to require a strict  
same-origin check. All browsers should have such an algorithm  
implemented anyway.

True, but if we can make things simpler that seems better.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: [access-control] Proposal

2008-08-26 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Tue, 15 Jul 2008 01:02:58 +0200, Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Since implementations need answers to various open issues soonish and  
I'm leaving on vacation roughly two days from now I'll propose various  
solutions here and try to integrate them in drafts later on:

I made the changes to the Access Control for Cross-Site Requests  
specification as described below. From discussion it seemed that everyone  
could agree to this fortunately. (Although there was some discussion on  
whether or not the Access-Control-Allow-Origin value syntax needed  


Access-Control-Origin - Access-Control-Allow-Origin

Access-Control-Credentials - Access-Control-Allow-Credentials


Parsing Access-Control-Allow-Origin will have a check to ensure that  
path is empty. If it is non-empty the network error steps will be  
applied. We keep the separate header for credentials to keep the origin  
concept orthogonal from the credentials flag.

This changed to become a simple string comparison. Effectively, between  
the value of Origin and Access-Control-Allow-Origin.


We limit the amount of Content-Type header values people can set for the  
simple cross-site POST request to those you can use with HTML forms  
today. This list will not become a fixed list until we work out how  
Access Control for Cross-Site Requests will work together with HTML5  

I have not yet made this change to XMLHttpRequest Level 2, but the Access  
Control specification does support the architecture required for it:


The XMLHttpRequest interface will gain a withCredentials boolean DOM  
attribute. The value of that attribute is used during send() and stored  
in memory when send() is invoked so an event listener dispatched  
between send() being invoked and the request happening cannot change it.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: [whatwg] WebIDL and HTML5

2008-08-26 Thread Garrett Smith

On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 5:38 AM, Boris Zbarsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Garrett Smith wrote:

 There is no DOM method calld doStuff. Can you provide a concrete
 example? Boris couldn't think of one either.

 Uh, what?  You never said, I don't understand that this applies to all DOM
 methods that take a DOMString, so I'd like to have some specific examples.

I did ask. Here's what I wrote:

| Are there other examples for if the argument is null or
| undefined...?
| There are probably others but I can't think of them. I think the
| majority of the time that strings will want to go to ToString,
| booleans will want to go to ToBoolean.

 In any case, here's a simple example:

 javascript:try { alert(document.createElement(null).localName); } catch(e) {
 alert(e) }

 In some UAs that alerts null, in some it throws an exception because
 createElement() is not valid.  Just try it.

Using ToString, the following result would be obtained:


// create a null element.

// Create an a element.
document.createElement( { toString: function(){ return a; }} );

document.createElement( new String(div) );

To simulate the ToString effect, use String( arg ); (do not use new

 No, but there should be a need to call ToString.

 The thing is, ToString is lossy.  Once called, there is no way to tell apart
 null and null.  However, there are DOM methods which require different
 behavior for the two (e.g. createElementNS and so forth, which I did
 explicitly mention earlier, contrary to your counldn't think of one either

After the method createElement(null) is called, there will be no need
to tell apart null and null. I see that. Why is that a problem?

You said that null - null is lossy. I don't think that's a valid
argument. null -  is even more lossy.

 Similarly, there are DOM methods that require different behavior for null
 and .  Specific examples include the proposed DOM style set APIs,
 DOMImplementation.createDocument. There are also cases where returning null
 and returning  are not equivalent.  inputEncoding is an example.

null and  are not equivalent. Setting a style to have the value null
should probably convert the value to null = null;

However, such applications that are already expecting such behavior
are already broken because they are relying on non-standard behavior
which is known to not work cross-browser. Setting style values to
invalid values will result in script errors in Internet Explorer. == null

Internet Explorer is more strict in that it requires a string value,
and won't call ToString. It would be useful to have the method call
ToString, because that way an object with a toString method could be
used for setting values:

var colorObject = {
  r : 16, g: 255, b: 16,
  toString : function() {
return rgb( + this.r + , + this.g + , + this.b+); }
} = colorObject;

It would seem somewhat expected that the colorObject's toString would
be called. The object's toString method would be called from the
internal ToString method.

 It is not something that can or should be generally relied upon
 because it is not standardized and indeed works differently in

 Yes.  The whole point is to standardize it.

 Considering your argument for serializing null -  being the most
 sensible, I disagree.

 It's sensible in the context of the large number of DOM methods that treat
 the two as equivalent (again, all the *NS methods in DOM3 Core).

That would be a poor design choice, because it is inconsistent with
programmer expectation. Considering that string objects are objects
and not domString, new String(div) is an object. div is a string

document.createElement( new String(div) );

- is not standardized. This would seem to create a div element,
but can't be expected to. Nor is:-


Should this create a textNode 0 or ?

I would argue that the former is a little more intuitive. And if the
programmer explicitly uses:-


should probably create a text node with the value null. It is harder
to debug null to  but null to null is easy to debug.

Null is not the same as no value. Null is a type, having one value:-
null. The value null is a primitive value in EcmaScript. It is the
only member of the Null type.

Generally, a domstring argument could go through some sort of string
conversion to get a string value. The conversion that it should go
through is the standard one defined by EcmaScript internal ToString.



Re: [whatwg] WebIDL and HTML5

2008-08-26 Thread Boris Zbarsky

Garrett Smith wrote:

Using ToString, the following result would be obtained:

Yes, I know what you get with ToString.

After the method createElement(null) is called, there will be no need
to tell apart null and null. I see that. Why is that a problem?

There are other methods where you DO need to tell them apart, of course. 
 All the *NS methods, for example.

You said that null - null is lossy. I don't think that's a valid
argument. null -  is even more lossy.

Yes, which is why we need a way in IDL to specify exactly what happens 
to null in different cases.  We need a one-to-many mapping here, and 
just doing a single-input-single-output function like ToString doesn't 
cover all cases.

null and  are not equivalent. Setting a style to have the value null
should probably convert the value to null = null;

I'd be fine with that (though I'd worry about compat issues), but that 
doesn't address the fact that in some cases null does need to be 
converted to , or treated just like .

That would be a poor design choice

Which?  And on whose part?


Should this create a textNode 0 or ?

Or throw a typeError?

Null is not the same as no value. Null is a type, having one value:-
null. The value null is a primitive value in EcmaScript. It is the
only member of the Null type.

Yes, yes.  We all know that, and you've repeated it multiple times.  I 
sort of feel like we're talking in circles here.

One last time, the facts:

1)  There are DOM methods that accept DOMString arguments or return
DOMString values.
2)  In general, such methods need to be able to tell apart null and all
string values (including  and null).
3)  The behavior of null is almost always either that of  or that of
null.  Which one depends on the exact DOM method.

Therefore, the proposal is to annotate DOM DOMString arguments to DOM 
methods with some indication of whether null should be treated as  or 
as null, or as some value not equal to any string.  One of these three 
options can be the default; the other two then require explicit annotation.

Are we on the same page so far?


Re: [whatwg] WebIDL and HTML5

2008-08-26 Thread Garrett Smith

On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 9:22 AM, Boris Zbarsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Garrett Smith wrote:

 Using ToString, the following result would be obtained:

 Yes, I know what you get with ToString.

 After the method createElement(null) is called, there will be no need
 to tell apart null and null. I see that. Why is that a problem?

 There are other methods where you DO need to tell them apart, of course.
  All the *NS methods, for example.

 You said that null - null is lossy. I don't think that's a valid
 argument. null -  is even more lossy.

 Yes, which is why we need a way in IDL to specify exactly what happens to
 null in different cases.  We need a one-to-many mapping here, and just doing
 a single-input-single-output function like ToString doesn't cover all cases.

 null and  are not equivalent. Setting a style to have the value null
 should probably convert the value to null = null;

 I'd be fine with that (though I'd worry about compat issues), but that
 doesn't address the fact that in some cases null does need to be converted
 to , or treated just like .

 That would be a poor design choice

 Which?  And on whose part?


 Should this create a textNode 0 or ?

 Or throw a typeError?

A TypeError might seem technically correct for a native method,
however, most dom methods raise a dom exception.

An implementation that created a text node with value 0 would be non-standard.

 Null is not the same as no value. Null is a type, having one value:-
 null. The value null is a primitive value in EcmaScript. It is the
 only member of the Null type.

 Yes, yes.  We all know that, and you've repeated it multiple times.  I sort
 of feel like we're talking in circles here.

It is primary point of my argument. However, considering your claim, I
am not certain that everyone here knows that and the discussion seems
to give good indication. I can find further indication in WebIDL[1]:-

| A scoped name that resolves to a boxed valuetype is
| used to refer to a type that corresponds to the set of
| values for the type being boxed, plus the special value null,
| which indicates no value.

Null isn't a special value. The value null is of Type Null. null in
EcmaScript is not the same as null in Java.

 One last time, the facts:

 1)  There are DOM methods that accept DOMString arguments or return
DOMString values.


 2)  In general, such methods need to be able to tell apart null and all
string values (including  and null).

They need to determine value type so that they can either throw or
handle. null, 0, undefined, new String('x'), are all not strings.

 3)  The behavior of null is almost always either that of  or that of
null.  Which one depends on the exact DOM method.

That is false. null has no behavior. Methods have behavior. For
example, EcmaScript's internal ToString has a behavior of converting
null to null. That is a behavior.

There are (currently) 5 non-string value types: Object (which includes
String object), or any of other 4 primitive types (null, undefined,
number, boolean). How do you want to map all of these? Exception for
number? Exception for Object would be OK, but is somewhat against what
programmers want and expect[2]. What about String Objects? Throwing on
a String object would confuse Java programmers who are dabbling in web

1. Specifying null to be interpreted as  is inconsistent with
EcmaScript's string conversion ToString.
2. Debugging null -  is difficult. Programmers that pass null to
objects such as createElement, et c, are using non-standard behavior
that doesn't work consistently across current implementations. Such
programs are buggy.
3. There are many value types that may be passed to DOM methods. The
DOM methods that require domstring should either require a string
value, or should allow conversion to a string value.
4. Creating special cases for mapping/converting non-string values
would introduce complexity.

Methods that accept a domstring could:
1) raise exception for null/undefined
2) convert the argument that is not a string to a string,
3) raise exception if the argument is not a string
4) 1 and 2.

Option (1): Would make bugs more apparent.
Option (2): Could be made to be consistent with EcmaScript ToString,
for consistency.
Option (3): Would make bugs more apparent, but would go against
programmer expectation[2]
Option (4): Would make some bugs more apparent, but would also allow
programmers to pass an object where a string was required.

The options that you seem to favor is (2), and I don't have a problem
with that. What I do have a problem with is making up a new string
conversion mapping and calling null a string with no value. That's
just wrong. The downside to making up a new string conversion mapping
is that it introduces complexity, doesn't account for other primitives
or objects, and conflicts with a perfectly good existing standard,
EcmaScript's ToString.


Re: [whatwg] WebIDL and HTML5

2008-08-26 Thread Jonas Sicking

Garrett Smith wrote:

In some UAs that alerts null, in some it throws an exception because
createElement() is not valid.  Just try it.

Using ToString, the following result would be obtained:


// create a null element.

// Create an a element.
document.createElement( { toString: function(){ return a; }} );

document.createElement( new String(div) );

To simulate the ToString effect, use String( arg ); (do not use new

Exactly, this shows that converting null to null is undesirable for 
some functions.

No, but there should be a need to call ToString.

The thing is, ToString is lossy.  Once called, there is no way to tell apart
null and null.  However, there are DOM methods which require different
behavior for the two (e.g. createElementNS and so forth, which I did
explicitly mention earlier, contrary to your counldn't think of one either

After the method createElement(null) is called, there will be no need
to tell apart null and null. I see that. Why is that a problem?

Not sure what you are saying here.

You said that null - null is lossy. I don't think that's a valid
argument. null -  is even more lossy.

Both conversions are lossy yes. The correct solution is to do no 
conversion. As I've stated many times, null is a valid value for 
DOMString and so no conversion is needed in the general case.

However for some function *implementations* treating giving null and  
as an input argument will yield the same result, such as createElement.

Similarly, there are DOM methods that require different behavior for null
and .  Specific examples include the proposed DOM style set APIs,
DOMImplementation.createDocument. There are also cases where returning null
and returning  are not equivalent.  inputEncoding is an example.

null and  are not equivalent. Setting a style to have the value null
should probably convert the value to null

What do you base that on? Can you point to any specs that state that 
that is the correct thing, or any webpages that expect that behavior?

Internet Explorer is more strict in that it requires a string value,
and won't call ToString. It would be useful to have the method call
ToString, because that way an object with a toString method could be
used for setting values:

var colorObject = {
  r : 16, g: 255, b: 16,
  toString : function() {
return rgb( + this.r + , + this.g + , + this.b+); }
} = colorObject;

It would seem somewhat expected that the colorObject's toString would
be called. The object's toString method would be called from the
internal ToString method.

I agree it seems useful to use ToString as a conversion method when an 
argument of type DOMString is passed something that isn't a valid 
DOMString value.

Null is not the same as no value. Null is a type, having one value:-
null. The value null is a primitive value in EcmaScript. It is the
only member of the Null type.

As far the the DOM spec goes the value null is a bit special. It isn't 
simply a value valid for the Null type. null is also a valid value for 
many other types. For example Node.insertBefore takes as a second 
argument a Node, however passing null is a valid value to pass. So null 
is a valid value for the type Node.

I argue that there is very strong indication in the spec that null is 
also a valid value for the type DOMString. Camerons mail also supports this.

/ Jonas

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] WebIDL and HTML5

2008-08-26 Thread Garrett Smith

On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 1:04 PM, Andrew Oakley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Garrett Smith wrote:

 You can assign the Array methods to the NodeList prototype, they're

 I'm going to take slice as an example here - lets say you wanted the first n
 nodes in a NodeList (no, I don't see how that would be useful, but lets
 pretend that it is).

slice is often used for the purpose of creating a new Array based on
the NodeList.;

- to obtain an array.

NodeList and Array are two separate beasts.

Array generics are useful, but provide mixed results in
implementations when using NodeList as the thisArg. For example:-

every, filter, forEach, reverse, some, sort, slice.

-only slice will work in IE and even that is now broken in IE8b1.

 2) NodeList is an interface and should not have any implementation.
 Even in browsers that expose a NodeList object, it cannot be

 WebIDL is here to specify the behavior.  In ECMAScript there is no such
 thing as an interface, so WebIDL maps them to what it refers to as
 interface objects and interface prototype objects.  It would seem
 reasonable that you cannot call functions on these objects directly, or that
 functions could appear further down the prototype chain than is implied by
 the IDL (as long as the function appears on all the relevant DOM objects).
  In any case adding a new function should work if WebIDL has been followed.

EcmaScript doesn't have interfaces, but it does have objects.
Ducktyping is a common practice, and is why the Array generics are so
useful with NodeList (if IE had more robust Array methods). An
EcmaScript object that implements a dom interface would be provided by
the browser. The interface wouldn't have to be provided by the
browser. So, document.body should return an object that implements
Node, Element, HTMLBodyElement interfaces. There is no need for the
environment to modify those interfaces, and doing so could potentially
cause problems and make the web page less stable.

 3) You answered a question for which no need was demonstrated, and
 provided no example.

 I could argue that there is no need for interactive web pages at all (they
 tend to annoy me), but we want to be flexible.

Businesses want to make rich, featureful software-as-a-service. It is
a common business model and is very useful.

 javascript:try{ alert(;
 } catch(ex){alert(ex.message);}

 Should err out in step 7 of push attempting to set the length property.

 I believe length is read-only on a NodeList, and assigning to read-only
 members in ECMAScript fails silently.  So we should carry on regardless.

You are partially correct. The correct part is that assigning a value
to a native EcmaScript object property that has the attribute ReadOnly
will fail silently, as per Ecma-262 r3, [[Put]](P, V)[1]. For

Math.max.length = 10;
= 2

However, assigning to a readonly DOM property should raise a DOMException[2]*.

document.childNodes.length = 10;

Safari: No Error
Firefox: Error, setting a property that has only a getter.
IE: I can't start windows :-(

Opera has the official standard behavior.

You are confusing DOM readonly and EcmaScript ReadOnly. These are not
the same ReadOnly.

* The one way to usurp that is in some cases for HTMLCollection, to
create a property with the name/id of the readonly property. For
example, to modify the length property of a form, create an element
with the name length and give it the value you desire. This is not
yet standard, but is implicitly specified in WF 2.0 WD, section 7.1.
This fails in Firefox. It is my opinion that it is a bad feature.

 Modifying host objects is a very bad idea. NodeList is an Interface.
 An interface should have no implementation. Even if you really wanted
 to follow Ian's advice, it wouldn't work.

 OK, I'll agree that in general its a bad idea, and all hell breaks loose if
 you have multiple windows.  But it should be specified in WebIDL, and if the
 document implies that it should work (which it does) and it is not a
 requirement for it to work, then it should say so (and preferably explain

Granting programs access to native interfaces makes the program less
stable. It also changes the meaning of the word interface to mean
something that I don't know what it is. For example, an Interface
cannot have a constructor, yet in WebIDL[4]:-

| An ECMAScript implementation supporting these interfaces
| would have a [[Construct]] property on the Circle interface
| object which would return a new object that implements the
| interface.

- defines a type of interface that implements [[Construct]].

Interfaces are used to describe objects. They should be flexible. They
should not provide any implementation. An object can be defined to
implement many interfaces and should not have any one of those
interfaces be a constructor.

Re: [whatwg] WebIDL and HTML5

2008-08-26 Thread Jonas Sicking

One last time, the facts:

1)  There are DOM methods that accept DOMString arguments or return
   DOMString values.


Sounds like you agree here.

2)  In general, such methods need to be able to tell apart null and all
   string values (including  and null).

They need to determine value type so that they can either throw or
handle. null, 0, undefined, new String('x'), are all not strings.

Sounds like you agree here too?

3)  The behavior of null is almost always either that of  or that of
   null.  Which one depends on the exact DOM method.

That is false. null has no behavior. Methods have behavior. For
example, EcmaScript's internal ToString has a behavior of converting
null to null. That is a behavior.

You aren't actually answering Boris question, but rather point out a
grammatical error in the question. So let me repeat the question with
the grammatical error fixed. Please do excuse any other grammar errors I
introduce as English is a second language to me.

3)  The behavior of the function when null is passed as value for an
argument is almost always either that of  or that of null.
Which one depends on the exact DOM method.

Do you agree with this?

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] WebIDL and HTML5

2008-08-26 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Aug 26, 2008, at 5:22 PM, Garrett Smith wrote:

On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 4:47 PM, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

So let me repeat the question with
the grammatical error fixed. Please do excuse any other grammar  
errors I

introduce as English is a second language to me.

3)  The behavior of the function when null is passed as value for an
  argument is almost always either that of  or that of null.
  Which one depends on the exact DOM method.

Do you agree with this?

No, I do not agree. If the parameter type is domstring, and null is
not allowed, and the caller passes null, then the current behavior is

1) What DOM methods or attributes are specified to take a DOMString  
but disallow null? At least some DOM methods clearly specify how null  
should be treated when passed as the value for a DOMString parameter.  
There are also many DOM methods and attributes that are not specified  
anywhere (except perhaps in the unstable HTML5 Working Draft), which  
thus currently have implementation-defined behavior. And many other  
methods do not specifically say null is either allowed or disallowed,  
which would lead to the presumption that it is allowed, since the  
specification of other methods assumes it matches the DOMString type.

I did not agree ever that  should be used
when null is passed as a value to an object that expects a string (or
dom method that expects a domstring). I believe that in the

el.textContent = null;

- with the options:-
a) raise exception
b) textContent is set to null
c) textContent is set to 

Option (c) is wrong.
Option (b) would be marginally useful in a few cases
Option (a) would be helpful in some cases (finding bugs)

Option (a) is unacceptable for the following reasons:

1) It does not match existing implementations and thus would likely  
break compatibility with existing content.

2) It violates the DOM Level 3 Core specification, which says: On  
setting, any possible children this node may have are removed and, if  
it the new string is not empty or null, replaced by a single Text node  
containing the string this attribute is set to. Thus, clearly  
assigning null to textContent must remove all children of the node. 

In fact your option (c) appears to be mandated by the spec. Can you  
explain why you stated that it is wrong?

Can you explain the reasoning behind your strongly held views on null  
used as a string parameter, since they do not seem to line up with  
either the DOM specifications or with existing implementations? I can  
sympathize with a desire for the handling for null to be clean and  
elegant, but unfortunately existing implementations, content and specs  
do not allow for such a possibility.


Re: [whatwg] WebIDL and HTML5

2008-08-26 Thread Garrett Smith

On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 6:52 PM, Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 26, 2008, at 5:22 PM, Garrett Smith wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 4:47 PM, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So let me repeat the question with
 the grammatical error fixed. Please do excuse any other grammar errors I
 introduce as English is a second language to me.

 3)  The behavior of the function when null is passed as value for an
  argument is almost always either that of  or that of null.
  Which one depends on the exact DOM method.

 Do you agree with this?

 No, I do not agree. If the parameter type is domstring, and null is
 not allowed, and the caller passes null, then the current behavior is

 1) What DOM methods or attributes are specified to take a DOMString but
 disallow null? At least some DOM methods clearly specify how null should be
 treated when passed as the value for a DOMString parameter. There are also
 many DOM methods and attributes that are not specified anywhere (except
 perhaps in the unstable HTML5 Working Draft), which thus currently have
 implementation-defined behavior. And many other methods do not specifically
 say null is either allowed or disallowed, which would lead to the
 presumption that it is allowed, since the specification of other methods
 assumes it matches the DOMString type.

 I did not agree ever that  should be used
 when null is passed as a value to an object that expects a string (or
 dom method that expects a domstring). I believe that in the

 el.textContent = null;

 - with the options:-
 a) raise exception
 b) textContent is set to null
 c) textContent is set to 

 Option (c) is wrong.
 Option (b) would be marginally useful in a few cases
 Option (a) would be helpful in some cases (finding bugs)

 Option (a) is unacceptable for the following reasons:

 1) It does not match existing implementations and thus would likely break
 compatibility with existing content.

 2) It violates the DOM Level 3 Core specification, which says: On setting,
 any possible children this node may have are removed and, if it the new
 string is not empty or null, replaced by a single Text node containing the
 string this attribute is set to. Thus, clearly assigning null to
 textContent must remove all children of the node.

 In fact your option (c) appears to be mandated by the spec. Can you explain
 why you stated that it is wrong?

No, option (c) is not mandated by the spec. That is clearly not true.

| When it is defined to be null, setting it has no effect.

I don't agree that that is a good way to handle null, but it is clear
that these two:


Are specified as being different from each other. They are different
because  is the empty string and null is null. Agreed?

el.textContent = null won't work consistently across browsers. I would
argue that it ought to just set the textContent to null, since it
would make finding the bug easier. I say this because most programmers
who set textContent to null are doing so by accident, or are trying to
debug something, e.g.

var nodeRef = document.getElementById('invalid_id');
logger.log( nodeRef, INFO  ), where log() sets the textContent
property of a node.

- where nodeRef could easily be null from the call to getElementById,
and would then create a problem with the logger where nothing was
logged. It would be possible to change the Recommendation. Setting
textContent = null is not something that has seen widespread use yet
and changing Firefox and Webkit implementations would be cumbersome.

It is probably at least as likely, if not more likely, that undefined
would end up as a value passed:-

var undef;

It would be somewhat useful if this were printed out as:-


being printed in the document.body.

Other considerations:-

el.textContent = new Date(); // Should it be calling toString()?

 Can you explain the reasoning behind your strongly held views on null used
 as a string parameter, since they do not seem to line up with either the DOM
 specifications or with existing implementations? I can sympathize with a
 desire for the handling for null to be clean and elegant, but unfortunately
 existing implementations, content and specs do not allow for such a

The spec you mention makes a misfortunate mistake, however, it is not
the mistake that I am concerned with at the moment. The mistakes that
I am more strongly opposed to is the creating of a serialize mapping
of null - .

As I have previously stated, it would be inconsistent to serialize
null to something other than null.

It would be OK for the method or setter to raise on null, or to have
specified behavior if null were passed in.

The mistake is the conversion of null to the empty string.

My view on passing null to DOM methods is inconsistent with the 

Re: [whatwg] WebIDL and HTML5

2008-08-26 Thread Boris Zbarsky

Garrett Smith wrote:

Null is not the empty string.

No one claimed that it was. A number of DOM methods are specified as 
treating them equivalently, however.


Re: [whatwg] WebIDL and HTML5

2008-08-26 Thread Garrett Smith

On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 8:04 PM, Boris Zbarsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Garrett Smith wrote:

 Null is not the empty string.

 No one claimed that it was. A number of DOM methods are specified as
 treating them equivalently, however.

Well, I'm not so sure. I corresponded with Jonas who indicated that he
though null should convert to . Now Maciej seems to be confused
about textContent = null. The result should be no effect.

And we can see that the implementation of textContent = null feature
was not per spec in Firefox or Webkit, so it is apparently quite

I have created a demo which expects that setting textContent to null
will have no effect, as per DOM Core 3. The deom does not take into my
opinion that setting textContent to null should result in the
textContent being null

html lang=en
titleSetting textContent to null/title
link rel=help
link rel=author title=Garrett Smith href=mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
style type=text/css
#pass {
display: none;
background: #0F0;
#fail {
display: none;
background: #F00;
div id=elthis is the test node./div
var el = document.getElementById('el');
var orig = el.textContent;

function fail() {
  var f = document.getElementById('fail');
  var found = el.textContent; = inline-block;
  f.textContent += : expected ' + orig + ' +
  , found ' + found + ' ( + (typeof found) + );
function reset() {
el.textContent = orig;
clicks = [];
function checkPass(i) {
  clicks[i] = 1;
  if(clicks[1]  clicks[2])
document.getElementById('pass').style.display = inline-block;

button onclick=reset();el.textContent;el.textContent = null;
if(el.textContent!=orig)fail();else checkPass(1);el.textContent =
button onclick=reset();el.textContent =
'';checkPass(1);el.textContent = ''/button
button onclick=reset();el.textContent = undefined;el.textContent =

div id=failFAIL/div

 Firefox 3.1, Webkit
  FAIL: expected 'this is the test node.', found '' (string)
  FAIL: expected 'this is the test node.', found 'null' (string)

I feel that Opera's behavior is ideal, even though it is non-standard.
I would like to ask that the DOM 3 recommendation to be changed so
that setting textContent = null sets the textContent to have the
string value null. Reasons:
1) Widespread inconsistencies.
2) A feature not relied on (likely to break few, if any existing sites)
3) Would make debugging easier



Re: [whatwg] WebIDL and HTML5

2008-08-26 Thread Boris Zbarsky

Garrett Smith wrote:

2) It violates the DOM Level 3 Core specification, which says: On setting,
any possible children this node may have are removed and, if it the new
string is not empty or null, replaced by a single Text node containing the
string this attribute is set to. Thus, clearly assigning null to
textContent must remove all children of the node.

In fact your option (c) appears to be mandated by the spec. Can you explain
why you stated that it is wrong?

No, option (c) is not mandated by the spec. That is clearly not true.

I'm a little confused here. The spec in question clearly requires that 
for this method  and null be treated identically.  So what's clearly 
not true, exactly?

I don't agree that that is a good way to handle null, but it is clear
that these two:


Are specified as being different from each other.

How so?  Both remove all the existing kids.  Neither does anything else. 
 How do they differ?

They are different because  is the empty string and null is null. Agreed?

Agreed that  is the empty string and null is null.  I don't see how 
that implies anything about the behavior of textContent, on its own.

el.textContent = null won't work consistently across browsers.

Sure it will, if the browsers implement what the spec clearly says to do.

I would argue that it ought to just set the textContent to null

That would be a spec change, but yes, the spec could be changed.  Except 
for that little matter of backwards compat, etc.

The spec you mention makes a misfortunate mistake,

That's not really the subject of discussion here.  Given what the DOM 
specs say (and which can't be changed), how do we best express that in 
IDL in all cases, instead of relying on normative prose?  That's the 
question on the table.


P.S.  One thing I should note... the DOM spec is meant to be 
language-agnostic.  There are plenty of languages in which the Null 
value, whatever it is, is an instance of all classes or can be used for 
all sorts of types.  For example, one can have a NULL char* in C, or a 
Null String in Java.  The fact that this can't happen in ECMAScript 
doesn't mean that the DOM doesn't make use of null DOMStrings.  It also 
doesn't mean that the null value necessarily needs to be converted to an 
ECMAScript string before being passed across language boundaries.  But 
in practice, a lot of DOM methods define the behavior when passed the 
null DOMString as being equivalent to either the behavior when passed  
or the behavior when passed null or the behavior when passed neither. 
 It would be very useful to have a way to tell these cases apart just 
by looking at the IDL, without reading all the prose.  I realize your 
argument is that we should change all of the DOM to never do anything 
special with null DOMStrings, simply because ECMAScript doesn't have 
such a thing, but that ship sailed long ago when the DOM specs were 
decided on and specified in a language-agnostic manner.

Re: [whatwg] WebIDL and HTML5

2008-08-26 Thread Boris Zbarsky

Garrett Smith wrote:

Well, I'm not so sure. I corresponded with Jonas who indicated that he
though null should convert to .

Jonas was saying that the default behavior for a DOM method passed a 
null DOMString should be the same as the behavior if passed .  That's 
not the same as saying that null is .

Now Maciej seems to be confused about textContent = null.

I didn't see any confusion there (well, except on your part).

And we can see that the implementation of textContent = null feature
was not per spec in Firefox or Webkit, so it is apparently quite

Er... how so, exactly?

I have created a demo which expects that setting textContent to null
will have no effect, as per DOM Core 3.

Except that's not what DOM Core 3 says.  Please do read what it says. 

  On setting, any possible children this node may have are removed
  and, if it the new string is not empty or null, replaced by a
  single Text node containing the string this attribute is set to.

So.  On setting all children are removed.  If the string is not empty or 
null, they are then replaced by a single Text node, etc.  If it's empty 
or null, the kids are removed and that's it.  It would perhaps help to 
write this out as a step-by-step list instead of having a moderately 
complex grammatical structure with a subordinate clause, but the meaning 
is still the same.

As for your test, sounds to me like Firefox and Webkit implement what 
the spec says, and Opera is just buggy here.


Re: [whatwg] WebIDL and HTML5

2008-08-26 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Aug 26, 2008, at 7:31 PM, Garrett Smith wrote:

Option (a) is unacceptable for the following reasons:

1) It does not match existing implementations and thus would likely  

compatibility with existing content.

2) It violates the DOM Level 3 Core specification, which says: On  
any possible children this node may have are removed and, if it the  
string is not empty or null, replaced by a single Text node  
containing the

string this attribute is set to. Thus, clearly assigning null to
textContent must remove all children of the node.

In fact your option (c) appears to be mandated by the spec. Can you  

why you stated that it is wrong?

No, option (c) is not mandated by the spec. That is clearly not true.

| When it is defined to be null, setting it has no effect.

I think you are misreading the spec. When it is defined to be null  
is not referring to assigning a value of null. It is referring to  
nodeTypes where textContent is null by definition, namely  
interpretation does not make sense, because it would make the spec  
self-contradictory (it would both say setting to null has no effect,  
and describe the particular effect when setting to nul).

I don't agree that that is a good way to handle null, but it is clear
that these two:


Are specified as being different from each other. They are different
because  is the empty string and null is null. Agreed?

No, the spec requires the identical behavior for both. Please read  

el.textContent = null won't work consistently across browsers. I would
argue that it ought to just set the textContent to null, since it
would make finding the bug easier.

So you are suggesting changing the requirements of the DOM 3 Core  
spec, as well as all existing implementations thereof? Such an extreme  
move would require extraordinary levels of justification.

Can you explain the reasoning behind your strongly held views on  
null used
as a string parameter, since they do not seem to line up with  
either the DOM
specifications or with existing implementations? I can sympathize  
with a
desire for the handling for null to be clean and elegant, but  

existing implementations, content and specs do not allow for such a

The spec you mention makes a misfortunate mistake, however, it is not
the mistake that I am concerned with at the moment. The mistakes that
I am more strongly opposed to is the creating of a serialize mapping
of null - .

As I have previously stated, it would be inconsistent to serialize
null to something other than null.

Unfortunately, many DOM methods as specified and widespread DOM  
extensions as implemented treat null and  the same for many string  
arguments. It's true that this is inconsistent with the normal rules  
of the ECMAScript language.

Because we seek to preserve compatibility with the Web and continuity  
with past specifications, the following are not viable options:

- Treating null as the string null in cases where it currently is  
treated as empty string.
- Raising an exception when null is passed for a parameter that  
expects a string, when currently an exception would not be raised.

I think it is a waste of time to discuss these options further, since  
neither the Working Group nor implementors will be open to breaking  
Web compatibility in this way.


Re: [whatwg] WebIDL and HTML5

2008-08-26 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Aug 26, 2008, at 8:12 PM, Garrett Smith wrote:

On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 8:04 PM, Boris Zbarsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Garrett Smith wrote:

Null is not the empty string.

No one claimed that it was. A number of DOM methods are specified as
treating them equivalently, however.

Well, I'm not so sure. I corresponded with Jonas who indicated that he
though null should convert to . Now Maciej seems to be confused
about textContent = null. The result should be no effect.

No, you read the spec wrong. If you are going to be pendantic and  
criticize others for trivial errors, you should take more care to  
verify your claims.
